Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 155: Extra chapter two


Why did he worship the head of a memorial tablet? Chu Weiran didn’t understand, but after a few months of worshiping, his hair really grew again.

When Zhong Jiudao gave him the memorial tablet, the concert had not yet started. During the concert, Chu Weiran was penetrated by Butler Lin for several hours. He was in a state of confusion and did not know what was going on outside. After waking up, he only Seeing those ghosts standing on the stage holding hands and gradually disappearing in the mist, Chu Weiran couldn't help but shed tears when he saw this scene.

They don't know why they cry. In Chu Weiran's understanding, the departure of the villa ghosts is a good thing for them and the world, and things must be placed in their proper place to be correct. .

When Shen Leshan told him that everyone was leaving, Chu Weiran still thought that Shen Leshan, a cunning man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would definitely not leave. The unexplained "guess" was actually a hint that he would stay. Come down.

Chu Weiran never expected that everyone would leave without any nostalgia, leaving only him? He was dejected.

Chu Weiran wiped away his tears and asked the only faceless ghost left: "Why do you think I'm sad? Those ghosts don't do anything for a day. I've been tortured by them so many times. In the early years, just now When we moved to the villa, Qi Wanlian used my body to seduce the friends who came to our house, so much so that the boy still thinks that I like men. He sends me ambiguous text messages every year, and even his friends don’t get it. It’s best if these guys leave!”

For a ghost like the Faceless Ghost who has forgotten most of his emotions, this kind of question is too difficult to answer. He can't say anything and can only listen to Chu Weiran in silence.

Chu Weiran moved into the villa from his home and began to scold the villa ghosts. He continued to scold him until Shen Leshan coaxed him to give up his body before leaving. Nothing goes smoothly for these guys in the world, and they have evil thoughts. Manman, if it weren't for the mysterious luck of Director Zhong and Luo Huai, the things the ghosts in the villa did would definitely be more cruel and poisonous than the ghost Gu.

After Chu Weiran had finished scolding him, he sat down on the ground and said quietly: "But if we get along with each other, we still won't let go."

It's like a friend who grew up together and got admitted to a good university in a different place. He knows in his heart that this is a good thing for his friend, but the separation is always hard to let go.

"Fortunately, I still have you." Chu Weiran said to the faceless ghost.

The Faceless Ghost replied indifferently: "After your test in Group B is over, I will report to the intelligence department. I will not stay in Group B in the future."

Chu Weiran: "..."

Faceless Ghost: "Of course, I belong to Group B and are seconded to the intelligence department. The intelligence department can't control me? Special team members. Group B is responsible for management. But the contact person is not you, but Zhuang Xinbo."

Chu Weiran: "..."

Faceless Ghost: "Hurry up and test it, I'm anxious to show my ambition."

Chu Weiran said angrily: "Don't you say that your words and deeds are not enough? You can only possess me and change my appearance at the moment?"

It was agreed that he should take the leading role, but he was prepared to be bald forever, so why did he leave just like that

The Faceless Ghost replied: "Director Zhong and Luo Huai found the notes of the heavenly master who sealed us in the villa. Through the notes, they learned my real name."

"Can you grow if you know your real name? Is that okay?" Chu Weiran asked.

Faceless Ghost: "No. But they found my address through my real name and also found my cemetery. It turned out that after my death, my comrades snatched my bones, cremated me and buried me properly. The martyrs are buried in the cemetery.”

When he said this, there was a hint of joy in the faceless ghost's voice.

He was unknown for half his life, and was always misunderstood as a traitor when he was alive. It is impossible to say that he does not want to rectify his name. Now that he knows that he has entered the Martyrs' Mausoleum after his death, the Faceless Ghost is very happy.

"Ghosts with corpses have completely different powers than ghosts without corpses. Director Zhong refined part of my ashes into a jade pendant. In the future, I can hide in the jade pendant. As long as I am wearing the jade pendant, I can change him?" The faceless ghost said.

"That's okay." Chu Weiran said.

