Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 86: Unexpectedly, you look serious, it turns out... um


"Your notice is inside, go find it yourself." Yang Chao raised his chin, gestured to the desk in front of him, and smiled, "You two are very competitive, one provincial champion and the other top 500, including Ling Xi , There are three in our class who are in the top 30 of the grade, this is the first time for me to lead the third year, and my face is full of light."

Ji Mingyue was also happy when he heard it, and smiled back, "Because Brother Chao is a good teacher."

"Didn't you just call me Teacher when you first came in, and now you're calling Brother Chao?" Yang Chao knew all about his nickname in private, and now he pretended to be annoyed, "It can be considered that you have graduated, and you dare to turn around and be presumptuous. "

"It's nice to be called Brother Chao, who is kind and looks young." Ji Mingyue said with a smile, "The next class of students should be called 'Brother Chao'."

"Go aside." Yang Chao couldn't help laughing, and said, "If you say you are fat, you are still panting, it doesn't matter whether you are big or small."

Yang Chao is actually not yet thirty years old this year. Wearing a polo shirt, slacks, and shaved hair, he looks young and energetic. It’s just that when I first took them with me, Yang Chao was afraid that he wouldn’t be able to control these monkeys because he hadn’t graduated from university, and sometimes he would deliberately lower his face to scold others. Now, he has become more refreshed and confident, and his conversation has become more calm Take it easy.

Ji Mingyue found his admission notice, a piece of red hard shell paper that was thinner than he expected. Compared with the gold-stamped and printed admission notices from foreign art universities he received in his previous life, domestic ones were much thinner. Plain and simple.

But Ji Mingyue stretched out his hand and gently stroked the "Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics x" on the notice, and he felt an indescribable pride and satisfaction in his heart, and he didn't feel that there was anything wrong with being simple and plain.

Lin Feng directly folded the notice, put it in the book he brought, put it in his backpack, and asked Ji Mingyue, "Do you want to keep it by yourself, or put it together?"

Ji Mingyue was also afraid that if he held it by himself, he would bend it and make it dirty, so when Lin Feng asked, he handed over the notice: "You should hold it for me... well, slow down. "

Seeing the two of them carefully and carefully clipping the admission notice together, Yang Chao couldn't help but feel a little emotional, and sighed: "I still remember that when I saw your names on the roster when I first started high school, I felt that there was something wrong with you." Fate, I didn't expect this fate to last until today."

In this fate, there is actually Yang Chao's help. For this life, after careful consideration, Yang Chao decided to transfer the two of them to be at the same table. Ji Mingyue has always been grateful—otherwise, at the beginning of the awkward chat, if it weren't for the natural geographical advantage, It was also not so easy for him to get close to Lin Feng and stalk him in various ways.

"I remember at the beginning I said," Yang Chao said nostalgicly, "'I send my worrying heart and the bright moon, follow the wind to the west of Yelang—'Looking at it now, the imagery of this poem is not good enough. It is separated by two places and misses each other. , the teacher should give you another song."

He pondered for a moment, as expected of a major in ancient Chinese, and soon thought of another sentence: "Let's take a poem by Su Shi. Although the whole poem expresses depression and longing, the first two sentences are still very good-the bright moon is like frost, The wind is like water, and the scenery is infinite.”

Ji Mingyue's appreciation level of poetry is basically still in the "College Entrance Examination must memorize xx chapters", but Lin Feng nodded seriously: "Thank you teacher." Yi, "There are still many poems about the wind and the bright moon together, and we still have a lot of time to discover it slowly."

"Well, you are going to Beijing together, right?" Yang Chao said without doubting him, "When you arrive in Beijing, don't forget that the friendship we used to help each other... are good children, even after graduation, The teacher believes that you will not change, the teacher wishes you a bright future... "

Speaking of the latter, Yang Chao choked up slightly, and sighed for a while: "I really can't bear it..."

Ji Mingyue also felt very reluctant. Ever since he was reborn, Experimental High School has carried almost all of his rich and colorful memories. He and Lin Feng have gone from strangeness to familiarity here, from familiarity to love, and he decided to re-plan his life goals and career choices here. The next time he fell asleep on the desk, he and Lin Feng took advantage of the power outage and hid behind the crowd to secretly kiss...

No matter how wonderful his future life is, his high school years must be the one that he can't replace in his memory.

Every time this happened, he would feel that he was very clumsy and unable to say appropriate and pleasant words of comfort, so he could only turn his eyes to Lin Feng for help.

Lin Feng rummaged through his schoolbag for a while, found a very old and crumpled piece of paper, spread it out with his fingers, and handed it to Yang Chao with both hands: "Teacher, Ji Mingyue and I have graduated. I have to ask for a long leave, and I won’t come back until the processing is over, I hope the teacher can approve it.”

Ji Ming moved closer to look at it carefully, only to find that it was a sophomore in high school. He fainted at the flag-raising ceremony once. When Lin Feng carried him to the hospital, Yang Chao showed the slip to the guard.

Because the situation was urgent at that time, Yang Chao directly swiped his face card and did not sign the slip. After showing it to the guard, he handed it to Lin Feng and let them go. So far, the place where the teacher’s signature is on the slip is still Blank.

