Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 114: Hidden ending Origin 1


Although the relationship between Jiang Yiyi and Bai Cang has changed in definition, in fact, apart from the hug, their mode of getting along has not changed substantially.

No, this change was frightening enough. As the only bystander, Lin Yi had to admit after a brief moment of self-doubt that this scene was not a figment of his mental disorder, but a reality that actually happened.

"Doctor, I don't think this is a good idea," Lin Yi said quickly after reacting, "Bai Cang is a capable person..."

"You should know that you are also an ability user now?" Bai Cang raised his eyes and looked at Lin Yi, getting to the point: "What? Did you come to an interesting conclusion with Kong Yueze?"

He looked at Lin Yi who paused suddenly: "For example, compared with us capable people, you won't lose control?" He added emphasis on the words "we capable people".

Lin Yi blinked. Before silence enveloped the place, his eyes tilted and fell on the Great Rift Valley behind Jiang Yiyi. His tone was exaggerated: "Indeed, there should be no life forms here. I will report it to my mentor to see what is going on." what happened… "

Lin Yi moved a few steps aside, avoiding Bai Cang's sight, and communicated in a low voice with the person on the other end of the star card.

Bai Cang didn't have any emotional fluctuations in his attempt to conceal his behavior - although weak people are not the same, in the final analysis, weakness is their biggest common denominator.

The scene became quiet again, and Bai Cang explained to Jiang Yiyi in a low voice why Lin Yi said what he said.

"The reason why this place cannot be effectively used by the Covenant is because it is a dead place where life cannot survive..."

"Hundreds of years ago, the Covenant made a judgment that this was a land that was about to 'disappear', and organized citizens to evacuate here in an orderly manner."

Bai Cang looked at the crisscrossing cracks on the ground in front of him, outlining a thrilling death trap. No one would think that life could continue here.

"But today, hundreds of years later, it still has not 'disappeared'. It is like an ugly wound, remembering the mistakes that humans have made."

"But now, on the land where life cannot survive, a little flower has bloomed." Lin Yi ended the communication at some point and seamlessly inserted into the conversation: "Perhaps, everything is getting better."

Lin Yi looked at Jiang Yiyi and said, "Whether it's this world or... us."

Jiang Yiyi concluded: "So, Star Prison's research on non-naturally formed ability users has made progress?"

The "unnaturally formed espers" that Jiang Yiyi refers to specifically refer to Lin Yi and Madman, who became espers from ordinary people because of his influence.

The madman stayed in the independent space research institute to cooperate with the research from the beginning, but no one knew Lin Yi's specific movements after leaving the star prison.

Coincidentally, Kong Yueze also lost his sense of existence after that.

"The reason why Kong Yueze hasn't appeared recently is because his attention is focused on you?"

"To be precise, it's not me, it's the world that is coming back to life."

Lin Yi glanced at the green color deep in the rift valley: "After the doctor led the cooperation and left the star prison, the world entered a new realm, with countless new changes happening every day, reviving the stagnant world. ”

Lin Yi is extremely certain of this: "Everything is getting better."

Bai Cang raised the corner of his mouth, put his hand on Jiang Yiyi's shoulder, turned his head and whispered in his ear: "Doctor, you see, as long as you are not careful, even an absolutely loyal guy will be persuaded by Kong Yueze. "

"Since he is absolutely loyal, there is no possibility of being persuaded."

Kong Yueze's voice sounded, and his figure appeared not far away, along with many figures behind him.

Kong Yueze's eyes passed over Jiang Yiyi and Bai Cang, taking in the extremely subtle changes between them, and said to Bai Cang, "Congratulations on getting what you wanted."

Bai Cang retracted his hand, stood up straight, glanced at the researcher who put on protective equipment and rushed outside the ecological circle, and ignored what the other person said: "You are actually free enough to go there in person?"

"It happens to be nearby, so I stopped by to meet the doctor." After Kong Yueze finished explaining, he looked at Lin Yidao: "How is it?"

Lin Yi clicked on the star card screen: "The closer the distance to the doctor, the more obvious the fluctuation. Obviously, the doctor and 'Arika' have a closer connection."

Jiang Yiyi's eyes fell on the star card screen.

Lin Yiwei introduced Jiang Yiyi: "This is the data monitored in real time by the energy response collection device on my body."

