Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 63: Brother, it's okay, but I actually watch episodes in Internet cafes!


Internet cafes near schools are usually the most crowded on weekends.

Recently, minors have been very strictly checked online. Those who do not have an ID card or are under the age are not allowed to enter. Even if the weather is calm for a while, they have to go to a small room at the back of the entire Internet cafe, which is connected to the back door. It is convenient to run at any time.

The place is smoky, and the smell of bad cigarettes and fast food is mixed together. The people in the front are yelling while driving black and white, while the people in the back are holding their mobile phones and making calls: "Mm, I'm in a cram school now, I haven't had a class yet. The class is a bit noisy hahaha... "

Lin Feng scanned "After School の Classroom" in the search box again, and pressed the Enter key.

Although it is not possible to find out from Baidu casually, with Lin Feng's search ability, he can find "resources" after a few more clicks.

After the buffer is loaded, the picture that I have seen once is reproduced before my eyes: the animation of the campus background, fresh colors, beautiful characters, and even Chinese subtitles. In a classroom with only two people, the handsome student is explaining the topic to the cute scumbag in a considerate and gentle manner.

Xueba suddenly approached the scumbag, showing a wicked smile: "Fujino-kun is really cute..."

Lin Feng unconsciously moved the mouse and pressed Pause—he just saw this last time, and because he had never touched it before, he didn't think deeply about it.

"Fujino-kun is really cute..." Click again, and the screen continues. Xueba then smiled evilly, sticking it to the student's ear, and made up for the sentence that was forced to interrupt last time but could not be finished. whole.

"—I like Fujino-kun the most."

The person behind Lin Feng played the game for a while, and was called by his family. The excited voice of the person inside could be heard within three meters: "You son of a bitch, the teacher said you didn't go to class at all!! You are in What, are you in an Internet cafe?!"

On Lin Feng's screen, the cute scumbag has already been carried to his lap by the high-cold Xueba, and he raised his face cautiously, with tears in his big eyes: "I, I also like Feng Zao-jun very much..."

Accompanied by a soft "Ah!", the student leaned forward, and the two kissed sweetly and excitedly.

The sound of the kiss was sticky and wet, and the two of them had been lingering for a while, Xueba began to caress the waist of Xueba, lifted his clothes, and put his hand in...

"Don't, don't come! Mom, I was wrong!!!" The people behind panicked and defended, "I just wanted to play for a while, but I forgot, I'm going now!"

He hurriedly grabbed his bag and stood up. He hadn't finished the Coke he bought, so he stood still and took a big sip. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he raised his eyes and saw the content on the screen of the machine in front of him.

"Fucking bro, it's okay," he said casually, "You actually watched episodes in an Internet cafe!"

The man in front turned his head and glanced at him lightly.

At this time, the content on his screen became more and more intense and in-depth. People couldn't help but take a second look at the things related to this aspect. The violation point of this "Li Fan".

"Damn it..." He grabbed the Coke and hurried away, as if there was a ghost chasing after him, "Isn't it possible for you, you are awesome..."

Lin Feng actually didn't know that the following content was so "intense", he dragged the progress bar over and back, and after confirming that he didn't miss any information, he looked at the top topic again deeply, and then closed it. page.

At the same time, Ji Mingyue was staring at the rose in a daze.

The roses last night were well sealed in a vase, and because they were nourished by water, they still maintained a fresh and beautiful appearance, with a little transparent dewdrops condensed on the petals, which were about to fall.

—Do ordinary male friends send roses on Valentine's Day? What if it's a very good friend? Will it, won't it

It is said that the authorities are confused, and he is really confused now.

It was about rebirth, God favored him more, when he just fell asleep, someone came to deliver a pillow: Yao Chen called from another place and asked him how he was doing.

Because of the age difference and being taken care of, he has trusted Yao Chen in his previous life and regarded him as a life mentor, and subconsciously thinks that Yao Chen is married and has children, and has rich experience in relationships. Want to talk to him.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Ji Mingyue still couldn't help asking: "Brother Chen, if you have a good friend who sends you roses on Valentine's Day and says 'I just saw it and thought it looked good so I bought it', what do you think... um ,is that true?"

"What does it mean to be real?" Yao Chen smiled, "You want to ask, can you trust him to send you flowers with this kind of excuse and don't need to think too much? Who gave you flowers like that, male classmate?"

