Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine

Chapter 12: The world can't afford to be without profit


Zhong Wan fought wits and courage with Yu She in the library during the day. After returning home, he was in a bad mood. He lay down early in the evening. He slept less and slept early.

When I first came to Beijing, I heard Lin Si talk about what happened to Yu She in the past few years. Zhong Wan still had a glimmer of hope. It was the emperor and the others who were too arrogant and spoiled Yu She. He was only in his teens, and the young man's temperament was uncertain. Anything could be possible when he grew up, but in the past half month, Zhong Wan had been in contact with Yu She twice, and Zhong Wan was secretly frightened.

The current Yu She, with a surly temperament, has an air of prey in his eyes that he can't hide, as if he is ready to pull everyone to death at any time.

Where did this deep resentment come from

Zhong Wan was resting on his arm, disturbed, and when he was about to get up to light the lamp, he heard the sound of the window lattice rattle slightly.

Zhong Wan held her breath, and after a while, someone tapped three times outside the window.

Zhong Wan breathed a sigh of relief, got up and put on his clothes, got out of bed and opened the window, Lin Si turned over lightly and came in without making a sound.

"What are you doing here?" Zhong Wan lit the lamp and said softly, "I didn't tell you, I won't call you, don't come here."

Lin Si saluted Zhong Wan, and before he could find a pen and paper, he gestured, "I have found out about the matter of little prince Yu.

Zhong Wan quickly walked to the table and wrote: How

Lin Si gestured: First, ask the master, do you know the birthday of little prince Yu

Zhong Wan nodded and wrote: He was born on the 16th day of the third month of the first year of Tianhe.

He ate and lived with Yu She for half a year. At that time, Yu She was still young and wore a peach wood talisman to ward off evil spirits. Zhong Wan remembered that the small wooden sign was engraved with "March Birth". Wan once teased Yu She with the small wooden sign and asked him his birthday, and the young Yu She himself said it himself.

Lin Si gestured: Are you sure about the master

Zhong Wan paused, frowned, and wrote: What do you mean

It's just a piece of wood to ward off evil spirits. It can be invited from any temple in Beijing, so naturally it can't be used as evidence.

And how can this be determined? Zhong Wan didn't watch Yu She was born, and Yu She was born in the Huangling Bie Zhuang when the eldest princess of An Guo was guarding the spirit of the late emperor. In the past, it was an old imperial doctor in Huangling Bie Zhuang who delivered the baby temporarily. Few people knew what the situation was. They only knew that the eldest princess had a premature and difficult birth, and it took a long time for her to recover. Can't have children.

Lin Si gestured: The birthday of Little Prince Yu is slightly different from what I found recently.

Zhong Wan's heart palpitated suddenly, he vaguely guessed something, but he didn't give up.

Zhong Wan sat down and whispered, "You say it."

Lin Si sign language: On the side of the Fourth Highness, I have been secretly investigating Yu Xiaowang's life for the past few years. I have put in a lot of efforts, but I have achieved nothing. The Fourth Highness has no such thoughts in the past year, but recently, the Fourth Highness has been placed in the fifth place. The spies on His Royal Highness learned some inside information.

A cold light flashed in Zhong Wan's eyes, "Everyone is investigating... Heh, Yu She is Xuan Qiong's cousin, and even he is investigating..."

Lin Si nodded and continued to gesture: "Because of the closeness, it is much more convenient, so we have found more than us. The Fifth Highness found that Princess Anguo was the doctor of Taiyu Yutai Hospital in June forty-seventh year. After the happy pulse, the pulse case of the year is now in the mansion of the Fifth Highness.

The forty-seventh year of Taiyu, the year the late emperor left.

Zhong Wan frowned, that's fine.

The eldest princess became pregnant in June, and the late emperor passed away during the first month of the new year. At that time, the eldest princess was overwhelmed with grief during her pregnancy, and almost had an accident. Later, she went to the imperial mausoleum and gave birth to Yu Yu in March. amnesty.

Lin Si gestured: The key is, His Royal Highness found out that in March of that year, there were no babies born in the Imperial Mausoleum Villa.

Zhong Wan's heartbeat gradually accelerated, he was suddenly a little dizzy, calmed down, and wrote: Evidence

Lin Si gestured: Few of the people who served at the Huangling Villa are still alive. I have been searching hard to find one or two. They are also rough servants, and I don't know the inside story. Lingbiezhuang did not hear a cry.

Zhong Wan endured the dizziness and wrote: Maybe Yu She was not born to cry? Wasn't he born premature? Babies born early are frail and may not cry much...

Lin Si shook his head: That's not right. If you are really weak and can't cry, then the imperial physicians should be very busy. After all, this is the eldest son of the eldest princess and Prince Yu, but the people sent by the queen mother came in and out, and there was no Seeing how eager they were, I even heard that the mammy who served the eldest princess spread a message that the eldest princess was afraid of seeing the light and could not be blown by the wind after giving birth, so no one had ever entered the delivery room.

