Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 12: Second floor 5


Time flies like an arrow.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Yiyi had become familiar with the second floor. Of course, the second floor became familiar with him before him.

No matter how incapable of distinguishing danger a small animal is, it will know who the real source of danger is from the blood.

Jiang Yiyi and the second floor reached a wonderful state of non-interference.

An overly comfortable environment can easily wipe out a normal person's fighting spirit and make some people feel bored, but for Jiang Yiyi, everything is still bearable.

After all - actively asking to go to the third floor is not normal no matter how you look at it.

Jiang Yiyi, who thinks he is very normal, crushes those "abnormal" thoughts and continues his daily life of saving lives and healing the wounded.

In Hanbang Prison, peace is a very precious thing because it often does not last long.

Group meal time.

In the noisy restaurant, the crowded tables and the empty tables form a sharp contrast.

Jiang Yiyi and the madman sat at the table in the middle of the cafeteria, with a circle of open space on the side. The tables not far away were crowded with people, noisy and playful, but only around Jiang Yiyi and the others was there complete silence.

As a special caretaker, Lin Yi always follows Jiang Yiyi everywhere - he stands in the corner of the cafeteria, scanning the crowd, paying close attention to possible unrest, and his eyes pass over Jiang Yiyi without stopping at all.

Riots might occur, but they would never happen around Jiang Yiyi - because it would be too dangerous for the criminals who caused the riots.

Everything was going on as usual, and it seemed like just another ordinary day.

The cafeteria door was pushed open from the outside.

The noisy sounds in the cafeteria paused for a moment.

Jiang Yiyi seemed to realize something and turned her head to look behind her.

The butcher walked in front, followed by a figure in unfamiliar prisoner uniform. The figure lowered his head, as if frightened of the environment, and followed the butcher timidly.

Jiang Yiyi's gaze paused on him.

The man who was following the butcher timidly suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Jiang Yiyi.

Their eyes met, and a familiar yet unfamiliar emotion extended from each other's gaze, which lingered on them layer by layer, bringing with it a cold and damp aura.

Jiang Yiyi stopped twirling her chopsticks and squinted her eyes to look at him carefully—there were scars on his face, and large tattoos could be vaguely seen on his exposed hands…

The anatomical plane unfolded in front of Jiang Yiyi, and the opponent's vital points were thoughtfully marked for him. Different from the anatomical planes Jiang Yiyi had seen before, most of the optimal solutions for the attack methods launched on the vital points revealed on this person's anatomical plane had no answers.

what does that mean

Silver light appeared between Jiang Yiyi's fingers, and she stared at the prisoner who had already withdrawn his gaze.

This means that, from the anatomical perspective, there is no way to kill the victim with one strike - of course, we all know that the so-called vital points are the places where instant death will occur if attacked.

Then we can naturally draw the conclusion that this shows that these key points where the optimal solution has not emerged are places that cannot be attacked.

In other words, although the opponent's movements seem casual, he is actually tightly defending his vital points that may be attacked.

The butcher walked to the food window, said a few words to the other party, and handed him the plate.

Jiang Yiyi stared at the other party intently. Most of the anatomical planes had optimal solutions without any attack methods, but there were still vital points that could not be isolated and would inevitably be exposed - and at this moment, Jiang Yiyi's eyes were wandering around these places.

I don't know when the cafeteria became so quiet that there was no sound at all.

The prisoners' eyes moved back and forth between the new prisoner and Jiang Yiyi.

The new prisoner held the food tray and looked around the cafeteria. He paused for a moment at the empty table of Jiang Yiyi and his friends, then retracted his gaze and walked straight to another empty table.

"Crazy." Jiang Yiyi put down his chopsticks: "Do you know him?"

The madman stopped eating and looked up at the new prisoner.

The new prisoner seemed to notice something, slowed down his pace, and turned his head to look in their direction.

Their eyes met, and the next second, the madman suddenly stood up and rushed towards the other person.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, the madman is going crazy again."

The silent cafeteria suddenly burst into noise, and people hurriedly got up from their tables to make way for the madman to get in front of him.

The prisoner holding the tray put it down, bent down slightly, made a somewhat strange posture, and fixed his eyes on the madman.

The wind blew sharply as the madman ran, bringing with it the smell of blood.

The distance between them was shortening rapidly. A fierce light flashed in the madman's eyes. He rushed straight towards the other party with an aggressive and unrestrained momentum. It made people certain that a life-and-death battle would break out between the two in the next second.

Jiang Yiyi frowned and glanced at the psychology skill on the panel which remained at the elite level.

He raised his voice: "Crazy, come back."

The sound of the sharp wind suddenly turned into silence.

