Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 106: Love grows over time


The ghosts were all ghosts from the old society. In their understanding, after becoming ghost servants, they were Zhong Jiudao's slaves. If Zhong Jiudao had a kind heart, they could still live a good life. If Zhong Jiudao had no mercy on ghosts, they could only be slaughtered.

Even if one day Zhong Jiudao feels that Fu Yue is not strong enough and lets it swallow Aunt Yang to replenish its strength, Aunt Yang will not be able to resist.

If one covets Qi Wanlian's beauty, it is fine to take it. Even if the Heavenly Master himself despises ghosts, it is fine to order Qi Wanlian to serve others.

Most of them were miserable people when they were alive. If they are still so miserable after becoming ghosts, it would be better for them to be scattered into pieces.

In fact, they don't have such a thorough understanding of the concepts of actors and stars. They think Qian Duoqun wants them to be enslaved and driven by others, and their hearts are naturally filled with hatred and fear.

Qian Duoqun fully demonstrated what it means to "money makes the world go round". He looked at this group of ghost actors who each had their own characteristics and could use magic to change their appearance appropriately. His mind was full of plans to start a company and make a fortune. He completely ignored the pair of blood-red eyes full of hatred under his feet, and instead focused on persuading Zhong Jiudao.

"Your thinking is too old-fashioned. We run a company!" Qian Duoqun said, "We can get an agency authorization letter and let them authorize our company to represent all types of work in the entertainment industry. In this way, the employer only needs to sign a contract with us. Moreover, this is not a labor employment contract, but a contract they entrust us to act as, so it does not need to be submitted to the human resources department for filing, and it does not need to pay five insurances and one housing fund. This agency contract is generally only used when they think we have breached the contract and sue us. They cannot go to court to sue us. Who knows whether there is a contract or whether there are documents attached to the contract!"

Zhong Jiu said: "..."

Qian Duoqun was gifted, and his death for the 20,000 yuan was not in vain!

Even though Qian Duoqun had given a complete plan, Zhong Jiudao still shook his head: "It's not easy to control ghosts. I don't feel safe handing them over to others. Even if I can detect their movements at any time, distant water cannot quench nearby fire. Once they become violent, by the time I arrive, I'm afraid the disaster has already happened."

The ghosts breathed a sigh of relief, and Qi Wanlian even wiped away her non-existent tears, looking very grateful.

"Ah!" Qian Duoqun sighed and finally said, "Then let's shoot some short videos. Aren't you a director? In your spare time, shoot some short videos of the leading actors and post them on the video platform. Of course, the probability of them not being popular is higher, but if they are popular, it can save some publicity costs for our movie."

This is feasible, and the ghosts don't have much objection.

They submit to Zhong Jiudao and can only be used by Zhong Jiudao, and are unwilling to be dominated by anyone else.

Especially Qian Duoqun, who looks cunning and shameless!

"Okay, everyone find a room to rest. From now on, the third floor will be your rest room. You are not allowed to go to the second floor to disturb your colleagues during break time, but you can move freely around the crew during filming." Zhong Jiudao said.

After becoming ghost servants, these ghosts no longer dared to cause trouble. They finally didn’t have to be locked up in the theater and their range of activities became larger.

The ghosts were very happy and went to find their favorite rooms. One ghost couldn't help himself when passing by Qian Duoqun, so he pulled out his intestines and wrapped them around Qian Duoqun's neck, trying to strangle him to death or make him sick.

"Help, help! ah ah!" Qian Duoqun, who lost the protection of the money filter, finally felt afraid and reached out his hand to Zhong Jiudao for help.

Zhong Jiudao pointed over and helped him take out the intestines, sighing, "Old Qian, if you don't do bad things in your daily life, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door at night. If you don't feel guilty about them, these intestines won't cause you much harm."

Qian Duoqun's Yang Fire is very weak now, and it is difficult for him to protect himself. If it were Luo Huai, this little idiot would probably say to the ghost: "Is this a prop for the show? It's so realistic! But the blood smells a bit fishy, I want to take a bath."

"Okay, I will definitely donate money to charity in the future." Qian Duoqun said, covering his neck.

"Not only you, if my movie can make money in the future, I will also donate a portion of the income that the ghost actors deserve to charity, as a way to accumulate virtue for them." Zhong Jiudao said.

Qian Duoqun suddenly remembered something: "Director Zhong, it seems like you never warned me to keep it a secret."

"No need. If you tell others, no one may believe you. Don't talk about ghosts and gods. If you talk too much about the underworld, it will easily attract ghosts and shorten your life." Zhong Jiudao said lightly, "Besides, it seems that you don't plan to tell others."

How could someone who had quickly changed his self-positioning and thought about starting a company to make money tell others about it? Qian Duoqun probably had no such concept in his mind.

Zhong Jiudao's kind suggestion was more powerful than a threat. Qian Duoqun immediately covered his mouth and dared not tell anyone, for fear of attracting other ghosts.

The ghosts dispersed and the night passed peacefully.

Early the next morning, Luo Huai, who had slept very soundly, was awakened by the smell of breakfast.

He suddenly jumped up from the bed and pushed Pang Xinhao who was in the next bed: "Get up, Aunt Yang is making breakfast today! Her cooking skills are much better than Director Zhong's. Go and have something hot."

