Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 35: 13 on the fourth floor


King Ye's words made the place quiet.

The fat man covered the wound with his hand and panted a few times. His voice became softer and he spoke incoherently: "Ye... Ye Wang, the doctor... the doctor is also special..." He took a breath and said: "Special person?"

"He is not." Ye Wang took out a handkerchief and slowly wiped the non-existent bloodstains on his hands.

"Then you..." The fat man's hands were covered in blood. Due to excessive blood loss, his voice became weaker and weaker: "Why... protect him?"

"Protect him?" Ye Wang repeated the word and couldn't help laughing.

He loosened his hand, and the handkerchief fluttered in the air and landed lightly in a pool of blood.

“I’m not doing this to protect him.” Ye Wang waved his hand, and the prison guards who had been watching the whole thing rushed forward and lifted the fat man onto the stretcher.

The fat man pressed the start button of the stretcher firmly and stared at Ye Wang for an answer.

"On the contrary, I do this to protect others." Ye Wang's eyes passed from the fat man to the black gloves, and said meaningfully: "If you don't want to die, don't mess with the doctor."

The prison guard pulled the fat man's hands away and rushed to the infirmary with a stretcher.

King Ye's gaze shifted away from the black gloves and fell on Lin Yi who remained silent.

"I almost forgot. You should know this better than anyone else." He glanced at Lin Yi's calm expression and said slowly, "Why? Are you so impatient to send Black Glove to death?"

Lin Yi raised his eyes to look at Ye Wang, curled his lips, and said calmly, "Ye Wang is exaggerating the ability of doctors. Doctors are just..." He paused for a few seconds: "Just people."

His words successfully made Ye Wang laugh, and Ye Wang clapped his hands repeatedly: "What you said makes sense, it makes a lot of sense, a doctor is just a person..."

The atmosphere at the scene relaxed slightly with Ye Wang's attitude.

But the next second, Ye Wang's smile disappeared and the whole atmosphere froze instantly.

"Lin Yi, don't challenge my bottom line." He raised his hand and nodded at Lin Yi: "If you want to kill someone, do it yourself if you have the guts."

"If we drag the doctor into this..." Ye Wang raised his eyes, revealing his sharp edge: "You should know that the death of a prison guard in Xingyu is not a big deal."

This was a very specific threat. Lin Yi didn't know whether to laugh or worry - but no matter what, he felt relieved to know that there were people who were more afraid of doctors than he was.

He wanted more than anyone else to not involve the doctor in this matter.

Because he knows better than anyone what a doctor can do.

It's not just death.

Lin Yi recalled the madman incident: the enemy that appeared - Lone Wolf: committed suicide; the important mission target - Madman: followed the doctor like a loyal dog; and the force behind Lone Wolf that never appeared - Pu Yuan: was wiped out by the Starfleet Army, and its centuries-old experience disappeared in an instant.

Once the doctor intervenes, the control of the matter will fall into the doctor's hands, and the final outcome will only depend on the doctor's ideas.

This is definitely not a good thing for the various forces involved and each with their own ulterior motives, and it is even more detrimental to the mission he is currently carrying out.

"I know what you mean." Lin Yi's thoughts turned around a lot, but his expression remained unchanged. He nodded and said, "The doctor has nothing to do with this matter."

Ye Wang looked at him for a few seconds, then turned and walked back to the corner where he originally stood, looking at everyone present calmly.

Everyone present looked at each other for a few seconds. The little brothers brought by the fat man stared at the pool of blood on the ground, waved their hands, and turned around and walked towards the infirmary.

Black Gloves frowned and turned to look at Lin Yi.

"It seems that no one else will jump out." Lin Yi's tone was a little regretful: "In this case, why not let the vice president's people search those houses carefully? It's impossible for the things on Bei Ye to disappear for no reason, right?"

Hearing this, King Ye in the corner couldn't help but raise his eyebrows - who compiled that information about Lin Yi

There are many mistakes and omissions.

What does it mean to be overjoyed? What does it mean to be frivolous and unable to bear the heavy responsibility? What does it mean to be soft-hearted? What do these words have to do with the other person

In just a few minutes, he could see that the other party did not show his emotions on his face, was thoughtful and capable of taking on important tasks, and... was ruthless.

After all, he is a professional spy. If it is really the same as the information, then King Ye will doubt the level of Nianluo Society and Xingjian Society.

Black Gloves frowned, disagreeing with his proposal: "We are in the spotlight right now, so there is no point in being so aggressive." He glanced at Lin Yi: "And if we really do this, if the other party doesn't restrain themselves and a conflict breaks out, then the scale won't just be a fight between a few people, but a full-scale fight."

