Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 122: Ordinary citizen Luo Huai


When Zhong Jiudao took a closer look, Zhuang Xinbo also entered through the window with two team members. The broken window just now was made by Zhuang Xinbo. He assisted Zhong Jiudao to shoot a bullet that could break the window with one hit. Zhong Jiudao first solves the supernatural incident, and then they try to prevent incidents that have been solved by supernatural power.

"Luo Huai, are you okay?" Zhuang Xinbo looked at Luo Huai as soon as he landed. In his eyes, Luo Huai was an ordinary person who was repeatedly involved in supernatural cases. He was neither a member of Team B nor a co-conspirator. Master ‌ is the ordinary people he wants to protect at the risk of his life.

Zhuang Xinbo quickly walked towards Luo Huai, wanting to check if he had any injuries on his body, because just now at the window, Zhuang Xinbo used a telescope to see that Luo Huai seemed to have been beaten by Chu Weiran under him. , worried that Luo Huai would be injured.

He had just taken two steps when Luo Huai said nervously: "Move!"

Zhuang Xinbo moved his feet slightly, knowing that he had encountered something.

Luo Huai: "Do you see the transparent ball under your feet?"

Zhuang Xinbo lowered his head, there was nothing at his feet, and he just looked at Director Zhong for help.

Zhong Jiudao casually drew three talismans, covering the eyes of Zhuang Xinbo and the two team members, helping them open their eyes. Only then did the two of them see more than twenty transparent balls floating on the ground.

"What is this?" Zhuang Xinbo carefully moved his foot, not stepping on the transparent ball that happened to be under his feet.

"I know it too," Luo Huai said.

The transparent balls are about the size of a human head, and each ball has unique characteristics from other balls. Like the one at Zhuang Xinbo's feet, it looks like he is combing his hair like a student, and the one next to him looks like he is wearing a tie.

The transparent ball also has the ability to move, but it moves very slowly. It floats slowly around the box and looks very sluggish.

Zhong Jiudao looked down at these transparent balls indifferently: "These are your colleagues."

Zhuang Xinbo still remembered how these fierce ghosts were showing off their power, and was shocked: "How did it become like this?"

The transparent balls trembled when they heard Zhong Jiudao's voice, and slowly floated in the direction of Luo Huai, as if asking for help.

It's just that they float too slowly, moving centimeter by centimeter, and they don't know when they will be around Luo Huai.

Luo Huai told Zhong Jiudao: "They were spit out by Chu Weiran. Chu Weiran drank the coke I gave him and was hit by the Five Thunder Talisman. He knelt on the ground and vomited out so many transparent balls."

Zhong Jiudao picked up the cup of Coke and felt a trace of karma. Luo Huai asked, "What kind of talisman did you burn?"

"Maybe it's an exorcism talisman." Luo Huai's eyes were wandering and he felt guilty. "Did I use the wrong talisman to harm my colleagues like this?"

"Thanks to you using the wrong spell, you saved them. Otherwise, every one of them would have been eaten by this guy." Zhong Jiudao picked up the glass with lemonade.

Zhuang Xinbo opened his eyes and saw a transparent kid with a clear face floating in the glass. This man was surrounded by a little black energy and seemed to be trying to escape.

Zhuang Xinbo quickly took out a roll of tape and sealed the mouth of the glass to prevent the ghost inside from escaping.

Zhong Jiudao said: "Imagine that there is an evil spirit in this glass of water, which almost made him run away."

He added another charm to the bandage at the mouth of the cup. Now the transparent little ghost wilted and soaked in the water in frustration.

Until this time, Luo Huai also discovered that Chu Weiran was possessed by a ghost. He thought that Chu Weiran and his colleagues were like this because he used the wrong spell. He had always felt guilty. He heard what Zhong Jiudao said. , ‌The answer is ‌: "What kind of evil spirits are there in the water?"

Nie Po seems to mean a wisp of soul, but is there something in the lemonade that is similar to Sister Qi’s drug or ability that confuses people

Zhong Jiudao looked at Luo Huai who was not aware of anything, sighed and said, "Did you discover that Chu Weiran was possessed by another evil ghost?"

"When did it happen?" Luo Huai asked in shock.