Faceless Ghost: "Not only that, the jade pendant was still an item from my lifetime. With it, my resentment is greatly reduced. After possessing it, it will only make people a little weaker, and it can be restored with a little care. I won't suffer for another seven days?" restrictions, and I will no longer be bald.”

Chu Weiran: "..."

In the end, is he the only one who dares to fall in love? He is the only one with a bald head!

In order to grow his hair as quickly as possible and impress his teammates, Chu Weiran held Chu Yao's memorial tablet and worshiped it three times a day. Sometimes he would suddenly wake up in the middle of the night, touch his bare head, and get up to worship the deceased.

After two months of worship, his hair finally turned into a fluffy cut and thick hair, and his appearance also improved to a new level.

So strange, why does this thing make hair grow? Chu Weiran thought doubtfully.

It wasn't until his parents came to visit him that Chu Weiran knew the story behind the tablet.

Chu Weiran's parents are very successful businessmen. They are very busy at ordinary times. They neglected to take care of Chu Weiran when they were young, which gradually turned Chu Weiran into a naughty child.

By the time Chu's father and Chu's mother got their business on the right track and had time to take care of their children, the adolescent Chu Weiran had already hung out with a group of people in society, smoking, drinking, and getting his hair permed, and even getting into fights and stealing.

If Chu Weiran's constitution hadn't been prone to ghosts, and if he did something bad, he would have been possessed by ghosts and turned into a schizophrenic psychopath. By the time Chu's father and mother had time to take care of their children, Chu Weiran would have been underage. He has been in the prison correctional center for some time.

Strictly speaking, Chu Weiran's childhood foundation was not well laid, and he was a child who easily went astray. They were able to grow into a relatively upright Miao Hong state, thanks to the whipping and education of the ghosts.

In adolescence, Chu Weiran followed the gangsters to steal a motorcycle. When he turned around, he was possessed by a policeman who hadn't had time to get over his head. He rushed into the police station with the motorcycle and the gangsters' information and took him to the police station. All the brothers were sent to the bureau.

In those years, Chu Weiran had made great achievements, and the most impressive one was when he helped the police break a drug sales chain. Although this was not done voluntarily, he was probably destined to be a bad guy. children.

Father Chu and Mother Chu came to visit their son. They saw that his son had shaved his usually gorgeous hair into a short head. He was a tall and energetic young man. He was extremely happy. He clamored to treat Zhuang Xinbo to dinner and thanked him for his help in discipline. ?son.

Chu Weiran rubbed his head, thinking that if he was forced to have no choice, he would not regard his hair as a treasure.

Thinking of this, Chu Weiran couldn't help but burn incense to Chu Yaonian.

Chu's father and Chu's mother saw Chu Weiran's memorial tablet in the apartment and slapped Chu Weiran on the back of the head: "Every year, I ask you to worship your ancestors? You refuse, so why do you secretly place your great-grandfather's memorial tablet at home to worship?"

"T-grandpa?" Chu Weiran looked at the name on the tablet with surprise. How could Zhong Jiudao have his? Grandpa's tablet

"Our family tree has been lost for a long time. It was re-recorded from your great-grandfather's generation." Chu's father explained.

When he saw that his son was interested in the affairs of his ancestors, he asked someone to take back Chu Yaonian's notes collected at home and give them to Chu Weiran.

"If you are interested in Grandpa's affairs, take a closer look." Father Chu said.

Chu Weiran was really interested. If he knew more about how his great-grandfather could grow hair, he would be willing to memorize Chu Yaonian's notes.

Chu Yao was an orphan when he was young. There were many orphans in that era and no one took care of them. They survived by picking up garbage and abducting others. If they were lucky, they could join the local gang when they were more than ten years old. As a thug boy, you can at least have enough to eat. Those who are unlucky will starve to death before they reach ten years old.

Chu Yao was still called Chu Ergou at that time. He understood some principles of life and was unwilling to steal things with those people. When he was really hungry, he would wash his hands and face and run to those who looked soft-hearted. He begged in front of the lady and his wife, and never got anything to eat.

But this trick is only useful when you are young. After the age of eight, you will no longer be so cute and you won’t have much to eat.

