Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 42: 20 on the fourth floor


The doctor was right, Star Prison was indeed not interested in him.

When Lin Yi received the news that his leave application was approved, this thought could not help but cross his mind.

The once inaccessible state of the Star Prison quickly disappeared after the death of Black Gloves - as if they were extremely sure that everything was over.

Lin Yi walked under the long-lost sunshine and did not notice any warmth. On the contrary, the cold aura belonging to the Star Prison seemed to still be entangled with him, dragging him back into the abyss at any time.

Towering buildings divide the earth and sky, and well-planned blocks are located in different spaces, filling every place.

Although when you step into it, you will feel that the space is extremely abundant, in fact, humans occupy almost all space—from the earth to the sky, from the deep sea to the atmosphere.

If it were not for the repeated setbacks of space colonization technology, humans would not be satisfied with the status quo of near space.

But the universe is too big and too dangerous—at least for humans, so the plan to colonize other planets has been delayed again and again and has never been fully implemented.

Lin Yi was walking in a commercial block. This block is dominated by commercial shops with various functions, resulting in more people flow here than in other blocks.

The taste of freedom does not seem to be as good as imagined.

After being deliberately avoided by passers-by again, Lin Yi had to admit one thing - he had such a deep mark of the Star Prison that he was incompatible with the outside world.

Lin Yi lowered the brim of his hat and looked behind him through the window. He had been walking back and forth for an hour and still hadn't noticed anyone else following him.

But he did not take it lightly, but remained silent and prepared to circle around for a few more hours until it was completely confirmed that it was safe.

The commercial district is not small. Lin Yi walked among the crowd, as if he was an unexpected presence. In the streets where people were coming and going, there was only a small open space around him, and the flow of people avoided him - in other words, he couldn't get up at all. To the effect of concealing one's whereabouts.

Lin Yi lowered the brim of his hat, feeling distressed about this.

"Okay, how many times have you wandered around?"

When Lin Yi walked around the door of the dilapidated grocery store again, a hand suddenly appeared from the half-open door and pulled him in.

The grocery store looks very dilapidated on the outside, but the inside looks... even more dilapidated than imagined. Everyone who sees it can't help but wonder: What supports the continued operation of this dilapidated grocery store

Lin Yi avoided the spider web and carefully held down the chair that was missing a leg. Finally, he looked around and simply stood there, making eye contact with the person holding him.

"I've seen it, no one is following you." The grocery store owner turned around and closed the door - of course it was his door, it didn't make any difference whether it was closed or not.

"Why did you come to me all of a sudden?" Lao Li returned to the counter, picked up the old teapot lying aside, and poured Lin Yi a cup of tea. The slightly strange-colored tea slowly poured into the cup, creating slight ripples.

Lao Li is Lin Yi's upline - but Lin Yi has never been here. Because of the special nature of double agents, too frequent contact can easily expose Lin Yi's identity.

Most of the time, he only communicates with the other party through hidden lines passed down through layers of communication.

But there was no need for this anymore, so Lin Yi appeared here for the first time - to be honest, this grocery store was worse than he thought.

"Hand in the mission."

Lao Li is an inconspicuous middle-aged man who can disappear instantly when he walks into a crowd.

He put down the kettle and pushed the teacup in front of Lin Yi. He was a little surprised when he heard this: "Didn't the mission fail?"

"Originally." Lin Yi stared at the turbid tea in front of him for a few seconds and said, "But a little accident happened and it was completed again."

"Drink tea, drink tea." Lao Li also poured himself a cup of tea, drank it in one gulp, and then continued: "What's the little accident?"

He glanced outside the door: "Although Black Glove is dead, the president of the Nian Luo Society is still there. The Nian Luo Society has not been completely defeated. It is too dangerous for you to come to me so rashly."

He lowered his voice and said, "Why don't you contact me through a secret line?"

"Because there was a little accident." Lin Yi repeated tirelessly.

Lao Li frowned and murmured: "What little accident made you take such a big risk? Don't you know how many people want to find Chiyun? Now that you suddenly come into contact with me, it will still be troublesome to wipe away the traces... "

"I..." Lin Yi paused for two seconds for his next words.

