Those Years I Employed Non-Humans as Actors

Chapter 156: Extra story about three charming girls


The equipment Chu Weiran participated in the test in Cannian Valley was a faceless ghost and a razor.

He prayed silently that he wouldn't have to use the razor.

The technique of burning hair to ward off evil spirits is indeed easy to learn. As long as you know how to use magical power to ignite your hair and have the ability to feel the Yin Qi, you can perform this technique.

The so-called feeling of Yin Qi is a kind of intuition. Some people have keen intuition. After entering a room with heavy Yin Qi, they will feel cold and uncomfortable, and they can even detect something there. This is an innate understanding of Yin Qi. intuition.

People without training can only have a vague feeling. After long-term training and constant stimulation of Yin Qi, they can slowly "see" the distribution of Yin Qi and distinguish the difference between Yin Qi and resentment. .

People without talent will not feel anything no matter where they go. They will sleep soundly surrounded by evil ghosts. This kind of people will not feel the slightest bit of Yin Qi no matter how much they train.

Of course, this does not mean that people without talent will be helpless in the face of evil spirits. In fact, if a person is really so slow that he is completely immune to the illusions of evil ghosts, he will have nothing to fear. This is the case with the political teacher of the Maoshan sect. He relies on the word "mang" to make him doubt life. He has been practicing for many years and is also the one that the members of Group B strive to imitate.

Chu Weiran was born to be a ghost, so he was naturally a talented person. He has been possessed by ghosts so many times that he can feel the distribution of Yin Qi without training. The first level has been passed.

These days, he studied with Zhong Jiudao and learned a lot of ways to use magic power. With Chu Yaonian's notes, he was soon able to use magic power to light his hair. He learned this quick technique. Learning started very smoothly.

The only problem is, Chu Weiran has no hair anymore.

Chu Yaonian believes that the human head is the most mysterious and powerful place, and there is still a lot of power that has not been unleashed.

To hurt people, the ghost must scare people first, and then it can dim the soul lamp by breaking through people's psychological defenses. Zhuang Xinbo can defeat the ghost's confusion by singing red songs. These are all proofs that the brain can restrain the ghost.

The hair that grows from the head naturally absorbs part of the brain's power, so it has the ability to defeat evil spirits.

Hair that is further away from the brain is less effective, and hair that is closer to the brain is more powerful.

Although Chu Weiran's hair is only two centimeters, it is a concentrated two centimeters, an essence of two centimeters, which is as powerful as long hair reaching waist length.

Only the psychological burden on the user is huge.

This is the first time that Group B and the Zhong family have cooperated. Both parties attach great importance to this event. Even people like Zhong Jiudao and Zhong Hongqian who don't go home often came.

Zhuang Xinbo, who was leading the team, saw that Luo Huai was also coming. He stepped forward to say hello and asked, "Why are you here too?"

Luo Huai said: "I'm here to cheer Chu Weiran up."

Zhuang Xinbo wondered: "When did your relationship become so good?"

Luo Huai smiled mysteriously: "Speaking of our relationship, it's been a long time."

He had always felt that the ancestral precept of his ancestors was to sell the house to the Chu family. He knew that there were thirty-three evil spirits in the house, but he wanted to sell this haunted house to the Chu family. Isn't this a scam? After reading the notes of his ancestors, Luo Huai realized that this was the cause and effect of a wallet.

He has a close relationship with Chu Weiran, so of course he wants to come and cheer him on.

"That's right. After all, your family once sold a house to him." Zhuang Xinbo didn't know that the relationship could be traced back a hundred years ago, so he just assumed it was related to the villa.

"Speaking of which, all the employees in your company disappeared overnight. What should we do?" Zhuang Xinbo asked with concern.

Zhong Jiudao replied: "They recorded their withdrawal videos before they left. After all our movies and TV shows are broadcast and various commercial endorsements expire, I will slowly release the withdrawal videos."

The company may be scolded at first, but stars voluntarily leave the industry, and there are many people in the entertainment industry. Soon new people will become popular, and the audience will forget about them and no longer want them. Blame the company.

