Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 149: Months passed by in a hurry


Despite being in the team for a long time, Lian Ziyu still performed at a very high level in the gymnastics competition.

This time he sang an ancient song composed by Jiang Fen. When Jiang Fen discovered that no matter how difficult his music was, even Tzuyu could perform it perfectly, the music he composed became more and more beyond the capacity of human beings. Yes, this piece of music is extremely difficult. There is a high note that requires one minute of non-breathing. If Lian Tzuyu didn't need to breathe at all, she might not be able to play this piece perfectly.

Due to Lian Ziyu's popularity on the Internet, this time he received fair treatment and successfully defeated an opponent in the kick-off competition and entered the finals.

Chu Weiran has been following Lian Ziyu with fear. Fortunately, his bald head looks very much like a gangster. As long as he stands next to Lian Ziyu, no one dares to approach, allowing Lian Ziyu to successfully complete the competition.

When Lian Ziyu was singing, Chu Weiran saw someone on the stage who looked a bit like Zhong Hongyan. This person was wearing a mask and a hat, and he also gave Lian Ziyu a bouquet of flowers while he was singing. Chu Weiran was observing in the audience. He couldn't see clearly what this person looked like, but he probably wasn't Zhong Hongyan. Why was he here sending flowers

Chu Weiran forgot about this incident and went home with Lian Ziyu.

Chu Weiran asked curiously: "You didn't go to the swimming pool today, so you can spend one less day in the swimming pool than other ghosts, right?"

Lian Ziyu smiled sadly: "I asked for leave? I will make up for the soaking day in the future?"

Chu Weiran: "..."

He unconsciously touched his bare head and sighed: "When will Director Zhong calm down? What's wrong with him and Luo Huai? It's not settled yet. They both have the same mind. They have been together for more than a year, and the parents of both parties are still together. When it comes to marriage, why not be more straightforward? ”

What time is this day? Sometimes Chu Weiran wants to stand next to Director Zhong and wave the flag and shout "rush up", "hug him", "kiss him", "princess hug him to bed", "you? then "Have your taller legs grown in vain?", "What are your hands used for? If you don't know how to hold or touch them, just chop them up and give them to others." etc.

Of course, this is just a thought. If he really dares to shout out, there may be more than just a bald head waiting for him.

Even Tzuyu is mentally and physically exhausted. Even if he is a ghost, singing can’t be learned just by listening to it once, but requires practice.

For this competition, he practiced singing in the swimming pool every day. During practice, he often made sounds like this: "The words engraved on the bamboo slips... Gulu Gulu... The ancient oath... Gulu Gulu..."

This made him unable to help but think about gulu when he sang high notes. He almost made a "gulu gulu" sound during today's competition. Fortunately, Jiang Fen hid in his ear and reminded him in time, otherwise he would really "Gulu" is out!

"They are busy," Lian Ziyu sighed. "The TV series "Sword Tomb" that Luo Huai filmed before has been aired. Both the ratings and the number of online views are astonishingly high. Although he is the third male lead, , but the character is very affectionate, and he is invited to participate in various interviews, variety shows and activities. Every day, he is either recording a program or on the way to record a program. Director Zhong is also busy in the later stages of film production, and the two of them rarely see each other. ”

It was obvious that they were inseparable during the filming of the movie. During those three months, they were close to each other. If their first confession was successful, they would have gone through many ups and downs. Zhong Jiudao suffered from lovesickness. Every time he missed Luo Huai, he became more and more resentful. The ghost in the villa made Director Zhong miss such an important three months. I'm afraid even if he spent three months, he would be punished. It won't end either.

"They separated?" Chu Weiran was frightened, "How? They can be separated! Don't you know that Luo Huai can't be released?"

"What are you afraid of?, the ghost Gu has been eradicated, and there will be no more terrifying ghosts in this era. Luo Huai's death disaster passed safely, and everything is back to before the decisive battle with the ghost Gu. It's okay. If we collide with ordinary ghosts, those ghosts are not as strong as us. Your holy water can hurt them. Luo Huai's body is covered with magic weapons. Can he be afraid of such a ghost? "Lian Ziyu said. .

Chu Weiran finally felt relieved. He was really frightened by Luo Huai and had a psychological shadow. From the moment he met Luo Huai, the ghosts Chu Weiran encountered every time were at the level of ancient ghost kings, which caused him to forget for a while. , Spirits like ghosts can actually be scared away by silver-plated bullets, crosses, holy water and silver-plated daggers? What a cutie.

"Then what should we do?" Chu Weiran asked, "How about we beg Luo Huai and let him resign from Director Zhong? I remember that he is a very good person, and he should be willing to sacrifice himself for the peace of the villa. Yes?"

"That's what Shen Leshan did last time. He encouraged Luo Huai to pursue Director Zhong. You were also involved that time. What was the result? Don't you still know?" Lian Ziyu said.

Now the villa ghost has been frightened by Luo Huai's fortune. No matter how hard it is, he doesn't dare to speak to Luo Huai and can only endure it.

"It seems that I can only pray that the promotion period of "Sword Tomb" will pass as soon as possible, and that Director Zhong's "The Truth" post-production will be completed as soon as possible. I am willing to invite them on a date at my own expense and book them the best hotel." Chu Weiran prayed .

Probably because Chu Weiran's luck was so bad, his prayers didn't work.

Due to the popularity of "Sword Tomb", Luo Huai has been flooded with resources one after another. Qian Duoqun, who is desperate for money, doesn't care whether Luo Huai and Director Zhong are in love. The two of them need money. There is no need for time to live in the world of two people. The company can calculate a living actor who can move around during the day and does not need to be possessed by a piece of paper. If he does not squeeze him, he will not be Qian Duoqun.