Lao Li looked at him doubtfully.

A gust of wind blew from somewhere outside, and the dilapidated door made a long, drawn-out creaking sound, which made people upset for no reason.

"I may not be able to continue." Lin Yi said these words softly.

Lao Li was shocked: "What's wrong? What happened? Were you captured by the enemy? Or did you betray the organization?" He looked outside the door: "Is there anyone else outside?"

They are all spies. No one knows who the other is. Such an exaggerated performance is a bit much...

Lin Yi suddenly had a realization. When the doctor watched his performance, wouldn't he feel the same way

"Nothing happened." Lin Yi put his hand into his pocket.

The creaking at the door seemed to be getting louder.

He took out his pen and gestured to Lao Li.

Lao Li pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to him. Lin Yi wrote while saying, "It's just that someone took it in exchange for my life."

Lao Li realized what he was writing, sat back on the chair, and said seriously: "Xu Zheng, your life is much more important than this information. In this case, you don't have to complete the task."

"You also know the organization. Even if the mission fails, what will happen? Everything you have done for the organization will be remembered by the organization... "

Lin Yi interrupted him: "I know. But I didn't make this choice because I was afraid of death."

Old Li was slightly startled, and just as he was about to say something, he heard the squeaking sound of the door frame shaking. He couldn't help but raise his voice and said, "What's wrong with this door? It keeps ringing and it can't stop?"

Lin Yi glanced at the door. The rickety door was blown by the wind and kept shaking. It seemed that it would not stop for a while.

He withdrew his gaze and wrote lightly: "It has nothing to do with the door, it's just the wind."

"I'll repair the door. Just wait for me." Lao Li walked out of the counter, paused at the door, and fiddled with the broken door: "But, you just said, it's not because you are afraid of death? It's because..."

Lin Yi stopped writing, looked at the information stained with the blood of countless people, smiled softly, put the pen on the paper, and pressed the paper.

"Because I met someone."

"Doctor?" Lao Li seemed to have finally fiddled with the door, and the door became quiet again.

Lao Li slowly returned to the counter, glanced at the neatly arranged papers and pens, then looked away and continued: "You have indeed reminded us many times about the dangers of doctors."

"But I didn't expect..." Lao Li leaned forward and stared at him intently: "In the end, you will choose him."

"Have you forgotten your mission?" Lao Li's tone turned serious: "Have you forgotten why you gave up the bright future within reach, abandoned the past, joined us, and became the blade hidden in the dark?"

"I believe in your loyalty to the organization, and I also believe in your firm belief, so I can't understand why you would do this at all." Lao Li stared at the expression on Lin Yi's face intently: "It's because the doctor has What did you do?"

"You submitted a report on the doctor's achievements in psychology." Lao Li didn't notice anything from Lin Yi's expression: "Has he affected your cognition?"

Lin Yi shook his head calmly: "I know very well about my choices and decisions."

Old Li raised his eyebrows slightly.

"The sharp blade hidden in the darkness, defend the fairness and justice of the Star Alliance." He clearly remembered his emotions when he first saw this passage, but when he talked about it again now, he was unexpectedly calm, so calm. No waves: "Our existence will not be known, our achievements will be forgotten, but we are still here, fighting for the Covenant and fighting for the people."

"I have never regretted this choice. Even now, I still firmly believe that the Star Alliance needs our existence."

"Then, stay." Old Li said sincerely: "You don't have to go back to the Star Prison, you don't have to see the doctor again, you can..."

"Old Li." Lin Yi interrupted him: "I'm not kidding you."

He pushed the pen and paper in front of Lao Li: "I'll trade it for my life."

Lao Li stared at the pen and paper in front of him for a few seconds: "What's the reason? You have to give me a reason, right?"

"Don't send anyone to contact the doctor again." Lin Yi stood up and gave advice calmly: "It's very dangerous."

"Xu Zheng!" Lao Li raised his voice and said, "What if I don't agree?"

Lin Yi stopped, turned to look at Lao Li, and said calmly: "Then you can try to see how many people can keep me."

The atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, as if sparks would burst out and ignite a raging fire at any time.