"Well, it wasn't for sending me flowers, I just wanted to know when I saw two students in my class like this." Ji Mingyue denied it guiltily, "That's what I mean, the reason that person said, it's okay Do you believe it?"

Yao Chen said with a smile: "I said it was an 'excuse', do you think you can believe it?"

"..." Ji Mingyue still felt a little unbelievable, "He was very natural at that time, and it was me, uh, my classmate gave him the gift first, maybe he had to hold it because he didn't have a gift in hand. Give this away!"

"You, your classmate gave him the gift first?" Yao Chen's voice seemed to be a little tense, "Tell me first, what does your classmate think of the person who gave him the rose?"

"Yeah, don't you have any ideas...?" Yao Chen's insight is too strong, and Ji Ming is more worried that if he continues to confess honestly, he will lose his underwear in a while—he still doesn't want to come out too early in his life!

Ji Mingyue swallowed his saliva, and said: "It's just a normal good friend relationship, both of them are men, how could they have ideas hahaha..."

"Yeah." Yao Chen was silent for a moment, and then he said, "Actually, as you said, after being given a gift, there is nothing to return the gift, so you can just take the top of your hand. This is not impossible. Boy They are all careless, and he is facing boys, so he may not have so many thoughts."

Ji Mingyue said, "It's also..."

"Besides, you and they are too young, and they are still studying. It is normal to have some hazy feelings, but the relationship between two boys is not as simple as a casual puppy love, which may affect each other's life." Yao Chen He said in a serious tone, "So it's best to be more cautious and wait until you are an adult."

Ji Mingyue: "Yes..."

Speaking of adulthood, he secretly felt that he and Lin Feng's birthdays were also quite compatible: Lin Feng is a Scorpio, and his birthday is on November 11th in the Gregorian calendar. This year's 17th birthday has not yet passed, and I have to wait for more than a year...

"By the way, Mingyue, isn't your birthday coming soon?" Yao Chen seemed to be thinking of the same place with him, and said, "What gift do you want? Brother Chen can't make it back from other places, but he will definitely send you a gift .”

"Gifts? Whatever you want, I don't need anything." Ji Mingyue said, "You can give it whatever you want, I will..."

He was on the phone, unconsciously glanced at the bedside calendar again, picked up the red pen, and drew a circle on "February 22".

Before he knew it, it had been almost a year since he was reborn...

When he hung up the phone and looked back, he marked his birthday, which seemed narcissistic, but the red pen could not be erased, so he picked up the pen again and sketched a few times, the red circle became A hot air balloon with two little people sitting side by side.

Usually Lin Feng has his own things to do on weekends, but today he returned earlier than usual. Ji Mingyue heard the sound of someone opening the door. He looked up and saw that it was not yet noon. He couldn't help poking his head out of the bedroom: "Lin Feng? Why is it so early today?"

Lin Feng paused slightly while taking off his coat, and turned his head to look at him.

Ji Mingyue made his heart skip a beat, blinked his eyes and said, "...what's wrong?"

"...It's okay." Lin Feng forced himself to look away, and said, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet." Ji Ming said happily, "Are you doing it? I thought I would eat outside at noon, it's great."

"I hate outsiders, why don't you cook it yourself?" Lin Feng said, "Don't you know how to cook?"

"I know how to do it, but I don't know much, and I don't do much, and it's a waste of time." Ji Mingyue took it for granted, "I'm lazy, I can finish a paper if I have this time."

"It's as if you would do the paper if you have time." Lin Feng smiled, rolled up his cuffs, and was about to go to the kitchen when he suddenly remembered something, "By the way, are you going to spend next Sunday?" Birthday? Is there anything you want?"

"No, I don't need anything..." Ji Mingyue's first answer was the same, but he took another look at Lin Feng's rolled up cuffs, and soon aroused new greed, "I don't need gifts, But I want to eat hot pot, let's eat hot pot together then!"

The weather is not yet spring, and the temperature in the northern cities is still below zero. At this time, it would be wonderful to have a warm hot pot meal.

Lin Feng has no time to prepare complicated dishes due to his tight homework. Moreover, for Ji Mingyue, who has been abroad for many years and has a special "complex" for hot pot, he always feels that even eating hot pot requires an atmosphere—

If you don’t drink some beer, and cooperate with your family and friends to talk about the world and go wild, and eat hot pot as a home-cooked dish in a hurry, you will simply trample on the meaning of hot pot!