The madman's fist paused at the side of the opponent's face. The prisoner turned his head to avoid the fist and raised his hanging hand slightly. He was about to fight back, but found that the madman had stopped, so he stopped too.

The picture pauses here.

The madman was stunned for two seconds before he processed his complicated thoughts. He slowly withdrew his hand, turned around and walked towards Jiang Yiyi without any reluctance.

There were some light discussions in the silent cafeteria.

"This doctor is amazing, is this possible?"

“Is the doctor a surgeon or a psychiatrist?”

"It seems that the doctor's skill in using a knife is comparable to that of an animal trainer."

The new prisoner stared at the madman's back for a few seconds, then turned his gaze to Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi smiled at him, turned and walked out.

The madman followed him.

"Shouting for a stop is not like your style." Lin Yi led Jiang Yiyi to the cell, trying to find out the reason for her abnormal behavior: "Why? Do you know each other?"

Jiang Yiyi's fingertips held the blade flying, and he said calmly, "I don't know him. Who is he?"

"He was transferred from the third floor to the second floor because of his good performance and his risk assessment score decreased." As a prison guard, Lin Yi naturally had first-hand information about the other party: "His nickname is Lone Wolf. He was in prison for manslaughter. He served five years in prison and will be released in one year."

"I heard that he keeps to himself on the third floor and ignores everyone. On the surface, he has no connection with other forces."

"What actually happened?"

"Actually... who knows." Lin Yi stopped and swiped his card to open the door: "Although he was also a gangster before, he has no connection with us."

Jiang Yiyi entered the cell and glanced at Lin Yi after hearing this: "I almost forgot that you are from the Nian Luo Society. You performed so well that I almost thought..." He winked at Lin Yi: "You are a good police officer."

Lin Yi shrugged: "I'm a prison guard, not a police officer."

He glanced at the madman and changed the subject: "So, when you called for a stop just now, what did you find?"

Jiang Yiyi looked at the blade in her hand: "That's not the case, it's just... I'm a good person after all."

It is better to believe that Jiang Yiyi is a good policeman than to believe that he is a good person.

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows, revealing a look of disbelief.

Jiang Yiyi took in his expression and said in an ambiguous tone, "It will kill people."

Lin Yi's surprised expression hadn't even appeared yet, when he suddenly realized the real meaning of his words: "He is better than a madman?"

Jiang Yiyi looked back at the madman, the anatomical plane emerged silently, and the optimal solutions for attack emerged one after another at the vital points.

"Under normal circumstances, it's fifty-fifty. As for the madman's current condition..." Jiang Yiyi swung the blade in his hand and paused at the madman's neck.

The madman stared at him quietly, his dull expression unchanged, as if he was not aware of the threat of death at all.

Jiang Yiyi exerted a little force on her hand, and the sharp blade pierced into her skin. Blood oozed out and flowed down the wound.

The madman's dark eyes moved and moved downward, staring at the blood flowing from his body.

How much chance does a beast that knows neither pain nor death have of winning against cunning humans

Jiang Yiyi withdrew his hand and threw the bandage to the madman.

The madman caught the bandage, moved his eyes from the blood to the bandage, and stared at it blankly.

Lin Yi took a breath and exaggerated: "So he... is coming for the madman?"

"Anyway, it's not aimed at me." Jiang Yiyi said firmly.

Lin Yi's expression became complicated for a moment: "Are you so sure that you have no enemies?"

Jiang Yiyi looked at him for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled: "Of course, I don't have any living enemies."

Lin Yi's expression at that moment is worth remembering.

"You believe it?" Jiang Yiyi laughed out loud: "What kind of image do I have in your eyes? You believe this?"

Lin Yi looked at him with a complicated expression: "Then how can you be sure that the other party is not coming for you?"

"Because I'm a good person." Jiang Yiyi stopped laughing and repeated with some annoyance.

"Then I might as well believe the assumption that you have dealt with all your enemies."

"Whatever you like." Jiang Yiyi's happiness came suddenly and disappeared suddenly, and he returned to calmness again.

"However, if he is coming for the madman, then you'd better be careful." Lin Yi glanced at the madman who was holding the bandage in a daze: "The enemy who can't even stand the Star Fleet Army and wants to send him to the Star Prison to protect his safety is definitely more terrifying than you think."

Lin Yi was a little torn. On the one hand, he firmly believed that Jiang Yiyi was very scary, but on the other hand, he reminded Jiang Yiyi to be careful of the scary enemies. This made Jiang Yiyi wonder, "In your eyes, who is scarier, me or them?"

Lin Yi's Adam's apple moved slightly. He stared at Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds, then turned and left.

Jiang Yiyi raised her voice slowly: "I thought this was an easy answer."

Lin Yi walked quickly and disappeared from Jiang Yiyi's sight.

The fact that he didn't answer the question is itself an answer.