"The organization has no precedent for this." Lao Li was the first to break the silence.

"So, no?" Lin Yi glanced at the pen and paper in front of Lao Li and reached out to hold it.

Lao Li then reached out and held his hand that was about to take back the pen and paper.

"Do you still want this information?" Lin Yi smiled: "I can tell you first that this document itself is a bait released by the Star Prison, and the content inside may not be true."

Lao Li took the paper out of his hand.

Lin Yi let go of his hand and let the pen fall to the table, sliding along the curve of the table and making a soft sound.

"I guess we won't see each other again, then... never again."

Lin Yi walked out without looking back.

Lao Li stared at the paper in his hand for a long time and suddenly sighed.

"His pen." A figure bent down to pick up the pen on the ground, put it on the counter, looked at the cup of tea that Lin Yi had never touched, smiled, picked up the tea cup and drank it in one gulp.

"I didn't even touch your tea. It seems I haven't treated you as one of my own since I came in."

Lao Li frowned, glanced at the door that had been closed tightly for some time, and his eyes fell on the elusive man: "You won't follow him?"

"Someone is following." Shadow stretched out his hand towards Lao Li: "Where are the things? Let me take a look."

Lao Li handed the paper to him with some disapproval: "Xu Zheng's counter-reconnaissance level is not low. You let others follow him..."

Shadow glanced at the strange patterns on the paper and threw the paper back to him: "Don't worry, follow me."

Shadow was wearing a black coat with a hood, barely revealing any personal features. The hood was pushed down extremely low, except for the sharp curve of his jaw, nothing was exposed.

"Instead of caring about me, it's better to care about other things. Now that you've been exposed, it's time to step back from the front line, right?"

Lao Li folded the paper again and put it away. Hearing this, he glanced at Shadow and said, "I obey the organization's arrangements."

"I'm not testing you." Shadow is extremely familiar with the brain circuits of spies like them: "Okay, let's get down to business."

"Lin Yi said that the information is false. Are you not surprised at all?"

Lao Li slowly packed up the grocery store and sorted out his own things. Hearing this, he made a move: "You talk a bit too much today."

"I can't help it. Lin Yi's choice is so surprising. When I was surprised, I couldn't help but want to say something." Shadow said, leaning against the counter.

"Is it surprising?" Lao Li looked at the pen left by Lin Yi. The body of the pen was smooth and exactly the same as all the pens on the market. There was nothing special about it.

He picked up the pen and unscrewed the pen cap, revealing the smooth pen core inside. He flicked the metallic pen core and touched a small series of uneven micro-reliefs.

He sighed again, screwed up the pen again, and said with a lack of interest: "Did you know that he contacted the organization to find a psychology expert?"

"My level is not as high as yours." Shadow waved his hand, with a hint of interest in listening to the story in his tone: "Just tell me."

"I've finished."

"Are you all undercover like this? Do you let others understand everything? If you meet someone with a bad mind, you will be confused immediately."

Shadow paused for two seconds and concluded: "His mental state was affected? So he made this choice?"

"Only he knows the answer to this." Lao Li put away Lin Yi's pen and looked around the dilapidated grocery store: "It's time for you to leave, and it's time for me to leave too."

"Tsk." Shadow left the last monosyllable and disappeared into the grocery store.

The closed door shook again, making a noisy creaking sound.

Lao Li shook his head. What they wanted was not the information in the first place—but the secret words on the information.

Compared with exploring the secrets at the bottom of the Star Prison, their primary goal is to completely defeat the Nian Luo Society.

The Nianluo Society, which mainly used bribery and wooing members, over a long period of time, became a rotten moth, lying on the Star Alliance and grabbing the blood of the Star Alliance.

Perhaps this was not important to the Star Alliance in the past, but now, it may become the straw that breaks the camel's back at any time.

Fight for the Covenant, fight for the people.

They never forgot their oath.

Lin Yi left the commercial district, identified the direction, and walked straight towards another destination.

Before he went to see Lao Li, he made an appointment with another person - if Lao Li really wanted to keep him, the consequences might be more serious than the other person imagined.

Lin Yi got on the public airship, glanced behind him, and looked away.

