Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 146: The son’s debt is paid by the father


Zhong Jiudao was used to seeing male and female actors being intimate during filming, so he didn't care about holding instruments and bringing a group of people to watch the two protagonists filming a kissing scene. But when it really happened to him, he became very reserved.

There were too many people around, including Zhuang Xinbo, members of Group B, Luo's father, Zhong Hongyan and others. He really couldn't develop feelings with Luo Huai beyond a hug in front of this group of people. He could only rely on the fact that no one else could see and secretly touch the soul lamp that he loved so much.

He restrained himself and let go of Luo Huai, saying apologetically: "You were unconscious at the time, and I was unable to tell you about my plan to fake my death in time. I am really sorry for making you sad."

Luo Huai shook his head. He felt that today was the happiest day.

"I wasn't sad for too long," Luo Huai looked at his watch, "I was only sad for about five minutes, and then you sat up from the coffin. I didn't have time to accept this sad thing."

When most people hear sad news, they resist the news at first, and go through a thought process of “how is this possible?” and “I must have heard/saw it wrong.” Then they slowly accept it, and their emotions gradually develop to the point of grief.

In fact, Luo Huai was still in a state of "How is this possible?" and "This must be fake". In his heart, there was still a glimmer of fantasy that Director Zhong would immediately sit up and tell him "This is just a joke". Then Director Zhong really sat up.

He hadn't had time to feel extremely sad, nor extremely happy. Instead, the way Director Zhong awkwardly expressed his feelings made Luo Huai feel a little secretly sweet.

Is there anything happier than the person you like also likes you? At least? Luo Huai feels that nothing can compare to this now.

He was about to say something when Zhong Hongyan, who was sitting on the ground, asked faintly, "Then? What about me?"

Everyone finally turned their attention to this poor man whose eyes were swollen like walnuts from crying.

Zhong Hongyan had gone through a whole day and night, and had gone through the entire process of being unable to face, resisting, gradually accepting, and feeling great sorrow. He had even cried the entire day with true emotion. He had not yet recovered from the thought of "this was a fake death plan", but he saw that everyone was already preparing to hold a celebration banquet.

Zhong Hongyan experienced firsthand what it meant that "human joys and sorrows are not shared". Zhong Jiudao and Luo Huai were in love and released invisible pink bubbles, and the others were happy to eradicate the ghost Gu, but he was still immersed in the pain of "Zhong Jiudao's death" and couldn't extricate himself.

Seeing his cousin's expression, Zhong Jiudao regained his calm and indifferent demeanor and said to him, "You have made a great contribution to the success of this plan. Without your crying, the ghost Gu would not have been fooled so easily. Now that the matter is over, you should adjust your mood as soon as possible and be strong."

Zhong Hongyan: “…”

His cell phone rang. Zhong Hongyan took a sneak peek and saw the message on it. He immediately broke out in a sweat and his expression gradually turned into one of guilt.

He looked at everyone, and suddenly an idea struck him. He cried out loudly, "So you all knew everything, but you kept it from me alone. I really, hiccup!"

Zhong Hongyan burped sharply, covered his chest and fainted.

Father Luo, a doctor, rushed forward to check. Without any instruments, he could not find any problems after a long time. He could only analyze based on his years of medical experience: "Maybe he fainted temporarily due to the extreme sadness and joy. When he wakes up, comfort him more. He should be fine."

Father Luo said to Zhong Jiudao, "You have been frozen for so long. Even if you have the fake death charm to protect you, your body will inevitably get frostbite. You should go to the hospital for a checkup. Luo Huai, you have also been unconscious for 24 hours. You should get a checkup to be more at ease."

"Okay." Luo Huai and Zhong Jiudao agreed.

Group B went to the car to get a stretcher and a wheelchair, carried the "unconscious" Zhong Hongyan away, and pushed Zhong Jiudao and Luo Huai in a wheelchair. They got in the car and prepared to go to the hospital.

Just as they got into the car and left the funeral home, another car drove into the parking lot and Mr. and Mrs. Zhong got out of the car.

Although Group B did not allow Zhong Hongyan to contact the Zhong family, Zhong Hongyan thought about it and felt that it was too cruel not to let his parents attend the funeral. So he secretly told Zhong's father and mother during the afternoon break and took a photo of Zhong Jiudao lying in the coffin.

Mr. Zhong fainted on the spot, and it was his mother who awoke him by pinching his nose. The two of them naturally couldn't stay at home, so they quickly asked Zhong Hongyi to buy a plane ticket, and they rushed to the funeral home in this small city overnight.