The only trouble was that the live broadcast video of the concert that day was getting more and more views. Lian Tzuyu announced his gender at the concert. He said that he had practiced acting since he was a child, and in order to sing each role well, he only Will you develop such a look that is suitable for both men and women

Originally, there were only 18,000 people attending the concert, so it would not be fermented out of the circle. However, because the live video was edited and uploaded to video websites, Lian Ziyu's fans grew more and more. Countless music companies, movies and TV series, variety shows, and business endorsements came to her door. Zhong Jiudao had a headache when she refused.

These companies did not believe Zhong Jiudao's statement that "Lian Ziyu quit the industry after realizing her dream of holding a concert" and thought that the price they offered was not high enough, and Zhong Jiudao was not satisfied. As a result, the prices offered by these companies were getting higher and higher. Zhong Jiudao was heartbroken when he saw that he could not make so much money.

Some companies even felt that Lian Tzuyu disobeyed Jiudao Entertainment's unspoken rules and was being hidden. They searched everywhere for Lian Tzuyu, hoping to have the co-star himself file a lawsuit with Jiudao Entertainment to help Lian Tzuyu terminate his contract.

Everyone is dead, where can I find Lian Ziyu

However, there must be a brave man under a big reward, and they actually dug up a video of Lian Ziyu in his early years when he was the king of the sea.

Since Lian Ziyu and the dozens of online dating partners all broke up peacefully by borrowing money, except for Zhong Hongyan, who has a conservative mindset and spent time with Lian Ziyu day and night, the other online dating partners were more emotionally involved and suffered more severely. He didn't hate Lian Ziyu that much, but he revealed the things about Lian Ziyu's disfigurement and borrowing money.

As a result, rumors that Lian Ziyu was abused by the company, cheated by the company's illegal contracts, and owed huge debts became more and more popular. Now Jiudao Entertainment's reputation is so bad that even Luo Huai's fans came to scold the company for treating celebrities. Not good? Zhong Jiudao has already planned to dissolve the company.

"Relevant departments are coming to audit the accounts. I'm so annoyed by them that I don't even have time to think about new movies. I might as well dissolve the company." Zhong Jiudao said.

"There is nothing wrong with your company, and there is no need to disband it. Let me tell the superiors that you just sort out the accounts and submit them for review. I will ask people to speed up the review, and no one will bother you soon." Zhuang Xinbo said.

"Thank you very much." Zhong Jiudao breathed a sigh of relief.

All the main players of the company disappeared overnight, and it was really troublesome to deal with the follow-up public opinion. He is a director, not a businessman, and he is not good at dealing with this kind of thing. It would be great if someone could help.

In order to thank Zhuang Xinbo, Zhong Jiudao decided to help him increase the difficulty of the test.

He used his magic power to draw talismans, forged more than a dozen ghosts, and released them into the Valley of Remnants.

Zhong Jiudao told Zhuang Xinbo: "Practice courage in Cannian Valley is just the most basic exercise. Your group is full of battle-experienced adults. As long as they know this is fake and stay rational, they can easily pass the test and be divided." There is no difference in scores. In the Zhong family, this is a training event for those under eighteen years old.

"If you want to improve further, you must put a few real ghosts into it. Generally, the Zhong family puts in real ghosts, and sometimes they are powerful ghosts that have harmed people. If you are not careful, you will be injured, which is dangerous. The coefficient is too high.

"The ghosts I put in are fake ghosts forged by spells. Even if a team member is stunned or possessed, I can feel it at any time. If there is danger, I will take back the fake ghosts in time.

"I am the only one in the entire Zhong family who can create such a fake ghost that can be compared with the real thing. It can not only ensure the safety of the test, but also adjust the difficulty."

Zhong Jiudao looked like he was welcome.

Zhuang Xinbo: "..."

Without even discussing it, he suddenly increased the difficulty of the test. Do you still want him to say thank you

However, he then thought about it. The risk factor of supernatural cases is very high, so that the team members can feel the danger personally during the test period, and only then can they have a sense of crisis when they actually perform the task.

The last time we dealt with the ghost Gu, if the team members had been more determined, they wouldn't have been controlled by the ghost Gu and shot at Zhong Jiudao.

Fortunately, Zhong Jiudao was wearing a bulletproof vest, otherwise the funeral that day would have been real and not fake.