Therefore, the combination of these three words, winter, birthday, and weekend, became Ji Mingyue's ideal "hot pot day".

Since it is a birthday wish, Lin Feng has nothing to satisfy him. He went to buy meat dishes, vermicelli, and hot pot ingredients early in the morning, and steamed his brains in the pot from the afternoon, making sure that they become fragrant when they are put into the pot Soft and rotten, melts in the mouth.

The room was filled with a strong smell of meat, and two carnivorous animals came out curiously, staring at the kitchen door eagerly.

Lin Feng was taking out a piece of tendon to taste the taste, while Ji Mingyue joined in the fun and said, "Come here, give me a piece too, I'll try it."

Lin Feng turned his eyes to look at him, raised the chopsticks, put his hands under them, and fed them directly to his mouth: "Then try this."

"Ah, good..." Ji Mingyue had already reached out to the chopstick cage to get the chopsticks, but he was suddenly being fed at close range with his own hands. He opened his mouth to bite with a hot face, and felt a little strange at the same time.

He chewed the meat hastily for a couple of times before swallowing it, but he didn't taste anything. He was embarrassed to be so close to Lin Feng, so he quickly turned his head and said, "I told you that you can't eat what we eat... "As he spoke, he walked over, knelt down and stroked the two cats in turn, "Isn't it the canned fish that was just opened today? Eat your own..."

Lin Feng said: "There are still two unopened nutritional creams in the cabinet of the master bedroom, you can feed them."

"Oh, yes." Ji Mingyue responded, went to the master bedroom to look through the cabinet, and sure enough, he found the nutrition cream he bought before. New Year and Xiao Nian seemed to know that there was something to eat, and followed him all the way in. When they saw the nutritional cream, they all let out a soft "meow" several times.

"So smart..." Ji Mingyue muttered as he opened the nutrition cream to feed the cat. You can't eat too much nutrient cream at one time. Ji Mingyue squeezes out a little at a time and feeds it slowly.

He saw that the amount of feeding was almost stopped, and the two cats were still not finished, licking the corners of their mouths with their pink tongues.

"You can't eat anymore." Ji Mingyue smelled the aroma coming from the kitchen, and couldn't help squinting his eyes comfortably, "'s our turn to eat."

The hot pot is delicious and hot, the freshly boiled pork and beef are delicious, and the muscles and brains that have been stewed for a long time melt in the mouth. The fragrance of vegetables and the smoothness of vermicelli perfectly neutralize the greasy meat. The rolled noodles are put into the pot, filled with soup, picked up and put into the mouth, it is also rich in chewiness and extremely fragrant.

Ji Ming ate to his heart's content, but New Year's and Young Years were so greedy that he meowed around his legs.

"This is too salty, I can't give it to you." Ji Mingyue patted Xiaonian's cat's butt, "Go eat your own."

Xiaonian blinked his eyes, turned around and ran towards the master bedroom. Ji Ming guessed that it was looking for the nutrition cream he had eaten before, but after he finished feeding the cat, he locked the nutrition cream back in the cabinet. It will not be pulled out by it.

Therefore, when he saw Xiaonian running towards the master bedroom, he just shook his head and smiled, and didn't intend to care about it. When he turned around, he screamed: "Damn it, you are so courageous..."

Danian had already jumped onto the dining table. Although he was afraid of the steaming soup pot and didn't go in for an interview, he poked his paw into Ji Mingyue's sauce bowl in an extremely majestic manner.

The white claws suddenly turned into black claws, causing Ji Mingyue to yell, and the New Year's claws shook, directly knocking over the bowl, and the sauce splashed all over him.

"Ah, crazy..." Ji Ming jumped over frantically, trying to hold Da Nian, "Stop moving..."

Danian's "skills" are extremely flexible. It nimbly dodged Ji Mingyue's pounce, and nimbly leaped a few times, "swish swish" through the living room, carrying the rich sauce all over its body and claws , and my younger brother Xiaonian who is trying to find nutrition cream...

We met on the big bed in the master bedroom.

The author has something to say: Lin Feng: This bed seems not suitable for sleeping people :)