Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 2: Han State Star Prison


On the way to the detention room.

Jiang Yiyi took a look at the defense here, which was unexpectedly tight - it seemed a bit wrong to describe the security of Star Prison in this way, but according to what his childhood friend said when he recommended it to him, the most criticized point among players in Star Prison, and also one of the reasons why players are fighting so hard, is that the defense of Star Prison is very weak, almost non-existent.

Aside from being unable to escape from the Star Prison, killing people is surprisingly easy - so players go through so much suffering but fail to advance the main storyline.

As long as the defensive strength encountered by the players is the same as that encountered by Jiang Yiyi, Jiang Yiyi has reason to believe that the players' death rate will drop rapidly.

Jiang Yiyi emphasized this point and withdrew his gaze from the surveillance camera. While the surveillance camera covered all the corridors without leaving any blind spots, guards were arranged every ten meters to watch the prisoners and prison guards coming and going.

To be honest, this level of defense was in line with Jiang Yiyi's imagination of what Star Prison should be - to protect the lives of prisoners and prison guards while protecting human rights - but it did not quite match his understanding of the situation in Star Prison.

"2091." Zhang Zheng, who was walking in front, suddenly spoke.

Jiang Yiyi looked up at him.

Zhang Zheng didn't turn around, his tone was very serious: "I don't care what you come here for, but you'd better behave yourself."

What are you doing here

Jiang Yiyi thought for a few seconds and even became a little dazed. He had the illusion that he had come in on his own initiative. Fortunately, the remaining NPC memories in his mind reminded him that he was arrested and imprisoned and had no second choice.

Zhang Zheng turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yiyi. Jiang Yiyi's face was as calm as if it was engraved on it, without any emotion. This made Zhang Zheng alert and he subconsciously emphasized his tone, trying to establish the authority of the prison guard: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have some tricks."

Zhang Zheng swiped his card to open the confinement room and signaled the little guy who had been keeping his head down and silent.

The little guy pokes the search for the velvet caries cutting 6 fan colorful Nao Gao private account shake

Zhang Zheng saw this and sneered. He opened the door of another detention room next to him and knocked on the door with his baton: "Go in."

Jiang Yiyi always felt that he had not finished what he said just now. Hearing this, she couldn't help but look at him.

The confinement room is located in a dim area with dim lights and few people. Before entering, one needs to pass through a heavily guarded door and be checked by guards. I say so much just to make one point. Right now, at this moment, here, under surveillance, there are only Zhang Zheng and Jiang Yiyi. This is enough to make Zhang Zheng nervous.

Jiang Yiyi's extremely calm look, without a doubt, turned into a threatening look under the influence of the atmosphere and Zhang Zheng's own imagination.

"What are you looking at, you bastard?" Zhang Zheng shouted and knocked on the door again: "Come in!"

"Don't be nervous." Jiang Yiyi walked towards the confinement room. Noticing the other party's tense nerves, she tried to ease the atmosphere: "It's just that you didn't seem to finish the sentence just now. I'm a little curious."

Zhang Zheng heaved a sigh of relief when he saw him enter the confinement room and closed the door, isolating himself from that calm and smiling face.

For some reason, when they were the only ones left, he had the illusion that the other party would swing the knife and chop someone in the next second - the threat of impending death was extremely certain.

Zhang Zheng wiped the sweat from the back of his neck.

"Just because you are on the first floor now doesn't mean you will stay there forever." Zhang Zheng lowered his voice and threatened the other party: "I have seen many people like you. You'd better be careful and don't let me catch you. Otherwise, you'll have to say goodbye to the first floor."


Jiang Yiyi sat on the chair - just as he had initially judged this prison, to protect human rights.

As the only means of official punishment, the solitary confinement cell was not empty, at least there was a chair.

He flipped through the NPC's character introduction again, and his gaze paused on the place where he was serving his sentence: the first floor of Hanbang Star Prison. He stared at "first floor" for a few seconds, then moved his gaze upward to "Criminal record: reported for making unlicensed medical visits, sentenced to one year in prison."

What crime did the player's character commit

Jiang Yiyi struggled to dig out the brief introduction from her memory.

"Jian Si is really miserable. Oh, you don't know who Jian Si is, right? He is the protagonist that everyone wants to kill. The official introduction says that he was wrongly accused. I thought the main plot should be about seeking justice, right? But guess what happened? Whoever investigates will die. As soon as he starts investigating why he was wrongly accused, he will die in the next second."

"This is definitely related to the big boss. Maybe the crime of Jian Si embezzling hundreds of millions of company assets was committed by the big boss. And there's murder. I'm shocked. With Jian Si's skills, who could he kill? He would be killed even if he killed a chicken, and he killed four? The big boss really spared no effort to keep him in prison for life."

Jiang Yiyi came to the conclusion that embezzling hundreds of millions of company assets and killing four people, a life sentence, was obviously not on the same level as Jiang Yiyi's unlicensed medical treatment.

Jiang Yiyi licked her lips and said, "It seems I chose a simple mode."

If there is one floor, there will be a second floor.

Then all his doubts just now could be explained, why the defense of his prison was so tight, while people died so casually in the player's prison.

Because the novice village is always safer.

One day later, in the prison cell.

Jiang Yiyi was brought back to the cell by Zhang Zheng, who warned everyone again.

