Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 147: Say no to arranged marriages


The parents of both parties began to discuss the wedding matters, saying that even if they couldn't do it, they would tell the world and make some property agreements.

As long as the household registration is together, each other is responsible for each other, and the property has some indivisible relationship, it is not much different from marriage.

Luo's father and mother are both high school students. Luo's father is even a doctor of medicine. The two of them have very high academic qualifications and often deal with different people. Their IQ and EQ are ridiculously high. They are people who have been through this. They are worried about Zhong Jiudao and Luo Huai. Without the protection of a marriage certificate, their relationship could not withstand the daily necessities of life, so they came up with many ways to help the two people bind their interests.

Old Man Zhong, who never went to high school, couldn't keep up with their thoughts. He would just nod his head, and if he kept clicking, he would soon send himself out.

Seeing this, Zhong's mother was not right. She pushed Old Man Zhong down and went to the battle in person to discuss the marriage with Luo's father and Luo's mother.

Although Zhong’s mother did not go to college, she has been handling all the relationships in the Zhong family these years. Recently, she has cooperated with Group B and learned many ways to deal with interpersonal and property relations than those who only scold "unfilial sons". Old Man Zhong is too strong and is more suitable to discuss marriage with Luo's father and Luo's mother.

Luo Huai hid behind the corridor and listened to their chat, his face getting paler.

"What's wrong?" Seeing his expression, Zhong Jiudao maneuvered the wheelchair close to Luo Huai and quietly held Luo Huai's hand.

Luo Huai said with some worry: "They are discussing the wedding date, saying that the wedding will be held before the year."

"Is it that late?" Zhong Jiudao frowned, "There will be a lot of good days tomorrow in the eighth month of the lunar calendar, and it still has to be delayed for three or four months?"

Luo Huai: "..."

He saw Zhong Jiudao pull out the calendar and began to figure out which day would be a good day. He pinched Zhong Jiudao's hand anxiously and said, "Do you want to have an arranged marriage with me? You obviously don't get married." It’s sort of arranged.”

Zhong Jiudao looked at Luo Huai for a while, looked a little sad and said, "Don't you want to be with me?"

Luo Huai didn't understand Zhong Jiudao's brain circuit, and dragged him to the corner and said: "I have even thought about secret marriage, how could I not want to be with you. But how can anyone get married so quickly? We still... Are you about to get married if you haven’t experienced falling in love, dating and other wonderful things

"If you listen to the issues they talk about, they will soon talk about how to ensure the fairness of the distribution of property between the two in the event of a relationship breakdown. Oh my God, they even have to discuss the ownership of a dollar. It's terrible. !”

"What they discussed is indeed inappropriate." Zhong Jiudao said, "Why divide it so finely? Just write all my property in your name."

Luo Huai was so worried that he almost hit the wall. He urgently needed a father to help translate Director Zhong's words.

No wonder they like each other for so long but still remain in the same place. There is such a big communication problem between them.

Luo Huai asked: "You like me, why not? Ask me first, but first convince the parents of both parties, then talk about marriage, and finally tell me this after everything is settled? Where is the person involved?"

Zhong Jiudao said: "I don't want you to be troubled by family relations."

Luo Huai nodded: "I understand your feelings, but it should be that we have been together for a long time and decided to spend our lives with each other before convincing both parents. Why did you do the other way around?"

Zhong Jiudao was also puzzled: "Why don't you want to get married?"

You should ask Director Zhong why he is so anxious to get married, right? Luo Huai thought for a while and decided to communicate in another way: "Director Zhong, in your mind, what is the most ideal way for lovers to get along?"

Zhong Jiudao thought for a while and said: "When you get married, you confirm your relationship with each other, have close contact, get along with each other inseparable, and love each other until the end of your life."

Luo Huai somewhat understood Zhong Jiudao's brain circuit. He said: "The ideal way for me to get along with my lover is to have a budding relationship with the other person, to like each other tacitly, to fall in love after confessing, and to get along with each other. Deepen your understanding of each other, have an intimate relationship at the right time, live together to confirm your compatibility in life, and finally get married. Don’t you think our ideal order is reversed? What about the things you do when you’re in love?”

Zhong Jiudao was silent for a while and said: "It's too abrupt to be intimate before we are married. I can't control my desire to be close to you. I must get married first."

Luo Huai: "... Director Zhong, what kind of old-fashioned views on marriage and love do you have? You have studied so many love movies, why are you so old-fashioned?"

He finally understood why Zhong Jiudao was eager to get married. Zhong Jiudao believed that intimacy could not occur without getting married. He also wanted to have close contact with Luo Huai, so he wanted to get married as soon as possible, not even before the end of the year. I want to wait, I will get married next month.

