Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine

Chapter 33: Our good wheels are gone!


Zhong Wan said with difficulty: "What you said is..."

Yu She said: "Really, you were so light on me that night."

Zhong Wan looked up at Yu She's eyes, Yu She's expression was not joking at him, but a faint sullen look in her eyes.

Yu She wasn't teasing herself, it should be true.

Zhong Wan collapsed... Did you let go like this in your dreams? !

Is this really empty in the room

He actually gave Yu She to...

No, Zhong Wan tried his best to keep his tone natural, and said bravely: "If you don't force me to abduct me to your house, and don't sit on my bedside in the middle of the night like a ghost, can I take you lightly? !"

Yu She looked at Zhong Wan coldly: "You continue to argue, I'll listen."

Zhong Wan gritted his teeth and said, "I fell asleep, but you didn't, can't you push me away?!"

Yu She's eyes trembled slightly, as if he was holding the fire, "You've been holding my waist! How can I push? One over your shoulders and throw you to the ground?! Will you fall to death? Or throw you into the lake to wake up? With your broken body, can you stand it?"

Zhong Wan insisted: "You also know that I am a sick seedling. How energetic can I be when I fall asleep?"

"You're in good spirits." Yu She clenched the words in his hand tightly, "Trench my robe loose."

Zhong Wan flatly denied: "Impossible! I never like to be next to others when I fall asleep. I used to sleep with Lin Si in the same bed, and it's okay to put a bowl of water between us!"

"But it's really not the first time you've torn my clothes. Can you help me recall a little bit?" Yu She laughed angrily, "I used to just tear my clothes, but now... You don't admit it? Well, you slept that night. Did you drink jasmine tea before?"

Zhong Wan: "…"


Butler Feng was probably afraid that he wouldn't be able to fall asleep after drinking the tea, so he didn't ask anyone to prepare ordinary tea leaves, and only put a few jasmine flowers in the teapot.

Zhong Wan lost his arrogance and stammered: "I really kiss, kiss..."

"It's not just a kiss, you also..." Yu She stopped looking at Zhong Wan, paused, and gritted her teeth, "Do you really want to hear me in detail?"

Zhong Wan blushed and said, "No need!"

Yu She took a deep breath, calmed down for a moment, then frowned, "This is the last time, and if there is another time, I won't let you go."

Zhong Wan was at a loss, why didn't he let it go

Zhong Wan said embarrassingly, "Next time... you push me away."

The words came back again, and Yu She's face darkened again.

Zhong Wan's Adam's apple moved, not knowing which of his words touched Yu She's backlash again.

Yu She closed her eyes and said after a while, "I can't push it away."

Zhong Wan thought you were farting.

Yu She seemed to be enduring something, and after a while, she said coldly, "Zhong Wan... I don't want to get too close to you, and I don't think you want either."

Zhong Wan was stunned, when did he not want to

Little Prince Yu... has he started talking to himself again

Zhong Wan looked at Yu She cautiously. Unexpectedly, Yu She was not in a state of madness, but was much more normal than usual.

Yu She lowered her eyes: "I am very clear in my heart now, and what I say to you now, you should keep it in your heart."

Zhong Wan stammered, "Okay, okay."

"What have you said or done in Qian'an over the years... I will not pursue it."

"I don't care what you say or do in the future. Compared with the words you made up, I did a lot more things in Beijing... My reputation is my own corruption, and I never care about it. ."

Zhong Wan was tired and suddenly ached.

"Only one point." Yu She raised her eyes, "Don't be too presumptuous, love yourself more, and don't delusionally think that it is the same as in the book and how it really is with me."

Zhong Wan choked.

Yu She frowned, "Don't always think about those unclean things! Put your mind on your Qian'an..."

Zhong Wan's heart sighed: "Qian'an has nothing to do with me anymore. I'm going to Beijing this time... I'm not going to go back right away."

"No." Yu She's expression changed immediately, "After the funeral, you and Xuan Yu will immediately return to your fief."

Zhong Wan finally couldn't bear it any longer, "Did you push Xuan Qiong into the water that day because you heard him say what to do with me?"

Zhong Wan really didn't understand, "Sir, you... don't you think you are a little capricious?"

