Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 2


Nanfengzishu finally rolled An Ruoqing's skirt over the wound when his heart was about to jump to his throat.

He wiped the medicine residue from his mouth and smiled awkwardly, with a hint of stupidity in the sunny smile.

At the same time, Nanfengzishu did not forget the natural elegance of scholars, and said with a gentle manner: "The girl laughed, I haven't learned the girl's name yet, can you...".

"My name is An Ruoqing. Don't be the eldest girl in the sounds awkward!"

"Nanfengzishu, right?".

Seeing that An Ruoqing had already remembered her name, Nanfengzi Shu couldn't help but feel happy, and with a shy face he immediately bowed his hands in salute: "Girl Ruoqing, it's good to call me Zishu."

"Then bother Brother Zishu, don't talk about it anymore, just apply the medicine quickly.

Although An Ruoqing was a little nervous in her heart, she pretended to say calmly.

Nan Fengzishu smirked again, squatted down and raised An Ruoqing's right foot on top of her right leg.

This made An Ruoqing even more at a loss, her face was uncomfortable, and it was inappropriate to not take her legs away.

Nanfengzishu also found the embarrassment of the two, so he split the topic and asked: "Miss Ruoqing, you can understand medical skills. This Huoxiang thistle niche can stop bleeding for the first time."

Speaking of medicinal materials, this is the strong point of An Ruoqing as a witch doctor, Nan Feng Zishu tore off the corners of her clothes and just helped her bandage it.

An Ruoqing didn't avoid suspicion, she stood up numbly, talking with her hands, taking the effects of Huoxiang thistle one by one.

"Huoxiang thistle has this function. It can not only stop bleeding, but also has the effects of dispelling heat, promoting qi and relieving pain, relieving diarrhea and reducing fever. In addition to Huoxiang, there are also notoginseng, catechu, big leaf purple beads, etc., which can be used to stop bleeding. ."

Suddenly, An Ruoqing realized that she was playing the piano to a cow, and added: "Oh! You don't know what to tell you, so you don't have to say it."

These words of An Ruoqing made Nanfengzishu stunned for a while, but although he did not understand, he was overjoyed in his heart, adding a bit of affection and admiration for An Ruoqing in front of him.

"Girl Ruoqing seems to be not only beautiful and beautiful, with bright eyes and white teeth... Ahem, she has such a talent to learn, so she is really ashamed of it"!

"Xiaosheng dare to ask for something, I wonder if the girl can agree?"

Just listen to a "plop".

Nan Fengzishu knelt on the ground with both knees, clasped his fists and lowered his head to show sincerity, waiting for An Ruoqing's response.

Suddenly, An Ruoqing stuttered, feeling a little at a loss. She quickly scanned the surroundings.

To Nanfengzishu, he said: "You... Get up quickly, you... A big man, there is no way to kneel down, there is gold under the man's knee... You... I can go now if I don't get up."

After speaking, he turned his head and walked away. After a few steps, he looked back at Nan Fengzi Shu and didn't mean to get up.

This made An Ruoqing not knowing what to do. She stepped forward and sighed helplessly: "Nanfengzishu, what are you asking for, I promise you, you should get up first!"

"Thank you Miss Ruoqing for her help. I am grateful for her help. Because the mother who is more than half a hundred years old in her family suffered a serious illness, she did not get better for many days. I heard people say that this pot of spirit mountain is the essence of the sun and the moon. There is a grass and a tree in the mountain. All have spirituality, there are fairy grass, Ganoderma lucidum. I wanted to take it to drive away the serious illness of my mother. How could I have thought that as soon as I went up the mountain, I met this gray-eared wolf demon, if it weren’t for the girl’s rescue, I must have died tragically. That's it."

"Then have you found the Ganoderma lucidum grass?"

"Not yet, but I don't need it now. I think that girl Ruoqing has more medical skills than that of Ganoderma lucidum."

Nanfengzishu placed his left hand on his back, and his right hand was shaking from time to time with the sleeve that was about to slide down, with a sincere expression on his face.

"Ha ha ha! ... You idiot can still praise people, but you can talk very well, then you can talk about the symptoms of my mother's disease."

"Girl, please, let me come one by one."

An Ruoqing and Nanfengzishu talked as they walked. From the words of Nanfengzishu, he can be seen from the words of Nanfengzishu that he is gentle and gentle, not only understands the world, but also is filial, which makes An Ruoqing have to look at him differently.

"Miss Ruoqing, my mother is too old. She is still hungry after eating like her. She can eat seven or eight meals a day. She is still losing weight and has a high fever. Is there any hope of a complete cure?"

Nanfengzishu is a well-known filial son. He knew how happy his mother was finally saved. He couldn't help but stepped up to stop An Ruoqing, and repeatedly confirmed that his mother's illness was not a stubborn illness.

"You don't believe me, then why are you begging me! Just go find your Ganoderma lucidum and grass!" An Ruoqing pretended to be helpless, but secretly chuckled in her heart.

An Ruoqing wanted to see how Nanfengzishu's expression was on hearing this, it must be very fun.

After all, such a big mountain, the fellow is still a scholar, and the atmosphere is dull and embarrassing. It's going to be suffocated.

Upon hearing this, Nan Fengzi Shu hurried forward, anxious, and anxiously apologized: "No... No... Ruoqing girl, Xiaosheng said something wrong, you are a large number of adults, and don’t take it to heart. Xiaosheng gives it to you. You apologized, and you didn’t say that you didn’t believe the girl. It was just that you were eager to save the mother, and you fainted and offended the girl. I hope that the girl will not be familiar with the niche, and forgive the niche!"

Upon hearing these An Ruoqing couldn't help but laugh, the laughter was sweet and melodious, with a beauty that no one could match.

Nanfengzishu saw An Ruoqing smile and looked confused, but for some reason he also smirked. That kind of laughter is a silly smile.

At this time, An Ruoqing and Nanfengzishu were surrounded by a happy atmosphere. How could they have thought that there was a third eye secretly observing their every move in the dark and old forest.

An Ruoqing's smile stopped suddenly, and she gradually realized that there was something weird around her, how could they have been spinning around in circles

"After walking for so long, are you still in the same place?"

An Ruoqing said to herself.

"This, what is going on." She didn't understand it herself.

"The sun has already set, and it's going to be dark all around." Nanfengzishu said, "Don't be afraid of Miss Ruoqing, maybe we went the wrong way, so we returned to the original place and let me go to inquire. "

As soon as the voice fell, Nan Fengzi Shu also took a step forward.

"Don't move, this is a ghost hitting a wall, beware of traps ahead."

An Ruoqing had a cold light in her beautiful eyes. She used her magical powers, knotted several sacred seals in her hands, and made preparations for the battle at any time.

When practicing with the master, her master once said: The so-called "ghost hits the wall" is extremely powerful, as long as you don't pay attention to the possibility of innocent death...!

An Ruoqing repeated her master's words verbatim in Nanfengzishu.

But she still didn't understand that as a witch doctor, she had a strong sense of direction, how could she encounter this strange thing.

Nanfengzishu was frightened when he heard these terrible words. He, who was originally some distance away from An Ruoqing, quickly approached An Ruoqing.

After all, the last time the wolf was out of danger, it was also dependent on An Ruoqing's help. Nan Feng Zishu thought that he would be safer.

Just as An Ruoqing recalled how to crack the ghost hit the wall, layers of white smoke were like white belts, blowing in the wind, sweeping.