Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 76: I don't like you at all, I really hate you


There are all kinds of things that can scare people in this world. Some people are afraid of heights, some are afraid of water, some are afraid of claustrophobia, and some are afraid of dense crowds.

Ji Mingyue felt that he was afraid of telling the truth.

Nothing else, he seems to have been very unlucky in this game. He lost nine out of ten times. If he chooses the truth, no one will believe him, he will be booed and fined.

So when he was being pushed into the box, Ji Mingyue was still trying to express his resistance: "Can I not play, I'm too memorized when I play this, really!"

"It's okay, let's play something else first." Wen Erya comforted, "Play counting to seven first, and then ask for general opinions when you have played enough, and see if you want to play."

The game of counting seven means that everyone sits in a circle and says the numbers one by one in order. When there are 7 or multiples of 7 in the number, you can't say the number, but clap your hands on the spot. If you didn't notice and said the number, you will be eliminated and punished by drinking.

This game is one of the few types that "doesn't look at luck, but only fights for strength". It tests thinking and reaction skills. Ji Mingyue loves it the most. So when he heard that the first game he played was counting to seven, he still couldn't hold back. Temptation, followed by the end.

After really starting to play, apart from Lin Feng, he was indeed the best in the world. After counting, there were fewer and fewer people, and the rhythm became faster and faster. Every time it was Ji Mingyue's turn, he almost He can respond correctly without thinking, and the pressure on him to go home is also increasing. Sometimes when he sees that it is almost Ji Mingyue's turn, he starts to take a deep breath nervously, but it turns out that it is really his own, but he is too dazed to answer. , was ruthlessly eliminated.

After several rounds of playing, Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng were the only ones who could stand against each other until the end. Ji Mingyue was better at reacting quickly and marking people closely, while Lin Feng was better at calming his mind and not being disrupted. After several rounds, both of them won or lost.

But the more Ji Ming loses, the more he loses. When he sees Lin Feng's face, he can't help but want to be distracted. Sometimes he can answer correctly, but because of this distraction and forgetting to react, he loses and is fined several times. glass of wine.

Although it was all beer, he was a little dizzy after drinking a few glasses. Ji Ming unconsciously leaned towards Lin Feng, and muttered softly: "...don't let me down, hiccup."

Having a belch was a bit embarrassing, he raised his hand and touched his nose, and heard the person next to him say: "Every time you two end up fighting for hegemony, it's boring, let's change the game!"

"How about Truth or Dare? Or Game of Kings?"

"Let's start with truth or dare! I don't quite understand the rules of the game of kings..."

"Then I'll tell you again later, the poker is over there, bring it up and get ready..."

"It's changed so quickly." Ji Mingyue sighed, looking at the excited crowd, "I'm really unlucky in this game..."

Lin Feng turned his head and said, "I'll share my luck with you."

Although I don't know if luck can really be divided, Ji Mingyue was very happy to hear that, and turned his head to give Lin Feng a "hehe" smile, his eyes bent into two crescent moons.

But he thought about it seriously, and said: "I don't want it anymore, you don't have a lot of luck, so don't give it to me."

Lin Feng looked at him: "How to say?"

"Secret." Ji Mingyue grinned, "Alright, alright, the game is about to begin!"

I don't know if Lin Feng really distributed his luck to him. This time when he played truth or dare, Ji Mingyue went smoothly all the way unexpectedly. Not only did he not get drawn much when he drew punishments, but he also became the person who has the power to specify punishments/truth words several times.

In stark contrast to him is Lin Feng, he seems to have no luck today, being drawn again and again, there are quite a few beautiful girls here who are looking at him, their eyes quietly fall on him, as soon as he is drawn When it was drawn, everyone booed and screamed happily and excitedly.

Lin Feng didn't want to be appointed to do outrageous and ambiguous "exciting" things. He never chose a big adventure, and he always spoke the truth.

Everyone was not quite reconciled. After he chose the big adventure twice but failed, and when it came to the truth, it became a "plot" of a large group of people chattering together. It is necessary to make the problems intertwined and set out. Some useful information to come!

