Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 11


But her current witchcraft alone might not work, she needs her master Gu Yuezi to assist her.

However, the master once said that he would go to Queyue Mountain to practice, but he didn't know the time to leave the customs. Thinking of this, An Ruoqing fell into deep thought again.

If the master doesn't leave the customs, what should I do? I knew I would not be lazy and learn more so that I would not be embarrassed now.

An Ruoqing had an idea, took out the flute that her master gave her, and blew it up.

Her master said that if you encounter an unsolvable problem, you will sound it.

No matter where she is, no matter what she is doing, she will come as soon as possible.

But when An Ruoqing remembered that she secretly went down the mountain because she escaped from marriage, she quickly put away Xiao Luo in her hand.

The master once told An Ruoqing that she was an orphan and had no father or mother. When the master saw her, she was placed in Queyue Mountain where a magpie spirit took care of her.

Seeing her dexterity in life, the master took her back to Gu Yuefeng. He didn't expect her to be brilliant and likable.

The master regarded her as her own, and loved her in every way, and she had also regarded her master as her own mother.

Suddenly in the dark night, someone flew up, and she rubbed her eyes in the moonlight, but she still couldn't see who was coming.

The figure looked closer and closer, and came behind her in the blink of an eye.

An Ruoqing turned her head immediately, but the figure quickly moved behind her.


An Ruoqing couldn't stand her temper, said.

"It doesn't matter who I am, An Ruoqing, what are you doing sneaky on the roof."

"Oh... Well, you smelly Taoist priest, how dare you follow me."

An Ruoqing turned her head and raised her arms, looking at her posture and chanting witchcraft again.

It was not her master who came here, but Ye Han who was bickering with her during the day.

Ye Han hurriedly covered his face with his hands, shouting: "Wait... slow... Who is following you? Brother Zishu asked me to call you. Seeing that you haven't eaten yet, I'm afraid you starve to death, or I don't bother to care about you. "

An Ruoqing looked down and saw the Nanfengzi Shu who was calling him, and shouted towards the roof in the yard: "Miss Ruoqing, I haven't eaten anything for a day. I'm going to stop on it. It's cold from the heights. Be careful." Don't catch the cold."

"Brother Zishu knows how to pity and cherish jade! An Ruoqing don't delay and go down quickly. Kindness is hard to come by!" Ye Han saw Nanfengzishu's intentions. Is a gentle gentleman so beautiful! There was a knowing smile on his face.

Speaking of eating, An Ruoqing suddenly remembered that she really hadn't eaten all day, and she was still a little hungry.

So Ye Han and Ye Han both jumped off the roof and landed smoothly before Nan Fengzi wrote.

I saw the rice and vegetables that had been prepared by Nanfengzi Shu on the table in the room.

For a person who hasn't eaten for a day and grumbles with hunger, this is definitely a sumptuous meal.

An Ruoqing looked up at Nan Fengzi Shu shamelessly, and smirked at him.

Then he rubbed his hands again, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. He smiled and ran into the house.

Nanfengzishu and Ye Han looked at each other tacitly, and they laughed tacitly.

Although Ye Han always likes to fight An Ruoqing, sometimes An Ruoqing is just an ordinary woman. She also has a cute, mischievous side that fascinates all men.

The night was getting darker, and Shilong Town at this time faded away from the noisy daytime and changed into a quiet dress. It is like a lady of everybody, implicit and tender.

In the back of Shilong Town, it is based on the Penling Mountain, and it is said that it was originally called "Lancheng". During the flood control period of Dayu, the Yellow River was flooded due to the chaos caused by water monsters, and the river swallowed countless villages.

Seeing that Shilong Town was also going to suffer this catastrophe, suddenly lightning thundered, black clouds were covered, a large vortex formed in the sky, and a bluestone fell from the sky to intercept the fierce river. Shilong Town escaped.

After the wind was calm and the waves were calm, the villagers came to worship this sacred stone one after another. Everyone said it was a pity from heaven, so they sent this stone to sit on the town.

Careful people discovered that this bluestone was engraved with a lifelike dragon. In order to avoid disasters, they unanimously decided to change the name to "Shilong Town".

It is strange to say that since the name, Shilong Town has been in good weather every year, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. It has become a well-known well-off town with a radius of 100 miles.

Is it true that things must be reversed? Just when the people have no worries about food and clothing, and are stable and prosperous, Shilong Town, which has been blessed by Qinglong, is quietly staged scenes of tragedies.

The sky was not yet completely white, and there were still a few residual stars scattered in the sky, and the fragrance of jasmine was overflowing, falling into the skin of every household and everyone in Shilong Town.

A new day is about to begin, and Shilong Town will soon resume the lush scenery of the previous day.

An Ruoqing was awakened by the morning light outside the window. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and looked around the unfamiliar surroundings. She seemed to feel that something was wrong, and she immediately became energetic and did it.

She patted her head vigorously, put on her shoes and got out of the bed, yawned and stretched.

Just about to lift his leg, one inadvertently stepped on Ye Han's sturdy and powerful hand.

It turned out that the three of them were all drunk last night and stumbledly helped An Ruoqing to bed, and the two fell asleep in front of the bed.

Ye Han, a Taoist priest, was agile and quick. Before he opened his eyes, he thought he had been attacked. He grabbed An Ruoqing's foot, lifted it back, and An Ruoqing fell to the ground alive.

It hurts others like it hurts herself, An Ruoqing just hit Ye Han's body unfairly.

Ye Han is completely awake now, his mouth is crooked and his eyes are slanted, unable to get up.

An Ruoqing patted the soil on her hands, pointed her fingers at Ye Han and said, "You deserve it! Let you mess it up. Retribution!..." Before An Ruoqing finished. There was a rapid knock on the door.

"Brother Zishu...Brother Zishu... only heard a voice from far to near, before opening the door for him, he rushed in." It was not someone else who came here, it was Aze who gave the Nanfeng aunt yesterday.

Hearing Aze calling him, Nan Fengzi got up in a daze.

At first Aze still had some worries. Perhaps he hadn't had time to digest what happened to the little ghost yesterday, but he couldn't take care of that much.

Aze ran with a dry mouth, panting heavily, swallowing, and then said: "Brother Zishu is like this. Fortunately, sister Ruoqing didn't leave, wouldn't she know how to use spells?" Ze cried, unable to cry. He was frightened.

An Ruoqing and Nanfengzishu stepped forward, comforted him and told him not to cry, and asked him what happened.

Aze raised his arm and wiped his tears. He choked and said, "Yesterday the people in the town saw Brother Zishu and Sister Ruoqing come back safely from the mountain, thinking that the mountain is safe, everyone went up to the mountain to chop wood. , I went to the hunting for medicinal herbs, my dad and uncle... But they didn’t come back until dark last night, until, this morning, a villager escaped from the mountain. They all died in Penling Mountain and can't come back again." After speaking, he started crying anxiously.

"I don't know if my uncle and father are still alive. Sister Ruoqing, you must save them. Without them, how can I live with my mother!"

As he said, Aze knelt down and repeatedly kowtowed to An Ruoqing, asking her to save her father and uncle, and save the entire Shilong Town.