Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 25


In this way, Dao Yazi tried his best and finally touched the Bull Demon. The two discussed that they would leave for Shilong Town tomorrow morning to deal with An Ruoqing.

As everyone knows, the bull demon has unknowingly stepped into the trap of Dao Yazi, saying that it is a good intention to save people, it is better to say that it is self-interest, using the bull demon to kill An Ruoqing to achieve his own secret.

After the injury, An Ruoqing was in a coma for several days. Under the careful care of Nanfengzishu and Ye Han, her body gradually improved.

Just as An Ruoqing's body recovered, there was a red force lurking in her dantian, which had burst out and quietly spread throughout her body.

In the morning after the rain, the air is always exceptionally fresh, as if even the soil is full of life. An Ruoqing rubbed her sleepy eyes and sat up recklessly.


An Ruoqing took a deep breath suddenly, her expression of pain, it seemed that her internal injury was still very serious.

"An Ruoqing, you are awake!"

"Girl Ruoqing, how do you feel today?"

At some point, Ye Han and Nanfengzishu appeared in front of An Ruoqing at the same time, and said at the same time.

An Ruoqing rubbed her sore neck, patted her high chest, and said, "This girl, it's okay. The early bird gets worms. Hey...!"


As soon as she finished speaking, she felt a force rushing into her throat. She choked out of breath for a while.

"The early worms were eaten by birds... Haha... Haha! An Ruoqing will die!"

Those who came were Dao Yazi and the Bull Demon. They arrived as scheduled and just heard An Ruoqing's conversation with Ye Han and Nanfengzishu.

Dao Yazi is a scheming person. Before coming here, he had probed the dragon spirit in front of the stone tablet in advance, and found that the dragon spirit had been set up with an extremely powerful enchantment, and he was blessed.

Dao Yazi tried his best to absorb the slightest dragon spirit, so he immediately thought of An Ruoqing and settled the account on her.

In fact, it is not. Regarding the dragon spirit, An Ruoqing and the others did not know it. This enchantment that protects the true dragon and dragon spirit seems to appear out of thin air, extremely strange.

But the bull demon heard Dao Yazi's bewitching, and he slayed them without any explanation.

Not much, but the bull demon's purpose is clear, that is, to take An Ruoqing away and bring back the woman in his family.

But Dao Yazi attacked his heart with poisonous gas, bent on setting himself to death.

All of a sudden, the little yard was dusty and chaotic.

Ye Han mainly deals with bull demon.

One is to walk for the sky.

The second is to block the frame for An Ruoqing.

The third is to avoid his master uncle and avoid moral condemnation.

And An Ruoqing became the main target of Dao Yazi's attack.

Seeing that home is no longer like home, Nanfeng Auntie sat slumped on the ground, crying loudly.

"Don't fight... Please don't fight... This can call me, how can this old bone live...!"

Nanfengzishu saw the old mother crying, so he hurriedly stepped forward and helped her up, comforting and persuading her.

"Uh… !"

I never thought that Nanfeng Auntie, who had just stood firm, was stabbed to the point by the sharp sword thrown out by Dao Yazi, and she died before she had time to struggle.

Looking at the old mother lying in her arms, Nan Fengzi hurriedly stretched out her hands and covered the edge of her mother's chest, but everything was too late.

His hands were covered with blood, and the moment his mother fell to the ground, he seemed to have forgotten how to cry.

Nanfengzishu looked at his mother foolishly, without a tear in the corner of his eyes.

He stretched out his right hand to help his mother wipe away the messy gray hair that was stuck in the corner of her mouth in a panic, and wiped off the blood stains from the corner of her mouth.

Then she placed her mother, her expression stiff, and stood up slowly.

Immediately afterwards, he walked a few steps forward slowly, and suddenly, Nanfengzishu stopped.

He clenched his fist first, and there was a red force that was visible to the naked eye like a kite with a broken thread, running from his heart along the blood vessels, and rushing to the whole body in the blink of an eye.

He was like a lion rising from a deep sleep, and it was his mother's sudden death that awakened him, and the hatred swallowed Nan Feng Zishu's mind.

"what… "

"what… "

"what… "

For a while, the blood vessels in Nanfengzishu's body looked like a balloon that was about to burst. His face was several times bigger, and his eyes were filled with red blood.

At this time, Nanfeng Zishu turned into an angry beast. He roared three times, shaking the mountain each time, frightening everyone present at the time.

"The Demon King... The Emperor..."

Facing Nanfengzishu, the bull demon seemed to have a deja vu. He stood there quietly and motionless, his eyes slightly frightened.

Hearing what the Bull Demon said, Dao Yazi opened his mouth unconsciously, showing embarrassment and horror on his face. Obviously he had an ominous premonition.

Nan Feng Zi Shu, who has lost his humanity, is no longer a weak scholar. At this moment, he is full of brutality inside and out.

Dao Yazi's legs were trembling, and he stepped back a few steps, and then he was picked up by Nan Fengzi Shu, who was covered with red demons, and lifted it up with one hand in the air.

For a while, the demon wind roared out of Nanfengzishu's body like a storm and thunderstorm.

The demon wind swept the dust on the ground, causing everyone present to suddenly plunge into endless horror and darkness.


The sound seemed to penetrate their internal organs, spread to the surroundings, and echoed in the horizon.

Seeing Nanfengzishu suddenly be like this, An Ruoqing had mixed feelings, and she tried to approach Nanfengzishu, but the demon wind was too big, and every time she lifted her foot, she was struggling to walk with difficulty.

Dao Yazi, who was picked up by Nanfengzi Shu, was already scared and screamed.

"Help! Help!..." Daoya's face was full of beads of sweat and he didn't care about wiping it. Gasping for breath, he continued to shout: "Master Ye Han... Hurry... Save me..."

Following Dao Yazi's shout, before Ye Han could react, Nan Fengzi Shu exhausted all his brute force and threw him out fiercely.

The Dao Ya Zi thrown out by Nan Feng Zi Shu formed a beautiful parabola.

Nanfengzishu lost control again, his voice was like a strong ultrasonic wave, and in his anger, Ye Han and An Ruoqing were seriously injured.

Afterwards, the resurrection basket hung on the bull demon was also sucked in by this mysterious power.

Nanfengzishu, surrounded by anger, rose into the sky, followed the parabola, and chased it out like a madness.

This sudden change made Ye Han look dumbfounded.

Niu Yao looked at the Nanfengzishu who was looking away, before Ye Han hadn't reacted, he shot and taken away from him. An Ruoqing, who was seriously injured again, followed the Nanfengzishu who sucked his magic weapon.

When Ye Han recovered, the bull demon had already escaped, and Ye Han was also unable to stop because of his serious injury.

"Ugh… "

Ye Han sighed regretfully, and slammed the sword in his hand to the ground.