Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 106: Hidden Ending Deviant 5


In a long life, people always experience various choices. A choice that you don’t realize its importance at first, unexpectedly has a sense of existence in the later life.

Therefore, people often lament this and say that before they realize it, they have made a decision that will affect their future.

If I had made a different choice, everything would have been completely different.

This is the thought that most often comes to the mind of everyone who is suffering from misfortune, but the cruelty of the real world is that it will never give you a chance to choose again.

Countless choices combined together make up life, and countless individual lives combined together make up this world.

The world changes quietly because of the choices people make, and no one knows whether humans have already made the choice that will affect the future.

And now, what the deviant people face is nothing more than the choices given by the "new world".

Jiang Yiyi did what he should do and didn't care about what would happen next - after all, for a moment just now, he did think about killing the other person.

Not only because he was enraged, but also because the deviants really deserved to die.

His little hobby was too bad, stained with blood and death, and one could almost glimpse the countless struggling figures in the hell on earth emerging behind him.

"The abnormal person is a madman, but everyone here is a madman." Bai Cang was silent for a moment, then spoke again: "Trying to reach an agreement with them is a very difficult thing."

Jiang Yiyi walked under the starry sky and felt this deeply: "I have deeply experienced this."

"The doctor can try another approach." Bai Cang said casually, "Talking to a madman, or trying to get into his mind, will only increase the difficulty of the task and will not help reach a consensus."

Jiang Yiyi turned her head to look at Bai Cang.

“It is much easier for a madman to follow the doctor’s footsteps than for the doctor to stop and enter the madman’s inner world.”

"I can understand that..." Jiang Yiyi understood Bai Cang's implication: "Are you hinting at me to make a choice for them directly?"

"This is not a hint." Bai Cang spread his hands and said, "This is an extremely clear reminder."

Jiang Yiyi withdrew his gaze and looked at the starry sky again.

The starry sky is dotted with stars, and sometimes there is a stream of glittering starlight passing by. There is a circle of rings on the edge of the starry sky, spanning the black curtain, and flashing a flowing river of stars.

The gorgeous and unfamiliar starry sky is different from all the images in my memory.

Jiang Yiyi didn't feel anything about this. Those fragile emotions were too far away from him. Even if he had a clear feeling that "this is not my world", it only made him stare at the starry sky for a moment, and then he withdrew his gaze without hesitation.

"Li Yihe still insists on this idea?"

Bai Cang chuckled: "I agree with this."

He looked at Jiang Yiyi's expression in the dim light and said, "Especially for doctors, these conversations are not fun. I agree with Li Yihe's statement."

“Doctors have much simpler ways to fix all this.”

"I respect freedom of thought." Jiang Yiyi calmly repeated what he once said: "At least they should have the right to choose, rather than being forced to choose."

"In the Star Prison, holding such thoughts will only hasten death." Bai Cang walked forward and said, "But this is not the Star Prison, and the person who holds such thoughts is not someone else, so I believe the doctor."

"But I don't believe you."

Jiang Yiyi looked into the distance. The lights dimly illuminated the darkness, reflecting the vast land that seemed to have no end.

Jiang Yiyi did not deliberately avoid this point - he just felt that there was no need to discuss Bai Cang's previous confessions.

But now, perhaps it was because the previous conversation was too bad, or perhaps it was because the empty sky and earth were too vast, or perhaps it was because Bai Cang's attitude was still so clear. In short, Jiang Yiyi brought up the topic again.

"When talking about deviants, masks, and death gods, you and I both know one thing clearly. You are also one of these lunatics."

Bai Cang nodded; "It's a pity, but it's true."

"When you accuse them of being crazy and mean, you should be aware that you are just as crazy and mean as they are."

Bai Cang nodded again: "Indeed."

Jiang Yiyi looked at Bai Cang, who calmly accepted all the accusations.

"I know very well that the doctor has never trusted me." Bai Cang received his gaze and said, "We have discussed before what kind of person can gain the doctor's trust."

"Obviously, I don't meet those three criteria."

He didn't seem to care about not being trusted by Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi retracted her gaze: "Based on my limited understanding of human-defined emotions, I don't think you like me."

Bai Cang hit the nail on the head: "Doctors' limited understanding of emotions, is it based on normal people's love?"

"So, your 'likes' are different from those of ordinary people?"

"It would be strange if they were the same, right?" Bai Cang said calmly, "Your heartbeat quickens for the other person's response? You walk hand in hand in the crowd? You confess your love and kiss in a quiet afternoon?"