Zhong Jiudao felt like he was struck by lightning when he heard Luo Huai say that he was "old-fashioned". You must know that he is the most advanced person in the Zhong family. When Zhong Hongyan and Lian Ziyu were dating online, they thought about their future life without even meeting each other. ?How many? What are the names of the children? He and Luo Huai have known each other for more than a year, and they decided to get married after they were sure that they needed each other.

"Most movies have tragic endings, and relationships that only seek temporary happiness cannot last long." Zhong Jiudao expressed his concerns, "I don't want to go to tragedy with you, and... I don't want to wait too long. "

"No? You don't have to wait for a long time!" Luo Huai took Zhong Jiudao's hand and asked, seeing many people around him, "Director Zhong, have you finished the examination? The result? How was it?"

Zhong Jiudao said: "It's nothing. My body is protected by the power of the Suspended Death Talisman. There is only a slight frostbite on the skin of my palms. Apply some frostbite ointment and it will heal quickly."

"There is nothing wrong after my examination. I am in good health." Luo Huai approached Zhong Jiu and said, "In this case, let's go to a place where no one is around, okay?"

Zhong Jiudao nodded happily. He also felt that there were too many people in the hospital. After he and Luo Huai established their relationship, there were always many people around and they never got to be alone together.

The two threw away their wheelchairs and ran out holding hands while their parents were not paying attention.

Luo Huai took Zhong Jiudao to the underground parking lot, where Luo's father's car was parked.

On the night of July 15th, Luo Huai drove a car to pick up his father. After encountering the ghost Gu, the car was never touched again. Luo's father himself has undergone great changes in the past few days, and he has almost forgotten that he is still there. There's the matter of parking a car in a hospital parking lot.

The cars in Group B have drivers and surveillance cameras, so Father Luo’s car is more convenient.

Zhong Jiudao followed Luo Huai into the car. He thought Luo Huai was going to drive the car and take him away. He was about to sit in the passenger seat, but Luo Huai said, "What are you doing in the passenger seat? Sit in the back."

Zhong Jiudao sat obediently in the back seat. When he saw Luo Huai also sitting in, he asked, "Aren't you driving?"

"Don't drive. I just want to find a place without people to tell you something."

Luo Huai closed the car door and made sure there was no one near the car or a surveillance camera directly facing the car. Then he looked at Zhong Jiudao and said, "Director Zhong, you are wrong about something."

"What's the matter?" Zhong Jiudao asked.

"Close your eyes and I'll tell you." Luo Huai said.

Zhong Jiudao closed his eyes obediently. After his vision was closed, his sense of smell became more sensitive. He felt a faint peach sweetness gradually approaching him. It was the smell of the shower gel Luo Huai bought.

Zhong Jiudao became nervous unconsciously, and his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

He felt something soft and warm pressed against his lips. This feeling was not the first time. Last night at the funeral home, Luo Huai thought he had passed away and cried to him when she confessed to him. Have you ever had this feeling

It was Luo Huai who was kissing him.

The sweetness of peach accompanied by a numbing feeling reached the bottom of his heart. Zhong Jiudao's heart beat violently. In his life, even when he saw the most terrifying and powerful ghost, his heart was not so frantic. Pass.

This time was short and long. Zhong Jiudao felt as if a long time had passed, and at the same time it felt like it was just a moment.

The sweet taste of peach gradually left him, and he heard Luo Huai say: "Can you open your eyes?"

Zhong Jiudao was a little reluctant to give up. He closed his eyes and asked, "Can you please open your eyes?"

"I opened my eyes and stopped kissing. I'm going to drive the car." Luo Huai stood up to open the car door.

Zhong Jiudao immediately opened his eyes, took Luo Huai's hand, and looked at him intently, his whole person full of aggression.

Luo Huai shrank his neck, but thinking that he and Director Zhong were already lovers, he mustered up the courage to ask, "What do you want to do?"

"It's okay," Zhong Jiudao said in a low voice, "You just said you wanted to tell me something, what was it?"

"You're such a smart person, you're so smart about other things, and you can reveal everything at once, but you have to explain your emotions clearly to understand." Luo Huai blushed, and whispered into Zhong Jiudao's ear. , "I mean, as long as things fall into place, you can do it without getting married, and it won't turn into a tragic ending in the movie."

Zhong Jiudao looked at Luo Huai, grabbed his wrist, his eyes brightened slightly.

Luo Huai hurriedly held his hand and said, "It has to happen naturally, when the time, feeling, and place are all right."

"I understand." Zhong Jiudao smiled slightly, looking young and good-looking.

Luo Huai stared at his face for a while and said, "If you always smile like this at my parents, they won't think that you are almost forty years old."