"I'm just capricious." Yu She suddenly laughed, "I see... I'll talk to you well, you don't like listening, you just like me being so cynical, right? Zhong Wan, I haven't seen you for many years, what are you adding? What's wrong?"

Zhong Wan didn't want to embarrass himself, so he swallowed the words that came to his mouth immediately, and instead asked, "You don't have any friendship with me, do you? At least there is still some love for classmates, right?"

Yu She stopped talking.

After a while, Yu She said in a deep voice, "Whatever you think... If I have thoughts on you, and you seduce me many times, are you not afraid of what I will do to you?"

Who the hell seduced you? ! ! !

Zhong Wan held her breath in her heart and blurted out, "I'm not afraid."

"You!" Yu She's eyes turned red, "Zhong Wan..."

Zhong Wan was startled and cried out in pain, what happened to Yu She? ! Is this guy crazy? !

Yu She suppressed for a while, "If I really want to be with you, will you still be able to leave?"

Zhong Wan was hurt by Yu She's stomach, "I said, I didn't want to leave!"

"No." Yu She whispered, "If you want to sell your body, I can return it to you, and write a document for you, so that you can be completely freed from slavery."

Before Zhong Wan could speak, Yu She got up, and Zhong Wan wanted to get up, but her legs were numb.

Yu She put on a fur coat and hurriedly said, "These days, you have been reflecting in this spiritual shed and thinking about it carefully... Should you be so frivolous."

Zhong Wan's lungs hurt, he looked around, trying to find something to hit Yu She, the table was too heavy, the charcoal basin was dangerous, and the spirit flag was too light...

Before he could find it, Yu She had already left.

Zhong Wan sat on the mat, clenching his teeth and beating his long legs, cursing in his mouth.

After leaving the Third Prince's Mansion, Yu She's hand was still shaking slightly.

He got into the carriage and said with difficulty, "Don't go yet."

Naturally, the coachman did not dare to move, and the servants who followed the carriage were not surprised, and stood in the snow without saying a word, like a group of iron terracotta warriors.

Yu She sat in the car, feeling unwell and having a splitting headache.

That night, the image of Zhong Wan hugging him and hugging him lingered in his mind, and entangled Yu She, which made him still have the urge to rush into the mourning hall and tie Zhong Wan back to the house.

Yu She recalled what Zhong Wan had just said with hatred, and Zhong Wan he...

It would be great if he really just wanted to use himself to help the King of Qian'an.

If so, what are you going to endure

But he knew his character well and knew that Zhong Wan was not that utilitarian.

Yu She gritted his teeth, and after a while, he recovered. He lifted the curtain of the car and instructed in a hoarse voice, "That spiritual shed... I just said that I will come here every day, and no one else is allowed to enter."

The person who followed Yu She agreed and said hesitantly, "Then Young Master Zhong..."

Yu She frowned, and the servant hurriedly said, "Yes, of course, I want to let Young Master Zhong go, but do you also let people burn charcoal every day like this? Those sheds for servants don't burn charcoal inside..."

Yu She said impatiently, "Burn!"

The boy hurriedly agreed.

Yu She's heart was even more annoyed. He breathed a little too quickly, and he couldn't help thinking of that night when Zhong Wan closed his eyes, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and kissed his lips.

Yu She was really shocked at the time.

But the thing that doesn't know how to live or die dares to... lick the gap between his lips.

Could it be that he also read a lot of scriptures, or where did he learn these Meng Lang's actions? !


Did he really take a concubine

Or, what kind of relationship did you have in Qian'an

I learned these things from others, but I seduce myself...

Yu She's eyes turned red, and he sneered twice. He suddenly wanted to know who Zhong Wan was in love with.

On that day, Zhong Wan himself said that he did not take a concubine.

Naturally, Zhong Wan's words are not credible...

Who will it be

Xuan Rui's useless bastard must not dare, who else

Yu She didn't know anything about Qian'an, and only met a few prefects of the prefectures. He felt that Zhong Wan would not let him go and hook up with people with vague appearances.

Or was it found in Beijing

Yu She looked out of the car, and happened to see Xuan Qiong's car.