— "Lin Feng, do you have someone you like now? Tell the truth, you must tell the truth!"

The first question made Ji Mingyue take a tight breath.

Lin Feng simply replied: "Yes."

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" Everyone screamed excitedly, and when Lin Feng was drawn in the next round, they couldn't wait to ask the next question, "Lin Feng, is the person you like at the scene? You can't tell lies!"

Lin Feng paused slightly upon hearing this, while Ji Mingyue almost held his breath.

He looked around, and there were actually less than twenty people playing the game now, excluding some straight men of steel and people he didn't know at all, there were less than ten people left.

If Lin Feng admitted at this time, the "people Lin Feng likes" would basically be locked in less than ten people, and it was spread afterwards, the category is too small...

But he really wanted to hear Lin Feng nod and say "yes"...

Ji Mingyue unconsciously tightened his fingers on the sofa under him, held his breath and waited for two or three seconds, then watched Lin Feng lower his eyelashes and said, "I'll punish you with a bar."


"Hey? I didn't even ask who you are, so you're fined for drinking?"

"You are too tight-lipped, I reasonably suspect that person is at the scene!"

"There is no evidence, what is reasonable doubt?" Lin Feng had already drank the wine, wiped off the liquid on his lips with his fingertips, and said lightly, "Should we continue?"

"...Go on, why not go on!"

When Lin Feng was drawn again, they discussed for a while and asked more carefully: "Is it okay to recall? Lin Feng, when did you fall in love with that person? How long?"... Do they still have hope

"...I'll fine you a bar."


"Damn, why don't we ask that person about it? If you like that person so much, why don't you go after him? No one should be able to refuse you, hahaha..."

"I don't want to delay his study."

"..." Everyone =_= face, "Do you think we will believe it?"

Lin Feng said decisively: "Then I'll fine you with a bar."

Everyone: "..."

After such a few rounds, apart from admiring Lin Feng's heroic posture of drinking wine with his head raised a few times, they had nothing to gain. Everyone also felt a little bit uninterested, and said one after another: "Don't play this game, change to something else."

Someone brought the playing cards from the cabinet in the box and said that they wanted to play the game of kings instead. After hearing the rules he introduced, many people couldn't help but get excited again and said, "Just play this!"

The rule of the king game is to draw a corresponding number of poker cards based on the number of people present, and the person who draws K will be the "king". The "king" can designate two people who have drawn any number without looking at the numbers of other people. , accept specific punishment.

It is more exciting and more unknown than truth or dare: no one knows which two people will happen between the intimate or harsh punishment spoken by the "king". Compared with Truth or Dare, which has a larger buffer, King Game also has a sense of fate and coincidence that is "destined by fate". It is easy for the two people who are punished to have an ambiguous spark, so everyone is secretly excited .

He was drawn to the king by Feng Rui in the first round. He laughed a few times and said: "No. 1 and No. 2 go out to the door of the box. When someone comes over, No. 1 will immediately hug No. 2's thigh and say: 'Thank you! Doctor, my ancestral psoriasis is finally cured!'”

"Wori, do you want to play so big as soon as you come up..."

"It's too bad hahahaha, who is so unlucky to draw number 1?"

"I think number 2 is pretty miserable too..."

Ji Mingyue also felt that No. 1 and No. 2 were miserable. He looked at his own card, but luckily it was No. 7, which was safe for the time being.

After dawdling for a while, poor little 1 and little 2 finally stood up from the sofa, and a group of people followed to watch. About half a minute later, there was a burst of loud laughter at the door that was about to collapse the ceiling.

Fortunately, both Xiao 1 and Xiao 2 were boys, so they were quite relaxed. They honestly did what Feng Rui said, and after being teased by everyone, they came back and punched Feng Rui, but they were not very angry.

With the precedent of the two of them, the atmosphere became more and more heated, and the people who got the "King" made more and more bold demands, some made them have close physical contact, and some made them eat a pocky together.

Eating pocky happened to be picked by Wen Erya and Ling Xi, Wen Erya complained for a long time, dawdling and didn't want to play and wanted to be fined, but was dragged back by Ling Xi, holding him with his hands, and the two finished eating face to face That pocky.