When they were about to starve to death, they imitated those gangsters and stole a child's wallet. The child was walking down the street with his father holding his hand. He looked white and tender. He was so jealous that he stole the child's wallet and bought some food.

Who would have thought that as soon as he returned to the ruined temple where he lived, he would see the child already standing in the ruined temple, muttering: "According to calculations, as long as I wait here, I can wait for my wallet. From the hexagram It seems that a kid two years older than me took the wallet. He had two characters in his name and bought a lot of meat buns.”

The child's eyes fell on Chu Ergou, looked at him? The fragrant meat buns in his hands, bowed politely, and asked: "Excuse me, what is your name?"

"My name is Ergou." Chu Ergou hid the bun behind his back and looked at the child warily.

The child frowned and asked doubtfully: "Shouldn't I be wrong? How old are you this year?"

"Eleven years old." Chu Ergou said bravely and added three years to his age.

"The age is wrong." The child's tender face wrinkled, "You don't look eleven years old."

Chu Ergou: "I don't eat well and I grow small."

The child stared at Chu Ergou and asked, "Can you wipe your face clean? I want to take a good look at you."

Chu Ergou resisted and said, "Why should I listen to you? This is where we lower-class people live. It's dirty and messy. Young Master, please leave quickly, lest you get over your illness and get seriously ill when you return home." field."

The child didn't say anything, but took out six copper coins from his sleeve and stuffed them into Chu Ergou's hands.

If it were normal times, Chu Ergou would have taken the money, but today, he felt guilty and dropped the money to the ground with a shake of his hand.

The child stared at the position where the six copper coins fell and the front and back of the coins. He tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "You went to West Alley today and did something shameful that you never did before. Return to your residence. It looks like you were caught by the real owner, but it turns out this is your first time stealing something?"

They were orphans and beggars who would have their legs broken if they were caught stealing. However, this child had no adults around him and seemed soft-hearted. If he knelt down and begged for mercy, he might be beaten less.

Chu Ergou knelt down without saying a word. Just as he begged for mercy, he heard the child say: "You don't have to pay me back the money, just give me the wallet. Then? The wallet was embroidered by my mother before she was alive, and I want to keep it." "

Chu Ergou lowered his head guiltily: "I threw my wallet away."

There is no evidence left behind when something is stolen. Anything that can prove the identity of the owner of the money is thrown away immediately.

"Then? You have to help me find it." The child said.

Chu Ergou had no choice but to eat a few bites of steamed buns to replenish some energy, then took the child to find his wallet.

In fact, he couldn't remember where he lost his wallet, so he could only look for it along the way back.

But the child is very magical. Whenever he can't remember clearly, the child will let him take two steps and calculate silently for a while, then he can find the accurate direction.

Chu Ergou secretly marveled, already treating the child as a little fairy in his heart.

When they finally found the wallet, it had been picked up by a middle-aged man.

The child's eyes lit up and he rushed forward and said, "Master, why are you here?"

The middle-aged man said gently: "I calculated that you would not be able to find your wallet at the thief's place, so I came here in advance to wait for you."

"Master, you are so amazing!" The child took the empty wallet and put it into his arms with great care.

When Chu Ergou saw the old fairy and the little fairy, he felt an impulse in his heart. He felt that if he missed the two of them this time, he would be just a little gangster in his life.

Anyway, he was thick-skinned, so it didn't matter if he failed, so he rushed forward, knelt in front of the two gods, and begged them to take him away.

The middle-aged man, like a child, asked Chu Ergou to wipe his face clean, and Chu Ergou did so this time.

The middle-aged man pinched Chu Ergou's wrist bone, took a good look at his appearance, and said with a smile: "He has some talent, but it's not worth it for you to come with us."

"I'll have food and drink with you, what's not worth it?" Chu Ergou asked.

The middle-aged man said: "You could have become the overlord of this city and had your own power in these troubled times. You are not a good person, but you still have some conscience. You secretly funded patriots, and you have accumulated some evil virtue." After the war, you took your family property overseas and established a business overseas. You were ninety years old. Of course, because you killed too many people during your lifetime, your children and grandchildren killed each other after your death, and your wealth was taken away by outsiders. , these have nothing to do with you.

