Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 115: Hidden ending Origin 2


Special interview room.

All the efforts made to create a good atmosphere for conversation did not play the role it should have. No matter how lush the greenery was, how gentle the sunshine was, or how comfortable the breeze was... it was unable to dispel the depression brought about by the previous conversations.

After all, no matter how normal and harmless the other person may seem now, in the end their true inner self will be revealed—a crazy, rotten soul.

In this case, there is no need to go through the test again as both parties are aware of the situation. After repeating this process three times, Jiang Yiyi has already deeply realized how meaningless this thing is.

Madness will not disappear by disguise, and a bad soul will not become a good person just because it looks like a good person.

Jiang Yiyi sat in the familiar seat, pondered for two seconds, and was about to get straight to the point when the other party spoke first.

"Doctor, why did you choose Bai Cang?"

Origin is tall, rugged-looking, and has a loud voice. His appearance alone can easily give people the first impression that he is well-developed but simple-minded. Of course, if someone really thinks so, then his ending will definitely not be very good.

"I've been waiting to see the scene after Bai Cang is completely rejected." Qiyuan felt extremely regretful about this: "Whether the doctor turns against him or he is completely defeated by the doctor, it is worth looking forward to."

"Of course, if the doctor is defeated by him..." Origin's face showed sincere expectation: "I am also looking forward to everything that will happen to the doctor."

Jiang Yiyi shut her mouth - it was obvious that the other party had no intention of following the procedure and chose to "self-explode" at the beginning of the conversation.

"Why did Bai Cang get what he wanted?" Yuan Qi couldn't figure out how this happened: "No matter how hard we think about it, the doctor and Bai Cang can't reach an agreement."

Qiyuan looked at Jiang Yiyi, frowned, and was extremely troubled: "What Bai Cang wants is a doctor, and a doctor cannot become someone else's appendage..."

"The doctor compromised?" Yuan Qi looked at Jiang Yiyi and denied this guess: "Impossible, if the doctor compromises, he is not a doctor."

"Then it can only be that Bai Cang has to settle for the next best thing?" Yuan Qi found the reason and immediately sat up straight, reminding Jiang Yiyi: "Doctor, don't be fooled by him. That guy will do anything to achieve his goal."

He backed up his argument with the most obvious fact: "He's 1-001."

"The doctor should know exactly what this serial number means."

"Nothing he says can be trusted."

After Yuanshi finished speaking, he looked at Jiang Yiyi with anticipation, and made no secret of his expectation that Jiang Yiyi would suddenly realize her mistake and break up with Bai Cang.

For some reason, there seemed to be an extra lot of people reminding him of this recently.

Jiang Yiyi began to wonder strangely what kind of image she had in the eyes of others. If Li Yihe and Jian Si thought that Jiang Yiyi shouldn't know about their cooperation, it must be a sign of ulterior motives, which made Jiang Yiyi feel that she was being looked down upon.

Now, after receiving repeated enthusiastic reminders from different people, Jiang Yiyi began to doubt what kind of image she had in their eyes.

Why was everyone so keen to remind him that no one could be trusted

Jiang Yiyi asked this question: "What makes you think I don't know this?"

Qiyuan was stunned for two seconds, then he scratched his head: "Maybe it's because the doctor always acts like a good person?"

Jiang Yiyi became more and more confused.

Origin explained: "In the common perception, 'good people' don't always naturally trust everyone?" Origin was a little uncertain when he said this: "That should be the case, right?"

He scratched his head and said, "I haven't been in contact with the outside world for a long time. I don't know if the standard of a 'good person' has changed now."

"But in our view, the 'good guys' are stupid, gullible... "

Before he could list the characteristics, he realized the direction of the topic and forced a correction: "Of course, doctors have nothing to do with stupidity. These shortcomings belong to ordinary people and cannot be applied to doctors."

Origin paused for a few seconds: "So, it turns out that the doctor's previous performance misled me."

