Those years when he was chased by the Demon King

Chapter 64


Everything was so harmonious and quiet, as if An Ruoqing had never been here before, and it was just a dream that Ye Han had just now.

The dazzling sunlight shot into Ye Han's eyes and penetrated his heart.

Que Ling stepped forward and patted Ye Han and said meaningfully: "We must save people, but we have to settle down for these people. This is what An'er hopes to see and cheer up."

Ye Han looked at the cave, the civilians who looked like a dish. Although Shi Yu had been away for a long time, the people of Xinghua Village were still trembling, Ye Han sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"Shi Yu must be afraid to come back for a while, let's go! Send these people home first."

Gu Yun, who was sulking with her small mouth, suddenly opened a peach blossom when she heard Ye Han's words.

While sending the people of Xinghua Village down the mountain, Ye Han accidentally learned from Que Ling that An Ruoqing had also been robbed by Nanfengzishu last time.

Moreover, Ye Han also knew the reason why An Ruoqing was robbed. This time Ye Han could not sit still.

For fear that it will be one minute late, An Ruoqing will be taken over by Nanfengzishu.

Ye Han was absent-minded all the way, and his mind was full of An Ruoqing's shadow.

Before they had time to settle these people, Ye Han finally couldn't stand his temper, and decided that he wanted to get An Ruoqing back.

"Auntie Magpie, I'll leave these people to you. Although Gu Yun said that three-legged cats can help you a lot, but she will be a little bit crooked, and she can protect herself if anything happens, but An Ruoqing, I'm relieved. No less, after all, Nanfengzishu is no longer the original scholar, I'm afraid she will be disadvantageous to An Ruoqing."

Seeing Ye Han's thoughts, Que Ling was very worried, and what he said was unreasonable. Although An Ruoqing and Nanfengzishu were once good friends, after all, he was a demon king.

After thinking about it, Que Ling decided to follow Ye Han's intention. She and Gu Yun stayed behind to be responsible for the temporary safety of Xinghua Village, and Ye Han was responsible for rescuing An Ruoqing.

Gu Yun certainly would not agree to Ye Han's adventure, but Ye Han's heart had already followed An Ruoqing.

Even though Gu Yun was reluctant, she couldn't stop Ye Han's determination to save An Ruoqing.

Before he left, Ye Han entrusted Gu Yun to Que Ling and set off on his own.

Finding the Demon King Nanfengzi Book is not an easy task. Ye Han didn't know what severe test he was about to face, but as long as he thought of An Ruoqing, all his worries were vanished.

Ye Han didn't know how long he had walked on foot or how many villages he had passed through, but he still didn't hear the least bit of news from the Demon King.

An Ruoqing was taken by Nanfengzishu to a mountain she had never heard of. From a distance, the mountain seemed to be a cloud palace, floating at the end of the sky, surrounded by layers of white clouds, looming, like a fairyland on earth. .

This is completely different from the cave where Nanfengzi Shu lived last time, where flowers and birds are lingering, and the snow and moon are bright.

Nanfengzishu took An Ruoqing and landed in a canyon.

The crisp singing of the birds flooded the valley, awakening the lush green trees. The breeze quietly passed the treetops, making a "rustling" sound. The sky was as blue as a wash, like a piece of sapphire washed with water, forming a sapphire. A Hanamaki that makes people linger without any modification.

An Ruoqing was immediately taken by the beauty in front of her, waterfalls, flowing water, pavilions, and colorful wild chrysanthemums.

An Ruoqing watched all this quietly, as if all the tiredness and troubles had disappeared. The Tan Waterfall reflected in Qiushui’s bright eyes melted her heart, and her heart was also like a colorful spring. Thousands of gestures jumped.

"How do you like it?"

This is the first time Nanfengzishu has spoken to people in such a soft tone since he became the Emperor of the Demon King.

You know, it took him a lot of effort for An Ruoqing to build such a paradise.

It's really beautiful here. I have never seen such a blue sky, even the air is so fresh.

However, An Ruoqing responded to Nanfengzishu like this: "Why are you taking me here...?"

"Of course you are my demon empress! It looks like you like this place, don't you?!"

Nanfengzishu looked at An Ruoqun with affection. From An Ruoqing's eyes, Nanfengzishu saw a trace of panic.

An Ruoqing pulled away the sturdy big pair that Nanfengzishu was about to touch her face. Looking at the hands, she remembered the first time Nanfengzishu had helped her bandage her wounds.

That time was the same as this time, it was also in such close contact, but it was already a matter of fact, and even the hands became different.

An Ruoqing paused, and then said: "Are you still dreaming? Nanfengzishu, I tell you, you are no longer the weak scholar, you are a demon, and I will never accept the love of a demon."

The beautiful artistic conception formed a great contrast with An Ruoqing's answer. She thought that An Ruoqing would fall in love with this place from now on, but her answer turned out to be so unexpected.

After the last time, Nanfengzishu's attitude has changed greatly. He knows that An Ruoqing likes wild chrysanthemums and that An Ruoqing yearns for such a paradise life.

Nanfengzi Shu thought that as long as he had these, An Ruoqing would definitely marry her and become her demon queen.

Nanfengzishu didn't even know why he was so persistent with An Ruoqing. Since An Ruoqing left without saying goodbye last time, Nanfengzishu has been looking for a place where An Ruoqing can't refuse.

However, he carefully built it for so long, but An Ruoqing rejected it.

From Nanfengzishu's face, there was a trace of murderous aura. Obviously, he still didn't know how to control his emotions.

However, An Ruoqing also read a trace of loneliness from Nanfengzishu's eyes.

As the demon king emperor, enjoying the supreme power, it seems that there is no happiness in the imagination, on the contrary, there is more loneliness and desolation.

Nanfengzishu suppressed his anger that was provoked by An Ruoqing forcibly.

Maybe, he wants to change something for An Ruoqing, at least he is now learning not to be angry at An Ruoqing.

Nanfengzishu even began to learn from the tone of a scholar. He walked closer to An Ruoqing, bowed politely, and said politely: "I think Miss Ruoqing is not too comfortable with the environment here. Come, let me take you around, there are other fun places in this mountain, I think you will like it."

Nanfengzishu suddenly changed her style of painting, which made An Ruoqing feel a little more intimate. She even thought that the original Nanfengzishu was back again, and there was a hint of surprise on her face unconsciously, and she was about to reach out. So he called his name, his eyes darkened again, and he said with a bit of frustration: "Oh! You are not Nanfengzi Shu, no... you are not the old Nanfengzi, even if you are very similar to him, but You can't learn his kind nature, it's from the heart, and you don't understand it."

An Ruoqing's words completely annoyed the Demon King Emperor, and a wisp of black smoke floated between his eyebrows. He pulled up his clothes and slammed it aside, and immediately a demon wind swept over.