The person he dated had a different identity, and the place where he dated was extremely hidden—at least not a place where stalkers could enter.

The airship stopped at the docking station. Lin Yi lowered the brim of his hat and walked towards his personal independent space ahead.

The blue light flashed slightly, confirming his identity, and he entered the space without any hindrance.

After a long time, a young couple, as if they had gone the wrong way, swiped their cards at the entrance of this independent space, but were blocked from the space because of their inconsistent identities.

"What?" The young couple complained and hurried back.

Rounding the corner and unable to reach the direct line of sight, an inconspicuous stranger took the card from the young couple and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry, maybe my mother changed the key during this time. I'm really sorry." Sorry, I wasted your time. Let me transfer you more money..."

After hearing these words, the anger on the young couple's faces slowly dissipated.

The next second, a black shadow appeared behind them, and slender fingers pressed lightly on their necks.

The young couple suddenly fell into a coma.

"The method is a bit rough." Shadow simply commented: "It's just a trace."

The inconspicuous stranger muttered in a low voice: "Anyway, we all know someone is following..."

"He went in?" Shadow glanced into the distance, and threw the two people in his hands into each other's arms: "Send the people back, and finish them cleanly, don't scare them."

"I know..." the inconspicuous stranger responded, then poked his head in the direction where the shadow was looking: "Teacher, whose house is that?"

"Don't ask any questions, just get to work."

The inconspicuous stranger shrank his head and led the young couple towards the back.

Shadow stared there for a long time, clicked on the star card, and sent a message to someone.

After a while, the star card flashed, indicating that a new message had been received.

I found out that although there is no connection, this is indeed Black Glove's private space.

Black gloves? Nianluo meeting

Not a doctor

Shadow figured out the hidden meaning, leaned against the wall, and laughed slowly.

The author has something to say: Regarding the last paragraph, I feel that many little cuties will be confused, so... I selected my foreshadowing from the 40 chapters.

It really doesn’t work, tomorrow’s chapter will explain it clearly!

Jiang Yiyi's only reaction to Jian Si's efforts to express his loyalty was to raise his eyebrows.

"So you don't intend to fulfill your agreement with Black Gloves?"

Jian Si hesitated for a moment. He couldn't figure out Jiang Yiyi's thoughts, especially when he asked this question at this time.

But for Jian Si, the answer is simple: "I listen to you."


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-01-16 15:03:45~2020-01-17 13:28:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 ghost poppy;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Taoqi Xiaoyang, Have you eaten sweets today, Time flies, Listen to the melody of the wind, Jane Eyre, Lingla, 20632743, Zhuoer Shao, Dibei Tiannan, demeter 1;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 138 bottles of Qinling Autumn Wind; 100 bottles of ghost poppy; 70 bottles of the person named to death; 50 bottles of Lotus Wind; 43 bottles of soy sauce; 39 bottles of Nono; 30 bottles of half-leaf; 28 bottles of freesia. Bottles; 27 bottles of Huiluo High Priest, Ersan; 22 bottles of Sloth; 20 bottles of Jiuli, Shiqing Shimo, Lalala, and Jiuqi; 11 bottles of Jinming; Rabbit, Zhujiu, and Hu who were watching in the front row Not happy, 6666, I won’t guess who you are, daidai, tail, Yan Twenty-Qi, Jun Moxiao, Crow Qi Shazhou, Where is Your Family Bai, Master Yu, Tang Yuan Yuan, Fortunately, I will know my old friend for the rest of my life, yo 10 bottles ; 9 bottles of tutuao; 8 bottles of Kogetz; 5 bottles of Ale, Listen to the Melody of the Wind, Dongfangziyun; 4 bottles of Watermelon Essence, Yanyan; 3 bottles of Sanriyue (Xingshoulang), Hug and Love You; Qingzhuan Daiwa Ma Tou Qiang, Zhi Geng 2 bottles; Mi Ya, Lingyin, Meng Meng mjh, Yi Ye Zhi Qiu, Ling Meng, One Heart is Not Chaotic, Juexi, Weirdo, Want to Suck Pig Nan La, Mingshi, Fengye 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!