Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 142: newborn


Qi Wanlian took the Essence Stone and smiled charmingly: "You just believe in me. What if I leave with the Essence Stone?"

With the power of this essence stone, she can completely break away from the shackles of Director Zhong, live freely in this world, and become a evil ghost who causes trouble in the world.

Shen Leshan looked at her with sympathetic eyes, pointed at the operating room and said, "Stop dreaming, does Gui Gu have the restraints of Director Zhong? Isn't he free and strong enough? Do you think he has gained true freedom? "

Qi Wanlian: "..." That's all, this is the fate of their villa ghosts.

In order to protect the patients in the hospital, Luo's father took Chu Weiran and Qi Wanlian to the hospital where the TV and speakers were controlled. The double rooms and advanced wards of this hospital have TVs. Although the four-person wards do not have TVs, they are equipped with pagers and other things that can transmit sounds to every place.

Luo's father naturally hopes to stay by Luo Huai's side. Luo Huai is going to have a decisive battle with ghost Gu, and he hopes to be able to assist his son on the side.

But more important than these are the lives in the hospital.

Luo's father didn't have the key to the main control room. Fortunately, things like door locks couldn't trouble Chu Weiran at all. They entered the computer room, and Chu Weiran connected his mobile phone to the computer room and played "Fallen House".

The hospital's external network has been blocked by a ghost wall. If they could access the Internet, they would have sent a video call to Zhong Jiudao asking for help.

Fortunately, Chu Weiran's mobile phone had the movie cache of "Falling House", which could be played even without the Internet, so he was able to successfully connect to the host.

Chu Weiran downloaded this movie when he knew he was going to follow Zhong Jiudao. At that time, he didn't have any good intentions. He just wanted to scold the director while watching the movie.

Later, he discovered that the movie was filmed in his own villa. He had a friendship with the villa ghost three times in and out of his body, and fought with the villa ghost and the new homeowner Luo Huai. Chu Weiran did not delete "Fallen House". The record can be regarded as a souvenir.

After the meeting incident, the relationship between Shen Leshan and Chu Weiran had eased a lot, and they would send messages to chat from time to time.

What the hell is Shen Leshan? After a few words, Chu Weiran even told Shen Leshan what color his underwear was. Of course he had to tell her that there was a movie starring Shen Leshan on his phone.

It was also because Shen Leshan knew about this that he came up with this method.

Otherwise, he would not embarrass Chu Weiran and ask him to make a movie while disconnected from the Internet. He will force Qi Wanlian to memorize the lines of "The House of Fallen" and record the content for at least ten minutes.

Under Chu Weiran's powerful technology, in an instant all the computers, TVs, and radios in the inpatient department started playing "Falling House", and the entire inpatient department was filled with the sound of music composed by Jiang Fen.

Qi Wanlian held the essence stone and integrated it into her body. With the power of the essence stone, she temporarily left the painting and her soul entered the host.

Luo's father held several talismans in charge of the hospital's main power supply to prevent ghost Gu from cutting off the power supply after discovering what they were going to do.

Chu Weiran monitors the computer to ensure that all videos are played normally.

He also controlled the progress of the movie, specifically selecting close-ups of Qi Wanlian and releasing them.

The ghost Gu absorbs not only the souls of patients, but also the souls of all medical staff, patients and their families below the 18th floor. Some patients who are critically ill or seriously ill are relatively weak, and their souls are absorbed first, and the white lines turn into light red. However, the souls of those with mild illness, accompanying family members and medical staff are relatively stable, and they are still normal at this time. be affected in any way.

All the TVs and computers lit up at the same time, playing a horror movie. It was also the Ghost Festival tonight, which was too scary.

The head nurse of a department said: "Who made this prank? It's too much!"

Everyone who can move around invariably gathers in a place with a TV, computer or sound. Some are bold enough to watch the fun, or timid looking for a place with a lot of people to feel safer.

A male doctor on duty said: "Patients shouldn't get together? Let's get together. Forget it, I'll turn off the TV first."

He pressed the remote control several times, but the TV could not be turned off at all. The doctor on duty went to unplug the power cord. As soon as he touched the power cord, a hand from the TV stretched out and gently placed it on the back of his neck.

"If you turn off the TV, you won't be able to see me anymore. Don't do this." Qi Wanlian blew air behind the ear of the doctor on duty.

When the doctor on duty heard this voice, not only did he not feel scared, but he turned around and looked at Qi Wanlian blankly.

Because he turned around, the soul lamp on his shoulder dimmed a lot. If he took advantage of this moment, he could directly gain access to this person's vitality.

Pity. Qi Wanlian thought secretly.

"Don't turn off the TV. Let me be there for a while." Qi Wanlian said.

"Okay, you look good, hehe." The doctor on duty was stunned immediately. He broke off the remote control and found transparent glue to stick the power supply firmly to the socket. The power supply was welded to death today and no one could think of it. ?Turn off the TV.

