Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine

Chapter 101: you deserve it




Princess Anguo hurriedly walked down the Panlong stone steps clock, accidentally slapped her foot, and followed her female officer hurriedly stepped forward to help. Princess Anguo didn't care about etiquette at this moment, she pushed the female officer away, strode Go to the gate of the palace.

On the other side, Yu She strode out, he just wanted to see Zhong Wan now.

Today's event, if there is ten credits, then Zhong Wan alone will account for nine points.

The way Bei Di came out was too right.

Yu She has been holding on to this matter all the time. Zhong Wan has no personal or physical evidence in her hands. Today, she wrote the word "North" in Zhong Wan's palm in a hurry. Yu She actually didn't have much hope.

It wasn't originally planned that way.

But at that moment Yu She felt that this might be the best time.

It's not that Emperor Chong'an couldn't support himself, and he would never count on himself. He must have sensed the imminent imminent arrival of the end, and realized that Yu Mucheng and Xuan Rui were involved, so he was forced to help himself. To win over as a confidant, to be entrusted.

After all, on this matter, in the eyes of Emperor Chong'an, he and he were on the same position.

But in such a short period of time, it is too difficult to get the blood book, destroy the parts related to him just right, and then use the right person to send the evidence to the imperial front.

But Zhong Wan did it.

This is the first accident.

The backlash of the hatred of the past came too fast, and like a rolling stone, the rotten bone of Emperor Chong'an was completely smashed. He actually suffered a stroke. This is the second accident.

In the first incident, Emperor Chong'an completely lost a son who could succeed him, and in the second incident, Emperor Chong'an lost the bargaining chip to threaten Yu She.

Therefore, Yu She can now have enough confidence to leave Emperor Chong'an aside.

In the past few months, Yu She had pretended to be a dutiful son enough, and when he thought that Emperor Chong'an had bypassed him to coerce and lure Zhong Wan before, Yu She felt an indescribable disgust in his heart.

There are always people who don't treat others as human beings, and take the things that are most cherished by others and rub them around without caring, and take pleasure in this.

Shi Jin, Zhong Wan's master and apprentice only have a little bit of obsession, and they don't want to fulfill it. Why do they deliberately take Zhong Wan in front of him and tease him like a dog? !

Is it fun

Even today, they still don't see themselves as human beings, and they don't see Zhong Wan as a human being.

Then he doesn't have to serve himself, and let Emperor Chong'an blow the cold wind to understand, the world has changed, whether he really has the confidence.

Yu She left the palace gate. At the gate of the palace, the coachman from the other courtyard of Yu Wangfu had already brought the carriage over. Yu She was about to get on the carriage, but Princess An Guo was chasing after him all the way, and finally rushed before Yu She got on the carriage. come up.

Princess An Guo pulled over Yu She's sleeve and said anxiously, "Listen to me!"

Yu She turned around, ripped open his sleeves a little, looked at Princess An Guo coldly and said, "Don't count on me, it's still too late for the princess to find Yu Mucheng now."

"It's not there yet! Listen to me first!" Princess An Guo looked around and gave her female officials a wink impatiently. The female officials hurriedly greeted the surrounding guards and coachmen to step down.

In the dim light of the morning, the two aunts and nephews stood facing each other.

"Listen to me, I already understand it." Princess An Guo was afraid that Yu She was going to leave again, so she stopped in front of Yu She's carriage and quickly said, "The emperor's edict is not for you to be in Zhong Wan in the future. He was born with hands and feet, didn't he? He used this to threaten Zhong Wan before, but Zhong Wan didn't agree, so he became impatient and stopped discussing with you, and he wanted to completely stop your idea, right?"

Princess An Guo nodded nervously, "Yes, the emperor also knows that only the edict read by the couple of officials at the end can bind you... Yes, that must be the case."

Yu She's face was cold, and she looked at Princess An Guo detachedly.

"You listen to me first, this matter is not without discussion, the emperor has regretted it." Princess An Guo said, "The second edict is now in my arms, as long as you don't want to, this edict will never have a fourth See it personally, I swear!"

Afraid that Yu She would not believe it, Princess An Guo hurriedly took out the edict from her arms and showed it to Yu She, and said, "It's true, I'll leave another edict to the emperor. When it comes to that edict, I swear, there isn't a single word in that edict that mentions Zhong Wan, it's an edict that seals you as the crown prince!"

"Child." Princess An Guo lost her voice with tears in her eyes, "As soon as the sun rises, you are the crown prince!!!"

Yu She's heart was not disturbed at all, he looked at Princess An Guo indifferently, and raised a hand to her.

Princess An Guo was busy handing the edict in her hand to Yu She, but just before handing over, Princess An Guo paused and said in a daze, "Ziyou, do you really want to tear it up?"

Yu She didn't want to say a word of nonsense to Princess An Guo, "If the emperor and the princess haven't made up their minds, they can find someone else."

"Wait!" Princess An Guo hurriedly said, "You don't have to blackmail me anymore, I believe it, you are really willing to give up, and the emperor believes it, but you have waited so long for today, don't care how much you listen to it. Did I say a few words? Listen to me, or let me send this edict back, or tear him up on the spot, it's up to you!"

Yu She looked at the eldest princess An Guo indifferently, wondering what else she had to struggle with, let alone why she would send the edict back to her madness.

