Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 143: Do not be afraid


At 19:40 in the evening, Zhong Jiudao arrived at the hospital on time.

Originally, Zhong Jiudao would not have come to the hospital so quickly during this time period that was prone to traffic jams. Fortunately, he contacted Team B in time and received support.

After Zhuang Xinbo received the news that Chu Weiran followed Luo Huai here, he was always frightened, always feeling that something big was going to happen.

He trusted his intuition, and after urgently reporting to his superiors, he led a team to Luo Huai's hometown by helicopter. It happened that Zhong Jiudao contacted him at this time, and Zhuang Xinbo went directly to pick him up.

For the sake of efficiency, the helicopter did not land, but lowered the ladder to pick up Zhong Jiudao.

Zhong Jiudao had practiced sword dancing all year round and climbed up easily. Luo Mu was inconvenient to climb the ladder and had no magic power. She could not do anything if she went there, so she could only wait anxiously at home.

The helicopter was much faster than driving, and they saved landing time and arrived at the hospital in a few minutes.

Zhong Jiudao could tell from the air that the inpatient building was full of gloom, so he asked the helicopter to place them outside the first floor of the inpatient building via a ladder, and then stopped at another location suitable for landing.

People are more valuable than talents. Zhuang Xinbo and four team members who carry new special weapons and have experience in handling supernatural cases followed Zhong Jiudao to the hospital to help him deal with some things.

The boundary of the inpatient department is such that no one from outside can get in, and no one inside can get out.

Fortunately, this kind of ghost hitting the wall is not a problem for Zhong Jiudao. He didn't even draw any spells. He raised his mahogany sword and pointed it at the void. When the ghost hit the wall, a crack appeared. After a few people walked in, the phenomenon of ghosts breaking into walls reappeared. They looked back and saw that behind them was not the first-floor building of the inpatient department, but the hospital corridor.

Most people will think that they have gone the wrong way and turn around, thus missing the opportunity to leave.

Luo Huai and others clearly went to the underground parking lot before, but they returned to the 16th floor as soon as they left the door. This was also the reason. In fact, their elevator did not reach the underground parking lot at all, and all the feeling of going up and down was It was all their illusion. They actually entered the elevator, stayed for a while, and then came back.

If people stay in this kind of environment for a long time, they will gradually become unable to believe their senses and become panicked. As a result, they will have a mental breakdown, the soul lamp will become weak, and the body will be invaded by evil spirits.

If Zhong Jiudao hadn't been too secure, Zhuang Xinbo and others would have panicked when they saw the original gate immediately turning into a corridor.

Even if Zhong Jiudao is not around, they still hold up their guns vigilantly and guard Zhong Jiudao, fearing that an attack will come from somewhere and hurt the only person here who is capable of fighting.

"Don't be so nervous." Zhong Jiudao said calmly, "The ghosts are cunning with their illusions. With your weapons raised like this, you can easily attack ordinary people as ghosts. With your character, once you hurt a real ordinary person, Emotions such as self-blame and regret will occupy your heart, and once that happens, you will even shoot me as a ghost and replace your gun with an unbladed weapon. Silver dagger, at least this way you won’t hurt anyone because of your impulse.”

Zhuang Xinbo and others thought so and changed their weapons.

Although he was anxious, Zhong Jiudao still didn't act in a hurry. There is no signal on the mobile phone, and the surrounding area is blocked by ghost walls. With all sight and hearing blocked, any rash action will only lead to the total destruction of the entire army.

He urgently opened his eyes for several members of Team B. Even so, these eyes could not see through the ghost Gu's illusions, which showed how powerful the ghost Gu was.

This was an illusion performed when three sub-gu were eliminated in advance and half of the ghost vood's power was consumed.

If it is true that the ghost Gu wishes, and the three sub-gu absorb the power of the souls of living people, and the ghost Gu itself devours all the people in the entire inpatient department, then even if Zhong Jiudao wants to get rid of this ghost Gu, he is afraid that Also, you have to fill it with your life.

After opening their eyes, everyone saw that the entire building was covered with white lines like spider webs. Even they themselves had such white lines, connecting from the center of their eyebrows to an unknown floor above.

Zhuang Xinbo touched his eyebrows and found that the white line was untouchable, but there was no such line on Zhong Jiudao.

"What is this?" Zhuang Xinbo asked.

Zhong Jiu said: "As long as you enter the inpatient building, you will be the prey of ghost Gu.