The same situation happened in every corner of the hospital. With the help of the Essence Stone, Qi Wanlian almost instantly confused the people in the hospital. After all, she was the female ghost who once fascinated Ji Pan. No matter whether they were men or women, they could not resist her temptation. Those with a little bit of determination were held down by the controlled people to prevent them from destroying the power supply.

The movie plays normally, and Qi Wanlian can reach all patients through the audio-visual network.

"The power is so strong," Qi Wanlian kissed the essence stone lightly, "No wonder Fu Yue is so powerful, I can never beat her."

She sinks her soul into the audio-visual network. At this time, everyone who sees her and hears her voice is Qi Wanlian's prey.

And these people are also the prey of ghost Gu.

Qi Wanlian found out in an instant that the prey had been snatched away, and there were more than a hundred of them.

Qi Wanlian released the magic of charm, divided her consciousness into countless microcosms, entered the souls of these people, and told them: "You belong to me, and your souls are also mine. How can you be manipulated by wild ghosts outside?" Take away the soul."

Her words activated the "life" power of the seriously ill person and worked hard to regain his soul from the ghost Gu body.

Ghost Gu is much stronger than Qi Wanlian. Even with the help of the Essence Stone, Qi Wanlian's power is not as strong as Ghost Gu.

But Ghost Gu has to absorb the souls of more than 2,000 people at once. Most of these people are normal. Their instinct is to resist Ghost Gu. This puts a huge burden on Ghost Gu. In addition, Luo Huai's side It is very likely that he is also attacking Ghost Gu. In this battle for the soul, Ghost Gu is attacked from both sides and is naturally inferior to Qi Wanlian.

Even so, Qi Wanlian only saved more than sixty people, and dozens of people were beyond her control.

These people also have one thing in common. They are on the same floor, the 10th floor.

Qi Wanlian found it very strange. She left the TV and went to the 10th floor in person.

As soon as she entered the 10th floor, she understood why.

This is the obstetrics and gynecology department.

Those twenty or thirty people who are weak and will not be tempted by her are newly born babies.

Even children will like good-looking aunts and uncles, but babies only have survival instincts and no lust at all, so Qi Wanlian cannot seduce them.

Unfortunately, they had just come to this world and their resistance was so weak that they could easily be harmed by ghost poison.

Qi Wanlian walked into a ward where there were premature babies. The baby was still in the incubator and looked very weak.

Qi Wanlian stretched out a finger, put it into the incubator, and gently poked the child's face: "What should I do, you guys? The little guy doesn't know my charm yet."

The child was breathing hard. Because part of his soul was absorbed, his physical condition became weaker and weaker, and he would soon die.

Qi Wanlian quickly walked around the ward and found that the number of newborns was far more than thirty, but most of the healthy babies were still able to protect themselves. Their souls were not absorbed immediately and were about to lose their souls. They are children who are born weak.

Qi Wanlian stood there with a complicated expression on her face.

There were ways she could help these "babies", but she didn't want to.

She died due to miscarriage and hemorrhage. When she died, the baby was still in her body. The infant spirit was absorbed by her soul, turning her into a ghost with two souls in one body.

It is better to say that there are thirty-four villa ghosts than thirty-three, and there is one in Qi Wanlian's soul.

Before Master Luo Tian brought Qi Wanlian to the villa, he told her: "I can help you resolve your grudges and let the soul in your body pass away?"

At that time, Qi Wanlian said: "Why? With him here? How can I become stronger? One body with two souls. I am a fierce ghost. Why should I let go of the opportunity to devour another soul?"

Master Luo Tianshi shook his head: "You haven't seen through yourself yet. After all, you are a ghost, a pitiful monster bound by obsession. When you really want to be freed, my power will help you."

Qi Wanlian sneered at this.

Time? Come to modern times, Zhong Jiudao also told Qi Wanlian: "The reason why you have always disliked Fu Yue is that the power of the Heavenly Master in your soul is no less than that of Fu Yue. The benefits you get are almost the same, but you are weaker than her So much, you will naturally hate her and be jealous of her."

"What? My strength is no less than hers? Then why am I so weak?" Qi Wanlian said in surprise.

Zhong Jiudao shook his head: "You understand the reason."

Yes, she knows. Qi Wanlian placed her palm on her lower abdomen. Because she was raising another soul, her power was taken away by this soul, so she was very weak.

All the heavenly masters told her that whether she wanted to become a free ghost or gain liberation, she had to "rebirth" this soul.

But why

Qi Wanlian was not a person who hated children during her lifetime. If she had lived a normal life, in that era, even if she was just a concubine, she would probably have given birth to her own child.

But she was later sold to a brothel. The child was unknown to whore/client, and she had no reason to give birth to him.

That was something a woman had to do to make a living, but she died because of this child, ending a life that she didn't like but struggled to survive.

She thought, maybe she hated him.

Zhong Jiudao was right, her obsession was not at all to be in the sex industry before she was born, but to charm men and absorb their energy to strengthen herself after her death.

Her obsession was that she didn't want to give birth to this child, and she couldn't do it either before or after her death.

But if he wanted to save her, he had to force her to be reborn. Even after death, she would still have to endure such pain. Qi Wanlian would rather die with this soul than do this.

