Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 82: Move the mouse away from the magical title of After School の Classroom


Half a month before the college entrance examination, Ji Hong put off most of the work in other places and went back to "home" to accompany his son to concentrate on the exam.

Because people from the company often come to the house with business affairs, and the original room is not plentiful, Ji Hong is afraid that it will affect Ji Mingyue's study, so he simply bought the house opposite the door and became a neighbor with them—anyway, Ji Hong Mingyue lives here, and when he is admitted to university, he will use it for other purposes. One is for rent, and the other is for sale. The difference is not too big.

In order to save them the time spent on cooking, Ji Hong also hired a chef and a nutritionist one month in advance to cook three meals a day for the two candidates.

Although the teacher often emphasized that daily habits such as diet should not be changed drastically before the college entrance examination, fortunately, the physical and psychological qualities of the two children are basically not affected, and Ji Mingyue has a good appetite. After a month, his cheeks are visibly puffed circle around.

From time to time, Ji Hong went to care about his cubs, and he could see that he and Lin Feng were still sleeping in separate rooms, but the two people's every move, inadvertent contact and eye contact, were vaguely more than before. Some unusual flavors...

Ji Hong saw it in his eyes, and then looked back to think about the college entrance examination date that was just around the corner, but he still didn't say anything in the end.

On the day of the college entrance examination, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear. Ji Mingyue and Lin Feng happened to be assigned to the same examination area, and both were in a junior high school not far from Experimental High School.

Because it is not far from home, the two went to the spot in advance and knew that although they were in the same examination area, the teaching buildings in the examination room were far apart. Mobile phones are not allowed in the examination room, so in order to prevent any accidents, the two checked each other carefully before going out.

When they arrived at the junior high school, the school gate was still locked, and some security guards stood behind them, saying that they would not let students in until 40 minutes before the start of the exam. Therefore, the crowd in front of the gate was full of students and parents who accompanied the exam. It was already hot, but now it was so crowded that people were sweating all over.

Although Ji Mingyue was born again, he had never passed the domestic college entrance examination. Looking at the tall and fortified iron railings, he felt a little nervous.

But he refused to show it, holding a mini fan of Pikachu in his hand, blowing it on himself once, and blowing it on Lin Feng twice, pretending to be relaxed: "Hurry up and take the exam, after the exam, you can go home to watch the World Cup Already!"

Lin Feng pushed his hand back: "You can just blow it on yourself. Then see if there is anything left? Is there enough lead for the card pen?"

"Enough is enough, I bought another box later!" Ji Mingyue took the fan and blew it on himself, causing the bangs on his forehead to float up.

"Don't blow yourself a cold," Ji Hong said contemptuously from the side, "Dad has an umbrella here, why don't you use it?"

"If you don't fight, don't fight, it's too much for a big boy to hold an umbrella!" Ji Mingyue still has a grudge about his nickname when he was just in high school, and has always firmly rejected any behavior that makes him look "delicate". Image!"

"This Pikachu in your hand," Lin Feng heard and glanced at him, "you didn't defend your image too much, okay?"

Ji Mingyue immediately stuffed "Pikachu" into his hand: "I didn't buy it!"

Lin Feng looked down at Pikachu, and smiled slightly as if he remembered something.

Ji Hong said: "It should be hotter at noon, and I'll ask the driver to drive over by then, so you can sit in the car and wait."

"No, I can't wait for a few minutes, it's so troublesome..." Before Ji Mingyue finished speaking, he saw a commotion in front of him. Taking advantage of his height, he tiptoed a little and found that the school gate had been opened.

He took the electric fan from Lin Feng's hand again, and put it in Ji Hong's hand: "Dad, let's go in! Don't hang out in the sun, go home and watch TV or something!"

Ji Hong patted him on the shoulder: "I know. Come on son, calm down and take the exam well." Seeing Ji Mingyue nod his head with a "Yeah!", Ji Hong turned his gaze to another person: "You Also, take the exam well, uncle believes you will be fine."

Lin Feng caught his gaze unexpectedly, was slightly startled at first, and then nodded very seriously: "Thank you uncle, I will."

Ji Mingyue’s examination room is in the first grade of junior high school building. The classrooms used to be filled with children who had just left the ranks of “primary school students”. Therefore, while the hardware is spacious and bright, there will occasionally be some “childlike fun”: For example, Ji Mingyue The position where the first Chinese subject of Yuekao sits can be seen on the desk. Although it has been wiped hard, there are still faint traces of lettering-xxx is a big silly hat! xx likes xxx! xxx (a Korean group) is the most handsome in the world!

The more Ji Ming worked harder, he only recognized the name of the Korean group with half-guessing. Even so, he also found it quite interesting, and even relaxed his tense mood a lot.

When the test papers were sent out, he immediately turned over and looked at the part of the ancient poems that he had the most trouble with before. After a cursory glance, he could recall almost all the upper and lower sentences at the first time, and the big stone in his heart fell instantly. Mostly.

After he calmed down, he went to review the composition questions and answer the questions from the beginning, and suddenly felt that his mind was sober this time. He used to be very concerned about it, the sound of chairs being moved back and forth, the sound of turning the paper, the sound of the invigilator walking back and forth... It seems that all of them have disappeared, only the rustling of his pen tip is left.

