Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine

Chapter 9: Do you want your contract of sale?


Yan Pingshan looked at the faint dark blue in Zhong Wan's eyes and wanted to say something, but didn't say anything.

Zhong Wan saw it and raised his eyes: "What's wrong? Just say something."

Yan Pingshan couldn't hold it in his heart, he looked down at the half bowl of medicine in his hand, and said in a low voice, "If you were honest in Prince Yu's mansion back then, you would have no worries about food and clothing all your life, and now you won't be ruining your body. so…”

Zhong Wan laughed.

"I thought you were going to say something." Zhong Wan pulled the fox fur that Xuan Congxin had changed for him and put it on, disapprovingly, "I can live well, they..."

"I was born to be cheap, and I can't live a good life."

Yan Pingshan couldn't hear what Zhong Wan said about himself, and had to refute it. Zhong Wan was the most impatient to talk about this, got up and said, "Ask you something."

Yan Pingshan said, "What?"

Zhong Wan got out of bed and went to sit in front of the charcoal basin. He stretched out his hand to wrap it around the brazier, and said casually, "Uncle Yan, how many blood relatives of the prince are there? I mean Prince Ning."

Yan Pingshan didn't quite understand, "Is there not much blood relatives of the prince?"

King Ning was born in a royal family, and his blood relatives were all over the capital. Not to mention the people who lived in the palace, they were connected with each other, fearing that they could be involved with any aristocratic family.

"I mean... my own home." Zhong Wan lowered his voice, "It's inconvenient to go to Beijing, I don't know when the next time is, I want to wait for me to get better, avoid others and walk around for a while and see. Which one is not well-off, Zhou Ji, Zhou Ji, Xuan Rui and the others are inconvenient to show up to do these things, I don't mind."

Yan Pingshan thought about it too, but after thinking about it carefully, he really couldn't say anything.

"Where are there relatives to move around?" Yan Pingshan sighed, "The prince's family, Zhongfu, fell many years ago, and it took so much effort to find you, who has been out of five servers. , where are there others?"

Zhong Wan frowned slightly, "Three or four blood relatives."

From the perspective of relatives, Yan Pingshan is right. Although Zhong Wan is also surnamed Zhong, he has already served in the same family as the Zhong family. He and King Ning cannot even be considered relatives, otherwise they would not have been implicated and survived. .

Zhong Wan himself was by no means one of the three or four blood relatives of King Ning.

From Yan Pingshan, I couldn't ask anything, Zhong Wan couldn't, and after sitting for a while, his legs hurt, and he lay back again.

Zhong Wan's health is much worse than when he was young. Back then, he was sentenced to severe interrogation for three months in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. After he came out, he fought wits and courage with Butler Feng every day, but no matter how hard or tired, as long as he had a good night's sleep There was nothing wrong with it, and now it's not good anymore, a small cold, dragged on for six or seven days before it was completely healed.

During Zhong Wan's illness, the palace of Qian'an closed the door to thank guests, and only said that Xuanrui, the king of Qian'an, was ill. Now that he has recovered, Xuan Rui can't keep pretending, so he has to entertain.

Fortunately, there were not many people willing to walk with the Qian'an Palace. Xuan Rui was able to handle it.

"But this can't be avoided." Zhong Wangang sent away the little eunuch who passed the decree, "The Empress will see the young lady tomorrow."

Xuan Rui seemed to be facing a great enemy, and said uneasy: "She... What does Jian Congxin do?"

"I haven't seen it before, would you like to see it?" Zhong Wan was not sure, "but I just asked the little father-in-law who passed the decree, not only to see her, many princesses and princesses will enter the palace tomorrow, and there are also young ladies like this. The daughter of the royal family, it should be... It's the end of the year, let's meet together."

Xuan Rui was worried, "Can you say she is ill?"

"It's best not to." Zhong Wan pondered for a moment, "The queen does everything well, and she is ill at the moment, and the queen will bestow the doctor and reward the medicine. When the illness is cured, do you want to thank her? If the queen thinks of her again, will she? Will you meet again?"

Zhong Wan shook his head: "When the time comes to see her alone, it's better to hang out with a bunch of people tomorrow. It's okay, I'll take her there tomorrow."

Xuan Rui thought for a while and felt that Zhong Wan was right, but nodded helplessly.

The next day, Zhong Wan personally sent Xuan Congxin into the palace.

Like last time, Zhong Wan got out of the carriage early. He walked to Xuan Congxin's sedan chair and warned him a few words. Xuan Congxin was more indifferent than her two brothers. , and told him to go back when he felt cold, without waiting to die.

Zhong Wan smiled, touched the purse in his sleeve, and went to pick up Yin Xuan Congxin's inner servant.

Without waiting for Zhong Wan to speak, the servant bowed and said respectfully, "I also invite Young Master Zhong to enter the palace with you. The sage wants to see you."

Zhong Wan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The last time Xuanrui and Xuanyu entered the palace, he said what he did and what he did. When Xuanyu came back, he told Zhong Wan one by one. Zhong Wan also thought that Emperor Chong'an might not be at ease. He also wanted to see himself. Knock a few words.

He couldn't dodge the one who was supposed to come, Zhong Wan helped the maid who saluted him, pushed the purse in his hand into the other's hand, and smiled lightly, "This is the first time our young lady has entered the palace, if there is any inappropriate etiquette, please ask the father-in-law. Take care of it a lot."

Ten years in the palace were like one day, and there was no change. Zhong Wan was brought to the front of Emperor Chong'an.

In the warm pavilion, the Kowloon incense burner quietly spit out a delicate fragrance, and behind the slightly swaying curtain, Emperor Chong'an sat cross-legged on the couch and was reading the book.

Zhong Wan knelt down and bowed.