When she ate the last piece, Wen Erya blushed, and refused to go any further, Ling Xi took the initiative to lean over, and ate the whole piece of pocky into her mouth with a snap.

"Oh oh oh oh! Is it time for a kiss?!" Others booed excitedly.

"Kiss, shut up!" Wen Erya firmly denied, but unconsciously wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

Ling Xi didn't speak, just sat opposite, stared at him with a smile in her eyes, chewed and swallowed the biscuit slowly.

The feng shui took turns, and in the next round, Wen Erya was able to draw the king. His face was still flushed, and he stepped on the coffee table, "slapped" the king card, and exclaimed: "Number 9 and On the 12th, give me a French kiss!"

Ji Mingyue said: "You are the world kissing you badly, are you taking revenge on the society?"

"What hurts what kiss?" Wen Erya said that he didn't hear clearly, "Okay, I just want to take revenge on the society, come out, little 9 and little 12!!" Ling Xi reminded him in a low voice, but he didn't She added willingly, "Uh, if it's a man and a woman, change it to a princess hugging and confessing affectionately!"

After all, they are all classmates here, so it's not fun to go too far.

"9." Lin Feng stretched out his hand and calmly turned over the cards on the table.

"9 has appeared!!" Everyone was so excited that they patted the table and applauded. Ji Mingyue saw that several people's palms were red, "Fuck, who else won the lottery? It's so exciting!"

"Where's little 12?! Come out!"

"Don't be shy! Hurry up!!!"

"Little 12/little 12/little 12/!"

Ji Mingyue said, "Erya, is it really okay for you to take revenge on society like this?"

"?" Wen Erya said, "Why do you always target me?"

"..." Ji Mingyue turned the card that had been wetted by him face up, "... because you took revenge on me."

For such a "coincidence", Ji Mingyue had secretly fantasized about such a "coincidence" when he agreed to play the game, but when it really happened to his head, he was still a little dizzy.

The light in the private room was dim and dim, and there were people sitting around. Their body temperature, the smell of alcohol, and the scattered peanuts and melon seeds all mixed together to form a humid and trance atmosphere.

Lin Feng was sitting next to him, and when he turned his head, he could see Lin Feng's extremely handsome profile in the flickering light. As soon as he went to see Lin Feng, the people around him started booing enthusiastically: "Kiss, kiss!" "French kiss!" "Don't care who takes the initiative, go!"...

Ji Mingyue didn't know whether he was expecting or fearing, his fingers were trembling like spasms, and he was hiding behind him, he had to squeeze his lips hard to maintain his superficial calmness.

Lin Feng also started to look at him...

Amid the booing of "kiss" from everyone, Ji Mingyue didn't know where to turn his eyes. He didn't dare to look at Lin Feng, so he tilted his head and looked at a melon seed shell on the ground.

Then the melon seed shell is blocked by the cloth.

Lin Feng turned sideways, supported him with one hand, and pushed him against the back of the sofa.

The distance is close enough to hear each other's breathing clearly.

There was a roar behind him.

Ji Mingyue almost sank half of his body on the sofa, and had to look up at Lin Feng. Lin Feng faced him against the light, and even though Ji Mingyue opened his eyes wide, he couldn't see his expression clearly.

"Are you nervous?" Lin Feng seemed to want to maintain his balance, pushing his knee between his legs, and asked in a low voice in his ear.

Ji Mingyue swallowed his saliva, subconsciously let out a soft "hmm".

Then, Lin Feng actually got up from him, turned around and said, "He's very nervous, forget it, I'll punish him with a bar."

"Ah—" "Alas—" everyone hissed in disappointment.

"Lin Feng, are you here to play or to drink?" Someone complained casually, "Do nothing but drink..."

"I was called here by force." Lin Feng said calmly.

"Then you are too uncooperative..."

Ji Mingyue leaned on his original position, eyelashes drooping, and slid for a long time with his latest touch-screen mobile phone, until he was called by the name of the person next to him, only to realize that he had held it upside down.