Zhong Jiudao was silently upset at the mention of Xian Lao, but still stubbornly said: "I don't have the mood to smile like this at others."

Luo Huai felt that although Zhong Jiudao was not good at sweet words, every word he said was so pleasant to the ears.

Anyway, there was no one nearby, and Luo Huai couldn't see what was going on inside the car from the outside of his car wrap, so Luo Huai approached Zhong Jiudao again and exchanged the smell of peaches.

I don’t know how long I stayed there, but Zhong Jiudao’s body was covered with the smell of peach. Luo Huai whispered to him, “Shall we run away from the marriage?”

"Okay." Zhong Jiudao smiled, "Let them discuss it? Let's go back to S City and fall in love."

"Yeah." Luo Huai nodded.

The two sent messages to their parents respectively.

Luo Huai: Dad, Mom, you don’t need to worry about me and Director Zhong. We will take care of the emotional affairs. Please postpone the marriage. We want to enjoy the world of two people for a while.

Zhong Jiu said: Father, I won’t go home, I won’t inherit the family business, and I won’t notify the Heavenly Masters when I get married. Luo Huai and I are back in S city. If we get married someday, we will give you a piece of wedding candy.

Zhong Jiu said: Mother, I want to handle the marriage with Luo Huai independently. Please bother me. When the wedding is held, I will ask you to preside over the overall situation for us.

After sending the message, they didn't wait for anyone to reply. Luo Huai asked someone from Group B to hand over the car keys to Luo's father, and took the high-speed train back to City S with Zhong Jiudao.

Waiting for the two of them to return to the villa, Zhong Jiudao took Luo Huai back to the room, hoping to get some more peach flavor.

As soon as the two of them sat on the bed, Zhong Jiudao's hand pressed a small bag.

Luo Huai had this bag on his back all the time, and the people in Group B didn't take it off when they sent Luo Huai to the funeral home.

When Zhong Jiudao and Luo Huai were discussing their views on marriage in the car, Luo Huai carried her bag behind her, but Zhong Jiudao didn't notice.

It was only now that Zhong Jiudao, who was a little confused and infatuated after the incident, noticed this small bag that was always there.

He opened the zipper, tipped the bag downwards, and poured out a few shivering souls.

Shen Leshan: "Director Zhong, we saw nothing and heard nothing."

Skull Ghost: "Director Zhong, you are not as good as me. Before I found my sweetheart, we had been together many times."

Faceless Ghost: "When I was doing intelligence work, I learned many techniques. Does Director Zhong want to learn them?"

Qi Wanlian: "I make men happy the most, whether it's physically or mentally. Director Zhong, do you want me to teach you how to make Luo Huai happy?"

Lian Ziyu: "Actually, I know a lot. I can also sing to help you coordinate the atmosphere."

Luo Huai covered his face, didn't he? He said shyly: "... You, you all saw it?"

Shen Leshan: "It doesn't matter, we don't count as human beings, no one will see your affairs."

Zhong Jiu said: "...get out of here?!"

Several "ghosts" ran out crawling on the ground, and only Fu Yue stayed in the room.

Zhong Jiudao suppressed his anger: "What else do you want to teach me?"

Fu Yue said calmly: "No, I don't have as much experience as them, and I don't dare to do whatever they want. I just want to tell Director Zhong that you will definitely be unhappy after hearing this, but I will be very happy."

"Since you're not happy, I won't say anything." Zhong Jiudao said.

Fu Yue: "No, I have to say it, because even if you are not happy, you still want to know about it. Not only is this the first time Luo Huai has confessed to you, but the person he confessed to last time was someone they Chu Weiran was possessed, but I was not possessed at the time."

Luo Huai: "!!!"

Villa ghosts: "!!!"

Thanks to Fu Yue's informant, all the ghosts in the villa who had possessed Chu Weiran that night were spared, and they all received the "love" education from Director Zhong.

Only Fu Yue, who had not been involved in the Chu Weiran incident, picked up the teacup, poured herself a cup of tea, and sat leisurely in the living room watching the show.

"Sister Fu," Luo Huai said with a grimace, "Why did you tell the truth?"

Fu Yue said: "We have lost Master Luo Tian's power, and everyone's strength has returned to the past. It's hard to tell who is stronger for the time being. I'm not sure whether I can defeat them, so it's better to let Zhong Even though most of their strength has been reduced, I am still the strongest ghost in the villa."

Luo Huai: "..."

No wonder Sister Fu has been the top ghost in the villa for so many years. Even ghosts like Shen Leshan and Qi Wanlian, who have their own merits, can't defeat Sister Fu. It turns out that the most cruel and ruthless person in this villa is Sister Fu!