“This is simply sending them to their death.”

Lin Yi was surprised by the indecision of Black Gloves: "Vice President, you were also a hero who didn't care about life and death back then. You should know that without sacrifice, there is no victory."

"And isn't it their honor to die for the future of the Nian Luo Society?"

Ye Wang turned his head and glanced at the prison guard beside him.

The prison guard had a smile on his face, and was obviously enjoying the show. Suddenly, he caught Ye Wang's gaze and couldn't help but turn his head to look at him.

The two looked at each other, and the other shook his head and smiled at King Ye very happily.

King Ye withdrew his gaze and continued to watch Lin Yi and the others.

Black Gloves' eyebrows trembled slightly, and he rejected Lin Yi's proposal without hesitation: "No, it's too dangerous. Since there is no gain, let them come back directly."

“When a man is about to die, his words are good. It’s a pity that the hero has grown old and no longer has the courage he had in the past.” Lin Yi stretched out his tone, revealing a bit of regret.

He reached out and pressed Black Glove's shoulder: "But isn't it a little late to give this order now?"

Black Gloves' eyebrows jumped, and he reacted and looked at his younger brothers beside him.

The younger brothers ran out in a hurry.

"What do you mean?" Black Gloves looked at Lin Yi.

"It's nothing special, it's just..." Lin Yi looked at those people who were rushing out and smiled softly, "I just felt inspired."

"Hello, King Ye..." King Ye's communicator rang, and everyone's eyes instantly fell on King Ye.

Ye Wang had some premonition about the content of the communication. He glanced at Lin Yi, who was smiling politely, and reached out to press the communication button.

"What's wrong?"

"The fighting has begun." A noisy sound came from the other end of the communicator, occasionally mixed with the sound of fists and feet and cries of pain, making people clearly know that a large-scale melee was taking place over there.

"The situation is getting a little out of control. Should we get off the field?"

Ye Wang retracted his gaze and asked seriously, "Where did the fight start?"

"Vulture, the lions are fighting."

"Isn't the lion very restrained?"

"That's right. But the people from the Nian Luo Society shouted a few times, rushed over and provoked, and then the two sides started fighting." The other party looked back at the chaotic scene behind him and asked King Ye again: "The situation is very chaotic, should we go down to control the situation?"

Ye Wang glanced to the side, and the prison guard next to him pressed his non-existent hat imaginarily.

"No need." Ye Wang's tone was extremely calm: "Let them fight."

The other party was very surprised by Ye Wang's order: "But..." He looked back at the extremely chaotic scene: "There are already serious injuries."

"Keep an eye on those special people I mentioned before. They can't die."

The communicator was hung up by Ye Wang, who walked out from the corner and stopped in front of Lin Yi.

He lowered his head and looked down at Lin Yi who was still smiling strangely: "Why are you making such a big noise? What do you want to do?"

"This noise has nothing to do with me." Lin Yi raised his hand to express his innocence: "I just made a reasonable guess. King Ye, you can't assume that I did it just because I guessed right, right?"

Ye Wang didn't smile. He looked at the person in front of him and his tone turned cold: "Master Bei is dead. You should know who will be the next one, right?"

"Then I have to live longer to live up to your reminder."

King Ye curled his lips, turned around and left.

As soon as he left, the rest of the prison guards followed suit.

Lin Yi looked in the direction they left, signaled to Black Gloves, and the two returned to the cell together.

The cell door closed again.

The changes on the fourth floor came suddenly, quickly engulfing everyone on the fourth floor. It was as if in an instant, the rules of the fourth floor disappeared, and there were enemies and dangers everywhere.

Maybe it was just chaos between the Nianluo Society and several other forces at first, but when the chaos was not effectively suppressed, it became real chaos.

Some wanted to take revenge, some had long disliked someone, and some simply wanted to take advantage of the situation. These people expanded the chaos to other areas and, without hesitation, involved all those who stood aside - except the doctor.

Jiang Yiyi turned a page of the book and heard a fierce noise outside. He looked in the direction where the sound came from, shook his head slightly, and returned his gaze to the book.

The madman was still sitting on the carpet at his feet. He seemed a little anxious, and his pupils moved and drifted towards the place where the sound came from.

The noise was getting louder and louder, and seemed to be approaching them.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for the madman to control himself. He looked in the direction of the sound a few times, and finally couldn't help but look up at Jiang Yiyi.

"Go, but don't kill anyone." Jiang Yiyi said lightly.

The madman pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing a smile, then stood up staggeringly and walked towards the door.