Zhuang Xinbo accepted Zhong Jiudao's kindness and urgently discussed with Zhong Hongqian how to adjust the test scores.

The score they originally set was the sanity value on the watch. They put the team members into the Valley of Remnants for four hours. The score on the watch was 50 points as a passing score, 80 points as a perfect score, and above 80 points as additional points.

Players like Chu Weiran who have made meritorious deeds need to reach 76 points or above to stay in Group B. Others can pass as long as their sanity value is still above 50 points after four hours.

However, Zhong Jiudao temporarily added 12 ghosts. It is said that 10 of them are ordinary ghosts. They are not very harmful, but they may transform into evil ghosts after being stimulated. They must protect these ordinary ghosts, fulfill their wishes, and help them to be saved. .

There are also two ghosts who are as powerful as villa ghosts. Although their ability to confuse people's hearts is not as good as Shen Leshan's, they are at least at the level of Aunt Yang and Housekeeper Lin.

For evil ghosts, it is required to find ways to capture, seal or resolve grievances. You can beat them to death, but it is best not to.

After discussion, the score was changed to a weighted value of the sanity score and the ghost-catching score. If the sanity score is kept at 30 points, you can pass. The excess score will be included in the total score in proportion. In addition, 10 points will be added for overcoming an ordinary ghost. Living with a fierce ghost adds 20 points. If several people join forces, the points will be distributed according to the degree of contribution.

Chu Weiran brought the Faceless Ghost with him, originally thinking that Cannian Valley was just to scare people, but with the Faceless Ghost reminding him, he could definitely stay rational and pass the level easily. Unexpectedly, Zhong Jiudao temporarily raised the difficulty level, and Chu Weiran was dumbfounded on the spot.

He asked the faceless ghost: "Can you beat the evil ghost that Director Zhong used a spell to forge?"

Faceless Ghost: "I'm just an auxiliary ghost who can change people's appearance and provide certain information, not a combat type."

The implication is that he can't be beaten?, Chu Weiran? His eyes went dark on the spot, is he really going to burn his hair

Due to the increased difficulty, Zhuang Xinbo will also follow the team members to the Valley of Remnants this time. Each team member was given two talisman bullets that can seal evil ghosts, a gun with six bullets, and a pair of wireless headphones. .

The wireless earphones play red songs that can help team members increase their mental strength and improve their sanity in times of crisis. However, the power of the wireless earphones is enough to last for an hour, and there will be a power outage if it times out.

Weapons are issued to team members to deal with evil ghosts. Once the bullet accidentally hits an ordinary ghost, the resentment of the injured ordinary ghost will increase and turn into evil ghosts, which will increase the difficulty.

In addition, Zhong Jiudao, an unscrupulous examiner, set up a ghost wall barrier outside Cannian Valley. If all the evil ghosts are not subdued, the team members will not be able to leave. In other words, the time has been extended indefinitely. If you encounter danger and are rescued by the examiner, it will be regarded as failed.

Chu Weiran was dumbfounded when he heard this rule. If other team members fail to pass, they can go back and practice again and take the exam again. He is wearing a hat to play. Once he fails, he must leave Group B.

Moreover, he has a Faceless Ghost attached to him, and he cannot use the wireless headphones that other team members can use, unless he disregards the Faceless Ghost's safety and wants to save the Faceless Ghost.

Regarding Chu Weiran's predicament, Zhong Jiudao said this: "If you want to pass the exam by enslaving ghosts, you will have to bear the consequences of enslaving ghosts. Do you really think that the heavenly master completely enslaves the ghosts? The ghost contract is originally Mutually, the Heavenly Master is also bound by the contract."

Chu Weiran had no choice but to put down the wireless earphones. He might as well not wear them at all, lest he couldn't help but want to listen.

Since he couldn't use wireless headphones, Chu Weiran decided to apply another buff to himself.

He ran to Luo Huai, held Luo Huai's hand, and said seriously: "Give me some of your luck. Just say, 'Chu Weiran, you will be fine.' Give me some luck." "

"Do you think I'm an NPC with added status in the game?" Luo Huai couldn't laugh or cry.

"I believe in your luck." Chu Weiran looked very serious.

"I can give you a blessing, but..." Luo Huai felt the new cause and effect gradually taking shape, "Are you sure you want to owe me such a blessing?"