From the aroma, Luo Huai could tell that this meal must have been made by Aunt Yang. Brother Qian still remembered the aroma of the porridge he drank on the first day!

"Why are you so excited? As actors, do we deserve to eat delicious food?" Pang Xinhao got up with a haggard face, feeling terrible.

He had no idea how he had filmed the scene yesterday, and there must be more scenes to film today. What should he do

Pang Xinhao got up and looked in the mirror, wondering, "Why do I look so good today?"

He looked in the mirror with no eye bags, no dark circles, no acne, his skin was hydrated, smooth, and his complexion was rosy, looking better than after a facial.

Pang Xinhao, who had looked haggard for several days, touched his face and said, "Did I sleep so well last night?"

She was in such good shape that she didn't need to waste time putting on makeup. Pang Xinhao applied some water to her face and followed Luo Huai downstairs.

Aunt Yang was not the only one in the restaurant. Xiaoyan and Xiaoyun were also there. They sat around a woman and the three of them had a great conversation, mainly about skin care, fitness, and diet.

The person in the middle was Qi Wanlian.

When Pang Xinhao saw Qi Wanlian, he had two contradictory feelings. One was admiration for her inner strength and a little bit of excitement from the bottom of his heart, and the other was fear and trepidation from the depths of his soul, and he didn't even dare to look Qi Wanlian in the eye.

"Wanlian, how old are you this year?" Xiaoyan asked.

"It's much older than you." Qi Wanlian said.

"You're lying, I'm 23, and I think you're only 20! You want to call me sister based on your temperament, but I'm the sister based on your face." Xiaoyun said.

"20 years old?" Qi Wanlian showed a nostalgic look, "Indeed, many years ago, the day I died was indeed my 20th birthday."

Xiaoyan shuddered and showed an expression of unbearable pain: "Oh my God, are you starting to adapt to the role now? Don't say scary things so seriously, I almost took it seriously."

Qi Wanlian stretched out her slender, white and tender hands, tucked Xiaoyan's fallen hair behind her ears, put her fingertips on her cheek, and said softly, "It's better to take it seriously. This smooth skin full of vitality is exactly what I want."

"I'm scared to death, hahahaha!" A hearty laugh was heard, diluting the gloomy atmosphere in the restaurant. Luo Huai sat next to Xiaoyan and said to the three of them.

Xiaoyan finally felt her frozen arms regain some feeling and said to Aunt Yang, "I want to drink a bowl of soup."

Aunt Yang brought the soup pot directly to the table with a smile, and everyone could help themselves as much as they wanted to drink.

Even Pang Xinhao, who usually didn't like drinking soup, drank a bowl. However, Qi Wanlian sat far away while everyone was drinking soup, watching them quietly.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Luo Huai asked.

"I've eaten upstairs. I need to keep in shape," said Qi Wanlian.

Everyone looked at her thin waist, which was so thin that it could be grasped with one hand, and thought that it was not easy to maintain such a figure.

Soon Director Zhong and Producer Qian also came to the restaurant. Producer Qian looked unwell today. His hands were shaking as if he had Parkinson's disease. He drank three bowls of hot soup in a row before the shaking stopped.

Director Zhong was as calm and reserved as ever. While eating breakfast, he said, "We have to adjust the scenes today. Your flashback scenes are not shot in the villa, so we need to re-set the scene. Let's shoot the scenes in the villa first and interact with the ghost actors."

In fact, the flashback scenes can also be filmed in the villa, just rearrange a few scenes in the villa to make it look like a modern campus or street corner. Today, I interacted with the ghost actors mainly to solve Pang Xinhao's problem.

Since Qi Wanlian is confident that she can cure Pang Xinhao's psychological symptoms of his facial features fluttering when he sees a camera, then let him take over the stage first.

After dinner, everyone went outside to shoot a scene inside the villa.

The perspective is that four college students are standing outside looking at the villa. They see a woman in a black cheongsam standing on the third floor with a cigarette burning in her hand, looking at them quietly.

This scene had to be shot to be both beautiful and thrilling. The woman in the black cheongsam had to give people a feeling of beauty and stunningness, but also a sense of danger.

Traditional horror films use sound effects and photography techniques to solve this problem, but doing so will only highlight the sense of horror and the beauty will be relatively weakened.

Qi Wanlian does not need any special effects, she just stands there quietly, a fusion of two contradictory temperaments.

Several supporting actors had no scenes to play in this scene, so they could go back and rest. But everyone came to watch the filming spontaneously, and they also wanted to see the strength of the opposing actors.

The heavy curtains on the third floor were opened to leave a gap just wide enough for one person to stand. Qi Wanlian stood in front of the window, her eyes fixed on the photographer and several actors.

She had an extremely quiet beauty, as beautiful as a painting, like a black lotus blooming in the evening. But when she looked down at the crowd, her eyes were inhuman.

It is hard to describe the shuddering feeling that her gaze brings. It is not the gaze of looking at one's own kind, but the gaze of looking down from a high position and slaughtering others. When her gaze falls on your arm, your arm will produce an illusory pain, as if the flesh on it is being cut off piece by piece. When she looks at you, you will involuntarily look away, because if you look any further, you will feel as if your eyes are being gouged out.