"This white line is used to absorb souls, but it doesn't matter. If you want to completely absorb the souls of living people, you must wait until midnight when the gate of hell opens. You just need to keep your will. Be firm and you won't be hurt.

"If the white line gradually turns red, you should pay attention. With your method, you can probably see the line starting to turn red and listen to the red song immediately. Maybe you can escape from the ghost Gu with your willpower. "Take back your soul."

"Understood." Several team members said.

"Why didn't you?" one of the team members asked.

Zhong Jiudao said: "My magic power is very strong, ghost poison can't hurt me."

They took a few steps forward and heard a sound coming from the guard room on the first floor of the inpatient department. Zhong Jiudao felt very familiar with the sound effect.

The door to the security room was ajar, and Zhuang Xinbo pushed it open. What was displayed on the monitoring screen in the security room was not hospital surveillance, but a movie "Falling House" that everyone was familiar with.

There were two security guards and two people on duty at the toll counter sitting in the guard room. They seemed to have not seen the door behind them open, and they had been watching the movie infatuatedly.

"Qi Wanlian is so beautiful." A security guard said obsessively, "She came here just now and touched my face and told me that I must give her my whole heart and soul. I absolutely cannot. Seduced by the wild ghost outside."

"Me too, she kissed me on the cheek." The person on duty at the toll window said with a blush. She was still a woman.

"What are you dreaming about? She just asked me to live in her villa and spend the rest of my life with her, and I agreed!" said another security guard.

"Obviously she invited me! She also said that she kicked Shen Leshan and chose me to be the male host of the villa." said the remaining toll collector.

The four people briefly quarreled for a few minutes while the movie showed the main characters, but when the movie showed Qi Wanlian again, they immediately gave up the quarrel and watched TV quietly.

The lines between the eyebrows of these people are all white.

"What's going on? Why do they seem to be fascinated by Qi Wanlian? Could it be that the ghost Gu swallowed Qi Wanlian and got her power?" Zhuang Xinbo said in a divergent way.

"No, it's Qi Wanlian who is fighting the ghost Gu to fight for people, using her own illusions to resist the ghost Gu's power to prevent these people from being hurt. She doesn't have such a strong power, so she should have used her essence Stone." Zhong Jiudao immediately guessed what happened.

Zhuang Xinbo said: "The white line has not disappeared, does it prove that Qi Wanlian can only delay, but the ghost Gu has not been removed yet."

"That's right." Zhong Jiudao said, "Fortunately, the people in the hospital are protected. No wonder it has been so long and the hospital's internal line is still white. You few were not confused by Qi Wanlian. You are better than those in the hospital." ?People are still in danger.”

Since the people in the hospital were safe for the time being, Zhong Jiudao did not delay and directly drew a stroke on Zhuang Xinbo's eyebrows. Soon Zhuang Xinbo's white line turned into gold and extended upstairs. past.

"Are you protecting me?" Zhuang Xinbo asked.

Zhong Jiu said: "No, these white lines will not disappear unless the ghost Gu body is removed. I just use the white lines to find the location of the ghost Gu in reverse direction."

Through this line, Zhong Jiudao sensed that the ghost Gu was on the 18th floor.

Since the people in the hospital are safe for the time being, and Luo Huai's whereabouts cannot be determined, it is better to go to the 18th floor to get rid of the ghost poison first. The source of the danger has been eradicated, and Luo Huai will naturally be fine.

Zhong Jiudao took people into the elevator and went straight to the 18th floor.

With him around, the elevator naturally could not be controlled, but drove steadily towards the 18th floor.

But when we were on the 10th floor, someone outside pressed the elevator button, and the elevator stopped on the 10th floor.

Team member C brought by Zhuang Xinbo suddenly became nervous, quickly changed his knife into a gun, and pointed it at the elevator entrance.

As soon as the door opened, a hairless man and a beautiful woman stood in front of the elevator supporting each other. The beautiful woman had blood dripping from her abdomen.

Team member C almost fired, but fortunately Zhuang Xinbo was quick-sighted and held his hand down: "Don't be impulsive, those are Chu Weiran and Qi Wanlian."

Chu Weiran paid great attention to his image outside the home, and even when he was hairless, he tried to wear a wig and draw eyebrows. Except for Zhuang Xinbo and a few other team members involved in the barbecue restaurant case, no one had ever seen him with a bald head. Team member C didn't recognize him for a moment.