After checking it out, Zhong Jiudao finally figured out the whole story and explained to everyone: "The ghost in the cup is very special. I just counted it. He has eight souls and seventeen souls. Counting the soul in the lemonade, A total of eighteen souls."

Zhuang Xinbo took out his notebook and flipped through it: "Are the normal souls three souls and seven souls? And most ghosts and people with weak bodies lack souls, but have extra souls."

"Exactly, this is a ghost Gu and it is a ghost. He swallowed the souls of several ghosts. These eight souls and eighteen souls are pieced together from different ghosts. The most interesting thing is, This is just a sub-gu, it is the body of the ghost Gu, but a part of it. The three souls are the human soul, the earth soul, and the human soul. The human soul is the most powerful among the three souls and seven souls. Importantly, it is also an organ that plays a dominant role like the human brain. One of the eight souls is the human soul, which means that the human soul is still in the ghost Gu itself. This thing is just a sub-Gu used to gather power. ." Zhong Jiudao explained.

Luo Huai was confused and looked at Zhuang Xinbo for help.

Zhuang Xinbo quickly comforted Luo Huai, the "ordinary citizen" who was involved, and told him: "It's like this. We investigated this barbecue restaurant. People who have eaten in this restaurant are seriously ill and their lives are long. Yes, I had a fever for ten and a half months, and my body became weak. Director Zhong felt that there was something wrong with this store, so he brought us to investigate, and we happened to encounter you being attacked by a ghost poison. "

"Is it such a coincidence?" Luo Huai, the barbecue restaurant he chose at random is the base where ghost Gu absorbs power

Zhuang Xinbo said knowingly: "It's such a coincidence. Thanks to you and Chu Weiran, the people who encountered this incident were you and Chu Weiran. If it had been anyone else, I would have asked him to sign a confidentiality agreement."

Zhuang Xinbo only thought that Luo Huai was involved, but Zhong Jiudao knew it.

If Luo Huai happens to come for dinner today, this ghost Gu will harm many people.

Zhong Jiudao said: "Zi Gu has many souls. He puts these souls in drinking water. There is a soul in the human body of those who eat the food. They will be affected by this soul and feel that the food is particularly delicious. Crazy reviews on the Internet attract more people to eat. This soul will continuously absorb people's vitality, and this vitality will be fed to the ghost Gu body to help him regain his strength.

"This time the ghost Gu is smarter. He didn't kill anyone. He absorbs a person and takes back the released soul when he is angry. The person who eats it dies, and there will be supernatural cases. That's it. Method to alert Group B.

"Because everyone's body constitution is different, some people are seriously ill and some are mildly ill, but most people are affected by the ghost poison and will doubt the barbecue restaurant. These few are bad. Comments should be made by friends and relatives who feel there is something wrong with the barbecue restaurant.”

Zhuang Xinbo handed the phone to Luo Huai in time. Luo Huai flipped through it and finally saw the follow-up comment.

He looked at the glass of lemonade: "‌So that glass of lemonade contains a soul? Chu Weiran also drank it just now."

Two team members were rescuing Chu Weiran. They pulled it casually and all of Chu Weiran's hair fell out. After wiping his face again, his eyebrows were also swollen. A handsome guy had gone bald like this.

Zhong Jiudao said: "I think Chu Weiran should have these colleagues hiding in his body at that time. Under such circumstances, he should be indestructible, and ghosts might invade his body. It's a pity that he drank After drinking some lemonade, Zigu entered his body under the guidance of this spirit and killed all his colleagues.

"If you had given Chu Weiran a drink of Karma Fire Talisman water in time, thrown out the Five Thunder Talisman, and forced the ghost Gu to vomit out his soul under the attack from inside, then all the employees of the company would probably be swallowed up by him. ”

"They look very good now." Luo Huai raised his hand to hold up a transparent ball, feeling a feeling of sadness and annoyance.

Zhong Jiudao said: "Fortunately, the soul is intact, but all the Taoism accumulated over the years have been sucked away, and it has become an existence much different from Jiang Fen. If you bask in the moon more, it will slowly become visible."

Luo Huai felt a little pitiful for the fierce ghosts.