In Jiudao Film and Television Entertainment Company, Zhong Jiudao is only responsible for employee management and focusing on the film business. Qian Duoqun has always been responsible for Luo Huai's film and television resources, and Zhong Hongyi is responsible for business resources. The two of them are inactive. Need to go through the bell guide. With Zhong Jiudao's level of money management, the company went bankrupt in minutes due to his management.

So without Zhong Jiudao knowing about it, Qian Duoqun signed a contract for Luo Huai to be the leading actor in a high-investment drama with a macho costume and strategy.

It stands to reason that such good resources are not available to Luo Huai. After all, he is just getting popular, and all aspects of preparations for this drama have been completed, and the male lead has already been decided.

It just so happens that the male protagonist of this drama is an artist from Darkest Entertainment, and he is also involved in Leng Xiangming's dark industry chain.

When the ghost Gu possessed Leng Xiangming, it took advantage of more than just Geng Fu. His initial body was obtained by his subordinates, and the male protagonist of this drama is one of Leng Xiangming's accomplices.

Team B followed the lead and found the male protagonist. He was arrested as soon as the filming of the TV series started. The entire staff of the drama was thoroughly investigated, and half of the investors were also ran away. This was the most difficult time.

At this time, Luo Huai, a well-established professional actor, appeared. It was said that there were many forces behind him, such as the company of the actor Guan Su, the Wu family who opened hospitals all over the country, and the boss of a mysterious jade mining industry. Luo Huai and other relevant departments are all Luo Huai's backstage. In addition, his new movie is favored by all parties. With him joining the crew, the crew will be able to attract new investment, so they quickly signed Luo Huai. And quickly started shooting.

By the time Zhong Jiudao found out about this, the contract had already been signed, and Luo Huai was about to start filming on set. He had no time to get together with Zhong Jiudao until the Chinese New Year.

Zhong Jiudao also learned about the script through internal connections. In this male-led drama, the male protagonist has emotional entanglements with at least four female characters and seven or eight male characters. The female love line and the male character are all involved. In the good brothers line, although the male protagonist is only with the female protagonist in the end, it does not hinder his complicated emotional line.

Fortunately, this male-led drama still focuses on intrigues, with few emotional lines, and only one intimate contact: a kiss scene, otherwise Zhong Jiudao would probably be angry to death.

Zhong Jiudao knows very well that as an actor, these scenes are inevitable. They are all work, and he does not care about people that much. But he and Luo Huai couldn't just be separated for such a long time as soon as they confirmed their relationship, right

Of course, these are all evils caused by the villa ghosts, so in the following days, the lives of the villa ghosts will be even more difficult.

Shen Leshan is naturally a restless person. In order to protect the rights and interests of the villa ghosts, he went to find someone who had a good relationship with Zhong Jiudao and asked them to take care of Director Zhong and Luo Huai. After all, these two people were talented people. They have just fallen in love, can you help them create some opportunities and romantic scenes so that they can be together successfully

It happens that those people who have a good relationship with Zhong Jiudao are just those people. Let’s see what these people are talking about.

Qian Duoqun: "Love? Can that thing be exchanged for money? Do you know how popular Luo Huai is now? Do you know how much effort I put into hiding his relationship with Director Zhong? He is the career During the rising period, if his lover wasn't Zhong Jiudao, I would definitely come to the house with paint and force them to break up. What's the point of talking about? It's a waste of money!"

Shen Leshan: "You? Live your whole life with money. Goodbye."

Zhong Hongyi: "Romantic scene? What are you talking about? I have never heard of it. I was married to my husband without even seeing what he looked like. On the wedding day? Under the mattress?" The noodles were full of peanuts, red dates, longan, and lianzi, which made my whole body hurt that night. Do you want me to be romantic? Why don't you help them prepare a wedding that doesn't have a "premature baby" under the bed? house?"

Shen Leshan: "It's not time to get married yet, so forget it."

Zhong Hongqian: "When Wu Xingze and I were together, he was very romantic. He often gave me little folded paper things. Every time I had a miscarriage, he would be doubly kind to me. Are you going to Am I ready for that kind of romance?”

Shen Leshan: "Don't cry. I shouldn't ask you."

Zhong Hongyan: "Romantic? You should ask Lian Ziyu about this kind of thing. He is the best romantic, otherwise he wouldn't let me still... Hey, do you think it's possible for humans and ghosts to be together?"

Shen Leshan: "Impossible, you? Give up this idea."

Zhuang Xinbo: "Help? Do you need me to have a wedding or something else? What?? I can invite all the brothers over to applaud and shout for them!"

Shen Leshan: "You'd better stop causing trouble and contribute to the country."

After asking a circle of people, Shen Leshan was a little bit broken. People these days are unreliable and might as well be ghosts.

Fortunately, Zhong Jiudao is busy with the post-production period of the movie and does not go back to the villa to live very often. The villa ghosts can occasionally ask people to help them fish themselves out and dry them in the shade, which can relieve them a little.

Qian Duoqun also helped Shen Leshan receive a drama from the Republic of China period, in which he played a student who gave a speech during the uprising and died heroically in the end. Shen Leshan liked this role very much, and he didn't have to continue soaking in the water, so he happily accepted the role, abandoning his companions who were suffering from the swimming pool.

In this way until the end of the year, Luo Huai finally wrapped up the movie "Go Home", and Zhong Jiudao's new movie will also be released on the first day of the new year.

Also released at the same time was "War" starring Qi Wanlian. The two films met during the Spring Festival of this year.