Zhong Hongyi supported Zhong's mother, Zhong Hongqian followed behind them. Zhong's father did not need anyone's support, and he walked firmly to the mourning hall designated by Zhong Hongyan with a cane.

At this time, everyone had driven away happily. Zhuang Xinbo also wanted to check the health of Zhong Jiudao and others first, and then come back tomorrow to collect some of the arrangements in the mourning hall.

For example, the black and white photo of Zhong Jiudao placed in front of the coffin, as well as the name and eulogy on the wreaths and elegiac couplets.

They put on a full show and in order to deceive Gui Gu and Zhong Hongyan, Group B prepared everything completely according to the standards of a funeral. If Gui Gu didn't come tonight, they would even cremate a "Zhong Jiudao".

There were ghosts howling in the mourning hall at night, and the staff of the funeral home did not dare to come to see what was going on. Usually, no one came here, and no one would steal things in the mourning hall. The door here was not locked all year round. When Zhong's father and others found this mourning hall and saw that the lights were still on, they went in directly.

As soon as you enter the door, you will see a huge black and white photo of Zhong Jiudao in front of the coffin.

Mother Zhong's body swayed slightly. Zhong Hongyi and Zhong Hongqian supported her and heard Mother Zhong whisper, "It shouldn't be like this. Jiudao had a very good fate and could at least live to 80 or 90 years old. How could he die young? What happened?"

Old man Zhong was quite stubborn. He didn't need anyone to help him. He walked to the coffin tremblingly with his cane, and put his palm on the edge of the coffin. With tears streaming down his face, he said, "Son..."

He was just getting excited and hadn't even uttered a word of nostalgia when he saw that the coffin was empty. Not only was there no Zhong Jiudao, there wasn't even a hair.

Father Zhong: “…”

Seeing that he looked strange, Zhong's mother helped Hong Qian and Hong Yi to come forward. Seeing the scene before them, she hurriedly said, "Call Hong Yan quickly. Maybe there will be some changes."

Before Zhong Hongyi took out his phone, he heard Old Man Zhong say, "I'll do it."

He called Zhong Hongyan, but Zhong Hongyan in the car was guilty and pretended to be unconscious. He refused to answer the call and let the phone ring.

Zhong Jiudao felt a little annoyed by what he heard. He took Zhong Hongyan's phone and saw that the caller was a man named "Go to hell with your unit of measurement". He didn't know who the call was from for a moment.

The call was so urgent in the middle of the night, it must be something important. Zhong Jiudao thought for a moment and answered the phone for his cousin: "Hello, this is Zhong Jiudao, Zhong Hongyan's cousin. Zhong Hongyan fainted and is being sent to the hospital. It is not convenient to answer the phone. Please leave your message if you have anything to say..."

"Son, son..." The vicissitudes of life voice of old man Zhong came from the other end of the phone.

Zhong Jiu said: "..."

Since he turned on the speakerphone when he answered the call, everyone in the car was silent for a while.

Old man Zhong said, "Son, you... are you a dead body? What did you do to Hong Yan? You must be patient and don't absorb his vitality. You are already a person in the other world and can't hurt others. Go with peace of mind. I, I will bring your tablet home and light a perpetual lamp for you. You will always be my son."

The voice of the head of the Zhong family crying came from the phone. Zhong Hongyan could not lie still any longer. While everyone's attention was focused on the phone, he quietly turned over and climbed down from the stretcher. He wanted to hide under the stretcher, but was grabbed by Zhong Jiudao.

Zhong Jiudao pointed at the mobile phone and asked Zhong Hongyan to explain to Zhong's father.

Old man Zhong? Treat Zhong Jiudao as a resurrected spirit. If he says he is not dead, Zhong's father will just think that his ghost is still lingering and he won't believe it.

Whoever notifies should handle it. Zhong Hongyan needs to explain this matter.

Zhong Hongyan took the phone under Zhong Jiudao's murderous gaze. Before he could explain, he heard old man Zhong say, "Your father knows that you have an unfulfilled wish. You want to lead the Zhong family into a new era. Don't worry, your father will help you realize this wish.

"In the past, I was old and confused, and I was too feudal. I wasted the talents of the younger generations and even kicked you out of the house.

"Your father will be written again in the family tree, and the story of this generation will be recorded in the family heritage, so that future generations can learn from it and not make the same mistakes again.

"I was wrong. You are my proudest son. Even at the last moment, you must not forget the pride and dignity of the Heavenly Master. Don't be controlled by obsession and resentment. Turn back."

