Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 49


Then Ye Han said to An Ruoqing: "If you guessed it correctly, this ruin has an unknown secret. These skins may have fallen from the walking dead."

"What, walking corpse, I don't know much about walking zombies, but there is a record in the history books of witch doctors. Walking zombies are a kind of zombies. It is said that they are less demonish than zombies, and their actions are more agile, but... "

An Ruoqing stopped abruptly. She seemed to be thinking about something, and then said thoughtfully: "I know what's going on. The meteor must be a meteor. It will stay in the body of the dead for a long time, causing backlash. Formed a walking corpse."

An Ruoqing realized that, no wonder she couldn't wait for Meteor, it must be this incident that made Meteor forget the previous agreement.

"An Ruoqing, what meteor, is it the bull demon who took you away?"

"Well, it's him. We had already negotiated to meet here. I can use witchcraft to save Shiyu. Hey! It seems that it's a step too late. The top priority now is to find Shiyu as soon as possible to prevent her from harming others. "

An Ruoqing and Ye Han knew in their hearts that if they didn't find Shiyu in time, once the night of the full moon came, everything would be too late.

At that time, the power of the walking corpse will increase several times, even bloodthirsty and murder.

When the two were about to separate, Ye Han's junior sister Gu Yun and Que Ling also rushed over.

When Ye Han saw Gu Yun, he reprimanded: "Didn't you let you stay there? Why did you come here?"

An Ruoqing also hurriedly asked: "Auntie Magpie, did something happen?"

"An'er, we heard that a non-human or non-demon monster came to the village. I was afraid that you were in danger and came here."

Gu Yun also hurriedly interrupted: "Yes! Brother, I'm worried about you too!"

"Yehan stop talking nonsense, we split up."

Don't worry about Ye Han and An Ruoqing pinching each other as soon as they meet each other, but at the critical moment, the two cooperated quite tacitly.

An Ruoqing's guess was correct. At this moment, Meteor was also looking for Shiyu. When he stole the resurrection frame from Nanfengzishu, Shiyu disappeared after returning to the ruins.

Meteor has been looking for her for some time, but Meteor doesn't know that Shiyu at this moment has become a corpse of walking corpses, can't express words, can't think, can only wander around with a little bit of consciousness remaining .

As a walking corpse, Shiyu will not hurt people for the time being, but is particularly afraid of the sun, because she can only hide under the tree during the day and live in other shades to avoid the sun's corrosion.

An Ruoqing and Que Ling have searched most of the village and there is still no news of Shi Yu.

When An Ruoqing was anxiously getting angry, a drop of rain fell from the air and hit the tip of An Ruoqing's nose. An Ruoqing raised her head unconsciously, and saw the dense rain in the sky, like a broken kite. After flying down, An Ruoqing's clothes were about to be soaked in a short while.

In desperation, An Ruoqing and Que Ling could only return to the inn, waiting for the rain to clear, and then continue to look for Shi Yu.

The rainy days are so long for An Ruoqing. She hates rain from the bottom of her heart. If it hadn't been for it, it might have already happened, so she looked for Shiyu.

An Ruoqing stood in the pavilion of the inn, watching one, two, and three of the rain drip down the eaves and gather in the lake.

At this moment, her mood is like an ant on a hot pan, it is not a taste to sit or stand hot.

An Ruoqing was in the pavilion, pacing anxiously. She didn't know how long the rain would last, but she knew clearly that her patience was almost wiped out.

Finally, An Ruoqing could not survive the rain, so she decided to look for it in the rain. She couldn't just wait like this. She had to do something for An Ruoqing in this small village.

An Ruoqing came to Ye Han's door. She was planning to call Ye Han together, but she suddenly hesitated and withdrew the right hand that was about to lift up and knock on the door.

"Why, don't plan to call me together."

In fact, Ye Han had already guarded the door. According to his understanding of An Ruoqing, An Ruoqing would not wait to be killed. It was her style to take the initiative to attack.

"Who wants to call you, it's just passing by. If you don't want to go, then forget it."

An Ruoqing was seen through Ye Han's mind, and suddenly felt uncomfortable all over her body. She felt as though she was standing naked in front of Ye Han. It was a kind of shame without self-confidence.

"Who won't go, I'll tell you, I will appear wherever you go in the future, I... I'll follow you! Tell you don't want to get rid of me."

Ye Han's words were all overheard by the younger sister who was lying next to him in the door.

When Gu Yun heard that Ye Han was about to be alone with An Ruoqing again, she felt extremely uncomfortable. She almost rushed out of the door like she had taken gunpowder, and stepped forward to grab Ye Han and said.

"Senior Brother, I don't allow you to go."

Gu Yun looked at Ye Han with innocent eyes, blinking her cuteness, which made Ye Han a dilemma.

"Don't make trouble, I'm doing business!"

Ye Han looked at Gu Yun and pulled away Gu Yun's hand with a serious face.

"Okay then! Then you must agree to take me with you, otherwise, I have a hundred ways to keep you from leaving."

Gu Yun saw that this trick didn't work well, and immediately changed her strategy. Now that Ye Han couldn't keep Ye Han, she followed her brother and never gave them a chance to get along alone.

An Ruoqing did not look at these two people elegantly and flirtingly. She walked into her room and changed her cloak, put on a hat, quickly walked out of the inn, and went straight to the village. A gust of wind blew her hair. , Today’s dress looks quite like a generation of heroines.

Seeing An Ruoqing disappeared, Ye Han hurriedly played with Gu Yun and decided to take her out together.

Compared with Ye Han, the ancient rhyme method is quite weak. If you really encounter any monsters, you will have to help with Yan Han.

With this kind of magic power, Gu Yun still wants to join in the fun, Gu Yun then said that he didn't clearly oppose An Ruoqing, but secretly made a lot of wickedness.

Taking advantage of An Ruoqing's carelessness, she sneaked into An Ruoqing's room and had already done tricks on her cloak and hat.

Don't look at Gu Yun's age, but her ability to make poison is first-rate.

Gu Yun thought in her heart, hehe, if you want to grab it with me, I won't believe you are not afraid after a while.

Sure enough, it didn’t take long for An Ruoqing to feel like a worm crawling across her face at first, and finally spread to her whole body with her tight arms and arms, so that An Ruoqing was too busy with both hands. I feel a huge itch all over the body.

An Ruoqing realized that there was something wrong with the cloak and hat she had just put on.

Seeing that An Ruoqing was too busy with her hands, Gu Yun smiled like a monkey from ear to ear. She thought that as long as An Ruoqing was ugly in front of Ye Han, Ye Han would hate An Ruoqing from now on. , And then her goal was achieved.