Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 16


Seeing that their eldest brother had suffered a loss, several people rushed to Ye Han again and again to avenge their elder brother to show their shame.

No matter where they were Ye Han's opponents, they were knocked down to the ground one by one, holding their chests painful.

Seeing that Ye Han was not an offending master, several people stopped fighting and quickly gathered around the big Taoist priest.

When Ye Han saw a few people deliberately avoiding it, he just gave up, after all, they still had important things to do.

I saw these Taoist priests assisting their elder brother and said: "The hero does not suffer from the immediate loss, elder brother, let's withdraw!" Seeing the elder brother nodded in agreement, he turned around and said: "My son is fortuned today. You are dead."

Abandoning this sentence, several people greet each other and flee in a hurry. Fleeing in a hurry is better than frightening.

"Several brothers go slowly!..."

Ye Han patted the dust on his hands, the corners of his mouth crooked, and he chuckled slightly.

This laugh is a contempt for a few Taoist priests, and he even came out to shout five and six with the skill of a three-legged cat. Bullying the people.

But it's really a dogged situation. Fortunately, I escaped early, or because of Ye Han's stubborn temper, he had to be disabled.

Ye Han returned to the inn and put a silver coin on the owner's desk, turned and pulled An Ruoqing up and left.

"Guest officer, you gave too much!" Ye Han ignored the words of the shop owner, just waved his hand.

In this way, the matter came to an end, Ye Han and An Ruoqing got up and went to Taoist temple.

"An Ruoqing, I saved you again, how can you thank me?" Ye Han pulled An Ruoqing to a halt under a lush tree and said.

"Yehan, let go of your hand first! How else can I thank you."

"Thank you, what does it have to do with your hands, let loose, An Ruoqing, can you be gentle with me."

"Gentle right!" As she said, An Ruoqing put her hand on Ye Han's face, and gently swept his cheek with her fingertips, looking at Ye Han with tenderness and affection.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han, who has always been a chivalrous righteous man, could withstand it. At first, he trembled all over, but was really startled by An Ruoqing in front of him.

Before Ye Han could react, An Ruoqing jumped up.

I only heard the words "the beauty of thinking" coming from the air, but I have already gone far.

"An Ruoqing, wait... That's how you treated your savior?" Ye Han turned around and saw An Ruoqing who was walking away, busy chasing after him.

This reckless little girl has quietly lived in Ye Han's heart. This feeling is silent and silent, as simple as breathing in and exhaling.

Without even noticing Ye Han himself, An Ruoqing had already penetrated into Ye Han's heart and began to slowly take root.

Ye Han began to protect An Ruoqing intentionally or unintentionally, even he didn't know why.

Since Lu Yehan who came to Taoist temple didn't remember, the two of them had to walk all the way, and they came to the foot of Taoist temple.

This Taoist temple is neither big nor big, but it can be said to be small and not small. But it plays a vital role in this magical city.

According to the local people, the Taoist Temple is there, the Magical City is there, the Taoist Temple is dead, and the Magical City is destroyed.

The growth of everything in this Magic Sound City, whether the weather is smooth, the grains are abundant, the people of the Magic Sound City think that it is all controlled by the cactus in the Taoist temple, so no one dares to offend the Taoist priests in the Magic Sound City.

The people believe that they can be safe by allowing them to act recklessly. Over time, these Taoist priests began to use their umbrellas and became lawless.

The Taoist temple is located halfway up the mountain, so if you want to enter the Taoist temple to find Ye Han's uncle, you have to climb almost 500 steps to reach the main entrance of the Taoist temple.

Although the steps are built of stones, they are also staggered and orderly, extending from the foot of the mountain all the way to the Taoist temple. On both sides of the steps are lush green bamboos.

From a distance, it looks like a green barrier, rising from the ground, towering into the clouds. The warm sun shines through the gaps in the bamboo leaves, sprinkling dazzling gold threads, shining on the face and body of the climber.

For ordinary people, these five hundred floors require greater endurance and stronger physical strength.

Despite the high level, there are still many old and young people who come to pray for blessing in an endless stream. They climb this steep stairs with piety and faith.

An Ruoqing looked at the old man who was over half a hundred years old and stumbling, shook her head helplessly, and quickly stepped forward to help, and Ye Han followed.

"Grandpa, you are very old, and this step is steep and difficult to walk. Let me help you! Why do you insist on going to this Taoist temple?" An Ruoqing sympathized with questions.

Seeing the old man wearing shabby clothes, unkempt white hair, medium height, vicissitudes of life, and a gourd full of wine hanging from his waist.

He leaned on a temporary crutches made of tree branches in his right hand, looked kind at others, and stopped step by step, taking difficult steps. Let this innocent and kind girl look sour in her heart.

"Girl, it seems that you are a foreigner! Don't you come to this Taoist temple for the blessing of the gods? The gods of this Taoist temple are very efficacious." Beard.

"Then grandpa, who are you blessing?" Ye Han's curiosity was also aroused.

"Haha! Let's not hide your joke, I pray for myself, I want to ask for an elixir in this Taoist temple to cure my cold legs for many years." The old man said with a smile, bowed his head and patted his legs. .

He raised his head again to look at An Ruoqing, nodded with satisfaction and said to herself: "Okay! Alright! Hahaha..."

This left Ye Han and An Ruoqing at a loss, not knowing what happened.

"This little girl, you have encountered something difficult, but you are also here to confuse and teach you."

"Eh...? How do you know, grandpa." An Ruoqing looked blank and suddenly felt that something was wrong, the grandpa was very strange.

She frowned, tilted her head and looked at the old man in white again. I still didn't see why.

But really a weird old man. Seeing An Ruoqing's questioning face, he showed a mysterious smile.

Then he said to Ye Han and An Ruoqing: "Among the people coming and going, no one talks to me, no one is willing to help me.

"You have a predestined relationship with me, I will give the crutches in my hand to this little girl!" As he said, he handed the simple crutches made of that branch to An Ruoqing, who was even more puzzled.

"Girl and you still have important things to do, so don't waste your time on my nasty old man...! This difficulty still won't bother me. Get up and go! Bring this crutch with you, maybe you can use it. on."

After saying that, he let go of Ye Han and An Ruoqing's hands, and continued to move forward with their legs trembling, leaving them with an unforgettable figure.