Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 144: Meatballs scattered


After Fu Yue opened the door to the operating room, what everyone saw was a ball of flesh composed of different organs.

Shen Leshan had an epiphany: "No wonder Gui Gu chose the operating room of the hospital as his final destination. He was secretly stealing the diseased tissue discarded after the operation and became the cornerstone of his body."

No matter how many souls are absorbed, a physical body cannot appear out of thin air without a foundation. When occupying other people's bodies, there will always be situations where the body and soul are inconsistent, so ghost Gu should stay in the hospital.

The previous body? The cornerstone was obtained by Leng Xiangming through various illegal means. The case behind it was shocking. Team members A and B had also heard about it, and they all showed unacceptable expressions.

Now without Leng Xiangming's help, and Team B setting up a dragnet to investigate supernatural cases, Gui Gu could only hide in the hospital and control some medical staff to steal diseased organs.

"Can this kind of organization still be used?" Luo Huai showed an unbearable expression.

"The diseased organs are objects full of death energy, so ghost Gu uses sub-gu to absorb the life energy of living people to nourish the body's cornerstone. This thing is not humanoid, and ghost Gu itself is composed of dozens of souls. It's better not to call him a monster, just call it "It's a monster." Shen Leshan showed an unbearable expression, feeling ashamed to be associated with ghost Gu.

It was unbearable for the few humans present that such a thing would appear in modern society. Without saying a word, team members A and B picked up the machine/gun in the package and started shooting desperately. Luo Huai also singled out his father and was said to be angry. The deadly charms of the evil ghost were thrown out one after another, and the flesh ball of the ghost Gu made a miserable cry.

It was probably trying its best to absorb souls, and it couldn't be distracted for the time being, so it could only let everyone attack.

But the ghost Gu has absorbed the anger of too many people, and the number of diseased organs accumulated on the body is also very terrifying. It almost covers the operating room. Everyone exhausted weapons and charms, but only reduced it to a size of three meters. High meaty balls.

Thanks to everyone's attack, Gui Gu used his strength to protect himself. He couldn't spare any more strength to snatch the soul from Qi Wanlian. He saw that the soul he had absorbed was being taken back bit by bit, and soon there were only two left. Thirty newborn souls.

A mouth appeared on its body and made a terrifying sound: "It's you again?, It's you again?, It's you again?!"

It shouted several times, and Shen Leshan counted with his fingers and said, "It only shouted three times, two times less. We stopped him five times in total."

Three sub-gu plus the main body? That’s four times, and the time with Geng Fu. Geng Fu's ghost Gu was almost ready to take shape at that time, but Zhong Jiudao and Luo Huai teamed up to destroy its physical body. It was probably mad to death at that time.

"I think too much. We may not be able to stop it this time," Fu Yue said.

Just when everyone was attacking, Fu Yue made the operating room full of dark red flowers. Her body was buried under this kind of flower. After years of resentment, the flower could be grown using her body as food. All the diseased tissue destroyed by everyone became nutrients for the flowers. The more ghost poison retreated, the more vigorously Fu Yue's peanuts grew.

At this time, Fu Yue already understood why the eye-eyed ghost wanted to keep her power to herself, because the flower she planted happened to be the nemesis of ghost Gu. Ghost Gu's physical body will not mature in a day, and the cornerstone of its accumulated body will be dead bodies, which will be absorbed by her flowers.

The stronger Fu Yue's power is, the more he can prevent ghost Gu from possessing a body.

It's a pity that she only has the power of herself and the eye-eyed ghost, and the essence stone is in Qi Wanlian's hand.

"It just discarded the excess tissue, and its body did not suffer too much damage. My flower can only trap it for a moment. If it dares to give up the opportunity to take shape tonight and use all its power to absorb the souls of everyone in the hospital, He will become stronger soon, and we won't be able to defeat him at all," Fu Yue said.

"What should we do?" Luo Huai asked anxiously.

Shen Leshan was mentally prepared. He said, "Do you want our power?"

"I can hold on a little longer." Fu Yue said.

Shen Leshan sighed: "I understand."

He asked Luo Huai to release the other ghosts, have a heart-to-heart talk with them, and persuade them to also take the initiative to hand over their power.

Villa ghosts naturally disagreed. Lian Ziyu said: "How can I hold a concert in the future if I hand over my power? Shen Leshan, you are the best at turning the clouds over and playing with people's hearts. Why are you so kind today? Are you here? That's all you have to say. Call yourself a fierce ghost?"

"That..." Shen Leshan scratched his head, "I am indeed not a ghost anymore."

Several villa ghosts looked at Shen Leshan at the same time.

Shen Leshan said: "After saving the 500 people at the last meeting, I not only gained a lot of merit, but also shared a little bit of these people's anger.

"Of course, I didn't absorb it, it's my ability. As long as I become a leader and make people/ghosts believe in me from the bottom of their hearts, part of their power will become mine.

"Those five hundred people have become my die-hard fans, established Shen Leshan Super Talk, and shouted every day to give their lives to my brother. Of course I will not take their lives, but I still have a little anger. .