I don’t know what I will use to repay it in the next life

"Please, please." Chu Weiran, who was completely unaware of the promise he made, begged, "I can't leave Group B."

"Okay." Luo Huai held Chu Weiran's hand and said, "No matter how difficult things are, you will turn them into disasters and pass the test with high scores."

Chu Weiran always felt that he was protected by some kind of spiritual god, so he happily waved to Luo Huai and went down to the Valley of Cannian.

A total of 21 team members, including Nobuhiro Zhuang, entered the Cannian Valley. They were placed in different locations.

Zhong Hongqian is now an external expert of Team B. She puts on a communicator and sits on the podium to give instructions to the team members at any time.

The team members are all wearing communicators and cameras processed by Zhong Jiudao using the manifestation talisman. They can record everything in Cannian Valley and transmit it to the main station in real time. These videos will also be used as teaching videos for future team members in the future. They are very precious. material.

Zhong Hongqian's task is to use her rich experience to give instructions, but if she encounters a very powerful ghost, the signal will not be transmitted, so Zhong Hongqian is not very useful.

Zhuang Xinbo saw many bloody scenes in Cannian Valley. Thinking of Zhong Hongqian watching from above, he instinctively reached out to cover the lens.

Zhong Hongqian noticed that Zhuang Xinbo's camera was dark and asked: "Zhuang Xinbo? Can you hear it? Are you in any danger? Why is the camera black?"

Zhuang Xinbo said: "I haven't encountered any danger, I just don't want you to see the things in Cannian Valley. It's too bloody and makes my heart sick."

Zhong Hongqian was silent for a moment and reminded Zhuang Xinbo: "Officer Zhuang, I am from the Zhong family. I have been in Cannian Valley since I was 6 years old."

The youngest member of the Zhong family to enter Cannian Valley is Zhong Jiudao, who entered Cannian Valley at the age of 3, followed by Zhong Hongqian who entered Cannian Valley at the age of 6.

In fact, Zhong Laoer asked Zhong Hongqian to enter the valley at the age of 3, so that he could surpass Zhong Jiudao in everything. But this was too inhumane. Zhong Hongqian's mother protected her child for three years. When she was 6 years old, Zhong Laoer couldn't bear it anymore and threw her daughter into the valley and asked her to stay there for seven days like Zhong Jiudao. ?.

Zhong Hongqian cried, hated, and asked for help in the valley, but no one came to save her. It wasn't until she finally couldn't bear it anymore that she fainted at the bottom and was rescued by Zhong Laoer.

That time, Zhong Hongqian, who was only 6 years old, stayed in Cannian Valley for three full days, which was already the best result of the Zhong family except Zhong Jiudao.

But Zhong Lao Er was not satisfied. He scolded Zhong Hongqian for being useless and useless. If he hadn't given birth to such a useless daughter, he would have surpassed Zhong Lao Er and became the head of the family. It was all Zhong Hongqian who affected his future.

Zhong Hongqian was so frightened that she had a fever of 40 degrees. It took a whole week for the fever to subside, and she lost half of her life. When she woke up, she received no praise from her father, only an angry scolding.

She naturally thought that she was too useless. Later, when her father no longer secretly went to the valley to stay, she wanted to surpass Zhong Jiudao's record.

Slowly, she no longer feared the Valley of Cannian, nor did she think it was scary. Anyway, these residual evil thoughts would never hurt her as much as Zhong Laoer's reprimand.

If you stay in the Valley of Cannian, you can at least pretend to be hardworking and motivated, and at least you don't have to listen to your father's scolding.

She feels at ease in the Valley of Cannian and doesn't feel sorry for herself.

At this time, she heard Zhuang Xinbo say: "That's different. I can't continue to inflict violence on you just because you are used to this kind of mental violence. The more a person is beaten, the pain threshold will increase. , he won’t feel too much pain if he hits him again, but the damage to the body remains the same, it’s just that the tolerance has increased.”

"But even if you turn off the camera alone, there are still 20 team members." Zhong Hongqian smiled.

Zhuang Xinbo ordered: "Everyone, turn off the cameras."

