Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 40


Que Ling didn't know why An Ruoqing suddenly said this. Looking at An Ruoqing's dull expression, Que Ling believed that what was written in the letter was not a trivial matter.

Que Ling grabbed the letter in An Ruoqing's hand, and read it carefully one sentence after another.

Then Que Ling's face became heavier. She came to An Ruoqing and held An Ruoqing in her arms.

"An'er, as the last witch doctor of the Witch Clan, I know you have too many responsibilities. No matter what you decide, Aunt Magpie will accompany you, good boy."

Que Ling's words can always give An Ruoqing endless power, so that she no longer fears and shrinks, because An Ruoqing understands that no matter what the outcome is, Que Ling will always be her solid backing.

"Thank you, Auntie Que, An'er knows what to do. Don't worry, Auntie Que, An'er won't let you down."

The starry sky at night was shining, and An Ruoqing and Que Ling missed the chance to stay overnight because they were hurrying on their way. Now they can only spend one night in this small forest.

In order to warm An Ruoqing, a bonfire was set up and she sat with her back to Magpie Ling. She took out the jade pendant that Magpie Ling gave her during the day, and looked at it thoughtfully in the light of the fire.

An Ruoqing thought again, who on earth would this person be, is there really such a great power as the master said

An Ruoqing didn't understand why the master had to marry this person, but now this has become the last wish of the master, An Ruoqing no longer has a reason to refuse.

This is another sleepless night for An Ruoqing, and no one can tell about her whole heart.


A crisp bird call awakened the sleepy An Ruoqing, and when she opened her eyes, An Ruoqing was startled by the sight of her.

Her kind is densely inhabited by Magpie Ling, even Magpie Ling's body. "

"Hahahaha, Auntie Magpie, soon wake up... Hahahaha laughed at me!"

An Ruoqing saw that Fei Que had actually built a nest on Que Ling's head, and smiled as she leaned forward and closed back.

"Ah..." Magpie Ling, who was awakened by An Ruoqing, jumped up all of a sudden.

The flying magpies all over the ground were also frightened by the sudden sound of magpie spirits and flew up to the treetops.

"Why are you kidding? You startled me."

"Auntie Magpie, you were not frightened by the flying magpies all over you just now, could it be because of me, hehe!"

Seeing An Ruoqing smiling so happily, she pointed An Ruoqing's forehead again, and smiled helplessly.

"At this speed, we won't be able to reach Gu Yuefeng in a long time. I hope Jun Moxi will be fine."

Seeing An Ruoqing's heart bound, Que Ling comforted: "An'er can rest assured that, Jun Moxi, that kid, clever and clever, with a lot of ghost ideas, plus his hundred years of cultivation, will not worry about his life. "

The closer you are to Gu Yuefeng, the more painful An Ruoqing feels. The closer you are to the master's tomb, the heavier An Ruoqing's footsteps will become.

At this time, An Ruoqing had mixed feelings in her heart. In order to calm down the unspeakable taste in her heart, she sang the eighteen anti-medicine song that her master called her when she was a child.

Today's Gu Yuefeng no longer has the color of the past, and now everything here makes An Ruoqing both familiar and unfamiliar.

Familiar—there were her and the master here in the past, but unfamiliar—there is no one today, everything is nothing.

An Ruoqing saw the master's tombstone from a distance, and finally the tears no longer had to be restrained, mixed with longing and regret.

An Ruoqing ran towards the tombstone. From her point of view, it was the embrace of the master. An Ruoqing lay down on the stone in tears.

She hugged the stone tablet tightly, just like An Ruoqing's master hugged her when she was a child.

Until An Ruoqing cried her tears dry, she sat foolishly at the grave, stroking the inscription, choked and said: "Master, the disciple is not filial, the disciple is late, the disciple is sorry, the master, please forgive me..." said As he spoke, he got up and came to the stele and knocked his head several times, and his forehead immediately became red.

Que Ling was afraid that An Ruoqing would be overwhelmed. After helping her to get up and leaving, she knelt alone in front of the grave. She put her hands together and worshiped, and then said.

"Guyuezi, you have been doing good things all your life, and you didn't think you have died so unjustly. Who is it that hates the hand, but you can rest assured that I will take revenge and give it to me after I put it in An'er. I will do it well. Take care of her, all the things you gave me have been safely handed over to An'er, you can leave without worry!"

Magpie Ling sighed, patted the dust on his knees, bowed deeply, turned around and helped An Ruoqing to walk into the woods.

Guyuefeng is the place of practice for the witch people. Generations of witch doctors have practiced this time. Its superior geographical conditions have created a generation of Tianjiao.

An Ruoqing looked at Gu Yuefeng today. There is no vitality in the mountains of Nuoda. She secretly said in her heart, Master, I will definitely come back. I will never let you down. The Wu Clan will grow again. Good news for children.

An Ruoqing and Que Ling supported each other, descended the grove on the slope, and headed towards the road.

"Auntie Magpie, are you okay! Why do you look so anxious?"

Seeing that Que Ling almost couldn't bear his original body several times, An Ruoqing worried and asked.

"Stupid boy, have you forgotten? Aunt Magpie is a spiritual magpie. This is a sign of wind and rain. If there is no accident, it should be a big storm. We need to quicken our pace in the wilderness here. Before the torrential rain hits, find a shelter."

When it heard it was a violent storm, An Ruoqing was naturally willing to hurry up. She trembled and said repeatedly: "Auntie Magpie, let's go quickly! If there is a violent wind or heavy rain, it will not be a good thing for us. ."

Although they have accelerated their pace, the speed of the dark clouds is probably several times faster than them.

In the originally clear sky, only a roar was heard, and the big raindrops shot down from the clouds.

With the deafening thunder and roaring wind, it was like a fierce battle in pursuit of life. The raindrops hit the ground and exploded a muddy flower.

An Ruoqing and Que Ling hurriedly hurried, but still failed to escape the storm. They walked hard in the rain. The rain was really too big. In addition, the wind must stand firm at every step, otherwise they will always There is a danger of scraping.

"Auntie Magpie, I see there seems to be a ruined temple on the right."

An Ruoqing almost exhausted all her energy before yelling out such a sentence.

"Huh? Where..."

The wind was too loud and the sound of rain was hard to hear from Ben, and Magpie Ling could only vaguely guess about it.

"You look to your right, I can see Auntie Magpie clearly, it's a ruined temple."

"Yes, I think so, we step up a little bit, not far from our view."

Just when the two of them were about to lift their feet, a loud noise came from the air, and a tree blocked by thunder and lightning blocked the way.