"Ziyou, I'm not speaking for the emperor, I can only count on you now, I want to plan for you, you believe me... This imperial edict is definitely not just for revenge for Zhong Wan's rebelliousness, at the juncture of life and death, He's not confused yet." Princess An Guo grabbed Yu She's wrist again and lowered her voice, "The emperor went to the palace before and performed such a stabbing scene in order to get rid of Prince Yu and get rid of me by the way, But in the final analysis, it is still paving the way for the new emperor! Including this edict."

"Ziyou." Princess An Guo looked at Yu She deeply, "Believe it or not, if it wasn't for those few princes who died, if it wasn't for the emperor's lack of energy, he would definitely kill Zhong. Wan, it will never be as simple as cutting off his career."

Yu She nodded, "Should I thank him? Didn't we cut the weeds?"

Princess An Guo was at a loss for words, "I don't want to say this to you, and I'm not here to be a lobbyist for the emperor. I just want you to wake up a bit and think about whether this edict is helping you."

"You are only one step away from that big position now, and if you take this step, the world will be yours! On that day, we won't be able to control how you want you to spoil him, gold, silver, mansion, whatever you reward, you will place him I'm afraid no one can control you in the harem! Isn't that enough? Why do you have to make him an official?"

"Such a person, once you let him go to the imperial examination, with his talent and your promotion, it will become a trend in the future." Princess An Guo said solemnly, "Ziyou, you tell me, and then later. After more than ten years, decades, how do you weigh the relationship between him and the future prince?"

"On the day when your fate is exhausted, how can you guarantee that the person who supported you all the way to the throne, and who held your countless pain points, will not be the next Yu Mucheng?"

"Is there anything I can think of that the emperor can't think of?" Princess An Guo lowered her voice, "Ziyou... Now that someone has been a villain for you, you should follow suit, won't you?"

"What you want is Zhong Wan. After today, Zhong Wan will be yours, and you can completely hold him in your hands! In the future, whether you want the queen or how many concubines you want, or even want more Other men... He can't help you! He can't threaten your heir, what harm does this will do to you?"

"You were just overwhelmed by your momentary affection..." Princess An Guo looked at Yu She expectantly, and said earnestly, "Child, have you figured it out now?"

Yu She completely understood, he sneered, "The technique of the emperor..."

"The emperor is a little revengeful, I can see it." Princess An Guo said, "But I can also see that he is paving the way for you in the long run! Moreover, the emperor is so jealous of Zhong Wan, among which... "

Princess An Guo said, "Isn't it your own fault?!"

"Since you were in your teens, how many bastards have you done for Zhong Wan?!" Princess An Guo still hates Zhong Wan for messing with Yu She's marriage, otherwise Yu She would marry a wife and have children early, and there might be no future. She took a deep breath and continued, "How did you act blatantly and recklessly in the past six months? You dare to call him a 'wife' to the outside world, what do you want to do? ?! There are many of you in the family, but who do you think dotes on a man so much?!"

As soon as Yu She's eyes moved, her heart was suddenly pricked.

He smiled and repeated, "Young master from a family..."

Princess An Guo frowned, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laugh at Princess Chang's memory." The corner of Yu She's mouth twitched slightly, and he said softly, "Zhong Wan, he was originally a son of an aristocratic family."

Princess An Guo suffocated.

"Speaking of which, I have nothing but the blood of the royal family that came from the wrong way." Yu She glanced down at himself and asked Princess An Guo, "Is there anything better than him?"

"He came from a prestigious family, with a noble bloodline. He was raised by the prince when he was young, and taught by the emperor after he was enlightened. His talent, fame, and virtue of a gentleman...I can't compare at all." Yu She looked at the eldest princess of An Guo and asked, "Forget it. Who? Who ruined him, eh?"

Yu She couldn't hold back the hatred in his chest. He looked at Princess An Guo, "Mother..."

Yu She's lips trembled slightly and she choked, "I'm going back together, it was originally the right match."

"We are a couple made in heaven." Yu She tore off the lantern hanging on the carriage, the horse neighed, Yu She copied the edict in the hands of Princess Anguo, and lit the edict with the light, Yu She lit the edict. The flames in his hands reflected his handsome face like a ghost. He stared at Princess An Guo, "Tell me, who ruined us? Ah?"

Princess An Guo was taken aback and took a step back.

"After Guiyuan left, it didn't take long for me to go insane, but I occasionally have a sober time, thinking about the unfinished words he left me, and wanting to go to him..." Yu She's voice was hoarse, "but I deserve it. You hurt him so much, am I still worthy to find him?!"

Yu She's demeanor was a little crazy, and he vaguely heard a voice in his mind saying to him: You deserve it.

"That's it, I always hear such phantom noises, I imagine that I never hurt him..." Yu She shook his head and said to himself, "But no, you made me unworthy of him..."

The voice in my head came again, "No, you deserve it."

Yu She shook her head, "I don't deserve it."

"It fits."

Yu She threw all the flames in his hands on the ground, "No..."


Yu She smiled wryly, "Look, I heard it again."

"..." Princess An Guo looked around anxiously, "I think I heard it too."

Yu She was stunned.

In the carriage, Zhong Wan awkwardly lifted the curtain, "Ziyou, were you talking to me about folk songs just now?"

Yu She: "…"