Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 152: Reasons to go to the concert


Frankly speaking, Zhong Jiudao never thought that the concert would be sold out.

He rented such a large venue to satisfy Lian Ziyu's desire to hold a concert in a large venue so that he could get away with the villa ghosts as soon as possible.

The power belonging to Luo Tianshi in the souls of the villa ghosts has completed their final mission and dissipated in the battle with ghost Gu. This fate that spans the old and new eras has also come to an end. It is time for each to return to his place. .

The obsession of the villa ghosts, who have been in the entertainment industry for a long time and have understood the difference between the old and new eras, has gradually faded away, and all the wrongdoings after their deaths have also disappeared with the ghost Gu's souls.

Ghosts like Qi Wanlian, Shen Leshan, Fu Yue and others who have made great contributions in getting rid of ghost Gu have gained a lot of merit. With these merits, they will surely have a smooth, safe and happy life in the next life, and they will never have to be as bad as when they were alive. So miserable and helpless.

Like the group of balls in the villa, their obsessions have faded to the point where Zhong Jiudao can save them by just making up a formula at random, and the ghosts who have a slight body can also be saved by performing a ritual.

The reason why they are kept until now is that firstly, Zhong Jiudao's own anger has not subsided and he will not let go of these ghosts who are causing trouble all day long until he has been there for a hundred days; secondly, they have been together for more than two years, even if they are cold-blooded Wu Qing, like Zhong Jiudao, has also developed some feelings for these ghosts. He does not want to force them, but quietly waits for them to voluntarily stop being ghosts and leave this era that does not belong to them with peace of mind.

This can be regarded as a rare soft-heartedness from Zhong Jiudao.

Although the concert is a stage for Lian Tzuyu, the villa ghosts attach great importance to this concert. They regard it as a grand team-building event. The players train hard to participate in the concert and strive to achieve success as soon as possible. Transformed from a ball into a ghost, taking on a physical form.

Shen Leshan is the host ghost of this concert, Fu Yue is responsible for the costumes, and Qi Wanlian is willing to be a vase, like a student ghost in life? In some cultures, ghosts who can draw and have aesthetics have painted a lot? Paintings, I hope Zhong Jiudao can find an excellent art director to present these paintings with stage beauty.

Butler Lin said that he can wear "security clothes" and maintain order in the venue, which is his strength. Aunt Yang even cooked several pots of rock sugar and snow pear soup (non-poisonous, non-foaming version) with her own hands, put it in a bottle, sealed it, and distributed it to every audience present, shouting at their concert until they were hoarse. Take a sip to moisten your throat.

The skull ghost brought a group of ghosts who had never read but had a lot of strength to find Zhong Jiudao, saying that as long as they were given a paper man, they could work as coolies to help set up the scene.

The Faceless Ghost said that as long as he is given a Chu Weiran, he can transform into anyone taller than 1.9 meters tall and can be used as Lian Ziyu's dancing partner.

Chu Weiran strongly protested against this.

With the enthusiasm of all the ghosts in the villa, Zhong Jiudao rented the largest venue in S City regardless of the cost. Even if there were no sponsors, he still had to complete the performance just for this unprecedented team building. .

In order to maintain the integrity and unity of Villa Ghost, Zhong Jiudao even invited his father to attend the concert with his eyes. If he is unwilling to come, please temporarily take out his eyes. Eyes participate individually.

In short, people don’t have to come, but the eyes must come.

Because of this request, Old Man Zhong once again had a unilateral quarrel with his son—he was responsible for the quarrel, and Zhong Jiudao was responsible for muting the cell phone.

Later, Luo Huai took the phone and said that he and Director Zhong would also sing a song in friendship and hoped that Uncle Zhong could come to listen to them sing. Luo Huai also said that Director Zhong really hoped that his father could participate in the activities he organized, but he had always been shy and embarrassed to speak.

With Luo Huai speaking softly in the middle, Mr. Zhong finally agreed to attend the concert with his eyes. He also generously became the sponsor and exclusive title sponsor of the concert, advertising Taomujian Orchard, and truly realized it. ?Peach top fluidization.