He pointed at one of the densely packed data and curves on the screen—it was also the most conspicuous one. It suddenly reached a peak at a certain period of time, drowning out the presence of several other elevated curves.

"'Arika' is the name given to this kind of existence." Kong Yueze took over the words and said, "That's the curve you saw, doctor."

"It is an indicator of significant growth after Lin Yi and Madman became espers, and it is also present in the test reports of other espers."

Kong Yueze continued: "This value has always existed, but because its function cannot be clearly understood, it was classified as an unknown substance. But now, we can confirm that it is the most important part of why a person with abilities becomes an ability user. …”

"But the problem is, these data..."

Kong Yueze pointed out several data: "There are significant differences between Lin Yi and other ability users. In other words, Lin Yi and other ability users cannot be simply classified into the same category. There are significant differences between them.”

"First of all, the abilities he possesses are not strong enough. Secondly, their spirit, thinking and psychological state are all very normal - of course, relatively normal compared to those with abilities."

"So, after the observation period is over, we can confirm that Lin Yi and others are not the same as ability users."

Kong Yueze said categorically: "They will not lose control, nor do they have the characteristics of abnormal mental state. They are new human beings in the true sense."

"Although they are extremely weak, and even have almost no abilities, there is no doubt that they are further ahead than those with abilities, and are on the road to evolution."

Kong Yueze stared at Jiang Yiyi, spreading everything out in the silent wilderness.

"And just now, we proved another point. 'Arika' is affected by doctors, which is the only factor we know that can affect it."

Kong Yueze was very excited and lost his usual self-control and calmness. Some emotions were rolling on his face, in his eyes, and even in his throat, stirring up more emotions in the windy wilderness. For the hot vitality.

"In other words, we can confirm our previous guesses from data and research. The emergence of new humans - that is, the changes in Jian Si and Madman, is extremely closely related to doctors."

"Doctor, as you said before, you are not a new human being."

"You are the beacon that leads mankind to the new world."

After Kong Yueze's excessively informative talk came to an end, before the scene fell silent, Bai Cang took over the conversation.

"It's not a good habit to pretend that you know nothing." Bai Cang said lazily: "No one here will believe that you have no knowledge of everything that happens in the independent space."

"In other words," Bai Cang raised his eyes and looked at Kong Yueze, with a sense of sharpness and oppression: "You have known this for a long time, about what the doctor is doing and what he wants to do."

Kong Yueze calmed down his surging emotions and calmed down in an instant: "It is not a good habit to easily believe in an absurd statement that cannot be proven by facts."

“Only data and scientific research results can prove the truth.”

Jiang Yiyi was not interested in what he knew, because it was really not a secret—at least as far as Jiang Yiyi was concerned, it was not something that needed to be kept secret.

He looked away from the rift valley.

With the help of technology, those scientific researchers went deep into the long and narrow rift valley. They did not act rashly, but built a circle of detection tools next to the green. On the premise of providing it with protection, they carefully obtained and related to this weak Information about living things.

Jiang Yiyi: "That sounds like good news."

"Indeed, but this is not surprising," Kong Yueze said to Jiang Yiyi: "After all, our goals are the same. Although the goals and methods are different, we will eventually reach the same destination."

"A new world that opens up the path to evolution."

"So, you came here specifically to inform me of your latest progress?"

"That's just by the way, mainly because I want to chat with the doctor..." Kong Yueze paused for a moment and smiled meaningfully: "Li Yihe's plan."

"I don't think you have a better plan."

"Since this plan is Li Yihe's handiwork, it is really unlikely that anyone can find the problem."

Kong Yueze said calmly: "But that's the problem."

"Li Yihe isn't trustworthy either, is he?"

Jiang Yiyi's eyebrows moved slightly.

Kong Yueze thoughtfully added this sentence: "All abilities are untrustworthy. This is not due to my personal prejudice, but a warning from past experience."

"Of course," Kong Yueze turned his head and glanced at Bai Cang: "Except Bai Cang."

Bai Cang's attention was focused on Jiang Yiyi and he didn't look at anyone else.

"After all, all his ulterior motives are to get the doctor. As long as he achieves his goal, he can be completely trusted."

"Li Yihe is indeed not trustworthy," Jiang Yiyi asked Kong Yueze: "What about you?"

