Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 10


"Nanfengzishu, go and get my medicine basket. I need ginseng, dangshen, astragalus, atractylodes, and yam."

Before Nanfengzishu got up, Ye Han took the medicinal materials from outside the house. He was a quick-eyed person, which might have something to do with his being a Taoist priest.

An Ruoqing found Codonopsis, Astragalus and Atractylodes, but there was no ginseng and yam.

An Ruoqing ordered Nanfeng Zishu to boil the medicine quickly, and she asked Ye Han to help Aunt Nanfeng to face her face to face. She was still chanting a spell that she didn't understand, helping Aunt Nanfeng to relieve her vomiting. disease.

Nanfengzishu saw that An Ruoqing's spell was effective, and his mother's complexion looked a lot better, so he smiled with satisfaction. After Nanfengzishu gave her mother the medicinal soup, she settled down and lay down.

He got up and said: "Thanks again for the two life-saving graces, I will never forget it."

Ye Han hurriedly pushed forward: "I really don't dare to be it, I'm ashamed to say it, as the girl An Ruoqing said, I also have a responsibility that I can't shirk. If you want to thank you, thank this girl!"

"Miss Ruoqing, you have been kind to Xiaosheng again and again, and Xiaosheng is unforgettable. If you can find a place for Xiaosheng in the future, Xiaosheng will definitely do your best."

Nanfengzi Shu turned towards An Ruoqing, bowing again and again.

Ye Han said this in his mouth, but thought in his heart: It should be a pretty unreasonable girl, huh... But she doesn't look like a vicious villain when she is so slippery and kind.

"You are a vicious villain. If you want to say it, just say it boldly. Why scold me in your heart, sinister villain." An Ruoqing had her hands on her hips, her momentum was fierce, her eyes flashed with unstoppable anger, as if she was angered Lioness.

"How do you know that I scolded you, do you have evidence? Don't tell me you have mind reading skills."

Ye Han was dismissive, and his tone was arrogant. A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

This made An Ruoqing, who was already full of anger, even more angry, gritted his teeth and roared: "How dare you be disrespectful to your teacher and uncle. What I use is the witch doctor's technique of not spreading—read... Heart... Art... "

As he was speaking, his hands began to circulate the witch power in his body. Both hands pinched the orchid fingers surrounded by a burst of strong light, and fiddled with Ye Han for a few times. Ye Han instantly turned his legs and feet into disobedience.

Han Ye's mouth seemed to be glued, no matter how hard he tried, it was useless. He was anxious: "Woo... woo..." yelled wildly.

An Ruoqing ignored this. With her back to Han Ye, the index finger of her right hand hooked towards Han Ye twice. At this time, Han Ye was trapped, with a horrified expression on her face, and her head pulled back vigorously.

But An Ruoqing is like a Popeye, Han Ye has to follow her, trampling on as she pleases.

Ye Han and An Ruoqing jumped out the door and walked outside.

"An Ruoqing, you venomous woman, you have the ability to let me go. What is your ability to sneak attack with imprisonment, it is really the most poisonous woman's heart." Ye Han's mouth is also bad enough, it's all like this, and I don't beg for mercy.

"The two knights should stop quarreling. At this time, they started because of the niche, the niche..."

Nanfengzishu couldn't get any more words, and his belly full of ink, at a critical juncture, made him speechless, really a nerd.

Like walking a dog, An Ruoqing asked Ye Han to follow him around in the yard a few times. Now the anger in her heart was gone.

On the contrary, Ye Han was so tired, panting and sweating profusely.

An Ruoqing turned her head to see the night cold at this time, against the setting sun, her face was full of sweat particles, and the weather was hot, the clothes on her back were half soaked, faintly revealing strong muscles.

The cold night under such circumstances actually exudes infinite charm, as if every inch of his body's skin attracts An Ruoqing all the time.

"Miss Ruoqing, Miss Ruoqing, what's wrong with you..."

Nan Fengzi Shu came to An Ruoqing's face at some unknown time, his eyes widened, and his hands swayed back and forth in front of her.

"Nanfengzishu, take your hand away! It makes me dizzy. If you don't want to go back to the house to take care of your mother, what's the mess here."

Nan Fengzi Shu, who was swaying vigorously, immediately withdrew his hand when he heard An Ruoqing's words.

He hesitatingly said: "You stand motionless, your eyes are straight, I thought what happened to you?"

Ye Han was also struggling constantly on the sidelines. It seemed that he was not lightly uncomfortable. For people like Ye Han who often run the rivers and lakes, this is undoubtedly a kind of torture.

Nanfengzi Shu looked at Ye Han who was struggling uncomfortably not far from him, raised his head and pleaded: "Miss Ruoqing, let this Dao brother go! You see he is sweating. He must be exhausted, so I'm afraid it's wrong to go down!"

An Ruoqing felt that her anger had disappeared too much, so she let it go, and reluctantly agreed to Nanfengzishu.

Reluctantly walked to Ye Han's side, looked up at Ye Han squint, rolled his eyes, raised his arm, and gently tapped his finger towards Ye Han's head, only hearing a word from his mouth.


Immediately, a blue light visible to the naked eye slowly faded from Ye Han's head to the surroundings of his body.

Han Ye immediately felt that his body was relaxed. He moved his shoulders, but couldn't move his legs. He realized that he had regained his freedom, and he was pleasantly surprised.

Ye Han snorted to An Ruoqing, flicked the corner of his clothes severely, and followed Nan Fengzi into the room.

At this moment, An Ruoqing was left outside the house. An Ruoqing has been so tired these few days that she didn't even have a chance to breathe.

At last she could be quiet for a while. She sat down on the stone table in the middle of the yard and flipped through the book on the stone table in Nanfengzi Shu. It was very boring.

Stretching out his arms again, he jumped up and jumped to the roof. The tulle on An Ruoqing's body floated in the air, like a spring rain, and it also spilled into the book of Nanfengzi who was about to come out and ask her to enter the house for dinner. In the heart.

In Nanfengzishu's heart, this An Ruoqing in front of her is the most beautiful woman she has ever seen in her life.

From the time he changed her dressing, he had a good feeling for An Ruoqing, knowing that it was the first time he had touched a woman so close.

Nanfengzishu secretly vowed in his heart that he must be responsible to An Ruoqing if he is not married.

"Brother Zishu, what are you looking at? Come, come... Let's have a drink." Ye Han looked at the darkness outside the house, and could see nothing.

Night fell once again, the dark starry sky was dotted with stars, like dazzling gems, and the bright moonlight spilled into every corner of Shilong Town.

An Ruoqing was a little sad. She thought of Jun Moxi, who was in doubt in order to save her, of the lively and naughty rabbit monster chased by the dragon-shaped behemoth, and of his carefree and always warmth. Peerless beautiful man with a smile.

An Ruoqing secretly made up her mind that she must personally collect the dragon-shaped behemoth, for the Li people in Shilong Town, and for Jun Moxi.