At this point, Zhong Jiudao was mentally prepared to recruit thousands of lonely ghosts to come to the concert if the tickets could not be sold. Even if there was no one, he would still create a lively scene.

Unexpectedly, the concert tickets were sold out within 20 seconds, which surprised everyone at Jiudao Entertainment.

Zhong Jiudao even suspected that scalpers bought most of the tickets. In order to avoid too many scalpers, he asked the tickets to be merged into one, and personal documents were required to be checked before entering the venue.

He went to the concert Chaohua specifically to check and found that there were not many refunds and transfers, and they were all complaining about not being able to buy tickets.

I tied a time card and the ticket was gone.

When I took a sip of water, the ticket was gone.

I just blinked and the ticket was gone.

When I took a breather, the ticket was gone.

Zhong Jiudao didn’t understand why the tickets were sold so well. He used his trumpet to ask on Chaohua. There were many people alive on Chaohua. Zhong Jiudao’s trumpet liked too many CP posts and added I often post some original CP jokes. Many people follow him, and the weight is very high. Many people can see his posts, and he gets a lot of replies at once.

Why? Why do you ask this question? Haven't you seen the box office performance of "The Book? There Is My Own Truth"

The box office was 4.3 billion, and the number of views on video websites exceeded 100 million in three days after the release. Is it strange that the tickets for this popular concert were sold out

The stupid Zhong Jiudao came up with a trick that unlocked dual endings after the number of views exceeded 100 million. I thought it was an ending where the two of them got together. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Officer Zhong died in exchange for Detective Luo leaving the book. In the end, Luo The detective became a police officer and lived like Officer Zhong. I cried so hard that I used up three packs of tissues, but Zhong Jiudao paid me back the money for the tissues!

Me too. When I heard that it was a concert organized by the murderer Xiao Yu, and that Officer Zhong and Detective Luo were also going to star in a show, I quickly set the alarm and bought tickets. I had to see them alive with my own eyes, otherwise I wouldn’t be happy. of!

After watching the double ending, I cried for Officer Zhong. I wanted to scold the director, but found out that the director was Officer Zhong. I wanted to scold the screenwriter, but found that the screenwriter was Officer Zhong. How can I scold him! I'm furious!

On the other hand, there are many lovers of tragic aesthetics who feel that this ending is more profound and sublimates the height of the movie. After reading their reviews, I immediately became angry.

It's different for me. I'm not a CP fan, but I just heard that Lian Ziyu is going to announce her gender at the concert. I want to witness it with my own eyes.

It’s also a shame that we haven’t been told the gender until now. I thought that the unlocked tidbit with over 100 million views was Lian Tzuyu’s gender. I couldn’t wait to go in and saw that Officer Zhong was dead. I was so angry that I spewed blood on the spot. .

Am I the only one here for Lian Tzuyu? Lian Ziyu sings well? Listen! At that time, the first episode of the masked singing variety show "Born to Die" made me cry. I hoped to hear the live version.

I am also a Lian Tzuyu fan. I heard that the only masked singing variety show is Lian Tzuyu who is in full open-mic mode. She sings completely for real, and her performance is as stable as a CD. Such a singer is worth listening to live.

The first time I listened to "Born to Die", I was at a low point in my life. At that time, all the bad things came together. Sometimes I wanted to open the window and jump out while standing on a high-rise building. Fortunately, I heard "Born to Die" at that time and felt the power of life to survive this difficult period. Now that I think back to my emotions at that time, I feel scared. I like this song and I also like to be able to sing this song. Lian Ziyu expressed it so well, so I want to listen to the live version.

Everyone's reasons are related to the movie "The Truth", but I am different. Shen Leshan's life fans gather!

Life powder +1

Life powder +2

Life powder +500, 500 people are here.

Why? Why do Shen Leshan have so many life fans? Isn't he a has-been actor? Recently, he was filmed dressed in a tacky way and played an unspectacular student character. How could he have so many fans who don't care about his career, but only care about his life

You have misunderstood. Shen Leshan’s life fan does not mean that he is a fan of his life, but that fans cherish life.

Netizens didn’t understand this mysterious group of 500 people, but Zhong Jiudao knew that these were the 500 people Shen Leshan saved at the Guzigui meeting. It turned out that these people had created a group in private and cherished themselves unswervingly every day. Their lives love Shen Leshan. No matter what industry Shen Leshan is engaged in, they love him very much and cherish themselves.