"I don't need to be trusted." Kong Yueze has a clear judgment on this: "The same purpose is enough for us to have the same position."

"I know this better than you." Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "I lead the cooperation, so..."

He looked at Kong Yueze: "I will decide how all this will end."

Kong Yueze received a very clear answer. As before, any attempt to influence Jiang Yiyi to lead cooperation would be useless.

Because that is Jiang Yiyi.

A free soul strong enough to move forward with determination, never hesitating, fearing, or even stopping.

Everyone is wary of Li Yihe's wisdom. He is a powerful enough threat to everyone.

Only wisdom can create a desperate situation for absolute strength when there is a huge disparity in strength.

Therefore, some people choose to try to kill him, some choose to keep their distance from him, and some choose to approach him with caution.

But Jiang Yiyi is different from everyone else. He walks on the path of his own choice and will not be swayed by anyone.

Therefore, even in a week that is not strong enough, he can become the only dominant player.

"In that case, I respect the doctor's choice." Kong Yueze took a step back with some regret: "I hope that in the end, we can all get the ending we want."

After returning to the independent space, Jiang Yiyi and Bai Cang had a brief conversation about what Kong Yueze said.

"He doesn't think highly of you." Bai Cang walked beside Jiang Yiyi and said softly: "Compared to Li Yihe."

"It's not surprising." Jiang Yiyi walked under the sunshine constructed by the environmental simulation layer, surrounded by lush lawns and green plants. Everything he saw was far more like a deserted land than the barren land he had just seen. real world.

"After all, the other being compared is Li Yihe."

As Li Yihe is also listed as the most vigilant being, Jiang Yiyi can understand Kong Yueze very well: "Killing Li Yihe directly is the best solution. Playing conspiracy with him has no chance of winning. And leave him in this. The more time it takes, the greater the threat will be.”

Bai Cang stared at Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds, then suddenly laughed: "The doctor knows this very well... but still doesn't do anything?"

"Then there's only one reason."

Bai Cang's tone was relaxed, completely different from Kong Yueze's attitude towards this: "The doctor knows what he wants."

"To be precise, we have a tacit understanding."

Jiang Yiyi reached out and pushed open the door of the nursing home. Noisy sounds came from the second floor. He looked in the direction of the second floor and said softly: "He doesn't need to use words to persuade, because he can't be persuaded at all."

"Then let him get what he wants." Jiang Yiyi wrote lightly: "A's ****, B's honey."

Bai Cang turned his head to distinguish the noisy sound coming from above, and said to Jiang Yiyi: "It seems to be the origin."

origin? Who to chat with next

Jiang Yiyi let go of his hand and walked towards the second floor.

Bai Cang followed him: "I've been wondering why this game doesn't have a hidden ending for Li Yihe?"

Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "Maybe it's because his obsession is simply impossible for players to achieve."

"Sometimes, I feel that Li Yihe's speculation that the doctor was the mastermind is really reasonable."

Bai Cang said softly: "The doctor acted as if he had already read the secret book and knew everyone well."

"Generally, we call this kind of performance wisdom." Li Yihe's voice came slowly from the stairs: "If it's at this level, even if I have read the secret book to pass the level, wouldn't I know it by heart?"

Jiang Yiyi took the last step and walked to the second floor platform, finally able to take in the noisy scene.

Li Yihe leaned against the wall and stood at the entrance of the stairs, keeping a distance from the center of the chaos—an extremely delicate position that would not be affected by the chaos but could also immediately notice the movement on the first floor.

It's hard to say whether Li Yihe heard the complete conversation just now.

But it wasn't important. Li Yihe didn't ask about it, and Jiang Yiyi didn't take the initiative to tell him.

After his eyes passed over Li Yihe, he paused at the center of the chaos.

However, Bai Cang was not interested in the chaos in front of him and continued: "So, you have overturned the doctor's judgment that it was the mastermind?"

Li Yihe stared at the center of the chaos and said casually: "That is the backup answer when there is no other answer."

"Although doctors often appear to be too restrained and rational, I don't think he would be so emotional to such an extent that he would criticize human society, explore power and politics, and look back at environmental protection and energy utilization. Only a fool would try to mix so many things. Together, calling for love and peace.”

Li Yihe looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Doctors are not stupid, and they don't have such rampant empathy."