His fingers were cold, but his cheeks were hot, and his thoughts were clearer than ever. After reading the questions, one, two, and three points for solving the questions immediately appeared in his mind, including what Lin Feng had said, the most appropriate entry points and precautions for certain question types, all vividly in his ears.

When he finished all the questions except the composition, exhaled lightly, and looked up at the front wall clock, he realized that this time, it seemed to be smoother and faster than the previous one.

Ji Mingyue started to write the final composition until he had decided on the concept and a rough outline on the draft paper, but he got stuck in a place that he would usually find unbelievable—how did the "like" of "like" come from

That word was clearly ready to come out in my mind, and I wrote a horizontal and a vertical beginning, but my brain suddenly went blank, and I couldn't remember anything.

what to do? Do you want to replace it with a synonym similar to "like"? What are your favorite synonyms? What should I do with the horizontal and vertical writing that I have written now? Do you want to cross it out, or take advantage of the trend to change it? Will it be ugly? …

My brain was buzzing, and the more I thought about it, the more I couldn't think of anything. Ji Mingyue stared at it in a daze for two minutes, and finally ruffled his hair, covered his ears with his hands and lay down, trying to regain his composure by blocking the sound from the outside world.

Then he turned his head slightly and saw the blurred marks on the desk - "xx likes xxx!".

He raised his hand to touch the notch, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up—I don't know if this is considered cheating

After he calmed down completely, he turned back and flipped through the reading questions on the test paper. Sure enough, common words like "like" appeared endlessly, and he quickly found them.

The guilt of "cheating" also disappeared now, and Ji Ming finished writing the composition more smoothly.

The unexpected "stuck" this time seems to have turned on some lucky switch for Ji Mingyue. He finished the math in the afternoon and the comprehensive science the next day without any problems. Although it is not that I have never encountered a difficult problem, but every time I can suddenly have a flash of inspiration, and finally think of the idea of solving the problem.

As for the last subject of English, Ji Mingyue has not been too embarrassed since he came back from rebirth. His scores in the mock exams are often above 145, and he has won the top three in a single subject several times in the school year.

He took the English test as a relaxed subject. When he finished all the subjects and left the examination room, he couldn't help but chatter with Lin Feng: "This year's questions seem to be very easy!"

He held it back for two full days. He was afraid of setting a flag for himself before, but now he finally dared to speak out!

"Actually, it's not very simple." Lin Feng said, "It's just that we pay special attention to the basics of the test, and ask questions based on the basic concepts. It requires candidates to be very proficient in the basic knowledge points and master them well."

"Oh, so that's the case?" Ji Mingyue nodded again and again, the words of "Xue Shen" must not be wrong! He said with a smile, "You are still a 'candidate', Lin Feng, you are too professional, you are so suitable to be the host of "College Entrance Exam Express" on TV, you will definitely be popular!"


Lin Feng reached out his hand helplessly, and pinched his recently fleshy face. Ji Mingyue naturally raised his hand to hold it, and pulled it down: "What nonsense, you are so handsome..."

Lin Feng suddenly struggled with his hands, coughed lightly, and signaled him to let go.

Ji Ming turned his head to look forward, only to find that Ji Hong was not far ahead, and his eyes were falling on them. Because of the scorching heat, he wore a peaked cap sold in a small shop in front of the school. Half of his face was in the shadow of the brim of the hat, so he couldn't see his expression clearly.

Ji Ming let go of his hands in a hurry, ran to Ji Hong in a hurry, and smiled flatteringly: "Dad!"

Ji Hong said "hmm": "After all the exams, are you liberated?"

"Yes!" Ji Mingyue smiled "hehehe", "Shall we go home?"

Ji Hong nodded slightly and said, "Go home."

When the group first arrived home, the atmosphere was unsurprisingly tense.

"Well, Lin Feng, go back to your room and look at the grade process that the teacher said before, I can't remember it." Ji Ming took a deep breath, winked at Lin Feng, and pulled Ji Hong's hand hand, "Dad, come with me, I have something to show you!"

When pulling Ji Hong into the master bedroom, Ji Mingyue subconsciously glanced at the crack of the door, probably thinking of the lessons learned from last time, walked over and "clicked" the lock.

Ji Hong: "..."

After pulling Ji Hong into the room, Ji Mingyue was not so anxious. He sat down on the study chair and leaned over to turn on the computer. With a buzzing sound from the stereo, the desktop computer started up.

"Have you bought this computer for several years?" Ji Hong asked, "Is it time to buy a laptop when I go to college? What brand do you want?"

"Think about that later," Ji Mingyue moved the mouse, staring at the computer screen, "However, this computer has been used for many years..."


"Dad, come here." Ji Mingyue turned his head, Xiao Xiao beckoned to him and offered his seat, "I want to show you something..."

"... what?" Seeing a player page pop up in front of him, Ji Hong, who was ready for "Ji Mingyue will confess to himself", was a little confused for a while.

Ji Mingyue really planned to confess.

…and intends to confess from the very beginning, the source of everything.

"Cough cough." He coughed unnaturally twice, moved the mouse away from the magical title of "After School の Classroom", and moved the cursor back, " mainly need to check the time later, don't worry." I care too much about the content... ahem, really."