If any person with special abilities were to substitute the characters in these scenes, it would be enough to turn the scene into a murder scene in the next second.

"Doctor, we don't have the ability to like another person."

Bai Cang seemed to be laughing. The darkness obscured his expression, but Jiang Yiyi could hear his mood at the moment from his cheerful tone: he was very happy.

"Neither did the doctor, did he?"

"We can stop talking about this now."

"I do not mind."

Bai Cang glanced behind him. The vast sanatorium was so far away that it became an invisible dot, with its presence vaguely visible on the horizon.

He stopped and said, "We are already some distance away from the sanatorium. Doctor, do you want to go on?"

Jiang Yiyi followed suit and changed direction, heading back the way she came.

Silence briefly enveloped the scene for a moment, and Jiang Yiyi broke the silence: "Since your preferences are different from those of ordinary people, then what you want should also be different?"

Neither needing his trust nor even a relationship, Bai Cang's attitude towards this is indifferent enough to make people think that his so-called love is an illusion - if he had not indeed confessed it repeatedly.

Bai Cang was suddenly silent for a few seconds.

"Although I don't think the doctor will like my answer," Bai Cang said slowly, "but if this is the answer the doctor wants..."

Bai Cang stared at Jiang Yiyi and said, "The doctor doesn't understand me..." Then he said, "But I don't mind."

"After all, the label the doctor gave me was very..." Bai Cang thought about the adjective: "Harmless."

Jiang Yiyi didn't think Bai Cang was harmless in his opinion - at most, the person he was most wary of was not Bai Cang, but Li Yihe. But based on Li Yihe's past performance and the fact that Bai Cang "liked" him, this could not be considered a wrong judgment.

In other words, Jiang Yiyi really doesn't think that Bai Cang is more worthy of vigilance than Li Yihe.

Bai Cang curved his eyes and said, "What I want is a doctor."

"I once said that I was pursuing the doctor with the intention of dying with him."

"This is true." Bai Cang said happily: "If the doctor tries to leave this world and leave me behind..."

Bai Cang pinched his chin, thinking of a less radical word to use: "Then it will become a reality."

Jiang Yiyi paused.

Bai Cang immediately continued: "The reason why I say I like doctors is because this kind of feeling is defined in the world as liking someone - wanting to get them, wanting to get close to them, wanting to possess them..."

"But the doctor and I both know very well that, in essence, it is not something fragile that requires a response." Bai Cang turned his head and smiled at Jiang Yiyi, restraining the sharpness that Jiang Yiyi was familiar with, reminding him of the first Bai Cang he met.

Dangerous, powerful, and unapproachable.

When did he become what he is now

Jiang Yiyi recalled his memory and froze on the scene after he revealed the opponent's hidden ending.

After that, Bai Cang's image in his memory gradually faded. Apart from his overly powerful abilities, he seemed to have no qualities worthy of being 1-001.

His image gradually overlapped with that of an "admirer", obscuring the overwhelming feeling that the other party gave him when they first met - this was a being that required Jiang Yiyi to break through his limits in order to be defeated.

To be precise, it couldn't even be considered a defeat. Bai Cang used this opportunity to recover from his loss of control, and the only wound Jiang Yiyi left on the other party was a brief bleeding from all seven orifices.

Just as Bai Cang said, he really didn't know the other party well enough.

Bai Cang's image was very vague in Jiang Yiyi's mind, because he was positioned as an "admirer" and was naturally imagined to be a harmless and firm supporter.

Bai Cang noticed that Jiang Yiyi's gaze lingered on him. He slightly turned his head and looked at Jiang Yiyi in the darkness.

Bai Cang continued: "The doctor needs me, and I want the doctor. This is a more accurate description of this relationship."

He doesn't need to respond, nor does he need to maintain this relationship carefully, because they are a natural community of interests, and all he has to do is wait for a suitable opportunity and then take a step further.

This conversation can end here.

Jiang Yiyi made this judgment and looked at the buildings in front of her that were gradually coming into view.

"I'm going to find Li Yihe."

"Then I won't bother you any more."

Bai Cang pushed open the door of the sanatorium and waited for Jiang Yiyi to walk into the sanatorium before letting go and following him: "I am not interested in the doctor's secrets. However, a small reminder that Li Yihe is not trustworthy."

Jiang Yiyi walked towards the second floor and glanced at Bai Cang when she heard this.

Bai Cang pointed to his head: "He is a lunatic."