"But if you follow us, learn literacy, and understand some principles of being a human being, for these principles, you will die on the battlefield in your twenties. But your descendants will live a lifetime because of the merits you accumulated during your lifetime. Good luck and prosperity for generations.”

Chu Ergou didn't understand most of what the middle-aged man said, and he didn't particularly believe it. He felt that this was the old god testing him. If he failed to pass the test, he would not be able to follow the old god and would not be able to learn the magic of this god.

So Chu Ergou said decently: "It's better to understand the truth than to live a life of ignorance and ignorance. I want to go with you."

"Then don't regret it." The middle-aged man said.

"No regrets, absolutely no regrets." Chu Ergou said.

So the middle-aged man took away the disciple with whom he had been a master and apprentice for more than ten years and changed his name to Chu Yao. They also knew that the child was called Luo Yanqing.

Chu Yaonian didn't know what the name meant at first. Anyway, it sounded more educated and nicer than Chu Ergou.

After many years of learning and writing with their master, they finally understood what kind of wishes the master had in the names Bai Yanqing and Yaonian.

The few disciples his master accepted all had names like this. Later, Zhong Suihe, a halfway monk, came to the sect. The master was able to accept this disciple probably because of his name and his intentions.

Chu Yao was a very talented young man. After studying in the mountains for seven or eight years, he realized that what his master said back then was all true.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu"I regret it so much." Chu Yaonian wiped the non-existent tears, "I only know that if I follow the master, I will have meat to eat, but who knows how many more years I will continue to live in? When I grow up, what will happen to my body? If you have the strength to kill a little boss who bullies me, can he be noticed by his hostile forces and become a gangster leader? "

It is difficult for the heirs of the Luoshu Sect to see their own destiny clearly. The reason why Chu Yaonian can calculate his destiny clearly is because the road has disappeared and no longer belongs to them. Can see clearly what one has lost.

He cried and said regret, but in fact it was not regret.

At least they spent these carefree days in the mountains and became a person who knows right from wrong.

And he could see it most clearly on the entire mountain.

Zhong Sui and the boy stayed in Luo Yanqing's room every night. The two of them discussed academic issues together. They couldn't bear to leave until the moon was above the clouds, and they kept flirting with each other all day long.

Unfortunately, these two people didn't notice their emotional problems at all. They were getting closer and closer, but they just didn't want to break the layer of window paper.

Until their fellow apprentices came down the mountain one after another, Zhong Suihe and Luo Yanqing still didn't understand anything.

Chu Yao was different from them in his youth. He met the person who made his heart beat at the foot of the mountain, got married and had children, and before his death he left behind numerous tips and tricks to help his family escape disaster.

Before his death, Chu Yaonian lay beside the bodies of his comrades, looking at the sky and reckoning with his life.

In this troubled world, he didn't feel ashamed to anyone and lived an honest life. Isn't this much better than the life he originally planned

In the next life, they will definitely be born in a prosperous era, where there will be no war and they can live a life of freedom.

Before losing consciousness, Chu Yaonian remembered something and felt terrible.

He stole Luo Yanqing's wallet and spent all the money in it, but never paid it back.

After the money is liquidated, it will be doubled and returned to Luo Yanqing in the future, also to punish himself for not earning a dime in this life.

It's a pity that they have no time to pay back the money.

After Chu Weiran read Chu Yao's life story, he thought to himself that my ancestor was also a very powerful heavenly master. No wonder I am so talented.

He flipped through the pages and found that Chu Yaonian had recorded everything he had learned throughout his life. If he studied hard, he could become a powerful heavenly master.

Chu Weiran has always wanted to be the top of Group B, so of course he wants to learn, and in two days he will go to Cannian Valley to take the test. He must get a very high score to stay in Group B.

All the techniques left by Chu Yao during his youth required practice since childhood and took several years to learn. It is too late to learn them now.

There is only one spell that can be done quickly in three days, and it is miraculous in breaking illusions.

The method of this technique is to burn and destroy evil spirits.

Chu Weiran: "..."

Depend on! The world is too malicious to his hair!