"The doctor never showed any vigilance towards us," Origin concluded in a relaxed tone, "nor did he show any understanding of us. The doctor was more self-restrained and restrained in front of us."

"It's easy for people to have some kind of illusion." Yuanqi looked at Jiang Yiyi and said, "An illusion that can easily defeat the doctor."

"After all, our most dangerous thing is not our abilities, but our madness." Origin said lightly: "It is enough to stain all pure souls black, shatter beautiful hearts, and destroy strong beliefs and wills."

"The doctor gave us this illusion," Origin's tone gradually calmed down, "So, the ability users cast their eyes towards the doctor one after another."

"It's not the doctor's ability that conquered us, but the doctor's charm..." Qiyuan raised the corner of his mouth and whispered: "It conquered us."

“Who wants to miss the doctor?”

Origin's performance at this moment was completely different from before. He used his huge body to speak extremely soft words, just like an elephant suddenly dancing flexibly, filled with a kind of incompatibility between body and soul.

"Missed the most perfect prey?" Origin tapped his fingers on the table, his voice becoming softer: "That would be too stupid."

Jiang Yiyi leaned back on the chair, frowning slightly: "I thought I had proved..."

Jiang Yiyi looked at Yuanqi, his dark eyes reflecting the other person's figure: "This stupid little trick is useless to me."

Origin paused his tapping of the tabletop fingers, and almost uncontrollably turned his gaze towards the pair of eyes staring at him.

The silence did not last long, Jiang Yiyi broke off the eye contact before the situation got out of control.

"I know you are good at these things, psychology, suggestion, hypnosis, logic..." Jiang Yiyi tapped his fingers on the table, his eyes swept across the "New World" skill on the character panel, and said: "But if you have read my file, you should know that I am a doctor."

"A doctor who specializes in surgery and psychology."

After losing eye contact, Qiyuan's eyes subconsciously followed Jiang Yiyi's gaze until he reacted and stopped this subconscious behavior.

"Yes, I know this very well." Qiyuan retracted his hand, not at all embarrassed for being caught red-handed while trying to hypnotize Jiang Yiyi: "Just give it a try..."

Origin resumed his loud voice: "Anyway, the doctor has an admirable moral bottom line and will not kill anyone for such a harmless temptation, right?"

"This trick has also been used by the abnormal people." These abnormal people have tried to provoke him and find the human weakness that can be exploited. Of course, he also used his death as the final answer.

Origin scratched his head and said, "That's a bit difficult. If the abnormal people can't do it, then I can't do it either."

Qiyuan was troubled for a few seconds, then suddenly looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Doctor, what do you want to do?"

Jiang Yiyi was a little surprised by his question: "Are you interested?"

"Not interested." Origin's answer was very straightforward: "I just want to know if there is any chance that this will make the doctor lose everything."

"No." Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "Your little habit will never be realized."

"Because I can't fail, and I can't show you a broken soul."

"The doctor is very sure of this." Origin sighed, "But everything is not over yet. Who can be sure of what the final outcome will be?"

"I admire your optimism, keep it up." Jiang Yiyi curled her lips: "But now, let's get back to the reason why this conversation came about."

Qiyuan complained: "If I had known this would happen, I should have applied to speak to the doctor first. After the doctor finished talking to them, he was obviously more perfunctory to me."

Jiang Yiyi ignored his complaints: "What is your obsession?"

Speaking of this, Qiyuan instantly forgot his half-false, half-serious complaints. He sat up straight and said with great interest, "So this is what doctors do?"

"Then I can understand why there are little episodes in the conversation between the doctor and other people with special abilities." Origin rubbed his hands and said, "My obsession is..."

Before he said it, Jiang Yiyi casually reminded the other party: "Actually, I don't really care what your obsession is." Because it was impossible for him to fulfill the other party's obsession.