As a result, this storm was completely isolated outside Jiang Yiyi's door and could not advance any further.

The fourth floor was in chaos, and some people couldn't help but have delusional thoughts. They tried to go to the only exit of the fourth floor, which was also the only connection point with the outside world - the area where the teleportation array was located. They walked around twice - not to mention coming back alive, they didn't even find a body.

But this could not dispel everyone's yearning for freedom - although there had never been an example of a prisoner escaping from Star Prison, they had never heard of an example of a riot in Star Prison before.

Although they knew rationally that this was impossible, the desire for freedom prompted a small number of people to turn their attention to the possibility of escaping prison.

This behavior really diverted the attention of the prison guards.

As everything was going on in full swing, Lin Yi left the prison quietly.

The chaos on the fourth floor might last for a while, but it definitely wouldn't last too long. Lin Yi was well aware of the energy hidden in the Star Prison, and he didn't have much time left, so his steps were extremely hurried.

Almost at the same time as he left, Jian Si was picked up by Ye Wang and thrown into the black gloves' cell.

The prison guard who had been following him closely was no longer by Ye Wang's side. He waited for a while at the door, then pouted his head and glanced in the direction where Lin Yi left. He turned his eyes 180 degrees and looked in the other direction.

He stared for a long time in the direction of the doctor's cell.

In this grand drama where one person takes over and the other comes on stage, there is only one person who never appears on the stage from beginning to end.

The doctor kept his promise and did not take the initiative to contact any of the special people on the list.

But at this moment, King Ye still cares about him the most.

Because the actions of all the other people, whether it was Lin Yi or Black Gloves, had already been predicted, but the doctor alone had neither the corresponding information nor any advice from above. It was as clean as his attitude of standing by and watching, with no idea where to start.

He would not do nothing, Ye Wang was very sure - or rather, he never thought from the beginning that the other party would actually keep his promise to this extent.

The other party's reaction was beyond their expectations, but it was not surprising, after all, he was a doctor.

The only thing that King Ye cared about at this moment was what the other party would do next to end everything.

What do you want? Ye Wang looked at the cell where the doctor was from afar, as if he saw the doctor's unmoved expression.

All of this went smoothly. The ultimate goal of Xingyu was not the Black Gloves, and certainly not Lin Yi. These big shots who had great influence outside were nothing more than prisoners who would die sooner or later in the eyes of Xingyu - no matter how special their identities were, they were nothing more than that.

Their ultimate goal is the doctor, this dangerous person who is about to enter the fifth level of Star Prison.

As long as the doctor takes action, even the tiniest trace is enough for them to unravel the mystery and complete the information that has been delayed.

This is the method that Xingyu is best at. He analyzes the traces left by the opponent, builds a behavioral framework, and then completely dissects the opponent from soul to body, finds out the opponent's weaknesses, formulates a plan, and uses this to completely control the opponent when necessary.

There are so many people with special abilities imprisoned in the lowest level of Star Prison, but there has never been a prisoner escape. There must be a reason for this.

But King Ye was still a little uneasy.

The Doctor is different from other people with special abilities. He is too normal, so normal that people doubt whether he is a person with special abilities or not.

All people with special abilities are crazy, no doubt about it.

This is the sequelae of their talent and also the punishment given to them by the abilities they possess.

But doctor

He doesn't look crazy.

This unusual place makes everything about the doctor seem even more bizarre.

The author has something to say: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-10 13:53:43~2020-01-11 10:30:55~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenade:, 17835203, 1 of my heart;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: beryllium* 2; Dongming, Kongchenghui, あくま, isalina, Shuangse Miao, Clam Store Manager Fan, Qingyu, Lusheng, Haitang, demeter, ceicei wants to eat strawberries, Xue Yao 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: axiuluo 116 bottles; lz 腐芷衬 49 bottles; 七七柒 20 bottles; 雨颖 15 bottles; 三略er 13 bottles; adjani., 九万里, 做个好人, 琪琪, 晴空一鹤排云上, zoe小猪, 一叶飘落不知秋, 幸有余生见旧友 10 bottles; 洞庭, 天隐 9 bottles; mmmmark, 願世满爱, 有喵酱, 橘子橘子 5 bottles; 燕南归, 枫桐 4 bottles; 溫茶, 青鱼 3 bottles; ceicei要吃草莓, 莫小丽?, 凉笙西辞 2 bottles; 千年雨停, 抹茶冰淇淋凝長岁!, 壹心不乱, 九幽, 不夜长安, 二五仔之主, 枫夜, あくま, 御茉铃, isalina 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!