In addition, I have also heard that Qi Wanlian will appear at the concert, and many of her fans bought tickets.

What is bizarre is that an unusually high proportion of these fans are mothers. Some mothers who have bought tickets will even take their children who are just a few months old to the concert. They were produced at the same hospital in the same small city and at the same time. What a coincidence.

Qi Wanlian even entrusted Ji Pan to give a special ticket to a mother. This ticket was for a VIP private room, so the mother could bring her children.

In addition to these groups, there are also some clothing enthusiasts who claim that they watched Fu Yue make the costumes for the concert stitch by stitch. These costumes are like their children, and they want to see their children on stage with their own eyes. look.

The fan base is diverse and very large. Tickets for a mere 10,000 people cannot meet the needs of these fans. Many people rushed to Zhong Jiudao's Weibo and asked him to start a live broadcast online.

Qian Duoqun acted quickly. He quickly contacted the video platform with which they cooperated very well, and the platform will live broadcast the online concert. A small fee will be charged for the online live broadcast.

Due to the large number of people attending the concert, Zhong Jiudao does not need to attract ghosts to come to the concert, but the security of the concert is indeed a problem. After all, there are many ghosts in their venue.

Well, after Special Team B heard about this incident, they simply sent a lot of new team members who had no supernatural cases to organize the scene. These people were professionally trained and they were responsible for security and firefighting work, so they could rest assured. Quite a few?.

As for the ownership of Chu Weiran, after the fierce battle between Butler Lin and the Faceless Ghost, Chu Weiran belonged to Butler Lin.

Butler Lin will attach himself to Chu Weiran and lead the members of Group B to provide a home-like service to the concert audience.

Chu Weiran was extremely angry about this: "You are so vying for my body, have you ever asked me how I feel? I am a human being too!"

Butler Lin touched his moustache and said with a smile: "It's just a piece of clothing. Whoever wears the clothes he wants, can he still resist?"

Chu Weiran: "..."

After being together for so long, the ghosts are still so unreasonable and don't treat people as human beings. Even if their obsession has disappeared and their resentment has dissipated, they are not human after all, and their way of thinking will always be so crazy.

Faced with the crowd of ghosts surrounding him, Chu Weiran hung talisman bullets all over his body, and said to the ghosts as if he was going to die together: "Don't come over here. Don't blame me for being rude if you come over again!"

Chu Weiran told the ghosts with his shiny bald head that he, Chu Weiran, was no longer the young master who allowed 33 ghosts to come in and out. He is a person who has experienced ghost Gu and Zhong family ancestors, and he will not let the ghosts slaughter him.

He, Chu Weiran, is not the wardrobe ghost of the villa!

The group building activities of the ghosts encountered strong resistance from Chu Weiran. Butler Lin was unable to take action against Chu Weiran and had to ask for help from Shen Leshan.

Shen Leshan drank tea leisurely and said calmly: "You have to use your brain in everything. Where? Force it. In the end, you won't pay back? You have to beg me?"

Now, he has finally won the trust of the villa ghosts. Whenever he encounters difficulties, he will come to Shen Leshan for tips.

It's a pity that he has already gained merit and has 500 fans spreading love and peace everywhere for him, so he doesn't need the weak power of these idiots anymore.

However, after meeting each other, Shen Leshan decided to help Butler Lin and came to see Chu Weiran in person.

Seeing Shen Leshan, Chu Weiran was also very nervous. He knew very well that Fu Nengtan could kill many evil ghosts, but he could not resist Shen Leshan's sharp tongue. No matter how hard he resists now, as soon as Shen Leshan opens his mouth, he will nod like a retard and agree to everything Shen Leshan says?!

Chu Weiran held up the Fu Neng bomb and said: "Shen Leshan, we have a life-long friendship. If you dare to cheat me, you and I will be at odds with each other!"

Shen Leshan raised his hand and said calmly: "Calm down, I won't use my power on you this time, I just want to tell you why the villa ghosts did this."

"I won't listen!" Chu Weiran put on his Bluetooth headset and refused to communicate.