After all, from the Grim Reaper to the Collector, the way he played the hidden endings was not by fulfilling their obsessions.

"I have other ways to ensure this can continue."

"But the doctor still asked this question..." Origin thought for two seconds: "It seems that the doctor has fully learned the lesson from others."

"To be precise, the desire to end this perfunctorily has become so obvious that it cannot be concealed."

Qiyuan stared at Jiang Yiyi and said, "That's too unfair to me. At least they got a deep enough understanding from the doctor."

Jiang Yiyi added another point he didn’t mention: “And death.”

"And a death that would be the envy of the God of Death." Origin added, "Whether it is death or a twisted choice, as long as it comes from the doctor, I am very happy..." He shook his head: "Accept."

But Jiang Yiyi was not interested in this.

Whether it was a bad soul or a bad habit, he had no interest in understanding it.

"I think you should be interested in the new world." Jiang Yiyi said in a perfunctory manner: "Open the door to human evolution and step into a brand new world..."

Origin interrupted Jiang Yiyi and said, "Is this the real world?"

Although I do think it’s not a secret, isn’t it a bit too much for everyone to know that the world is fake

Qiyuan looked at Jiang Yiyi for two seconds. Not knowing what he understood from Jiang Yiyi's calm gaze, he said, "It's actually quite obvious. Everyone should have felt this more or less, the experience that the world is too narrow."

"Rather than saying that the evolution is incomplete, it's better to say that it's limited and can't go any further." Origin continued, "Doctor, from you, we can see how far an unrestricted ability person can go..."

Origin suddenly changed the subject: "But I'm not interested in it."

"What will happen to the world and humanity has nothing to do with me." Yuanqi looked at Jiang Yiyi calmly and said, "I admire broken souls on the verge of collapse, and no one in this world has a more brilliant soul than the doctor."

"It still shines brightly in the Star Prison. It is like the brightest light among the people with special abilities, attracting all of them like moths to a flame."

"Has the doctor ever been curious?" Origin's tone softened again: "Why do we have such a fanatical obsession with doctors? Such an abnormal pursuit?"

Jiang Yiyi raised her eyebrows: "Do you have an answer?"

"Every person with special abilities has an answer." Origin took a deep breath, controlling his emotions. A soft voice came out of his mouth, bringing a strong sense of disharmony: "The doctor's own peculiarity is the cause of all this."

This word flashed through Jiang Yiyi's mind, and finally paused: "Shouldn't exist, player."

"Players?" Origin repeated the word: "As a game, this world is indeed interesting."

Every person with special abilities accepted the news that "this is a game" without any obstacles, and was so calm that people had the illusion that the news was not shocking.

Just like the origin, he casually commented and put it behind him: "But for me, I want the doctor to collapse here, I want to see the shining soul shattered here and become our true kind."

Jiang Yiyi looked at him for two seconds.

Origin: "Doctor, can you satisfy my little obsession?"

Jiang Yiyi: “No.”

After a brief pause, before the staring time was about to reach a more dangerous point, Origin looked away: "Pretend I didn't ask, let's talk about the new world."

Jiang Yiyi was surprised by his overly pragmatic behavior: "I thought you would emphasize to me that death is meaningless to you."

"But the doctor can also tell me to face death directly, which is not difficult for the doctor."

Origin sat upright, his tall body elongated in the light, and his shadow twisted into the appearance of a monster with bared fangs and claws.

"Given the examples of the previous few people, I think it's meaningless to dwell on this." Qiyuan grinned at Jiang Yiyi and said, "I'm not in a hurry to realize my little obsession..."

He was very frank: "After all, the winner has not yet been revealed, Li Yihe, Jian Si, Bai Cang, Kong Yueze..."

"If you underestimate any one of these guys, the situation will be turned around in an instant."

Origin knows them too well: "Temporary cooperation means nothing. Before reaching the final fork, no one knows what cards they are hiding."

Jiang Yiyi concluded: "You think you still have a chance."