"Behave yourself, especially you." He pointed at the little minions with his baton!

He is a little guy's backstage anti-sour gift a lin ling velvet Ren 織 Xi

One day of solitary confinement is neither serious nor light, but it is definitely not pleasant for a new prison inmate.

Even if it is a small minion, it is still a little bit scary.

But Jiang Yiyi...

Noticing Zhang Zheng's gaze, Jiang Yiyi raised her head and glanced at him with a calm expression and a hint of smile - the kind of smile that made people feel intimacy involuntarily.

But the premise is, not here, not after a day of confinement.

Seeing this expression at this moment, Zhang Zheng had only one feeling.


Jiang Yiyi's expression seemed to be engraved on her face and never changed from beginning to end.

Zhang Zheng stared at Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds, glanced at the murderer, retracted his baton, and walked towards the next cell.

Damn it, the first floor is going to be in chaos again. This guy will have to be sent to the second floor sooner or later.

Zhang Zheng's figure disappeared through the window.

The next second, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi sat in the corner, looking down and thinking about his own things.

The little minions are walking on the road,

He walked towards Jiang Yiyi and cautiously stopped a few steps away: "Boss."

Jiang Yiyi raised his head and glanced at him, the little minion suddenly recognized the words!

The bespectacled boy was not slow at all, holding a toothbrush with toothpaste squeezed out of it in his left hand and a cup full of water in his right hand. He squeezed forward and said attentively, "Big brother, you use it first."

This is truly a very real world.

Jiang Yiyi's gaze swept past them and fell on the flower snake and the murderer.

The flower snake looked away.

The condemned man stopped laughing.

The atmosphere was solemn for a moment.

But at least there are still normal people, Jiang Yiyi thought so, retracted her gaze, stood up, took the toothbrush and cup and walked towards the bathroom.

The atmosphere gradually relaxed.

Flower Snake turned his head and looked at the murderer.

The murderer touched the book in his hand and stared at Jiang Yiyi.

"Big brother, enjoy your meal." The little minions Ju Xuanlang and Zhuo Pazhong quacked.

"Oh, right," Jiang Yiyi brushed his teeth and recalled his previous doubts: "The prison guard said before that we were waiting to say goodbye to the first floor. What does that mean?"

The relaxed atmosphere in the cell became tense again.

The little guy's successor is about the drought tomb.

Jiang Yiyi came out of the bathroom and looked at the tall and strong little guy

I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you? I'm not going to let you down, are you

He glanced at the murderer: "For murderers like these, who were initially assessed as dangerous and moved to the second floor as soon as they came in, they will also be moved to the upper floor if they behave well and have their sentences reduced."

"The murderer was initially sentenced to death, but later his sentence was changed to life imprisonment. Later, due to his good behavior, his sentence was changed from life imprisonment to 30 years in prison..."

The murderer's sight shifted from Jiang Yiyi to the little minions

I'm not going to let you get hurt, I'm going to let you go!

"But, brother, how did you get in?"

"Don't you know?" Jiang Yiyi walked to the bed, and the bespectacled boy came forward attentively to make the bed for him.

"I know, I know..." The little guy said.

He glanced at Jiang Yiyi's hanging hand, which was thin and slender, and did not show any killing power at all. He shuddered involuntarily.

"Brother, you take a rest first." The bespectacled boy made the bed and stepped aside.

Jiang Yiyi sat on the bed: "The rumor is true."

He wanted to ease the tense and tense atmosphere at the scene, so he said in a relaxed tone: "Patients without a license will be sentenced to one year in prison."

"I'm just a doctor." Jiang Yiyi said sincerely: "I'm not a very good doctor."

The atmosphere at the scene did not ease at all, and even became more tense.

"Put your hand out for me to see." Jiang Yiyi looked at Xiao Min.

Little guy┰The little guy is the little guy

The murderer stood up and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the large tattoos on his arms, looking extremely fierce.

Jiang Yiyi noticed that the little minions were happy and went to

"Brother..." The little minions said,

Jiang Yiyi didn't listen to what he said next. He stretched out his hand and the little minions took the number one spot.

Jiang Yiyi rolled up his sleeves and took a look at the wound that had been sutured before. The anatomical diagram appeared again, and the word "pass" floated in front of Jiang Yiyi.

It looks like the wound was sutured well.

Jiang Yiyi didn't feel any emotion at the scene where the words floated out - there were too many doubts in this game, so why would she be surprised at just passing

He patted the little minions Zheng and others, and they walked out of the door with a frown.

The little guy is plotting to be lucky enough to lie to you

Seeing that Jiang Yiyi had no intention of doing anything, the murderer rolled up his sleeves and sat back down.

In silence, the little minions were also laughing!

"Yeah, that's right. Men and women are different after all." Jiang Yiyi let go of his hand and smiled at him: "Remember?"

What to Remember

I wonder if this is a good thing for you? It's really hard to be so kind to others!

Who is more impulsive? The one who goes for the knife is no small matter.

The flower snake watched their behavior coldly.

This guy is really... scary.

You have to tell your brother not to provoke him.

The death row prisoner made his bed slowly, having the same thoughts as Flower Snake.

There will be a group exercise tomorrow, and this guy will definitely cause trouble. We have to tell the prison guards not to kill anyone.