Zhong Wan took a deep breath and wrote: When did you hear the cry

Zhong Wan looked up at Lin Si and asked with some hope, "April?"

The natural birth should be in April, or the record is different.

Lin Si shook his head.

Zhong Wan wrote: May

Lin Si continued to shake his head.

Zhong Wan's fingertips trembled slightly: June

Lin Si gestures: The eldest princess has been raised in the imperial mausoleum village until July. At that time, the servants who were originally serving have been replaced for several rounds, and even the guardians of the mausoleum who have alternated from generation to generation have been replaced. The rough servant found by the Fifth Highness was exchanged at this time. On the day he left, he finally heard a cry at the Emperor's Mausoleum.

Lin Si wiped the sweat from his forehead and signed: That day was the fifteenth day of the seventh month.

Zhong Wan put down the brush in his hand.

Princess An Guo was diagnosed with a hi pulse in June of the first year, and the child came out on July 15 of the next year... This is not hers anyway.

July 15th... Ghost Festival, the worst day.

Lin Si sign language: After the servant left, I heard someone say that the steward of the Imperial Mausoleum Villa was looking for a wet nurse.

Lin Si said again: After another two or three days, Princess An Guo returned to Beijing with the little prince.

Zhong Wan's face was silent, and he quickly wrote: Did you bring anyone who couldn't see the wind when you came back? Are there any special people around Princess Anguo? After returning to Beijing, did the eldest princess arrange for someone to go to Zhuangzi to raise her

Lin Si shook his head: No, nothing. The people brought back by the eldest princess have names and surnames, and there is nothing special about them.

Zhong Wan gritted his teeth.

That woman was obviously dealt with on the day she gave birth to Yu She.

Lin Si gestured: There are two possibilities, the status of the biological mother of the little prince Yu is extremely low, and the eldest princess has no worries and doesn't want to be troubled in the future, so he took care of her easily, or...

Zhong Wan thought that there was another possibility that "her" identity could not be seen.

As long as the world sees "she", it will be able to know more secrets.

Who is this person

Zhong Wan didn't have time to think about this now. He looked at Lin Si and wrote seriously: Is it possible to steal the pulse case from Xuan Qiong

As long as the pulse case is destroyed, this old affair can be judged to be a muddled account.

The birthday can be mistaken, the eldest princess can forget it, as long as it cannot be proved that the eldest princess An Guo was pregnant in June.

For a lifetime, as long as the iron evidence on one side is destroyed, they will never be able to find out.

Lin Si looked at Zhong Wan in embarrassment.

Zhong Wan smiled wryly, confused.

Such an important thing, Xuan Qiong will not let people take it easily, and even if the case is stolen through Lin Sizhen, it will naturally fall into Xuan Jing's hands.

In the hands of the two of them, it is actually the same.

Xuan Qiong wants to be the prince, but Xuan Jing doesn't want to

Emperor Chong'an's preference for Yu She had long raised suspicions from others. While the fourth prince and the fifth prince were tit-for-tat, would he secretly speculate that he was making wedding clothes for others in this fight

What if Yu She's biological father was Emperor Chong'an

If the mountain tomb collapses in the future, what about Emperor Chong'an's edict before his death, indicating Yu She's life experience

Those years of open and secret struggles have become a joke, haven't they

If Yu She is really the illegitimate son of Emperor Chong'an, once Xuanjing and Xuanqiong find out the truth and feel embarrassed, he will be the first to get rid of him.

Zhong Wan gritted his teeth, "His situation..."

Lin Si knew what Zhong Wan was thinking, and persuaded: Now it is only confirmed that Prince Yu was not born by Princess An, but he doesn't know who his biological father is, and can't decide what to do.

Lin thought to a possibility and gestured: maybe, the emperor will die in the future, it's really the little prince Yu...

Lin Si pointed to the sky, and the meaning was self-evident.

Zhong Wan had a splitting headache, "Did you forget Prince Yu?"

Lin Si didn't react for a while.

Zhong Wan picked up the writing brush and said quickly: Prince Yu is Xuan Qiong's uncle! A son of someone else, a nephew of your own, if you were him, who would you support? !

Lin Si was no more transparent than Zhong Wan, and after thinking for a moment, his heart sank.

Lin Si hesitated for a while, and said uncertainly: The master is saying that Prince Yu has actually been...

Zhong Wan was exhausted: "I don't know..."

Zhong Wan looked at the beating candlelight and said lightly, "I only know that the world can't afford to be without profit."

Lin Si had to reluctantly console: everything is still speculation.

"If this group of people finds out anything, it will be too late."

Zhong Wan threw all the papers on the bookcase into the charcoal basin, the flames licked up, and roared up to a foot high.

Zhong Wan said: "After the Longevity Festival, you will return to Qian'an with a few children, and I will stay in Beijing."