Those Days of Saving The School Heartthrob

Chapter 9: Ji Mingyue and I should both stand for punishment


The English teacher actually noticed the rustling on their side for a long time.

However, she saw that the object of Ji Mingyue's petty tricks was Lin Feng. Lin Feng had always had excellent grades and continued to attend lectures with restraint, so she didn't choose to have a fit.

But I don't know what Ji Mingyue did secretly under there, causing Lin Feng to react so loudly, and with such a "squeak", the attention of the whole class was taken away by the two of them.

She finally couldn't bear it anymore, her brows stood on end, and she shouted: "Ji Mingyue! Get out of here and stand at the door as punishment!"

Ji Mingyue knew it was going to be bad from the moment he became the focus of the whole class' eyes, so he was not too surprised when he heard this, and stood up while putting his phone back in his trouser pocket.

The classmates looked at him with sympathy and gloating—yes, these two emotions can coexist with these bad guys. Except for Lin Feng, his eyes were dark, his lips were slightly pursed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Ji Mingyue almost had a conditioned reflex, and when he saw him like this, he wanted to tease him with some witty words, and whispered: "It's not fair, why do you only ask me to stand as a punishment instead of calling you." He shook his head and sighed pretentiously, "Learn Scum really has no human rights."

After saying this, he didn't intend to delay the class time, took the English textbook, and prepared to go outside the classroom to stand for punishment.

Who knew that Lin Feng followed him and stood up.

"Teacher, I was the one who made the sound just now, and I should go to the penalty station." He looked at the English teacher and said.

The English teacher was stunned for a moment, and said, "...he was the one poking you from underneath, and I saw it all."

"That means Ji Mingyue and I are wrong, and we should both be punished." Lin Feng said without hesitation.

The English teacher was dumbfounded, and so were the whole class.

Of course, Ji Mingyue himself was the most dumbfounded.

The English teacher digested it for a while before accepting the fact that "Lin Feng insisted on standing with the scumbag Ji Mingyue" and said angrily, "You can go if you want! Teacher Yang's seat is well adjusted, I haven't seen it before." Such a tablemate who is willing to share weal and woe!"

The students in the class burst into laughter, and Lin Feng also took an English textbook without changing his face, and stood up from his seat.

Ji Ming watched in a daze as he took a few steps towards him, and he was almost at his side. The narrow aisle seemed to be unable to accommodate the two of them, so he walked in a daze, belatedly, Go to the door of the classroom.

The school's heating is mainly in the classrooms. Although there are heating pipes in the corridors, the drafts that go back and forth have already carried away the heat. When the doors are opened, people are shivering and cold.

Because the classroom is very warm, almost everyone takes off their coats as soon as they enter the classroom, and because down jackets and cotton coats in winter are generally bulky and occupy a large area, they are basically placed on the empty desks in the last row .

Ji Mingyue was called to stand for punishment. He walked directly from his seat to the door. He was only wearing a ginger-yellow fake two-piece cashmere sweater with a black shirt collar turned out inside. , that is downright cold.

Looking back, Lin Feng came out without his coat on. He was even less dressed than Ji Mingyue, and his collarbone was exposed.

Ji Mingyue frowned when he saw it, quickly grabbed the door frame, poked his head back into the classroom, and smiled obediently: "Teacher, it's too cold outside, can I get some clothes?"

The English teacher saw his frowning eyes, and thought that although he didn't like to study, this kid was really cute. She reluctantly nodded: "Hurry up, don't delay our class!"

Ji Mingyue nodded and smiled: "Yeah!" He immediately returned to the classroom, trotting all the way to the last row of the classroom, to get his coat.

The English teacher noticed that he had not left after taking the clothes, and urged him loudly: "What are you dawdling in, get out!"

Ji Mingyue finally recognized Lin Feng's one in a black coat, hugged it in his arms, turned his head and said, "Teacher, Lin Feng can also be cold! A superior student has a greater loss than me when he catches a cold! "

Before the English teacher's patience reached the limit, Ji Mingyue smiled at her again, and ran out with two clothes in his arms.

The English teacher hadn't had time to get angry, but the students behind him burst into laughter. I don't know what it meant, because they felt that Ji Mingyue was righteous enough, or because they were laughing at the two of them being too "love is stronger than gold".

After receiving the jacket handed over by Ji Mingyue, Lin Feng also had a complicated expression, and after a pause, he said, "...Thank you."

"You're welcome, I haven't thanked you for teaching me how to raise cats yet!" Ji Mingyue waved his hands quickly, watching Lin Feng put on his coat, hesitating for a moment, and then couldn't help asking, "...why did you come out too?" Huh? The teacher didn't intend to call you at all!"

"You didn't say that, isn't that unfair to you?" Lin Feng asked back.

"I'm joking, how could you not hear it?" If this was Feng Rui, I would guarantee to stay where he was and wink at him ten thousand times complacently!

"...English class is nothing interesting." Lin Feng saw that Ji Mingyue was slow to put on his coat, but just looked at him in a daze, so he simply pulled half of the coat from his arms and covered his head, " If you remember the grammar, you will, but if you can't remember the grammar, you won't, how can I not remember?"

"You're good enough..." Ji Mingyue's voice through his clothes was a bit indistinct, but he didn't rush to tear off his clothes, but kept quiet for a few seconds before saying, "... Xueba Amazing?"

Lin Feng didn't speak, but seemed to be looking at him all the time.

The stalled heartbeat grows like spring rain in this tranquility.