In the following games, Ji Mingyue was basically absent-minded, playing for a while and looking at his phone for a while. Wen Erya looked at him carefully, and also took out her mobile phone to look at it. After seeing the current time, she turned her head and exchanged glances with Ling Xi.

"I'm going to the bathroom." Maybe because he drank a little too much just now, Ji Mingyue felt the urge to urinate.

As soon as he stood up, Wen Erya also raised his head and said, "Wait a minute, help us go to the front desk and order some snacks, they are almost gone."

"Oh, what do you want?"

"Fruit plate, dried fruit, the more the better!" Feng Rui added next to him, "It's best to order two more bottles of beer, and the wine is almost finished."

"Sinking to death." Ji Mingyue rolled his eyes and said, "I bring you two cans at most."

"Canned ones are also fine, you go! Come back slowly, ah!"

"Come back slowly?" Normally, Ji Mingyue might have noticed something, but right now, his mind is in a mess, and he doesn't have time to think about these details, "Oh, I'm going."

He opened the door and walked out two steps, Lin Feng stood up and said, "I'm going to the toilet too."

Ji Mingyue finally found the bathroom hidden behind the golden wallpaper after a few laps in the winding and lingering large KTV. After the water came out, he complained in a low voice about the weird design while shaking the remaining drops of water in his hands.

He went to the front desk to ask Wen Erya and the others for all kinds of things, and walked back with a full bag. He found that all the boxes looked similar from the outside, and the corridors were winding and golden, making it easy to get lost.

Fortunately, he still remembered the house numbers of the boxes, and leaned against the side of the corridor, counting the house numbers, and walked slowly one by one.

Their box is in 608, and he has already walked to 609, and he can vaguely hear the noise in 608. In contrast, the 609 in front of him is dark and quiet.

Logically speaking, there was no one in 609, but the door was half opened, and light was cast in from the outside of the corridor. Ji Mingyue glanced in casually, and seemed to see a dark shadow on the sofa.

His heart skipped a beat, thinking of all the ghost stories he had read and heard before, he couldn't help speeding up his pace, wanting to walk over quickly. Unexpectedly, he became more and more afraid of something, and suddenly someone pulled behind him, covered his mouth with warm palms, and dragged him into the 609 box.

The only door that could let in light was also closed, and the room 609 became completely dark.

In a hurry, the bag in Ji Mingyue's hand fell to the ground, and the contents rolled to the ground, but Ji Mingyue couldn't take care of them. He was pulled on someone's lap and sat with his hands in his hands. Supporting his shoulders, he could hear the familiar shallow breathing of the other party.

"What are you doing..." Ji Mingyue panted and whispered.

No way, he was too familiar with Lin Feng, when he looked down and saw his hands and felt his body temperature, he felt it was him—otherwise, he wouldn't have been dragged in so easily.

In the darkness, cool fingers climbed onto his, and the two gradually interlocked their fingers.

"That," Ji Mingyue looked back anxiously, "Can we stay here? Will someone come and use it later?"

"No, I'm the one who opened this room." The other party spoke, and it really was Lin Feng's all-too-familiar voice.

"Oh." Ji Mingyue sat on his lap. Although he couldn't see each other, he still felt a little cramped. He supported Lin Feng's thigh with one hand, trying to stand up, "I lost something..."

In the end, Lin Feng dragged it back: "I'll pick it up later."

"Okay..." Ji Mingyue's face was a little hot. In order to relieve the embarrassment, he kept thinking about finding topics, "Why are you opening a new one? Why don't you turn on the lights? You don't need to save electricity for them , they sell a can of beer for 15, so they make a lot of money... "

"So expensive?"

"That's right! This beer is only four or five yuan in a cheap store outside, but it's tripled here!" Ji Mingyue said, "It's still the kind that I think is the think it's delicious Is it? When I was fined just now, I drank with my eyes closed..."

"taste not good."

"Right! It's really not good if it's not good, but they only sell this kind. I think this kind of purchase price should be the cheapest... They don't care if it's good or not, they just call it 'beer' anyway." …”

"do you like me?"