"It's a bit unreasonable for me to admit that the doctor is in control of everything." Origin scratched his head: "However, if the doctor thinks this is because I'm not crazy enough, I have no objection."

Jiang Yiyi should have continued asking, just like in the previous conversation - asking questions about the differences between the other person and others, and then repeating the same mistake and discovering that the reason the other person seemed different from others was simply because he didn't know him well enough.

And when he realizes this, he often has a deep understanding of the other person.

But after repeating the same experience twice, if it is repeated for the third time, it is not because the other person is good at disguise, but because he is too stupid.

"I admire your self-awareness." Jiang Yiyi calmly stopped the conversation and returned to his familiar field of perfunctory discussion: "So, have we reached a consensus? About the new world?"

Qiyuan paused and looked at Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds.

"I suffered a loss because of the last chat with the doctor." Yuanqi complained again: "They had a good time..."

Qiyuan's complaints were silenced by Jiang Yiyi's expressionless face. After a brief pause, Qiyuan became serious: "Doctor, do you have no interest in me at all?"

"You have no interest in my past, my secrets, my wounds, the reasons that led to all this?"

Jiang Yiyi nodded and urged him, "I think you should answer my question first."

"As for my madness, the reason why I'm in the Star Prison, and even my little quirks..." Origin got the answer from Jiang Yiyi's unchanged calmness: "The doctor's indifference is still the same as always."

"That's why there's a clear line between doctors and good people."

"But no good person would treat the world in this way."

Origin struggled to start a conversation: "It's not without reason that the Star Prison defines doctors as a combination of 'touchable' and 'extremely dangerous, no contact allowed'."

"Compared to the good person the doctor pretends to be, the danger the doctor is in is still extremely clear even if he is restrained to this extent."

"Has the doctor never thought that we are the same kind?"

Yuan Qi looked at Jiang Yiyi and said, "It's just that the doctor did it, to the point where he even believed that he was a good person."

"The Abnormal One has the same idea as you." Jiang Yiyi said calmly, "It's just that his point of view is that I am too hypocritical."

"But you also saw the choices made by the deviants."

Jiang Yiyi reminded Yuanshi calmly: "Don't struggle in vain. Abnormal people are better at finding human weaknesses than you are. If I were to waver because of this, then nothing would have been possible to this point."

"Indeed." Origin acknowledged this: "This is an area where the Deviants excel. If the Doctor can be lured and defeated, then the Deviants should have done it long ago."

But in the end, the abnormal person faced death, while Jiang Yiyi remained unchanged. This was enough to prove that Jiang Yiyi was invincible.

Origin made a regretful choice: "It seems that we have to reach a consensus."

"About the New World."

Although Jiang Yiyi asked perfunctorily and the other party answered perfunctorily, the system didn't care about that. Its criteria for judging the hidden ending had always been vague enough to make people doubt whether this was just a formality for it.

"The hidden ending has been unlocked, the current progress is 6/7."

The author has something to say: I think it will be finished this week!

Then start writing the sequel!

I made a sound that I wanted to write a sequel.

"On how many times you need to die to complete a difficult survival game"

Tool man: laxative, he is at the bottom and has not passed the level yet.

All I can tell you is that the little man on the loading page has a total of 1,089 hairs. He blinks 189 times every time you load the game. If he dies a few more times, I will be able to count all his eyelashes.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-22 11:27:37 ~ 2020-03-23 11:01:00~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Wei Rui 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: ashmedai, Maowo-Combat Boots 30 bottles; Ziguai, Lin 20 bottles; Gu Yuqi, Lian Zi 10 bottles; llicker, Temperature is not high 6 bottles; Undefeated 5 bottles; Pei Lian 4 bottles; Suiyi Paris, Bai Xingluo 3 bottles; sky, Gugu, Fengyoujingwei mega, Wenrenduo, Iced Lemon Tea 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! :,,,