"Let me see..." Yang Chao took the crumpled note, took out a pen from his chest pocket, signed his name on it, smiled and looked up at them, "Okay, it's ready to leave .”

Coming out of the teaching building, Ji Mingyue couldn't help but look back frequently. It was past two o'clock in the afternoon, and the heat was in full swing, and the teaching building of the Experimental Middle School stood in the bright to blurry sunlight.

"Don't blink?" Lin Feng took out a baseball cap from his backpack and put it on top of his head.

"Just look at it with a blink of an eye, and I'm leaving after a while." Ji Mingyue stretched out his hand to support his baseball cap, and said, "I still remember feeling sorry for you when I was studying so late every day in the third year of high school, but how can I get through it now? In a blink of an eye, even the college entrance examination is over."

The road they walked was very close to the school, and many students who came to receive the admission notice also passed them one after another, and two girls chatted behind them: " heard that our school's science champion this year is That school grass forest wind, where did he go for the exam?"

"It must be Tsinghua University, let's forget about it, it would be nice to be able to breathe the air of the same city as him..."

"But I went to Shanghai... Well, he is too good, he is so handsome, he is so good at studying, he is the top student in the school, enough for our school to boast for a year..."

"It's more than a year. According to Xiao Hei's style, at least he has to blow it every year, until he resigns or the next provincial champion appears..."

"Haha, it's more realistic to say that he resigns..."

"But I think there is one more outstanding student in our school, and that is the little school girl named Ji Mingyue! It is said that he passed the 600 exams in the first year of senior high school, but suddenly woke up in the third year of senior high school, and went all out to catch up. Too many points, I almost went to Tsinghua University... "

"Oh yes, in just one year, from more than 600 points to more than 600 points, this is really a genius! And it is said that he is also very good-looking, my friend likes him very much..."

"..." Ji Mingyue walked in front with his hands in his pockets and lowered the brim of his hat, making them feel a little hot from boasting. He wanted to go back and correct them: the rumors were too exaggerated, he didn't wake up until he was in the third year of high school, he had studied hard for two and a half years, and with the blessing of Lin Feng, a bug-level student god, he was able to today...

However, listening to their heated discussions, he walked in front of them without recognizing the two parties involved. He must have only heard about them at ordinary times, and he is not familiar with them, so he better stop scaring them...

"...Have these two people never been in a relationship?" The discussion among the girls continued.

"It seems to be, and it is said that the two of them have a very good relationship, inseparable..."

"It seems that if you want to study well, you really can't be distracted by falling in love! My partner and I didn't do well in the exam. He went to Xi'an for the exam. I really don't know how long I can stick with him..."

"Well, my boyfriend is the same, but he is more straightforward. He asked me to meet once on the day when the grades were released, and we broke up right away. No one has contacted the other until now..."

"Falling in love really delays your studies..." the girls sighed in unison.

"I don't think it will delay your studies." Ji Mingyue put his hands in his pockets all the way to the downstairs of his own community, looked up at the window of the place where they lived, and couldn't help laughing, "On the contrary, When I saw you... I was quite motivated."


"Well," Ji Mingyue pinched the brim of his hat, his cheeks flushed slightly, "Sometimes I even think, if only I could confess to you earlier, then we can have a few more days of dating... Hehe."

"From a rational point of view, I don't agree with this." Lin Feng said calmly, "We have a special relationship and we are of the same sex. We should wait until both parties are officially adults before confirming the relationship. Only then can we be responsible for each other's feelings."

Ji Mingyue didn't get angry when he heard it, and gave him a crooked look with a smile: "Why don't we talk about it rationally?"

Here he got to the point.

Lin Feng stretched out his hand, pulled him into the corridor, closed the unit door, and the corridor became cool and dark in an instant.

In the next second, the lover's lips moved up searchingly.

"... To be irrational, every time I come here with you, I have the urge to do so."

"Wow..." Between the kisses, Ji Mingyue did not forget to raise his head and speak with a smile, "I didn't expect you to look so serious, so... well... so you are thinking about these things!"

"Well enough."

"Ha, it's okay? Are you, um... broken can?"

"It can be said that," Lin Feng said softly, "It can also be said that it is a complete confession to you."

The registration dates of the two universities are both set at the end of August. In order to have enough time to adapt and to prevent any accidents, the two decided to set off ten days in advance.

"It's always good to plan ahead." Ji Hong also agreed, just when Zhang Sa came to get him the report, and said casually, "Secretary Zhang, you go and book tickets for the two of them."

Zhang Sa responded, but Ji Mingyue waved his hand and refused: "Don't book an air ticket this time, you can buy a student ticket with the admission letter, we have to take the train, don't waste money!"

Zhang Sa was a little surprised: Ji Mingyue, who lived well since he was a child, and could pay for a round-trip air ticket with any piece of clothing on his body, would give up the comfortable and fast plane and take the train in order to save the money of two student tickets.

Ji Mingyue pulled him away, and blinked hard at him: "Remember to buy two soft sleepers, the ticket number should be connected, the kind that two people share alone..."

"... huh?" Zhang Sa asked blankly, "But the soft sleeper doesn't sell student tickets?"

"..." Ji Mingyue said, "Don't worry about so many details!"