"Hey." Li Yihe's voice came from upstairs, very dissatisfied: "You talk as if you are not the same?"

Li Yihe leaned against the wall, glanced at Bai Cang and Jiang Yiyi who came back with him, captured, analyzed, and reconstructed those extremely weak signals, and drew conclusions.

"Did the doctor chat with him for a while?" Li Yihe imitated Bai Cang's tone and said, "A small reminder that Bai Cang is not worthy of trust."

Li Yihe pointed to where his heart was and said, "Because he wants you."

"And to what extent he could do that, the doctors had no idea."

Bai Cang raised his eyes and looked at Li Yihe.

Although the atmosphere was not tense, a strong sense of danger was everywhere.

Jiang Yiyi calmly broke the silence: "Thank you for reminding me, I never thought of trusting you."

Li Yihe glanced at Bai Cang, then turned and walked towards his room: "Let's go, didn't you come to see me?"

Bai Cang walked in the opposite direction, and did not forget to remind Jiang Yiyi considerately: "If the doctor gets impatient, it doesn't matter if you kill him directly."

"Before talking about the Grim Reaper, the Mask, and the Abnormal, perhaps you would like to talk about Bai Cang?"

There was no chair in Li Yihe's room. There was a soft carpet on the floor, and the coffee table was covered with papers covered with words, scattered all over the floor.

On the wall directly opposite Li Yihe, various images were playing, ranging from movies to advertisements, from surveillance footage to documentaries, covering almost every type of video. They were played at high speed in a silent state, like a rolling notice, and were useless except for demonstrating their presence.

Jiang Yiyi withdrew her eyes from the rapidly scrolling video and answered Li Yihe's question.

"I'm a little confused about Bai Cang."

"Is it about your misconception of him? Or about his strange possessiveness of you?"


Li Yihe thought for two seconds and turned his head to look at the tightly closed door of the room. Although there was no quality problem with the buildings produced by Xingyu, considering that the person he needed to be wary of was Bai Cang, Li Yihe decided to make it short.

"The only thing to remember about the former is that he is 1-001."

Li Yihe spoke quickly: "The special nature of his ability is part of the reason, but the reason why he is 1-001 is because he is dangerous enough."

"1-002 is always empty, 1-003 is the professor, 1-004 is me, and 1-005 is the anomaly."

Li Yihe thought this was obvious enough: "You just finished talking to the abnormal person, I think you should be very clear about what this ranking means."

"Does it mean he is the most dangerous?"

Li Yihe denied his guess: "It means he is the craziest."

"Regarding the latter," Li Yihe couldn't help but smile again: "Bai Cang has found an existence that can make him invest all his madness, and this existence is the doctor."

"Every ability user has his or her own little quirks. These quirks may be terrifying because of the madness of the ability user, or they may be particularly cruel because it is filled with blood and death."

"These little quirks show the madness of the ability users and also show how out of control they are, but we are different." Li Yihe pointed at himself: "To be precise, it is me, Professor, Bai Cang who is different from them."

"We restrain our madness and transform or choose little habits that are more suitable for us. For example, I pursue the truth, while the professor chooses to carve works of art. As for Bai Cang..."

"Before the doctor showed up, no one knew what his little habit was, but after the doctor showed up, it was obvious." Li Yihe said cheerfully, "He chose love."

"That's not quite accurate. It makes Bai Cang sound like a weak, ordinary person. It should be said that he chose to be a doctor."

Li Yihe looked at Jiang Yiyi: "This is a good thing for our plan. After all, Bai Cang who has regained his sanity is of some use."

"For doctors..." Li Yihe spoke quickly: "It may cause some impact, but it's not a big problem. After all, doctors are better than him."

"If the doctor is not strong enough, he might die because of this, but since the doctor is strong enough to maintain the crushing situation, Bai Cang's little habit is irrelevant to the overall situation."

For Li Yihe, this was a natural conclusion, because Jiang Yiyi was enough to suppress Bai Cang.

"This is a matter between the two of you. If the doctor needs any advice..." Li Yihe said sincerely, "Since Bai Cang's function is limited to switching on and off, if the doctor is troubled by this, I suggest that the doctor just kill him."

This sentence seemed familiar. To be more precise, it was an exact replica of Bai Cang's last sentence.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Li Yihe: "Holding a grudge is not a good trait." Especially when it appears in Li Yihe.

After all, the brain that the other party possesses is dangerous enough, and Li Yihe, who holds a grudge... If he cannot be killed in one go, then it will be his enemy's turn to be killed by him.

