Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 138: Come to propose marriage


Luo Huai finally crawled out, fled to another bed in some embarrassment, and stared at the nearly full moon for half a night before falling asleep.

Early the next morning, Luo Huai got out of bed with a panic, thinking that he might as well just keep confessing his love. Anyway, the movie was finished, and the change in their relationship would not affect the shooting of the movie anymore, regardless of Director Zhong. Whether it is acceptance or rejection, the relationship between Detective Luo and Officer Zhong will not be affected.

Luo Huai mustered up the courage to jump up from the bed and was about to go to Zhong Jiudao to confess when he saw Zhong Jiudao wearing a tailored suit with his hair neatly combed back, revealing his smooth forehead without leaving a trace of messy hair. .

There was a small business suitcase at his feet, which looked like he was going on a long trip and attending some formal event.

Seeing Zhong Jiudao like this, Luo Huai's words were stuck in his throat, and what he said instead was: "Where are you going?"

"Go to your house." Zhong Jiudao said, "I booked a high-speed rail ticket for 12 noon. The two of us will go."

Luo Huai: "...Why did you go to my house?"

Zhong Jiudao looked at Luo Huai for a while, and just as he was about to say something, Luo Huai suddenly remembered: "Yes? Are you asking about the villa?"

Only then did Zhong Jiudao remember that there was something about the ghost in the villa, and he thought he might as well ask about it, so he nodded slowly.

Although Zhong Jiudao was drunk last night, he didn't drink too much after all. He didn't drink too much, so he didn't remember anything. When he woke up in the morning, he still remembered what he did to Luo Huai last night.

It's too out of bounds.

The marriage must be proposed as soon as possible, otherwise he would not know what he would do to Luo Huai.

After the filming of the movie is completed, the director also has to control the subsequent post-production process. Fortunately, the time is not as tight as the shooting progress, so it is okay to take a day or two to rest.

So Zhong Jiudao immediately booked the high-speed rail ticket for the day and decided to resolve the matter tonight.

He is not old-fashioned. If Luo Huai was a girl and not from the entertainment industry, Zhong Jiudao would pursue her according to the rules summarized from all the youth movies he has watched, including confession, pursuit, romance, and gift giving. Luo Huai.

But Luo Huai is a boy and a rising star in the entertainment industry, so his experiences in youth movies are meaningless.

So Zhong Jiudao recalled those classic gay-themed movies and found that although those movies were classics, most of them were tragedies, and they were tragedies that were not understood by the world.

Naturally, Zhong Jiudao could not let himself become a tragedy, so he studied and summarized classic movies as negative teaching materials and came up with some things not to do.

Most of the protagonists in the movie are not understood by the world, so they secretly engage in clandestine affairs. After being suddenly exposed, they are unable to face the pressure of the world and the accusations from their families. In the end, they can only reluctantly separate or even die.

From this, Zhong Jiudao confirmed that worldly problems must be resolved first, especially the resistance from close relatives, and then the relationship can be confirmed. Only in this way can the vitality of the marriage be continued.

Before the troublesome matter is solved, Zhong Jiudao will not cause more trouble to Luo Huai.

It's a pity that he is an ordinary person after all and underestimated his self-control. When he is sober, he can control himself, but after drinking, he can't help but be frivolous towards Luo Huai.

If he hadn't been drunk and sleepy last night and fell asleep, he might have forced Luo Huai and it would have turned into an underground rape case.

Thinking of the endings of the protagonists' underground love affairs in classic movies, Zhong Jiudao would never let that happen.

Although Luo Huai didn't understand why Zhong Jiudao wore formal clothes when he went to his house, he thought that since it was a business matter involving nearly a hundred years of grievances and resentments, it seemed inconvenient to mention his love and affection at this time. It was a trivial matter, so I quickly ran to wash up and prepare to leave with Director Zhong.

At 9 a.m., Zhong Jiudao and Luo Huai set off for the high-speed rail station after breakfast.

Zhong Jiudao was not very familiar with the road conditions near the hotel, so he opened the navigation. At this time, Luo Huai asked: "What's the navigation to the high-speed rail station? Shouldn't you go back to the villa to pick up your colleagues first?"

"You have thought more carefully and should indeed take them with you." Zhong Jiudao said.