On the contrary, at certain times, Jiang Yiyi's performance was so indifferent that it made people scared, and they even suspected that the other party was the mastermind behind all this, and ultimately the boss.

To Jiang Yiyi's expectation, the center of the chaos was not the origin, but Jian Si and the collector. If you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem too surprising.

Yuan Yu stopped the collector, while Jian Si stood at the door, frowning slightly, and the pigtails tied behind him swayed slightly with his movements, making some arcs.

"Don't be impulsive." Yuan Yuan stopped the collector, but he said to Jian Si: "The doctor will be angry..."

Before he finished speaking, he noticed a familiar aura and turned to Jiang Yiyi: "Doctor, you are finally back, Jian Si..."

Jian Si's voice sounded, interrupting Origin's words: "Doctor, what's going on with the collector? Is he crazy?"

Jiang Yiyi stepped between them, Yuan Yuan let go of the collector's hand and whispered: "What's going on Jian Si?"

How come it’s not just collectors who sound crazy

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yiyi looked around among them and landed on Li Yihe: "What happened?"

Li Yihe accurately summarized: "Collectors want to collect Jian Si, but Jian Si is a bit... angry."

Yuan Yuan took over the conversation, still remembering the scene of Cai Cai's anger: "If you use anger to describe it, it would be too far from the truth. It is obviously... "

Origin scratched his head and thought for a long time before he found a suitable word: "Everyone is only one step away from death."

It is difficult for Origin to directly describe the feelings of the scene just now. He has never experienced such absolute suppression. Even the other party did nothing, and the shadow of death has enveloped them.

Jiang Yiyi looked at Jian Si.

Jian Si lifted up her loose hair and repeated nonchalantly: "He wants to collect me."

Having said this, he glanced at the collector who was staring at him intently: "This is really, really, really arrogant."

The collector had no fear. On the contrary, he became more and more excited under Jian Si's gaze. His whole body was trembling slightly, unable to suppress his excitement.

"I warned you, before ending the cooperation, play your role in this cooperation well."

Jiang Yiyi stretched out his hand to hold the Collector's shoulders. The Collector's trembling body slowly calmed down. He showed a restrained and gentle smile to Jian Si and said, "It's a pity that the doctor is in charge of all this."

"Doctors don't like blood and corpses."

This is an unquestionable provocation.

Before Jian Si could react, Jiang Yiyi warned the other party: "Or are you planning to end our cooperation?"

"Okay, okay," Li Yihe said appropriately: "The doctor has the final say, there is no doubt about it."

"Jian Si is just... a little out of control, but he won't make the doctor angry, will he?"

Li Yihe turned his head to look at Jian Si and asked inquiringly, "Jian Si?"

Jian Si laughed, leaned against the door frame and said lazily, "Of course, I've always been on the doctor's side."

"But the doctor said it so firmly, as if he was ready to follow me at any time..."

Jian Si's words were suddenly silenced - because of Bai Cang's next move.

Bai Cang put his hand on Jiang Yiyi's shoulder, lowered his head and asked Jiang Yiyi: "Shall I take Yuanyuan to the special chat room first? You continue?"

The whole process was intimate and natural, as if it had been repeated countless times without any abnormalities.

The other person's warm touch came from the close distance. Jiang Yiyi turned his head and glanced at Bai Cang, and calmly rejected him: "No, it's over."

He looked at Origin: "Let's talk?"

"It's my turn?" Yuan Yuan was a little surprised. He stood up straight, and the feeling of oppression brought by his tall body came: "That's great. I have long wanted to talk to the doctor alone."

In the strange silence, Yuan Yuan scratched his head: "But, Bai Cang and the doctor... Did Bai Cang get what he wanted?"

Bai Cang glanced in the direction of Jian Si, extremely happy: "Yes, I got what I wanted."

"Doctor belongs to me..."

"And I'm a doctor."

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-03-2110:49:59~2020-03-2211:27:37~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 66 bottles of Moon Bud on the Tree; 59 bottles of Sugar; 20 bottles of Bubble Teapot and Xiaowu; 11 bottles of Here is a Rabbit; ai, Invincible, Little Rose, Gou 10 bottles of Li and Shan Hui; 8 bottles of Duo Miao Miao; 40888901 bottles of Jin Hui Dui, 5 bottles of Qiluo Little Sun, uireann; 356018121 bottles of Ordinary;

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