Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 30


"You eat slowly, don't choke, you just recovered, you can't swallow dates like this..."

When Ye Han saw her eating like this, he also sweated for her.

"what is that… "

An Ruoqing quickly stuffed the remaining bag in her hand into her mouth, and pointed towards the corner in front.


Jun Moxi followed An Ruoqing's fingers and looked over.

"Isn't he just an old beggar? What happened to him?"

"Old man begging, how is it possible? You look at it again."

An Ruoqing was sure that Jun Moxi was wrong, and she asked Jun Moxi to reconfirm.

"That's obviously an old man begging! What's wrong."

Seeing that Jun Moxi was completely opposite to what she saw, An Ruoqing rubbed her eyes, looked at the old man in the corner begging, and pouted and walked away without saying anything.

An Ruoqing became uneasy about what she saw just now, and in the following time, she saw many things that Jun Moxi couldn't see one after another.

At first she thought that she had just recovered, and she was dazzled for a while, but then she had to pay attention to what happened one after another.

"Jun Moxi, do you think these people are weird today."

An Ruoqing asked Jun Moxi tentatively.

Jun Moxi stopped, blocked An Ruoqing's path, and said seriously: "Ruoqing, what happened to you today? When you went out, you were fine. Why did you eat a bun? The whole person started to be suspicious."

"No... how to say it! You really don't think many places are weird, such as the old man who begs for food, the woman who buys first flowers, and..."

An Ruoqing, who was talking vigorously, suddenly looked shocked, Jun Moxi followed the direction An Ruoqing was looking at and followed.

"Isn't it just a young couple? It's not human nature when people come to stay in the store! Not surprising... Not surprising..."

After speaking, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his smile turned into the moon.

"No... Hey!"

An Ruoqing sighed and slumped her shoulders to indicate that she was not talking about men and women.

Ye Han pulled An Ruoqing's arm and passed by the couple just now.

Suddenly, the man turned his head and smiled ghostly at An Ruoqing, his eyes were blood red, causing An Ruoqing to breathe a cold air on his back.

An Ruoqing saw clearly that it was indeed just a skeleton, and the weird people she encountered today were all skeletons.

When she went upstairs, she shut herself in the room, in a quiet environment for her thinking.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he thought of a little eyebrow, he was again disturbed by Jun Moxi's yin and yang strange tune outside the house.

"Ruoqing... Ruoqing... what are you doing!"

That voice made An Ruoqing goose bumps, who made him face Jun Moxi!

An Ruoqing could only open the door and let him in.


Jun Moxi pouted and said in a strange tone.

"It's so boring. No one in the inn will play with me. What are you doing? How about going for a walk by the river together? Anyway, I'm not hungry after eating."

After speaking, he winked at An Ruoqing.

Looking at Jun Moxi's pitiful look, An Ruoqing, the big sister, kept watching.

"That's it, just play for a while! We still have important things to do and can't waste time. Don't forget that the kid is still waiting for us to save!"

An Ruoqing's words reminded Jun Moxi that he had already left the tree demon and the little ghost out of the clouds and just wanted to play.

"Okay! Okay! It's up to you, then... Are we now... we can go!"

"Okay! Okay! Just say it for a while."

Looking at Jun Moxi, An Ruoqing deliberately followed his emphatic replied.

Jun Moxi's has an intoxicating appearance and an irresistible character.

The riverside scenery in autumn is particularly enchanting and beautiful, and the whole row of willows, one by one, is full of energy, dancing with the autumn wind.

An Ruoqing looked at the river quietly, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Jun Moxi, the air by the river is really fresh. Looking at this Tan river, even the mood is very good."

An Ruoqing closed her eyes and said with a smile.

"Then, enjoy yourself!"

Speaking of Jun Moxi, you closed your eyes and breathed pure air.

"It's really a good day of autumn, why I have never felt before, autumn turns out to be so beautiful, giggle..."

An Ruoqing smiled so sweetly.

Not far from An Ruoqing, there is a bridge with pavilions on the wall.

An Ruoqing wanted to go there for a look, but the bad smell in the air made her feel nauseous.

"Jun Moxi, do you smell it?"

"What are you smelling, Ruoqing what are you talking about."

Jun Moxi even felt that An Ruoqing must have been in a coma during those few days, which made her a little bit unconscious.

"Look, there..."

"Ruoqing, listen to me, you are too nervous and you need to rest. Now you have to be quiet and listen to me seriously, okay?"

Jun Moxi stepped forward and put her hands on her arms, shaking her, trying to calm her as much as possible.

"Let go of me, let me go, I'm going to save the man, it will be too late if I don't save it."

Jun Moxi's obstruction caused An Ruoqing to become a little anxious.

What Jun Moxi saw was just a sweet date between a couple, which was normal for him.

But An Ruoqing insisted that the woman was a skeleton, and the purpose was to suck the man's spirit.

As a witch doctor, she couldn't watch this kind of thing happen in front of her eyes, but she turned a deaf ear to it.

She broke free of Jun Moxi again and went away. This time, she had a little bit of strength and pushed Jun Moxi onto the willow tree behind him.

In an instant, the leaves of the willow fell to the ground, An Ruoqing raised her hands in fear, and looked at her hands madly. She didn't even know where the power came from.

I can't take care of that much, it's important to save people. With a light effort, she didn't expect her toes to leave the ground.

When Jun Moxi got up from the ground, everything was too late, An Ruoqing couldn't help but slapped the woman with a palm.

"what… "

After only hearing a sound, he fell to the ground and fainted.

The man saw the woman and was knocked out by An Ruoqing, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and said.

"You, who are you! Why are you so arrogant? I bought this woman with money. Now you have beaten him to death, what do you say?"

As he said, he walked forward, raised An Ruoqing's chin with a fan, and molested her.

"Or... if you accompany the uncle tonight, what do you think, you won't be compensated for the money, if you serve well, the uncle might..."

As he was saying that he was going one step further, that Yi Tuo had a fat head and big ears, almost on An Ruoqing's face.

"Okay! Isn't it just to accompany you? If you dare not, it's you, I'm afraid it will be a blessing!"