"Since then, my obsession has disappeared, and my resentment seems to have gradually disappeared. I don't know why I still stay in this world, maybe the fans don't want me to leave."

"I'm so envious. I want fans too." Lian Ziyu made an envious voice.

"Have we discussed it yet?" Fu Yue said coldly, "I risk my life, are you still hesitating? Do you want me to take it with my own hands?"

"We'll talk about the concert later. Maybe after this incident, the merits you get will allow you to continue to show up?" Shen Leshan said, "It's better than letting ghost Gu absorb us, or become... Those guys in the villa are like that, right?”

The tragic situation of Villa Ball is a strong basis for convincing the ghosts. They also realize that they and the ghosts are incompatible with each other. Even if they are both ghosts, they will fight to the death.

With Shen Leshan's persuasion, Fu Yue's threats, and Ghost Gu's oppression, the ghosts finally reluctantly surrendered their power.

Luo Huai comforted them: "Don't worry, as long as we survive this disaster, I will definitely help everyone realize their wishes."

The ghosts said without hope, "Don't save us. Just save us."

Their power entered Fu Yue's body. Fu Yue held on for a while, but soon he couldn't anymore.

This was when the eloquent Shen Leshan persuaded the two members of Team B to give Fu Yue their anger and let her support it for a while longer.

With the concerted efforts of humans and ghosts, Qi Wanlian finally bought time, allowing Qi Wanlian to take out the infant spirits and regain the souls of dozens of babies.

But they also angered Ghost Gu, who simply gave up the power of absorbing souls. It wanted to kill these few people and ghosts who had blocked him many times. It would not be too late to kill these people before absorbing souls.

Ghost Gu is very powerful. Once it goes all out, several people/ghosts who have long been exhausted will be quickly defeated.

Even if Qi Wanlian returns the essence stone to Fu Yue, Fu Yue can barely resist for a while. After all, part of the power of the essence stone is used to help Qi Wanlian obtain the infant spirit, and it is no longer in its heyday.

"We have to find a way to hold on until Director Zhong arrives. Brother Shen, is there any other way?" All the magic weapons on Luo Huai's body lost their power, and he asked Shen Leshan anxiously.

"There is another way." Shen Leshan looked at Luo Huai in confusion.

"Is it related to me?" Luo Huai pointed at himself and asked.

Shen Leshan nodded: "Huainai Guimu, you are actually the best body formed by ghost Gu. With you, it will definitely abandon these tissues and try to occupy your body. If Fu Yue is also here to take over you at this time. Two powerful ghosts can form a balance in your body, and it won't be a problem for an hour or two. This time is definitely enough for Director Zhong to come. "

"Knowing that this is a trap, would Ghost Gu step in?" Luo Huai asked, "Isn't this stupid? Isn't Ghost Gu very smart?"

Shen Leshan pointed at himself and said: "Am I stupid? Don't I know? Do you know that provoking Director Zhong to deceive you will be miserable? When will I be able to bear it? Obsession is the reason why evil ghosts stay in the world, any one No one can resist obsession."

Ghost Gu's obsession is to become a human and have a better body. It will definitely give up this pile of junk.

Luo Huai: "That makes perfect sense. What will happen to me after he takes over my body?"

Shen Leshan told him: "Your soul is very likely to be injured. If it's serious, you may never wake up again."

Luo Huai lowered his head and said dejectedly: "That's really miserable. I haven't fallen in love with Director Zhong yet."

After saying that, he resolutely walked towards Ghost Gu. When Shen Leshan saw this, he asked, "Didn't you say it was miserable? Why did you go without hesitation?"

"There is nothing to hesitate, there is no other way." Luo Huai said with a smile, "And I believe in Director Zhong. I feel that even if I lose a few souls, he can tear off the ghost Gu and help me get them back."

He walked into the operating room, and Fu Yue's flowers immediately enveloped Luo Huai.

Because Luo Huai was determined to sacrifice his body this time, the soul lamp was very weak. Fu Yue succeeded in possessing him immediately. The painting turned into a flat piece of paper and was pasted behind Luo Huai. The flowers grow bigger and bigger.

Ghost Gu coveted Luo Huai's body not once or twice. When Zi Gu saw Luo Huai for the first time at the barbecue restaurant, he wanted to take over his body.

At this time, the thing it has coveted for a long time has been snatched away by Fu Yue. How can it endure it

Just like Shen Leshan and other villa ghosts, even if they know it is a trap, even if they know they can't defeat Director Zhong, obsession always controls the ghosts.

It dispersed the big meat ball and sucked Luo Huai and Fu Yue into it.

At this time, team members A and B had already fainted because of Fu Yue's breath. Several villa ghosts had also turned into pieces of paper because of their efforts. Only Shen Leshan had been holding on, but he couldn't hold on at this time and turned into pieces. For a piece of painting skin, it fell to the ground.

Luo Huai thought he would lose consciousness, but he didn't expect that he would be conscious all the time.

Fu Yue and ghost Gu, who had absorbed the power of all the villa ghosts, were playing in his body, but Luo Huai's soul was guarded by a bloody protective shield and was not harmed at all.

This is the power of the talisman left to Luo Huai by the ancestors of the Zhong family.

