Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine

Chapter 27: Okay, let's get out of the car and go home? !


Zhong Wan felt that he was really unfavorable.

Finally got the chance to face the saint, before he could resign on Xuan Rui's behalf, someone suddenly came from outside to say that the fifth prince Xuan Qiong had fallen into the water.

Zhong Wan was startled, and suddenly remembered the rumors these days that the princes were ordered to commit yellow spring water.

Emperor Chong'an's face changed suddenly, and he ignored Zhong Wan and said sharply: "Where is the person who followed Xuan Qiong?! How did he let him fall? How is Xuan Qiong now?!"

The guards who came to report could not bear such a big guilt, and kowtowed: "The people who followed His Royal Highness and the guards who patrolled the pool have all been detained. How can we still have a detailed trial? Concubine Yu and the imperial physician have already passed."

Emperor Chong'an was so anxious that he ordered people to see Xuan Qiong, and then asked people to bring Xuan Qiong's entourage.

Zhong Wan should have retired at this moment, but he really wanted to know whether Xuan Qiong's annoying thing was dead.

Not long after, Xuan Qiong's entourage was brought up, and the entourage was soaked in the lake water from the waist down, and before it was time to change, she was shivering from the cold, and she couldn't speak very well.

Without waiting for Emperor Chong'an to ask questions, the entourage slurred the matter just now and explained it lightly. He didn't mention what Xuan Qiong had said, but only said that Xuan Qiong had been waiting outside the hall for a long time, and his legs were numb, so he went to Bibo Pool. While walking, when I came down from the viewing pavilion, I happened to meet Yu She, and without saying a word, she was pushed into the lake by Yu She with a different expression.

When Emperor Chong'an heard about Yu She, his face became even worse, "Ziyou is fine, what is Tui Xuanqiong doing?"

Xuan Qiong's entourage kept kowtowing, crying and shaking his head, saying he didn't know.

Emperor Chong'an wanted to scold his followers for being confused, and the followers cried and kowtowed: "Yu Xiaowang always behaves differently from ordinary people on weekdays, and I don't know why I'm out of breath today, but... even if there is something unsatisfactory, take it. It's good for the villain to let out his anger, how can he push His Highness? I blame the villain for not being able to protect His Highness..."

Emperor Chong'an remembered Yu She's usual absurd actions, hesitated for a moment, stopped questioning his followers, and ordered people to see Xuan Qiong.

Xuan Qiong's attendant wiped away a cold sweat and felt a little relieved. He was glad that Yu She had done many absurd things in the past. People are not allowed to investigate thoroughly, let alone investigate deeply, so... It is possible to obscure the words Xuan Qiong said before falling into the water.

Zhong Wan stood aside, turned his head to look at the entourage, and asked in a deep voice, "Is it the little prince Yu who went mad for no reason, or did you lure the fifth prince to the water because of poor service? pushed the fifth prince. into the water?"

Emperor Chong'an was startled, and then he remembered that Zhong Wan was still here.

Zhong Wan knelt down and said, "The Fifth Highness is in a coma now. I don't know what will happen next. It is related to the life of the prince, and Xu is also related to the drowning of the three previous highnesses. Please the emperor thoroughly investigate."

Emperor Chong'an was silent for a moment and asked the old eunuch, "How is Qiong'er?"

The old eunuch shook his head, his face full of sadness: "Rescue is rescued, but she is still in a coma. Concubine Yu almost cried to death, and she is making a fuss... Let the little prince Yu die."

Emperor Chong'an rubbed his brows and said after a while, "Ziyou probably hasn't left the palace... Bring him."

Zhong Wan thought, Yu She, you had better not push Xuan Qiong into the water when you were happy, otherwise I would be doing such a disservice, and you will probably anger me for a while when you come back.

Zhong Wan glanced over Xuan Qiong's entourage who was kneeling on the ground, feeling that he seemed to be shaking more than just now.

This slave really didn't tell the truth...

Zhong Wan's heart was calm, but he couldn't help feeling cold for Yu She.

Yu She's background is complicated, those who know the inside information are kept secret, others don't know the inside information, they only know that his identity is not ordinary, and no matter what he does, Emperor Chong'an will take care of him in order not to mess up the old things.

Yu She himself would not necessarily explain anything for himself.

Therefore, any black pot can be thrown at him.

But no matter what his background is, is this his own choice

Zhong Wan recalled what Butler Feng had said before about Yu She's life and death over the past few years, and suddenly began to wonder if Yu She did all of those things himself, or did others see him intent on seeking death, adding fuel to the flames, and killing people with a knife

Seven years ago, Yu She had never even heard of Menghan medicine, so how could he know what Hanshisan was

Did he find those medicines himself, or did someone else know that he had desperate thoughts and lured him to take them

Just like Yu She... It's too easy to kill him.

Zhong Wan looked at the servant who was lying on the ground and couldn't stop trembling with anger in his chest.

Even a servant dared to pour dirty water on Yu She.

Not long after, Yu She, who had just arrived at the gate of the palace, was stopped and brought over.

Yu She's expression was natural, as if he was not the one who pushed Xuan Qiong into the water, but when he saw Zhong Wan, he hesitated for a while, and then his expression was normal.

Emperor Chong'an asked, "You pushed Xuan Qiong into the water?"

Yu She nodded: "Yes."

Obviously don't want to explain anything.

Xuan Qiong's entourage seized the chance of survival and kept kowtowing, only blaming himself.

Emperor Chong'an had a headache, "What are you going to do? Alright..."

Yu She glanced at the entourage on the ground, sneered, and wondered what hat he had been detained this time.