As an actress, Qi Wanlian has always been loved by fans. There is a QR code on her painted waist, and she can hear the love expressed by fans to her every day.

Since Qi Wanlian has no personal super character, what fans like is her role in the movie, that cruel female ghost who has the same fate as her, wandering all her life and dying.

Fans feel sorry for her during her lifetime and pity her experience.

This power gradually resolved Qi Wanlian's resentment. In fact, she was no longer so resentful, but it was still difficult to give birth to this child.

Because she lacks a reason, a reason to accept herself and reconcile with herself.

But at this moment, she seemed to have found this reason.

She immersed the essence stone into her soul body, and pressed her palms on her lower abdomen. The nails on her five fingers became sharp and long, and they sank into her lower abdomen.

Qi Wanlian's expression was very painful. She cut open her soul and took out the infant soul that had been entangled with her for decades.

"I don't want to give birth to you because there is no reason. But now, the reason has appeared, for the sake of rebirth." Qi Wanlian said weakly with a pale face.

The infant spirit was originally an invisible transparent body. After being taken out, it gradually took shape and turned into a baby.

Since he was not born?, he has no gender. It stands to reason that such an infant spirit that cannot be born for decades and has been accompanied by evil ghosts for decades must become a top evil ghost after being born, because he has never been exposed to love at all and is just a collection of hate.

Zhong Jiudao also thought that if Qi Wanlian gave birth to this infant spirit, he would probably rescue the infant spirit immediately. If he could not be rescued, he would be beaten to death. After all, this is a country without any human social recognition. There is absolutely no reason for Yingling.

But the infant spirit Qi Wanlian gave birth to was different at this moment. He didn't have hatred, but an infant spirit full of vitality.

He opened his mouth and let out a baby cry that he had suppressed for decades.

New life is a very fragile force, but sometimes it becomes the most powerful force.

This cry was actually connected with Qi Wanlian's charming power, and was transmitted to the souls of those babies.

The vitality can awaken the vitality. These babies whose souls have been absorbed are activated with unimaginable vitality. Their souls are connected together in the cry of the infant spirit, forming an indestructible one. Alliance, he took his soul back from the ghost Gu.

The premature baby in the incubator? His breathing gradually stabilized, and he passed through a dangerous period that no one knew about.

Qi Wanlian closed her eyes and felt the souls in the entire hospital. She smiled slightly and all the souls came back.

Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. She thought

Unfortunately, she no longer has the strength to leave here at this time. The birth has exhausted her soul power. If she does not absorb new vitality, she will not be able to recover for a while.

It didn't matter, her mission was accomplished.

Qi Wanlian took out the Essence Stone, thinking about Fu Yue, and said, "It's an advantage for you."

The essence stone slowly disappeared, and Qi Wanlian used her last strength to send it to Fu Yue.

The infant spirit she had just cut out saved dozens of children at once, and was full of merit. He cried twice to Qi Wanlian and gradually disappeared.

Qi Wanlian said "poof", it was really based on local materials.

Because he had gained merit and this happened to be the obstetrics and gynecology department, the baby spirit was actually reincarnated.

She was so angry that she always felt that she was at a loss.

The Essence Stone gave Fu Yue an advantage, and the child ran away after being cut out. She was the only one lying in the corridor of the obstetrics and gynecology ward, bleeding all over the floor, and no one saw her.

"I really can't do good things." Qi Wanlian said to herself, "If I can survive this time, if there is another life, I will be the most heartless and vicious beautiful woman, and let all the men in the world do it for me. Crazy, fight for me.”

After saying that, she closed her eyes quietly and waited for the blood that symbolized her power to flow out.

She seemed to be asleep or in a coma.

Maybe a long time passed, maybe only a few minutes.

Qi Wanlian heard hurried footsteps. Someone was running anxiously.

It's probably someone from the hospital. She can't move now. Don't step on her soul. She will be injured if her Yang Qi is too strong.

Fortunately, the running person stopped beside her. Qi Wanlian closed her eyes and felt the vigorous vitality coming from her.

She hugged the other person suddenly, greedily absorbing the other person's anger.

The blood that had been shed all over the floor returned to her body, and the wound on her abdomen also recovered. Qi Wanlian opened her eyes in high spirits, licked her lips, and looked at the fool who was accidentally caught by her.

Chu Weiran looked at Qi Wanlian with a pale face, his whole body was shaking, and he said weakly: "Sister Qi, you are too cruel."

He was indeed here to save Qi Wanlian, but he didn't expect that Qi Wanlian, a fierce ghost, didn't care about his life or death at all. He sucked away all the vitality he regained after saving people last time, and his hair fell out again. Oh, broken hair all over the place!

"Why are you here?" Qi Wanlian asked curiously.

Chu Weiran said: "When I was staring at the host just now, I suddenly fell asleep. A child told me in my dream that you were about to die and asked me to help you, so I came."

Qi Wanlian looked at a certain ward in the obstetrics and gynecology department and sneered: "Mind your own business."