Zhong Jiudao saw Luo Huai's complicated mood and comforted him: "It's better to do it once and for all. It saves money. They rely on their profound knowledge to cause trouble everywhere. After they recover and are tired of being in the human world, it's time to leave here." . This world is where they should be, and it’s okay to leave.”

"Did you hear that? Be a good boy from now on." Luo Huai touched the head of the transparent ball in his hand.

There was a tie hanging on this transparent ball. It must be a pretender. He rubbed Luo Huai's palm, seeming to get a little comfort from Luo Huai.

"How is Chu Weiran?" Zhuang Xinbo was concerned about his colleague, "Why did he go out to dinner with you?"

"Yes, I've been thinking about this too," Zhong Jiu said, "Why did he drive out in my car?"

Luo Huai: "..."

He promised Lian Ziyu to tell Zhong Jiudao about the matter, but now that the matter is more serious, it seems that it would be okay to tell him.

Zhong Jiudao looked at Luo Huai's embarrassed expression and said, "Chu Weiran turned into me. Did you know this was me from the beginning?"

"I knew it at first, but later I recognized it," Luo Huai said.

"This barbecue restaurant requires reservations in advance. If you want to go out to eat with me, why did you contact me in advance?" Zhong Jiu said.

Luo Huai took out his mobile phone: "I contacted you, and this is the message you sent me."

Luo Huai also has some understanding of this. Why can Chu Weiran use Director Zhong's account to send messages

Zhong Jiudao compared Luo Huai's cell phone with his own, frowned and said, "I sent such a message to Luo Huai."

Zhuang Xinbo came over and said: "Someone remotely controlled your mobile phone to send the message. Let me take a look, oh, Director Zhong, your mobile phone has been implanted with hidden remote sharing software. The security protection of your mobile phone is too low. Wait until I get back. I’ll install anti-monitoring software for you in the bureau.”

At this time, Chu Weiran, who was lying on the ground, moved his eyelids and opened his eyes.

Zhong Jiudao asked him directly: "Who hacked my phone?"

As soon as Chu Weiran woke up, he was faced with Zhong Jiudao's questioning and looked away guiltily.

Zhuang Xinbo's expression was very serious: "Chu Weiran, what are you doing? This is a serious violation of discipline! You are suitable for this job. A person with good moral character, ‌ No matter how capable you are, I can't let you do whatever you want. I will submit your information to my superiors and you will wait for review..."

"It's not necessary to be too harsh," Zhong Jiudao interrupted Zhuang Xinbo, "I think he was also used by the evil ghost."

After saying that, Zhong Jiudao kicked Shen Leshan on the ground.

Shen Leshan and Qi Wanlian were protected by painted skins, but they were not as miserable as the other ghost brothers. He knew he had done something wrong and did not dare to say a word.

"Is it the kind of person who is possessed by a ghost?" Zhuang Xinbo flipped through his notes, "But according to the knowledge I have learned, ghosts can amplify human emotions to their limits. People with a firm will and a righteous heart can do this. Resistance. Even if he is controlled by the Ming Dynasty, Chu Weiran has insufficient ideological and moral cultivation and must go back for re-education. "

Zhong Jiudao looked at the blood-colored essence stone in his hand, and then at Chu Weiran lying on the ground, and suddenly felt a sense of fate.

This blood-colored soul stone is the power left behind when Master Luo made a contract with Li Gui. It stands to reason that this power may be reunited again, but a person with such a special physique like Chu Weiran appears.

Only when all the evil ghosts are inside one person and the ghosts are mixed together can this power be condensed.

It seemed that Chu Weiran was destined to be this person, and it was such a coincidence that his family bought this villa.

A villa that had not been sold for decades and had been abandoned was sold to Chu Weiran just two years ago.

"Who did the villa we live in belong to before you bought it?" Zhong Jiudao squatted down, looking at Chu Weiran who was half dead.

Chu Weiran personally handled the transfer procedures. He remembered the name, but now he was seriously injured and could not speak.

Zhong Jiudao put a Taoist talisman on him to cheer him up. Chu Weiran felt a little more energetic and said with difficulty: "My name is Luo Wenli."

Luo Huai, who was listening on the sidelines, said differently: "My dad?"