Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 45


"Snake demon, I will now fight you back to your original shape and inject my homemade detoxification powder into your body. You will be your little snake in the future!"

After speaking, he put the snake in his hand into his pocket, happily preparing to find Magpie Spirit and Demon Flower.

"An Ruoqing, you're very proud, isn't it? I saw this first, so give it back to me!"

Hearing this voice, An Ruoqing felt very familiar, so she backed away and stood in front of the person who was talking.

"Tsk tusk tusk tusk... Who am I? So Ye Han! Why is life so big and still alive!"

An Ruoqing had an acne deliberately for Ye Han, but in the fight just now, Ye Han's unique demon-lowering spell had long been seen through by An Ruoqing.

"An Ruoqing, how do you say it? Can you be gentle... You haven't seen you for so long, your domineering skills seem to be increasing!"

"Senior Brother, you know her, who is she!"

As soon as Ye Han saw An Ruoqing, he just quarreled, and forgot the junior and sister who had been standing next to him.

"Oh! By the way, I'm sorry! Junior sister, this is the one I often mention to you... An Ruoqing, An Ruoqing, this is my junior sister—Gu Yun."

When it heard that it was Ye Han’s junior sister, An Ruoqing went on to say: "Hey! Ye Han has a good vision! Hello, Gu Yun."

Seeing An Ruoqing boasting about herself, Gu Yun's eyes flushed, and she shyly hid behind Ye Han.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you. It seems that the sky is going to be bright. This girl has important matters, so she won't be with you anymore."

Speaking of An Ruoqing, she turned and walked out of the woods.

"Ohhhhh! What's the hurry! I have a share in subduing this snake monster!"

Seeing that An Ruoqing didn't mean to stop, Ye Han hurriedly took the junior sister's hand and chased it.

Junior sister Ye Han's personality is also considered aggressive, but in front of Ye Han she always pretends to look like a pitiful, Xiaoniao Yiren, maybe she thinks that such a character will make all men can't help but love and affection!

The sky was shining, and the rest of their work finally came to fruition, An Ruoqing and the others came to the practice ground, waiting for the arrival of a new day.

Just as everyone was waiting to announce their true wish to the public, the two ran out of the mysterious mage's tent and started playing ping-pong-pong-pong.

"Master Yuanshan?"

An Ruoqing inadvertently saw clearly what mage he was fighting against was the Daoist Yuan Shan of the Magical Sound City.

In the course of the fight, this mysterious mage had been secretly using hidden weapons, which made An Ruoqing unable to see and participated in it.

"What the hell, a hero, a real despicable villain."

An Ruoqing intervened between the two and said to Dao Yuan Shan with a smile.

"Dao Yuanshan, we meet again."

"Girl Ruoqing, you have a destiny with the old way! Hahahaha..."

It turned out that Dao Yazi was missing from Dao Yuan Shan's sight after Yi Biehou in Shilong Town, Dao Yuan Shan had just recently found him.

As for Dao Yazi, he pretended to be a mage, covering half of his face, also to prevent An Ruoqing from recognizing it, so as to take the opportunity to kill An Ruoqing.

"Girl Ruoqing, see who he is."

Dao Yuan Shan, slashed up and picked up the black cloth that the mysterious mage used to wrap his face.

"You are a tooth..."

When Dao Yuanshan unlocked his true face, An Ruoqing provoked the righteous hanging sword in her hand, striving like flying, and flew towards Daoyazi without any pause, and in a blink of an eye she put the knife on his. Above the neck.

Dao Yazi's expression suddenly became nervous. He knew that he had done so many bad things and wanted to put An Ruoqing to death. Now that he fell into An Ruoqing's hands, An Ruoqing would definitely not spare him lightly.

"If you have the ability, kill me! Haha, I'm afraid you won't succeed."

Dao Yazi saw that Ye Han was also there, An Ruoqing couldn't help him at all, because Ye Han would not watch An Ruoqing kill herself.

Dao Yazi is really a treacherous villain, he is too good at using people's hearts.

"Yehan, you are not thin with Uncle Master on weekdays. When Uncle Master arrives under Jiuquan, you must remember to burn some paper money during festivals!"

An Ruoqing saw through his mind and saw that he was about to use a scheming scheming again, so she moved the knife around his neck again and said before Ye Han could speak.

"Yehan, you'd better leave this matter alone, old slippery, you have planned to harm me several times, I have no grudges with you, why are you so vicious, if it wasn't because your Nanfeng Auntie would die, Nanfengzi Book Club Become the way it is now, now you use snake monsters to inhale human spirits, I ask you, what is the difference between you and monsters, and I will do harm to the people today."

An Ruoqing's emotions became even more agitated. She felt a red power wandering through her blood once again, rushing into the internal organs, and finally all gathered in her eyes.

That's right, An Ruoqing's eyes were blood red at this time, and this force always appeared when she was angry.

The sudden change of An Ruoqing caused Yuanshan Dao Chang to shook his head. He seemed to know An Ruoqing well, and he was always so mysterious.

"Miss Ruoqing, let Dao Yazi be handled by the Dao. I will take him back to the Taoist Temple of Phantasmal City to receive punishment. All these mistakes are attributed to the Dao. If you want to blame, blame the Dao's incompetence."

Dao Yuan Shan took all the mistakes, and his kindness and generosity made everyone ashamed.

After listening to Dao Yuan Shan finished speaking, Ye Han finally spoke: "An Ruoqing, you can give him to Dao Yuan Shan! He will give you justice."

Seeing An Ruoqing still refused to let go, Que Ling stepped forward and nodded at her with a smile, calling her to be obedient.

An Ruoqing looked at Magpie Ling and Yuanshan Daochang again, the blood red in her eyes gradually faded, and she slowly loosened the knife on her neck.

Unexpectedly, this deadly thief, seeing An Ruoqing relaxed his vigilance, pushed her to him, took the opportunity to escape, and was captured by Yuan Shan Dao.

Daoist Yuan Shan tied Daoyazi five flowers and put it under the guard of Dao Tong before coming to An Ruoqing and saying.

"Girl Ruoqing, I don't know whether to say something in the old way."

When Magpie Ling saw Yuan Shan Dao Chang approaching, his expression suddenly appeared flustered. As for why he behaved like this, no one knew.

"Tao Master said it is!"

"Well! You are a witch doctor, but you are also different from other witch doctors. You have a natural spiritual power in your body. It will explode with your age. You must exercise restraint. I think your eyes were bloody just now. It’s caused by a poor heart pulse. This is a "Heart Meridian" that your master gave me back then. I now transfer her to you. It can help you get through your blood. You can thoroughly understand it."

Que Ling smiled and nodded after hearing the words of Taoist Yuan Shan, as if the worries he had just disappeared.

An Ruoqing didn’t understand why Dao Yuan Shan said that she was different from other witch doctors. She took over the book in Dao Yuan’s hands, turned a few pages and said with a silly smile: "Thank you Dao Master, I didn’t expect you to be like my master. Cooked."

An Ruoqing smirked again after speaking.