Zhong Hongqian said: "Everyone, please don't turn off the camera. You are the first batch of team members in Group B who have been systematically trained to deal with supernatural events. Every video you record has an educational effect on future members. Zhuang Xinbo, I understand. With your good intentions, I won’t be afraid.”

In fact, she wasn't afraid in the first place, but with Zhuang Xinbo's words, Zhong Hongqian felt like her 6-year-old self was protected by something.

Zhuang Xinbo had no choice but to turn on the camera.

In fact, he knew that Zhong Hongqian was stronger than all of them here, but he just couldn't help but think of her, want to be good to her, and take care of her.

It's a really strange feeling.

Everyone continued to explore downwards, and Zhuang Xinbo encountered the first ghost, which was a little girl. She was sitting and drawing pictures. The pictures she drew were all weird monsters. The monsters were hurting a ball, and the ball was rolling around on the ground. Go get dirty and ugly.

All the pictures drawn by the little girl turned into real monsters, which looked very scary. The team members who were with Zhuang Xinbo felt that this was a ghost and raised their guns to shoot, but were held down by Zhuang Xinbo.

"I think this is an ordinary ghost." Zhuang Xinbo said.

It stands to reason that Zhong Hongqian should have given correct instructions at this time, told Zhuang Xinbo whether his judgment was correct or wrong, and given reasonable temptations and precautions.

But when she saw the little girl, Zhong Hongqian was stunned.

She looked at Zhong Jiudao who was standing aside and asked, "What the hell is this?"

Zhong Jiudao said: "I can't make up ghosts with different personalities out of thin air. These fake ghosts are transformed by absorbing the thoughts of everyone present. Some belong to the Zhong family, and some belong to the team members themselves. As for the ghost society? I don’t know what it will look like, because these are all transformed by Can Nian.”

Zhong Hongqian looked at the little girl. This child looked so much like her when she was a child.

Could it be that what Zhuang Xinbo encountered was her regret

At this time, the team member who was with Zhuang Xinbo asked Zhong Hongqian: "Expert Zhong, what should we do next, please give instructions."

Zhong Hongqian was stunned for a moment. She looked at the little girl playing with the ball, opened her mouth, and could only say: "I don't know."

She didn't understand herself, and she didn't know how to dissipate this lingering thought, let alone whether it was a powerful ghost or an ordinary ghost.

At this time, the little girl looked up at Zhuang Xinbo, her face was bloody. She smiled at Zhuang Xinbo, showing one of her missing front teeth, and said, "Uncle, I can draw well. See?" her father said. My paintings are good or ugly, and I don’t know how to satisfy my father.”

Zhuang Xinbo vaguely felt that if his answer was wrong this time, the little girl would most likely transform from an ordinary ghost into an evil one.

He took out a wet wipe from the emergency bag and wiped the little girl's face. Only then did he see that her face was bloody because she had many scars from being beaten.

He said softly: "The painting is very good. I have never seen such a powerful painting."

The little girl is very happy.

At this time, Zhuang Xinbo wiped the ball clean with a wet wipe, put it in the little girl's arms and said, "You just have to be kind to yourself occasionally."

"I'm sorry, I'm too stupid, I can't wash the ball." The little girl lowered her head and said in frustration.

Zhuang Xinbo said: "That's not the case. You are a child and you are still in the learning period. It is normal for things to happen. You can be more willful and let me clean the ball for you. After all, I am relying on you. The master of spectrum."

"But my father said, I am a big fool and have no future if I don't know how to do these things." The little girl looked at Zhuang Xinbo, waiting for his answer.

Zhuang Xinbo said: "A person who can say such things is not a reliable adult. I don't want to think about what he would do when he was five or six years old. He only knows how to ask others. You are great."

Under this compliment, the hurt on the little girl's face disappeared. She smiled at Zhuang Xinbo and said loudly and bravely: "Uncle, I like you."

"I like you too." Zhuang Xinbo said.

The little girl smiled slightly, turned around, transformed into Zhong Hongqian, and then disappeared.

Zhuang Xinbo was stunned as he looked at the little girl's figure.

On the other side of the camera, Zhong Hongqian looked at the video and murmured: "It turns out that what I need is that simple."

It's ridiculous that she hasn't figured it out yet and has been controlled by her inferiority complex for so many years.