Emperor Chong'an ordered his servants to open the curtain.

Speechless for a while.

With Xuan Rui and Xuan Yu, it can still be treated as if nothing happened, and a few words of care and concern, facing Zhong Wan, even Emperor Chong'an can't bear it anymore.

"All these years, how are you?"

Zhong Wan knelt on the ground, lowered his eyes, and didn't look up. He chewed over Emperor Chong'an's words several times in his heart for a moment. Since Emperor Chong'an didn't say those high-sounding clichés, Zhong Wan had to follow him. Zhong Wan thought about it. After a while, he said in a low voice, "It's not too bad. At first, I didn't get used to the climate in the south. It's just like that after living for a long time. I just didn't expect that when I returned to Beijing this time, I wasn't used to the severe cold in the north. It wasn't long before I came here. I've been sick for the most part."

Emperor Chong'an pondered for a moment, and said, "It's just others. You grew up here since you were young, aren't you used to it?"

Zhong Wan said: "I'm not used to it. Since I went to the southern border, I have been sick repeatedly for several times. My body is already weak and I can't stand the cold anymore."

Another long silence.

"When you..." Emperor Chong'an couldn't remember much, and asked, "Are you still a slave now?"

Zhong Wan lowered his head: "Yes."

Thinking of Young Master Zhong's style back then, Emperor Chong'an seemed to find it funny himself, and shook his head: "Go back and instruct, you, your prostitution contract..."

Emperor Chong'an thought for a while and asked, "Is it in Ziyou's place?"

Zhong Wan paused and nodded, "About."

"He will also enter the palace today. When he arrives, I will let him send it to you." Emperor Chong'an sighed, "I will let you get rid of your slave status. In the future... it will be more convenient for you to walk around in Qian'an. ."

You can't pretend to be flattered at the moment, that's really mocking Emperor Chong'an, Zhong Wan lowered her eyes and said indifferently, "Thank you, Lord."

Emperor Chong'an snorted and said nothing.

He didn't speak, Zhong Wan just knelt quietly.

"Master Shi..." Emperor Chong'an said suddenly, "the second year you were gone, you were gone, did you know?"

After the death of Shi Jinshi's old grandmother, Zhong Wan spent a year in Qian'an to observe filial piety, how could he not know.

However, Zhong Wan shook his head: "Qian'an is a long way away, and there is no information inside or outside. The old lady has been away for a long time before I received the obituary news. I am sad...for several days."

Emperor Chong'an looked at Zhong Wan scrutinizingly, as if guessing whether what he said was true or false.

Emperor Chong'an said, "Master Shi... I love you very much."

Zhong Wan took a deep breath and said nothing.

Emperor Chong'an held the kang table, recalled the past, and said slowly: "Before I left, Shi Jin told me... Guiyuan is talented and intelligent, and he should have been famous all over the world. He hit it hard."

Zhong Wan's face was calm, as if he was not talking about himself.

Emperor Chong'an continued: "Gui Yuan is young and has been through hardships. In these years, he has endured too much hardship. If there is one or two inconsistencies in the future, please read the sage that this son's life is difficult and difficult, and be more lenient..."

Zhong Wan's lips trembled slightly. He refused to let Emperor Chong'an see him. He leaned down and put his forehead on the back of his hand. When he got up again, his expression was the same as before.

As if thanking.

Emperor Chong'an let out a long sigh.

"There's nothing to do, let's go." Emperor Chong'an waved his hand in a sullen mood. "There are still some manuscripts and calligraphy and paintings left by Shi Jin in the library. If you want, just pick one or two, and then go out of the palace."

Zhong Wan kowtowed, got up and followed the servant out.

Zhong Wan rubbed his brows, remembering the scene when he was detained by Shi Jin in the mansion to write an article when he was a teenager, and smiled lightly.

The maid took Zhong Wan into the side hall of the library, and led him to a bookshelf in the inner room, saying, "Most of Mrs. Shi's handwritten copies were kept here, but the servants are illiterate, so they found them in a hurry and could tell the difference. I don't know which ones belong to the old lady, so please let Young Master Zhong pick them out on his own."

Zhong Wan nodded: "Okay."

A pile of old classics were piled up together, and it was unclear for a while. After the inner servant explained it, he backed away. Zhong Wan walked to the bookshelf and read through them one by one, preparing to take away all the handwritten copies of Shi Shi.

Zhong Wan read them one by one, checked the two bookshelves in front and only picked out two or three books. He rubbed his sore eyes, walked to the further back room, and just picked up one. , Suddenly aware of a strange movement behind him, before he could turn around, someone had already embraced his waist, and when the arm around his waist exerted force, Zhong Wan slammed into the man's arms.

Zhong Wan smelled a familiar smell, and his heart thumped up.

Yu She…

Zhong Wan wriggled a bit, and Yu She's arm instantly exerted force, tying him to death.

Yu She squinted, "Do you want your contract?"

Zhong Wan paused and did not explain.

Yu She simply put Zhong Wan against the bookshelf and asked, "Are you in a hurry? Don't want to have anything to do with me anymore?"

Yu She's breath swept across Zhong Wan's ears, and Zhong Wan's ears flushed, and he whispered, "Let go... I'm happy to be seen by others, but you'll never be able to wash it off for the rest of your life!"

Yu She was stunned for a moment and sneered: "Playing this again... Do you think I'll be soft-hearted?"

Yu She whispered: "Do you want to know, how did I get back to the emperor?"

Zhong Wan asked subconsciously, "What?"

There was a smile in Yu She's voice: "I said... no."

Zhong Wan couldn't stand Yu She talking so close to him, he struggled for a while and bumped into the bookshelf.

"Cause." Yu She hugged Zhong Wan tightly and smiled, "Continue making trouble, I'm not afraid of shame."