The crying voice of Zhong's father came from the receiver. In the affectionate confession of the father and son, Zhong Hongyan felt that it was not appropriate for him to speak and explain, and he returned the phone to Zhong Jiudao guiltily.

Zhong Jiudao listened to his father's old cry and was silent for a while before he said, "I don't blame you. You have received an outdated and decadent education since childhood. It is not easy for you to re-examine yourself and make changes at the age of 50 or 60. If it were me, I might not be able to do it."

"It's still too late for me to reflect on myself, wuwuwu." It seemed that the death of his son broke down the old man Zhong's last line of defense. He burst into tears and let go of his past prejudices.

"Wait a minute, stop crying and give me the phone." Mother Zhong's increasingly calm voice came from the other end.

After a chaotic sound, the phone was in the hands of Zhong's mother. She said, "Jiudao, I heard the sound of a car driving and several people breathing over there. Tell me the truth, are you alive?"

The voice of old man Zhong who was crying nearby suddenly stopped.

With Zhong's mother around, Zhong Jiudao could finally speak without worry: "Yes, I just faked my death to lure the ghost Gu here. Officer Zhuang told Zhong Hongyan not to notify his family, and he told you secretly."

"I'm glad you're okay," Zhong's mother breathed a sigh of relief. "You must have no choice but to choose this method. I understand you. Where are you? I want to see you."

Zhong Jiu said: "I was planning to go to the hospital for a physical examination, but now I have returned to the funeral home."

"No need to go back," said Zhong's mother. "The fake death talisman still has some effect on the body. We should get checked out. We will leave the funeral home and go to the hospital to find you."

The furious voice of Zhong's father came from the phone: "You unfilial son, you actually faked your death and lied to me, why are you going to the hospital? Go back to your coffin! I, I just lost my face, you..."

Mother Zhong said hurriedly: "I'm hanging up the phone. See you at the hospital."

After saying that, she hung up the phone to prevent the old man at home from continuing to curse.

Everyone in the car looked at Zhong Hongyan at the same time.

Zhong Hongyan hugged his weak self distressedly: "Why are you looking at me? Jiudao passed away. Is it wrong for me to inform his family? If I really concealed it and only brought Jiudao's ashes home in the future, how cruel would it be to my uncle and aunt? As a junior, I should let them attend the funeral. Who told you not to tell me?"

He sniffed, looked like "what can you do to me?", and muttered nonsense like "my tears must be paid by my father", looking completely unpresentable.

Luo Huai comforted Zhong Jiu, "Director Zhong, if it weren't for cousin Yan, your uncle wouldn't be able to tell you the truth, isn't this good?"

Zhong Jiudao said, "Wait? When we get to the hospital, I'm afraid he will sacrifice his own family for the sake of justice and ask me to return his tears."

Luo's father sighed, "You don't have to worry about this matter. You helped Luo Luo survive the disaster, and I can't just watch you two kill each other. Leave this matter to me."

Zhong Jiudao said, "Uncle, my father is a very stubborn person. I am worried that he will make things difficult for you."

Luo's mother said, "I don't think he is that kind of person. It's just that you and your son have problems getting along. Just go ahead and get treatment."

Zhong Jiudao didn't know what Luo's father and mother would do, and his heart was full of doubts.

It was not until he and Luo Huai came out of the radiology laboratory that they saw their parents sitting happily together.

Luo's father: "Jiudao is such a good kid. Luo Luo is lucky to have met him."

Father Zhong: "You are flattering me. How can I be good as an unfilial son?"

Luo's father: "Is it really bad? Then I have to reconsider the relationship between him and Luo Luo. I am a little worried about a person who even his own father doesn't think highly of."

Father Zhong: "... No, he's a very good person, I'm just being modest."

Father Luo: "He came to propose marriage this time, so we are considered relatives. How about discussing it? The matter of marriage?"

Father Zhong: "This is indeed a big event. I have to prepare well."

Luo's mother: "I think it's better not to rush into the wedding. Zhong Jiudao is good in everything except his bad relationship with his parents. I'm still a little worried. I heard that people with bad family relationships are more likely to be violent. I'm worried that Luo Luo will suffer. And young people change lovers very quickly nowadays. Maybe they will break up in a few days. Why don't we not talk about the wedding first and let them get along for a while."

Father Zhong: "!!! Who said that our relationship is not good? We have a great relationship!"

Zhong Jiu said: “…” Indeed, the matter was solved very easily.