Fortunately, we were taking the high-speed rail, so we didn't have to go to the high-speed rail station too early. There was still enough time, so Zhong Jiudao repositioned himself and returned to the villa to pick up the ghost.

There is no need to bring a group of balls. They no longer have the power of Grandpa Luo Huai in their bodies. They only need to bring Qi Wanlian, Fu Yue, Shen Leshan, Lian Ziyu, the faceless ghost, the skull ghost and the spirit stone. Just fine.

Zhong Jiudao only bought two tickets, and he really hoped that the villa ghosts would disturb his and Luo Huai's unmarried world, so he turned them all into painted skin and paper figures, rolled them up together, and put them together. He put it into a small bag and was carried by Luo Huai.

Luo Huai couldn't bear to see his colleagues crowded together and asked, "How about buying tickets for them?"

Zhong Jiudao said: "They are so famous, they will be surrounded after getting on the bus."

"That's true?" Luo Huai patted the small bag comfortingly and told his colleagues that he had tried his best.

As for the Essence Stone, Zhong Jiudao originally kept it with him, but after thinking about it, he stuffed it into a small bag and gave it to Luo Huai for safekeeping.

Zhong Jiudao studied that piece of soul stone for a long time. He felt that there was a very powerful power in it, but he didn't know how to use the power inside.

It's useless to leave it here. It's better to give it to Luo Huai. Maybe it can be used accidentally, or it can be protected by Luo Tianshi.

Since there were only football players left at home who had little ability to protect themselves, Zhong Jiudao called Zhong Hongyan and Zhong Hongqian and asked them to return to the villa to guard them for a period of time to prevent outsiders from entering and bringing those who had finally gathered together. The balls that had a little bit of soul were washed away.

After picking up Villa Ghost, Zhong Jiudao drove to the high-speed rail station.

On the way, Luo Huai received a message from Chu Weiran: Where have you gone

Luo Huai: When you are tracking people, do you still need to directly ask about the whereabouts of the person you are following

Chu Weiran: Do you still need to hide someone who is so cooperative with you? We have installed a GPS on you. We see that you have been wandering around the city and are too lazy to follow you. Just tell us the location.

Luohuai: high-speed rail station.

Chu Weiran:! ! ! So many people?! If this happens, how terrible it is. I'll call in a large force. I hope I can make it in time!

Luo Huai: ...Why are you in a hurry? Director Zhong is right by my side.

Chu Weiran: I told you earlier. I have sent out the distress signal. If I pull back, the team will beat me to death. Where are you and Director Zhong going

Luo Huai: Go back to my hometown and ask some questions.

Chu Weiran: Why is Director Zhong following you when you go back to your hometown

Luo Huai: My dad’s name is Luo Wenli. Are you familiar with this name

Chu Weiran: Isn’t this the former owner of the villa? At that time, we found out that the house was haunted and searched for him everywhere, but no one could be found in the entire S city. It turned out that he was hiding out of town and was still in such a small city. No wonder he couldn't be found!

Chu Weiran: Wait, your father sold the house to me? Later, you bought it back at a low price

Luo Huai felt guilty when he thought of the 25% discount and did not dare to reply to the message.

Fortunately, Chu Weiran is a real prodigal, and he really doesn't care about money. After a while, he sent another message: Now that I think about it, your father and I are quite destined. Anyway, according to the regulations, we have to follow you wherever you go. We just happened to go to meet your father and catch up on old times. What time is your high-speed train

Luo Huai: 12 o'clock. You can just follow me secretly, or don't bother my parents, they are just ordinary people.

Chu Weiran: We can’t catch up on the high-speed train at 12 o’clock now, so let’s take a ride. Don’t worry, even if I meet you, it will definitely be as a buyer, not as Group B.

Luo Huai: It’s the identity of the buyer that worries me.

He was anxious for a while and then fell asleep. Luo Huai went to bed too late last night and suffered from severe lack of sleep.

The high-speed train lasted four and a half hours. Luo Huai was sleeping the whole time. In order to be clean, Zhong Jiudao bought a business seat. There were only two of them in a carriage, and the seats were still side by side. Luo Huai put down the seat and fell asleep without knowing it. .

Zhong Jiudao put his suit jacket on Luo Huai, reached out and poked the peach blossom on his head, feeling very strange in his heart.