Chu Weiran saw Director Zhong's reassuring figure at a glance. He shook Qi Wanlian in disbelief: "Sister Qi, help me see if the elevator is an illusion or a real person?"

Qi Wanlian took out the infant spirit that had been connected to her destiny for decades, and her vitality was severely damaged. Even after absorbing Chu Weiran's anger, he could barely survive. He was still weak, and he had been resting lightly on Chu Weiran's body, relying on him to drag him along.

She slowly opened her eyes, looked at the elevator, nodded and said, "Of course the person with such an annoying face and pen is Zhong Jiudao."

"Director Zhong!" When Chu Weiran saw the savior coming, he threw it away in excitement and Qi Wanlian rushed into Zhong Jiudao's arms.

Zhong Jiudao quickly dodged to avoid Chu Weiran, but Chu Weiran hit his head on the elevator.

Fortunately, Zhuang Xinbo stopped him, otherwise Chu Weiran would probably have a bloody head.

Zhong Jiudao looked at Qi Wanlian and said, "Why don't you come in?"

Qi Wanlian snorted and said, "The yang energy in the elevator is too strong. I dare not go in."

Zhong Jiudao casually drew a Yin Gathering Talisman. This kind of talisman is usually used by heavenly masters to control ghosts and raise ghosts. Zhong Jiudao rarely draws it for villa ghosts. These ghosts can't help but cause trouble even if they are suppressed to death. If they really help them improve their strength, they will probably rebel.

But now Qi Wanlian is different from before.

Qi Wanlian put away the charm, her expression became better and better, and the blood stains on her body also reduced a lot. She slowly entered the elevator, and the elevator continued to move upward.

"You are done with your obsession, and you have gained merit. If you want to leave right now?, I can help you." Zhong Jiudao said.

Qi Wanlian lowered her eyes and said calmly: "Let's wait a little longer. At least wait until "War" is released to make my fans happy. They helped me a lot in this battle."

Zhong Jiudao said nothing more.

The elevator finally arrived at the 18th floor. As soon as they got out of the elevator, everyone saw countless dense white lines. This is where the ghost Gu is located, and naturally it is also the place where the white lines gather. .

"In the spare operating room, I will take you there." Chu Weiran said.

"No, I know where it is." Zhong Jiudao said.

After meeting Chu Weiran and others, Chu Weiran simply told them in the elevator that Luo Huai and everyone came to the door of the backup operating room as early as 19 o'clock and relied on Fu Yue's power to open the door. After that, they Then he and Luo Huai separated to complete their respective tasks.

It is now 19:50, 50 minutes have passed, and the ghost Gu has not been removed. It seems that Luo Huai's magic is indeed ineffective against the ghost Gu this time.

There were too many things that could happen in 50 minutes. No matter how calm Zhong Jiudao was, he could no longer stay calm. He followed the golden line and quickly came to the door of the operating room.

The situation before them shocked everyone.

There is a terrifying and huge meat ball in the operating room. This meat ball looks extremely scary. In today's novels, TV movies, and games, they are all marked with mosaics and are not allowed to be played. The weak Chu Weiran I retched when I saw this thing.

The meat ball stretches out several tentacles that look a bit like intestines, and several people/ghosts are held down under the tentacles.

They were team members A and B brought by Chu Weiran, Shen Leshan, Lian Ziyu and two small paper figures, who should be faceless ghosts and skull ghosts.

There is no Luo Huai.

The flesh ball beats regularly like a heart, relaxing and contracting.

The team member Ding brought by Zhuang Xinbo wanted to shoot, but Zhuang Xinbo stopped him and said: "Director Zhong hasn't taken action yet, so don't act rashly."

The guns of team members A and B were scattered in front of the operating room door. Zhuang Xinbo picked them up and saw that the bullets had been used up.

There are still a few talisman/elastic fragments and blackened daggers on the ground. It seems that everyone's weapons have been exhausted, but they still can't hurt the ghost Gu.

"Where's Fu Yue? Where's Luo Huai? He won't be killed, right?" Chu Weiran vomited twice and then rushed over and asked, "Director Zhong, attack quickly. Why? Why not attack the ghost Gu?"

Zhong Jiudao looked at the meat ball and shook his head in disbelief.

At this time, there was the sound of anxious running in the corridor, and a person ran to the door of the operating room. Everyone turned around and saw that it was a doctor.

The four team members did not have that strong psychological quality. When they saw a strange doctor in a white coat, they wanted to attack him. Zhuang Xinbo was so anxious that he was punched by one of them.