Yu She said lightly, "I saw that he felt disgusting, so I pushed him down."

Emperor Chong'an said angrily, "You!"

Zhong Wan gritted his teeth, this bastard!

Yu She was too lazy to argue, and he didn't want to repeat a word of what Xuan Qiong said. Anyway, Emperor Chong'an wouldn't treat himself.

Yu She raised her eyes to look at Emperor Chong'an, a trace of impatience welling up in her heart.

He didn't believe that Emperor Chong'an could not guess why he was going mad.

Every time it's because of those Chen millet rotten sesame seeds, what else can be explained

Emperor Chong'an was afraid to hear this, so he said impatiently.

If you can be vague, everyone is fine.

Anyway, Xuan Qiong is not dead, and he is under house arrest at most, what else can he do

Yu She was about to plead guilty, but Yu Guang glanced at Zhong Wan and was stunned.

Zhong Wan was looking at him anxiously.

Yu She has calmed down at this moment, and he knows that it is 80% Zhong Wan who said something, and Emperor Chong'an will pass on himself to ask in detail.

Zhong Wan waited for a long time and couldn't hear a word from Yu She, and he was so anxious that he wanted to argue for him. He looked up at Yu She, and saw that Yu She was actually looking at him.

Looking at each other, Zhong Wan was stunned for a moment, and heard Yu She frowned and whispered, "Nosy."

Yu She was silent for a while, as if she had made a great deal of determination, and said irritably, "Please, the emperor, please screen the idle people and wait."

Emperor Chong'an nodded, and Zhong Wan, the "idler and other people", was politely invited out.

Zhong Wan expected that Xuan Qiong probably said something that he couldn't listen to, and Yu She was willing to defend it, so it was probably all right.

Zhong Wan was waiting outside the hall, watching Concubine Yu enter the hall with a sullen look on the imperial doctor's face, and then Pear Flower came out with a flash of rain.

After a while, Xuan Qiong's entourage was dragged out, and the old eunuch lowered his eyelids and explained in a low voice: "The Holy One is merciful, only fined a hundred pieces, take him to receive the punishment."

The guard outside the hall agreed, and the old eunuch hummed slowly again: "This is the person who offended the little prince Yu. You know something, don't make the little prince Yu unhappy."

The frightened attendant heard that he was going to silence, so he was so scared that he screamed, but the guard covered his mouth and nose and dragged him down.

The old eunuch turned to look at Zhong Wan, and said gently: "I don't want so many things happened today, it's really a coincidence, the emperor probably doesn't have the energy to talk to you, so Master Zhong doesn't need to wait here, the old slave will send you Get out of the palace."

Zhong Wan nodded and followed the old eunuch out of the palace.

On the way, I heard the old eunuch and the young eunuch who followed him chatting softly.

"The concubine Yu is really confused. The emperor is so angry that he insisted on breaking in. In front of the young prince Yu and so many servants, he was reprimanded by the emperor for a long time, and made a scene of shame..."

"Niangniang is confused, the emperor is taboo for her to tell the Fifth Highness those things that have no shadow, but she just doesn't listen, and now she bumped into the tip of the knife, now it's alright, it's not her who taught it, but it's her who taught it. ."

"Yu Xiaowang is also in good spirits today, and he said so many things."

"It's that servant who is bold. No matter what others say, he dares to say that Prince Yu is moody. Isn't it courting death?"

Zhong Wan let out a sigh of relief and thanked the old eunuch when he arrived at the gate of the palace. The old eunuch smiled and said softly, "It's cold, Young Master Zhong, be careful not to catch a cold."

Zhong Wan nodded, thinking that this journey should be told to me.

The eunuchs around the emperor had no personal preferences, and the people they respected were the people that Emperor Chong'an cared about.

The old eunuchs are so partial to Yu She, they should also know the inside story.

Zhong Wan was very confused, and was about to leave when the old eunuch who sent him out smiled again: "Master Zhong, take two steps slowly."

The old eunuch took two steps forward and said with a smile: "Tell Master Zhong a joke you just heard. It's not important. When the old slave says it, when Master Zhong hears it, don't get angry or take it seriously."

Zhong Wan frowned, "Father-in-law, please speak."

The old eunuch bowed his body and said slowly: "The servant who killed Qiandao just now said that before the fifth prince fell into the water, he was discussing with him that he would pretend to be a servant of Prince Yu's mansion, stop Young Master Zhong at the gate of the palace, and abduct Young Master away. ."

Zhong Wan's eyes trembled.

"I don't know if it's true or not. Just listen to what the dog slaves say. But you see, the little prince Yu made such a push..." The old eunuch looked out of the palace and said with a smile, "Now the gate of the palace is peaceful, it's all right. Yet?"

Zhong Wan felt as if someone had been stabbed in the heart, and it was painful.

"So, Young Master Zhong, let's go in peace. It's getting late. After getting off the bus, Young Master will be home." The old eunuch bowed and took the little eunuch away.

Zhong Wan tried his best to get on the carriage without any hesitation. The words of the old eunuch lingered in his ears for a long time, making his internal organs hurt.

His son Yoo...

Cold sweat broke out on Zhong Wan's forehead, and he bent down unbearably, took a deep breath, and recovered after a while.

Zhong Wan rubbed his face, calmed his breath, and made up his mind that no matter how Yu She chased him, he would stay.

He was worried.

It was already dark outside, and after a long time, the carriage slowly stopped.

Zhong Wan got out of the car and looked up at the plaque in the courtyard of Prince Yu's Mansion, speechless for a long time.

Okay, let's get out of the car and go home? !