"After all, he's nothing compared to the doctor."

Li Yihe spread his hands and said, "If he will hinder the doctor, just let him die, that's the simplest solution."

"But you know I don't kill people."

Li Yihe showed a surprised expression and asked knowingly: "Is the abnormal person still alive?"

“I thought the doctor had solved my worries, so I was interested in enjoying the night view with Bai Cang?”

Li Yihe's gaze paused on Jiang Yiyi, and he asked himself, "My guess cannot be wrong. The doctor did solve my worries, but the way he solved it..."

Li Yihe didn't quite believe the next inference: "The doctor distorted his choice?"

Li Yihe paused for two seconds and asked himself again: "Since doctors still adhere to the moral bottom line, they should also respect freedom of thought."

"Then there is only one possibility." Li Yihe concluded: "A lone wolf who committed suicide?"

This long series of reasoning took place in a very short period of time, and Li Yihe reached the correct destination with dazzling operations.

"Another way to use 'New World'?"

Although I know that the other person's ability is not mind reading - but to be honest, admitting that his ability is mind reading can give me a subtle sense of comfort.

Li Yihe had no intention of considering Jiang Yiyi's mood. After getting the answer from Jiang Yiyi's subtle reaction, he went straight to the next point: "It seems that this method of use is not the only possibility of death."

"Besides the Lone Wolf and the other suicide, who else did the Doctor use it on?"

Jiang Yiyi's thoughts were still on the previous sentence: "Isn't death the only possibility?" He was indeed clear about this, but Li Yihe should not be able to come to this conclusion.

Li Yihe realized that Jiang Yiyi didn't follow his train of thought, and explained to him considerately: "If its effect is death, then the doctor can't confidently say, I don't kill people."

"Since the doctor can say this, it can only mean that the doctor has confirmed that this is not an inevitable death." Li Yihe said patiently: "Then how did the doctor confirm this?"

Of course, it is because Jiang Yiyi knows that there are still examples of people being affected by this skill but not dying, so she can say "I don't kill people" with absolute certainty.

And that's why Lee Il-ha asked, "Who else has the doctor used it on?" - No, now he has the answer.

Jiang Yiyi's micro-expressions, subconscious reactions, even his blood flow and breathing were telling him the answer - it was related to him.

"Me?" Li Yihe was really surprised this time, for the hidden meaning behind this answer: "Did the doctor ever think of killing me?"

He didn't wait for Jiang Yiyi to answer, and shook his head and said, "Impossible."

Li Yihe is very sure of this: Jiang Yiyi has never fallen into madness, and under this premise, it is impossible for Jiang Yiyi to break his own moral bottom line.

In other words, if Jiang Yiyi had crossed his moral bottom line, there was no way he would still be alive.

Jiang Yiyi explained: "It is a passive reaction of the "new world"."

Li Yihe's doubts were solved, and the next doubt came up: "But I have no memory related to this."

Jiang Yiyi reminded him: "When we first met, you went crazy because you stared at me for too long..."

The memories related to this quickly came back, as clear as if they happened yesterday.

Li Yihe rubbed his brows and said, "It's there, but I can't describe it accurately. I can only say..."

"At that moment, I realized that the answer to the question was right there, right there..." Li Yihe suddenly looked at Jiang Yiyi: "It's with the doctor."

Jiang Yiyi thought: "New world?"

Li Yihe's answer was unusually ambiguous: "Maybe."

This kind of ambiguous answer is not Li Yihe's style. His IQ is enough for him to get the answers to most questions, not to mention that this is just a directional question...

Before Jiang Yiyi could form a complete thought about his doubts, a notification suddenly popped up, attracting his attention and making him forget about it.

"The hidden ending has been unlocked, the current progress is 4/7."

Whose hidden ending was unlocked

The next second after this thought came to his mind, Jiang Yiyi turned his head and looked towards the door.

The magician's figure emerged from behind the open door, and his eyes fell on Jiang Yiyi without hesitation.

"Doctor, the abnormal person is dead."

The Deviant's hidden ending is unlocked.

The author has something to say: For example, I pursue the truth, while the professor chooses to carve works of art, and as for Bai Cang...

Bai Cang’s little hobby: Jiang Yiyi.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-13 11:15:04~2020-03-14 11:36:22~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 mercury;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 mercury;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ge Zi 5 bottles; Qian Yu Wu 3 bottles; A Li 2 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!