Xuan Qiong said that day that Zhong Wan would be kidnapped.

What are you going to do

What else can be done

How are you with Zhong Wan

"When they get in, unload all the wheels of Xuanqiong's carriage." Yu She's voice was cold, "Don't leave any of them, unload them all... Bring them back to the house."

The generals suspected that they didn't hear clearly, what is it

"Isn't he going to abduct Zhong Wan?" Yu She said to himself, "I told Xuan Qiong to walk back by himself. Let me see how he abducts... Could it be possible to hold hands and lead him back?"

"Hold hands..."

Yu She's expression turned a little worse, "Whatever, go back holding hands... I'll freeze him to death."

Yu She was in a bad mood and suddenly reprimanded, "Didn't you hear?!"

The person who followed Yu She had seen a lot of great things in the world, and he hesitated for a moment after hearing this order, but when he thought about Yu She's temper, he reluctantly said, "Yes!"

Yu She lowered the curtains and inside the carriage, after listening to his long sigh of relief, the generals secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After a stick of incense, Yu She's people carried the wheels that had just been unloaded, and went back to the mansion with a mighty force.

Zhong Wan was occupying a spiritual shed by himself. Yu She had just been here, and no one dared to come in again. He was so happy to be clean, sitting on the mat and burning on fire worrying.

Although Yu She's sanity was a little off, he wasn't really crazy, Zhong Wan was sure.

If nothing else, the Tian family is ruthless, if Yu She really became a lunatic, would Emperor Chong'an indulge him like this

It would be good not to imprison him to death.

Such indulgence is bound to have a purpose.

Therefore, Emperor Chong'an must have known the reason why Yu She acted rebelliously.

"As long as it's not really crazy."

Zhong Wan is quite optimistic. As long as people are fine, everything is easy to say. As for his attitude toward himself, he is hot and cold... Although that bit of "hot" may be imagined by himself, Zhong Wan thinks it is still there.

There is a saying that these unreasonable actions can be explained, but Zhong Wan dare not think about it.

Zhong Wan put her hands in front of the charcoal basin and smiled, she was no longer a big boss, and she could no longer be so shameless and wishful thinking.

When it was getting dark, the clansmen were going to go back to the mansion. Zhong Wan took a nap in the spirit shed and was in good spirits. He came out to find Xuan Yu, and the two left the mansion together.

Seeing Xuan Qiong's turbulent popularity, Zhong Wan listened...

"Our good wheels are gone!"

"They said they didn't see it! How could it be possible?!"

"The wheel rolled away by itself?"


Xuan Yu was ignorant: "What's missing?"

Zhong Wan didn't quite understand either, so he said dryly, "Who knows, there are many ugly people who make trouble."

Zhong Wan wanted to watch the excitement, but it was getting late, and he had to come tomorrow. Zhong Wan waited for a while, waiting for Xuan Congxin's sedan chair to come out, and then he greeted people to go back to the house.

In the evening, Yu She stood in front of the window, looked at the wagon wheels in the yard, and said softly, "Send it back?"

The people behind him hesitated.

Yu She was upset: "Can't talk anymore?"

"I sent it back, but..." Butler Feng, who had just returned from the Qian'an palace, stepped forward and put the deed of prostitution on the table with both hands, "But Young Master Zhong... he doesn't want it."

Yu She turned around abruptly, but Steward Feng took out a small paper bag from his arms again embarrassingly, and laughed dryly, "Master Zhong said, this is the tea he originally wanted to give to the prince, but unfortunately he didn't drink much of it himself, only With this little bit left, Master Zhong said, if the prince doesn't dislike it, let the old slave make a pot for the prince..."

Yu She was speechless for a while.

Yu She whispered, "Give it to me."

Butler Feng handed the small packet of tea to Yu She.

Yu She squeezed the small paper bag like poison with two fingers, and said tiredly, "This is too..."

Butler Feng smiled apologetically: "It's too little. Master Zhong emptied the tea box. That's all that's left, but it's enough to make a pot. I'll give it to the prince..."

Yu She put the tea bag in his arms and interrupted him: "Go ahead."

Butler Feng was startled, nodded, and stepped back.