"Yes, I also feel..." After realizing what Lin Feng said, Ji Mingyue was completely stuck, his heart seemed to be tightly strangled by a wet hand, and it took several seconds to find his voice, "You ,What did you say?"

"Do you like me?"

Ji Mingyue was quiet for a while before he realized that this seemed to be the first time that the word "like" was clearly mentioned between them.

His unfinished confession doesn't count.

"Are you in need of a beating..." Ji Mingyue had to take a deep breath to suppress his trembling. He raised his hand and hammered Lin Feng's shoulder hard.

"Obviously every time I'm the first... I'll chase you around first, I'll try my best to get close to you and help you first, I'll give you the rainbow first..."

He was a little bit speechless because his eye sockets seemed to be moist.

Usually, he would convince himself tens of thousands of times, telling himself that he lived a new life just to save Lin Feng and settle his regrets, and nothing else was important... He really almost believed it.

Until now, he didn't know that he liked Lin Feng so much and had so much... resentment.

"Is it interesting to ask such a question?" Ji Mingyue hammered Lin Feng's shoulder again. He felt that this action was childish, but he didn't know what to do. Let me tell you, I don't like you, I really, really hate you... "

"But I like you."

Lin Feng Xuxu squeezed his wildly swinging fist, leaned over in this posture, approached Ji Mingyue's slightly widened eyes in disbelief, and gently kissed his wet eyelashes.

"I really, really like you very much."

At the moment when the voice of the heart is uttered, time seems to freeze, and the world slowly revolves in front of the eyes, as if entering another space. The darkness became a silent and soft protective shell, enveloping the two of them airtightly.

Ji Mingyue was almost stiff all over, unable to move at all. After several seconds, he trembled his eyelashes and asked, "...Are you serious?"

After speaking, he realized that his voice had become hoarse.



"It's more true than the truth at that time."

"What's the truth..." Ji Mingyue forced a smile, "Obviously you didn't answer anything except the first question..."

"Because I'm not sure, do you like me talking about you in front of outsiders." Lin Feng's lips were warm and cool, and he pressed against Ji Mingyue's cheek lingeringly, rolling down, groping Ji Mingyue's lips Petal, touched him like a superficial touch, and asked him in a low voice, "Do you hate it?"

"...I don't hate it." Ji Mingyue choked up for a moment, and said inaudibly, "...neither of them."

"Then... it seems too late to talk about it now." Lin Feng smiled lightly when he heard this, and said, "Is it okay to make it up here?"

"... make, make do?"

"Okay." Lin Feng smiled, and then said, "First question, is there anyone you like?"


His voice had always been low and slightly cold, but now there was a gentle warmth that made people tremble.

"Is the person you like here? Yes, right in front of me."

"When did you fall in love with that person? Freshman year of high school."

Freshman? Isn't that when he was just reborn...? At that time, Lin Feng was obviously resisting and indifferent to him, how could it be possible? !

Ji Mingyue couldn't help raising his head to speak, but was touched by Lin Feng's lips again, and his legs went limp immediately, so he could only hold the cloth on his chest and listen to him answer all the questions one by one.

"Since you like him so much, why don't you go after him?"

Lin Feng said, "Because I'm waiting."

"—When I am strong enough, and when he grows up. When he is mature enough, smart enough, and sure of his feelings—I can allow myself to participate in his life willfully."

The phone that Ji Mingyue left on the sofa rang suddenly, and the screen of the phone lit up as the ringtone rang, and the time numbers on it were extremely clear in the dark:

February 22, 2010, 0.00.00.

Almost at the same time, he heard Lin Feng softly say: "Happy eighteenth birthday."

"I love you."

Ji Mingyue lowered his head slightly, and Lin Feng raised his head just in time. In the darkness, their lips touched each other accurately.

Lips meet.

"This," Ji Mingyue supported Lin Feng's shoulders, his fingertips trembling slightly, "can this be my coming-of-age gift?"

Lin Feng held the back of his head and kissed him again, the murmurs disappeared between each other's lips and teeth:

"Not yet."