The two of them put on their respective coats, held the English textbooks in their arms, leaned against the wall, and no one wanted to open them to take a look.

The sound of reading read loudly came from the classroom behind him, Ji Ming was stunned for a while, and accidentally caught sight of a figure passing by the window in the corridor, he didn't know why he was so sharp, subconsciously bent over to look, and found that it was indeed Xu Yingying.

Not only Xu Yingying's figure and appearance are outstanding, but also because girls who dare to walk around the playground with long hair during class time are really rare animals in Experimental High School.

This kind of students are usually in the second and third grades of high school. Some students are not interested in studying, and the teacher is planning to give up on them, so they just let them wander around the campus, as long as they don't disturb the good students' study.

Xu Yingying and the others are often envied by some students who are "imprisoned" in the classroom, thinking that they are really free and chic. Although Ji Mingyue is not one of them, but looking at her through the corridor window at this moment, seeing her flamboyant beauty, there is also a faint yearning and loss in his heart.


Footsteps sounded behind him. It turned out that Lin Feng saw that he was fascinated and walked over. Although he didn't say it clearly, his eyes were obviously asking him, "What are you looking at?"

Ji Mingyue hesitated for a moment, and took the initiative to let him see, pretending not to know why Xu Yingying appeared on the playground: "Why doesn't she go to class? If she skipped class, why is she still in school?"

"Teacher, don't care about them." Lin Feng said, "Did you just keep looking at her?"

"En." Ji Mingyue nodded.

"..." Lin Feng recalled that the last time he saw this girl at the school gate, Ji Mingyue also stared at her for a long time, as if her soul had been taken away by her... Enduring and enduring, finally couldn't bear it Ask: "Do you think she is beautiful?"

It's not what I think, it's what you think. Ji Mingyue cursed in his heart. But he didn't say this, but nodded: "Sure, otherwise how could she be the school belle."

Although I don't want to admit it, Xu Yingying's beauty is real. Although he himself is gay, he can appreciate the beauty of many women.

Lin Feng recalled that Ji Mingyue had been working hard to attend classes and do homework since the beginning of school, and even tried to find himself to make up for him... All unreasonable behaviors seemed to have a reasonable explanation.

When people have an object to chase, they all hope that they can become better.

He lowered his eyelashes to look at Ji Mingyue, and also at Ji Mingyue's eyes focused on looking out of the window.

Complicated and unspeakable emotions surged in his heart, but in the end, he breathed a sigh of relief as if he had relieved something, and replied, "Maybe."

Ji Mingyue didn't want Lin Feng to look at Xu Yingying anymore, so he took his arm and led him back to the classroom wall. Lin Feng didn't avoid him this time like the previous few times, Ji Mingyue happily took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and called up the photo album that just died halfway: "I almost forgot, the photos I want to show you! "

Two pastoral tabby cats with a mixture of yellow, black and white are thin and small. It was hard to be called cute at first, but since the two nicknames "Chaplin" and "Shocked Face", Ji Mingyue The more I look at them, the rarer they become: "Isn't it super cute?!"

Lin Feng then looked at it seriously: "Yes. And the cat litters are handled well, and they don't look cold."

"It's not enough." Ji Mingyue pretended to be modest, "My cooking aunt and I have never raised cats, and they are so small, I'm afraid they will die or get sick..." He tilted his head, his eyes were bright , "Can you come and see them?"

The eyes of the two met, and Ji Mingyue realized that the distance between them... seemed a little too close because they were head to head and looked at the photo album together.

Lin Feng looked at him quietly for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand, and stroked his fluffy and soft hair with his dry and cool palm.

Also rubbed it lightly.

Ji Mingyue froze completely, his cheeks were hot, he wanted to look up at Lin Feng again, but Lin Feng took a step forward, his tall and slender figure almost pushed him directly against the wall.

"Uh, Lin, Lin Feng..." Ji Mingyue whispered in a daze.

Lin Feng's hand still rested on his head, and he rubbed it harder, and whispered a word: "Hush."

When he said that, Ji Mingyue became quiet.

When the footsteps behind them approached from far to near, Lin Feng continued to pluck Ji Mingyue's hair, with an upright face: "Well, I didn't see any fleas. Your itchy scalp should be because you haven't washed your hair for a long time..."

Ji Mingyue: "..."

The voice of square root 2 came faintly from behind them: "From a distance, I thought you were fighting, so it's an itchy scalp?"

Ji Mingyue endured the humiliation: "... yes."

Square root 2 continued to ask: "Why was he punished to stand?"

Ji Mingyue continued to endure the humiliation: "...because I had an itchy scalp in class, I wanted him to scratch it for me, but the teacher found out."

Square root 2 sneered: "Next time I'll scratch after class!"

Ji Mingyue & Lin Feng: "Okay!"

The sound of the little director's footsteps gradually faded away, and Ji Mingyue breathed a sigh of relief, and took out the cell phone that had been hidden in Lin Feng's arms for a moment.

"Root number 2 is still so elusive..." Ji Mingyue wiped the mist off the phone screen, feeling terrified, "I don't want him to confiscate the phone... Thanks to your wit!"

Lin Feng took a step back, and the two of them also returned to the initial state of intimacy.

He nodded casually: "You cooperated well."

Ji Mingyue just doesn't boast much, and when he heard that, he smiled brightly: "Really?"

"Really." Lin Feng spoke, but his eyes remained on the point of his fingertips.

The fingertips were dry and warm, and there seemed to be the smell of the wind passing through the corridor and the temperature of someone's hair.