"You put on your headphones and listen to music and calm down for a while. If you continue like this, you will be controlled." Zhuang Xinbo regretted bringing these team members here.

They were participants in capturing Zi Gu in the haunted house last time. They performed very well at that time, so Zhuang Xinbo brought them here, thinking that even if they couldn't help, they could at least appease the masses.

But there is no comparison between the difficulty last time and this time. When these people saw such a terrifying scene, and their souls were locked by ghost Gu, it was really difficult to stay calm.

They don't believe their own eyes, they look at everyone like the incarnation of ghost poison, and they always want to shoot.

The visitor was Luo Huai. After Chu Weiran left the computer room, he knew that the trouble had been resolved and he didn't need to look at the power supply, so he ran back from the elevator to find Luo Huai.

He saw Zhong Jiudao at a glance, quickly came to Zhong Jiudao and asked, "Where is Luoluo?"

Zhong Jiudao bent down and picked up a dull jade pendant from the ground. The magic power stored in this magic weapon had been exhausted.

Zhong Jiudao did not answer Luo's father's words for the time being. He asked Qi Wanlian: "Where is the Jingso Stone?"

"I will return it to Fu Yue after I complete the task." Qi Wanlian replied.

Zhong Jiudao walked into the operating room. Seeing him, the flesh ball shrank back unconsciously, retracted its tentacles, and let go of a few people/ghosts.

The two team members were in the same situation as Chu Weiran. Their anger was sucked away. Fortunately, their souls were not injured and they could still be saved.

The four villa ghosts were very strange. Zhong Jiudao picked up two pieces of paper and two painting skins, patted them casually, and four souls fell out.

These four souls seemed to be confused and unconscious. Zhong Jiudao only made a brief inspection and found that the power of Luo Tianshi in their souls had disappeared.

When Qi Wanlian just used the essence stone to take out the infant spirit, her Luo Tianshi power also merged with the essence stone.

If he guessed correctly, the four villa ghosts should have given their power to Fu Yue, and Fu Yue received the Essence Stone.

Just as Luo Tianshi predicted, the power of all the evil ghosts in the villa gathered together.

What the prophecy says next is that the ghost's power and ghost Gu enter Luo Huai's body at the same time, and they die together.

Zhong Jiudao walked towards the meat ball step by step. The meat ball shrank inward as if afraid, until it shrank to the point where it was inevitable to avoid the corner. It didn't look fierce at all, but rather a little bit. Pitiful.

Zhong Jiudao stretched out his hand and took off a small jade button from the meat ball.

Seeing Zhong Jiudao take out the jade buckle, the meat ball was even more frightened. He compressed his body frantically, shrinking from a meat ball with a diameter of three meters to only the size of a person, and "swish" He then rolled out from Zhong Jiudao's side and fled towards the door of the operating room.

Such a terrifying meat ball rolled around, with countless white threads representing souls wrapped around it. Zhuang Xinbo brought team member Ding's eyebrows and the white threads suddenly turned red. His eyes were red, and he instantly raised his gun and pointed it at the flesh. Ball shot.

Zhong Jiudao had already chased after Meatball when he escaped, but unfortunately he was half a beat too late.

In the flash of lightning, he only had time to hug the meat ball and turn around to avoid the bullet, but was hit in the back by one.

Fortunately, Zhuang Xinbo held down team member Ding in time and knocked the weapon away with a few punches.

Team member Ding, however, rushed towards the meat ball crazily as if possessed by an evil spirit.

At this time, Jiudao threw out a talisman in time, and the talisman was accurately placed on the forehead of team member Ding. His soul line turned white again, and his whole body went limp and fell down.

"Director Zhong, are you okay?" Zhuang Xinbo rushed over to check Zhong Jiudao's wound, but when he saw him hugging the ball tightly, he couldn't help but stop.

"I'm wearing a bulletproof vest. It's okay. It's just a little painful." Zhong Jiudao gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, please don't move. Leave the operating room. I'll handle it here. If you stay, it will only hinder me."

Regarding the incident involving team member Ding just now, everyone understood what Zhong Jiudao meant. They exited and closed the operating room door according to Zhong Jiudao's instructions.

Only Zhong Jiudao and Rouqiu were left. He patted Rouqiu's body comfortingly and said softly: "They are all gone. It's just you and me here. Don't be afraid, Luo Huai."