Luo Huai didn't know what happened when the two ghosts fought. He opened his eyes and found that he could still control his body, but his body felt so heavy and he became so stupid.

He saw his companions lying on the ground, and wanted to reach out to check on everyone's situation. Who knew? At this time, what he stretched out was not his hand, but a bunch of meat ball tentacles, holding down the body of his companions and paper. piece.

Luo Huai: "!!!"

Something more terrifying than losing part of his soul happened. Why could he control Ghost Gu's body

So scary, so scary! Luo Huai was so flustered that he didn't know what to do. At this moment, Zhong Jiudao came with his people.

Luo Huai looked at everyone and his whole body froze.

He wanted to speak, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find Meatball's mouth. He didn't know how to make a sound.

And deep down, he didn't want Director Zhong to know that the ugly ball in front of him was him.

Director Zhong came closer and closer, and Luo Huai was so frightened that he retreated to the corner, shrinking his fat body as much as possible, and actually shrunk the three-meter meat ball into a very dense ball with a diameter of 1.8 meters.

Maybe Luo Huai was too panicked, maybe Fu Yue was defeated by the ghost Gu, or maybe the ghost Gu hated Zhong Jiudao too deeply. It actually released a trace of power to control team member Ding and let him shoot at Zhong Jiudao.

Team member Ding has a strong willpower. He instinctively knew not to hurt Zhong Jiudao, so he attacked the meat ball while being controlled.

Who would have thought that Zhong Jiudao blocked the bullet for Rouqiu, but the shot still hit him.

Luo Huai was so worried that he used all his strength to suppress the ghost Gu so that it could not come out to harm Zhong Jiudao.

At this time, Zhong Jiudao asked everyone to leave the operating room and called him Luo Huai.

Director Zhong recognized him! Luo Huai was very happy, but felt sad when he thought that Director Zhong had seen him like this.

Zhong Jiudao checked the flesh ball and comforted Luo Huai: "Don't worry, it's just that the flesh body of the ghost Gu has wrapped your body. It can come out."

I saw Zhong Jiudao picking up the dagger given by Team B, and without hesitation, he cut three fingers at once, and a large amount of blood flowed out, which was smeared on the peach wood sword.

It was really painful for Tianshi to take blood from his fingertips. Zhong Jiudao never liked doing this, but it was indeed the most powerful.

Zhong Jiudao waved the mahogany sword, and in an instant countless golden-red spells enveloped the entire room. He used the spell array again.

This time the talisman array was stronger than the ones used before, but it was drawn more quickly. During this time, Zhong Jiudao's power also increased. He was no longer the same Zhong who would lose his strength after setting up a mere ten kilometers of visible array. Nine ways.

The talisman array turned into countless golden-red sharp blades and sank into the flesh ball.

Ghost Gu felt the pain and fought back desperately. At this time, Fu Yue's soul was ejected.

She looked at Zhong Jiudao and said, "Master Luo Tian's power has been exhausted. I can't defeat him."

The ghost Gu is stronger than what Luo Tianshi calculated. This is also because of the existence of Zhong Jiudao.

Because Wu Xingze was jealous of Zhong Jiudao, the souls of him and the head of the Wu family were absorbed by the ghost Gu, which allowed the ghost Gu to learn a lot of the Celestial Master's spells and know how to make himself stronger.

The appearance of Zhong Jiudao not only advanced the time of Luo Huai's death, but also made the ghost Gu stronger. The ghost Gu could not be defeated by the essence stone alone.

Without Fu Yue protecting Luo Huai's soul, Luo Huai might be seriously injured if the ghost Gu counterattacks.

Zhong Jiudao frowned slightly. He made up his mind in the flash of lightning and widened the cracks in the talisman array. Several pieces of tissue flew out from the meat and hit the door and wall of the operating room heavily.

Zhong Jiudao retreated as planned, and the remaining pieces of meat were immediately wrapped in golden-red fire and turned into ashes in an instant.

The flesh ball dispersed, revealing a huge red flower. The petals slowly opened, and the unconscious Luo Huai fell out of the flower.

Zhong Jiudao stretched out his arms to hug Luo Huai and kissed his forehead gently.

Fu Yue saw the painting skin falling off Luo Huai's body, and his soul lay on the painting skin and reattached to it.

Zhong Jiudao walked out of the operating room with Luo Huai in his arms. Luo's father immediately rushed up and asked, "How is Luo Huai?"

"I don't know yet how injured his soul is." Zhong Jiudao said to Luo's father.

Zhuang Xinbo asked: "Has the ghost Gu been removed?"

Zhong Jiudao said solemnly: "Most of the souls have been eliminated, but some of them escaped."

"Not completely wiped out? Will the remaining damage be caused in the future? What harm?" Zhuang Xinbo asked.

Zhong Jiudao said: "Don't worry, it will have no future. I will get rid of it completely this time."

"But it has run away." Zhuang Xinbo asked.

"I saw clearly just now that among the souls that escaped, one happened to belong to Wu Xingze." Zhong Jiudao slowly put Luo Huai on the stretcher and revealed the pen in his hand, "His obsession is this. Pen, will definitely come to me again.”