How could the adult Soul Lamp change its shape just by saying it changes its shape? What exactly does it mean

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the two arrived at the train station at Luo Huai's hometown smoothly. Luo Huai jumped up with a refreshed look on his face: "I slept so well."

After getting enough sleep, he had a clear head and suddenly thought of something. Now that he was back home, he should first explain his sexual orientation to his parents.

He should be a responsible person like Director Zhong. Since he wants to pursue Director Zhong, he must let the person he likes have no worries and solve all the trivial matters.

There must never be a situation where his parents embarrass Director Zhong. Luo Huai thought secretly.

Even Zhong Jiudao was very nervous at the thought of proposing marriage to Luo Huai's parents. On the high-speed train, he adjusted his tie repeatedly and restyled his hair with hair oil to make himself look more mature and stable, like a successful person. ? Shi, so that Luo Huai's parents believe that he can take good care of Luo Huai's life.

Luo Huai looked at Director Zhong, who was getting older and older, and wondered why Director Zhong didn't know that if he let his hair down, left some refreshing bangs, and wore casual clothes, he would look young and handsome

"Who in your family has the greater say?" On the way to Luo's house, Zhong Jiudao arranged his hair several times to ensure that not a single strand of hair fell out, and asked cautiously.

Luo Huai said: "My mother? Normally? She has the final say on everything. Director Zhong, are you sure you don't want to wash your hair before going to my house?"

Zhong Jiudao said seriously: "I'm going to talk about business. It's more stable this way."

"Okay." Luo Huai thought that Zhong Jiudao's identity at this time was the Celestial Master. In the popular opinion, the Celestial Master must be older and more powerful, so he reluctantly accepted this hairstyle.

"My father may not be at home at this time. The summer vacation is not over yet. If my mother has not gone to the studio, she should be at home. I will call her to contact her." Luo Huai said.

After talking to Luo's mother on the phone, Luo's mother said she was at home.

Luo Huai: "Okay, Mom, I'll bring a colleague with me. He'll come to you if he has something to do."

Luo Mu: "Colleague? Is that? Director Zhong?"

Luo Huai: "Yes."

Luo Mu smiled awkwardly: "Come on then. It will be evening time when you arrive. I will make something delicious."

Putting down the phone, Luo's mother felt a little melancholy. She thought of Zhong Jiudao's performance and Luo Huai's attitude during the Chinese New Year, and wondered if these two children had come back to confess, right

If they confess, what kind of expression should she use to face Zhong Jiudao? Luo Mu sighed.

While cooking, Luo Mu thought about it again and again, and still felt that she should put Luo Huai away first and talk to Zhong Jiudao alone.

She is not an unenlightened parent, but Luo Huai's physical problems and his ignorance of the existence of ghosts need to be discussed in detail with Zhong Jiudao. Their family has always kept Luo Huai secret, and Luo Huai cannot Be present.

She cooked a few special dishes. At 5:30 in the evening, Luo Huai and Zhong Jiudao arrived home. Luo's mother put the dishes on the table to welcome them. When she saw Zhong Jiudao's back and dressed, she suddenly felt dizzy. Zhong Jiudao Director... Are you almost forty years old this year

Apart from gender and emotional intelligence, age is also? A bit old.

"Mom, this is Director Zhong, you've seen it before. My dad hasn't gotten off work yet?" Luo Huai's eyes lit up as soon as he walked in and saw the dishes on the table, "When are you going to eat?"

"You go to the hospital to pick up your dad first. He didn't drive today." Luo's mother handed the car key to Luo Huai.

"Hello, aunt." Zhong Jiudao greeted politely.

"Okay." Luo Huai took the car keys, turned around and went out to pick up Luo's father without putting down his bag.

Zhong Jiudao said: "I will go with you."

Luo's mother said to Zhong Jiudao seriously: "Since Director Zhong is here as a guest, there is no reason why I should ask you to pick someone up. Sit down and let's drink tea together."

Luo's mother, who has the most say in the family, said this. In order to make Luo's father and Luo's mother have a good impression, Zhong Jiudao did not insist on following.

At the same time, Chu Weiran and other members of Group B, who were an hour behind Luo Huai, also arrived in the city.

Chu Weiran looked at the GPS and saw that Luo Huai had left home and was on his way to the city public hospital. He said dutifully: "Let's go to the hospital with Luo Huai."