But Shen Leshan's words could not be resisted by Bluetooth headsets. Even if heavy metal music sounded in his ears, Shen Leshan's words still entered Chu Weiran's mind directly.

"Do you know why the Faceless Ghost lost to Butler Lin?" Shen Leshan said.

"Isn't it that he still has some revolutionary friendship with me and lets me go for the time being?" Chu Weiran asked back.

Shen Leshan chuckled lightly: "You think too highly of our conscience. If we hadn't been taught many lessons by Director Zhong and Luo Huai, we would be no different from ghost Gu in essence. There is no such thing as conscience. You will be the one in the future. If you want to be the backbone of Group B, remember not to try to play emotional cards with any bad guy, it’s useless.”

When Chu Weiran heard this, he couldn't help but take off his headphones. Shen Leshan's words were very helpful for his future work, and he couldn't help but want to listen.

Shen Leshan said: "For the same reason, Wu-faced Ghost and Butler Lin will not talk about friendship. They will give in just because this is not the last time for Wu-faced Ghost, but it must be the last time for Butler Lin."

"What do you mean?" Chu Weiran asked.

Even Shen Leshan's expression became serious. He said calmly: "Director Zhong plans to hold a large-scale salvation ceremony after this concert to send away the evil ghosts who are not involved in the current world."

Chu Weiran slowly put down the Fu Neng Dan and said in a daze, "Are you leaving?"

Shen Leshan: "To be precise, most of them will leave. Ghosts like the Faceless Ghost who still want to stay and cooperate with Group B and become an excellent intelligence officer will not leave for the time being, but that's all. Very few, Butler Lin, are among the ghosts who left."

Shen Leshan looked at Chu Weiran deeply: "This is the last time you see us."

Chu Weiran put down the Fu Neng bomb, and then gritted his teeth and said: "Why should I feel sorry for you? Look at my hair, who will feel sorry for me!"

Shen Leshan said: "Didn't I say it? Don't talk about your conscience with Li Gui. Of course we won't talk about feelings with you, we will talk about deals. No face ghost gave in automatically, and Butler Lin seemed to have given him some benefits, letting him In the future, you can possess more people, not just you. This is a deal between them. If the ghost gets benefits from you, he can also do you some favors.

"Your first batch of team members are going to Zhongjia Cannian Valley, right? It's not easy to live there, especially since you have signed a military order with Captain Zhuang. If you fail to pass the test, you will be kicked out of Group B. At this time, if you If you ask the faceless ghost for help, you will definitely get a high score."

"Isn't this considered cheating?" Chu Weiran asked.

"The Faceless Ghost is your prop, and it's your ability to help you. Bringing an extra pen into the examination room is considered cheating?" Shen Leshan said.

Chu Weiran was still worried: "Then I'll ask Captain Zhuang first. I will only agree if he agrees."

After experiencing several painful baldness, Chu Weiran finally learned to abide by discipline. He first reported the information to Zhuang Xinbo and asked if he could do this.

After consulting Zhong Jiudao, Zhuang Xinbo gave a reply: "Director Zhong said that spiritual mediums and ghost warriors are also a major sect in the world of heavenly masters. It is the ability of a heavenly master to be able to invite ghosts and gods without harming one's own body. Even if When you bring ghosts into battle, it is also your personal skill and adventure, and it is not considered cheating.”

After receiving permission, Chu Weiran finally nodded.

Chu Weiran gained a lot of merit when he eliminated the ghost poison. As long as he continues to serve the country in the future, no matter how many times he is possessed by ghosts, he will not weaken and die. This hair has grown and fallen out, and I will probably worry about it for the rest of my life.

Chu Weiran stared at Shen Leshan and said, "I know that if I listen to you, I will definitely agree. You are such a poisonous ghost!"

Shen Leshan took out the feather fan that he used to pretend to be a military advisor, fanned it in a pretentious manner, put his hand on Chu Weiran's shoulder and said, "You're not at a loss, are you?"

"Are you leaving this time?" Chu Weiran looked at Shen Leshan, with a trace of reluctance gradually showing in his eyes.

"Guess?" Shen Leshan only left this sentence, and then he went back to his room to practice the host's script.