Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 44: 22 on the fourth floor


Star Prison, the Supervisor Control Center.

There are no other entrances to the control center except for two teleportation arrays for entry and exit.

The strict defense system is not only reflected in the teleportation array. The cameras throughout the Supervisor Control Center, countless detection devices, and anti-reconnaissance energy devices that are turned on all day ensure the absolute safety of this place - in every sense, absolutely safe.

Even in the Star Prison, the Supervisor is the most special existence.

They do not interfere with the internal management of the Star Prison, and have no interest in prisoners from various forces who try to fish in troubled waters. Their only job is to determine the dangerousness of the prisoners and use this to determine which level they should go to.

This may give people the illusion that they are wasting their talents - after all, every supervisor is extremely outstanding.

But when the scope of their work covers five or six floors, this illusion no longer exists, and people may even worry about whether the supervisors are able to ensure their own safety.

The control center is very busy. Each supervisor is busy with his own task, paying attention to his own evaluation object without interfering with each other.

And at certain times, these unrelated monitors come together—when their assessment objects overlap and it becomes difficult to discuss the dangers of any one of them individually.

Before the conversation began, the supervisor, let's call him C, brought up a topic that seemed irrelevant to what they were going to discuss next.

"How's the situation of a and b?" C sat in the middle of the round table and looked around at the other supervisors participating in the discussion.

"Isolation, psychological counseling, and anti-inducement investigations have all been completed." D had taken over A and B, so he knew their situations better. He took over the conversation and said, "Once the next round of tests are passed, the isolation can be lifted."

e: "I apply to share the report they submitted earlier on their contact with Jiang Yiyi."

There was silence for a few seconds, and then a mechanical voice rang out: "Application approved."

Several meaningless characters flowed across the screen floating on the table, and finally condensed into text, slowly unfolding on the screen. The text did not pause, on the contrary, it kept flowing and disappeared from their sight in almost the blink of an eye.

The supervisors looked up at the screen, their lips moving slightly, and they finished reading the report in those few brief seconds.

c repeated the report thoughtfully: "Extremely dangerous, suspected to have psychological and mental abilities."

d is concerned about another point: "Does hypnosis (doubt) make people want to get closer to each other?"

E frowned and corrected, "B's report is completely different from A's. B's report did not mention hypnosis (doubtful), he emphasized another point, Jiang Yiyi's gaze can affect the person looking at him through the camera, causing the heart rate and blood pressure to accelerate instantly, exceeding the safety threshold. He suspected that if possible, the other party could directly kill the person looking at him by staring at him."

"These two reports may be because Jiang Yiyi has more than one ability?" C made a reliable guess.

"Let's not worry about how many abilities he has. Let's discuss one thing separately, tentatively Jiang Yiyi himself." D took over the conversation and said with reason: "First of all, we can be sure that Jiang Yiyi's ability is definitely S-level. There should be no doubt about this, right?"

c and e nodded.

"Then, according to the data we obtained earlier, the degree of mental degeneration of people with abilities above level B is close to 90%. In other words, people with abilities above level B are all crazy, without exception."

"Then Jiang Yiyi doesn't have any signs of mental illness?"

d shook another document in his hand. This was a summary and analysis report on Jiang Yiyi's behavior made by managers from the first to fourth levels - that was the document that Ye Wang received before accepting Jiang Yiyi, warning him how dangerous Jiang Yiyi was.

In addition to emphasizing the degree of danger Jiang Yiyi poses, this document also contains similar judgments about Jiang Yiyi at each level: her thinking is normal, her logic is self-consistent, and her behavior is normal. Except for the inability to determine her code of conduct and thinking patterns, her status is confirmed to be normal.

In other words, all the prison guards made the same conclusion that Jiang Yiyi was not a lunatic.

"And you should know how obvious the mental illness of an S-level esper is, and it is absolutely impossible to fake it." D put down the information and said in a calm tone: "Based on this point, I personally think that the judgment that he is an esper is questionable."

e flipped through the information and said, "You mean, he is just an ordinary person who has reached the limit of human beings?"

D shook his head and denied it: "Impossible."

"If he is not a person with special abilities, how did he do all this?" C raised the information in his hand: "Let's not talk about the lone wolf, the reports of A and B can prove this. I think there is no doubt that Jiang Yiyi is a person with special abilities."

"What we need to confirm is whether he is the fully evolved new human being we have been waiting for for a long time."

d leaned forward and spoke faster, "The mental disease is proof that their evolution is incomplete. But if Jiang Yiyi is a person with special abilities and has no tendency to mental disease, then he is very likely a new human."

E disagrees with D's statement: "The so-called new human is nothing more than a private guess without any scientific basis. Thought pathology is not proof of incomplete evolution. At most, it can only prove that these extraordinary abilities have side effects, and thought pathology is the price they pay for their abilities."

D retorted: "But Jiang Yiyi's existence proves this..."

"Okay, this is not something we should discuss. The Star Warden will make his own judgment." C brought the topic back: "Don't forget why we are gathered together to discuss this."

"Jiang Yiyi was transferred to the fifth floor for review. Has it been confirmed that everything is correct?"

D frowned: "Jian Si was transferred to the fifth floor for review. Is it confirmed to be correct?"

e sighed, and then said, "Ningsha's transfer to the fifth floor for review has been confirmed to be correct?"

The three of them looked at each other, and C spoke first: "Jiang Yiyi confirmed it."

D hesitated and explained, "The direct murderer of Black Glove was not Jian Si. I don't think there is enough reason for Jian Si to go to the fifth floor."

C flipped through the documents on the side and handed the application for Jian Si's transfer submitted by Ye Wang to D: "The reason given by the fourth-floor manager is that Jian Si insists that he is the murderer and he has no objection to going to the fifth floor. In addition, the Xingjian Council and the Nianluo Council are paying close attention to this matter."

“I think these three reasons are enough.”

D was silent for a few seconds: "Jian Si confirmed it."

e watched their conversation and frowned before he spoke: "Ningsha... He does not meet any of the requirements to go to the fifth floor."

"Ningsha is a person with special abilities." A voice suddenly interrupted their conversation and ended the discussion.

"Head of the medical team?" C, D, and E stood up together, stood straight, clenched their fists on their left chests, bent over forty-five degrees, and saluted.

"Everyone, please sit down." Cang Wendong stood in front of the table, flipped through the thick stack of information, and said calmly: "Since Jiang Yiyi wants to take them to the fifth floor, let him take them down."

He casually straightened out the somewhat messy documents, placing each one straight and forming an orderly arrangement.

"The more weaknesses there are, the more flaws will be exposed." Cang Wendong retracted his hand, glanced at C, D, and E, and chuckled: "Don't be nervous. Remember one thing, every prisoner below the second floor of the Star Prison will be punished, even if they die on the spot, they deserve it."

C's eyebrows twitched slightly, and before he could speak, D spoke first: "Head of the Medical Team, hasn't the Star Prison Commander come back yet?"

Cang Wendong pushed his glasses and said, "He is still busy. Do you have anything to report to him?"

"No, it's just that the Star Prison Warden was away for a long time this time..."

"After all, there is a person like Jiang Yiyi who seems to have slipped through the net. It is inevitable that the search will take a little longer this time."

Cang Wendong glanced at them and said, "You guys go ahead and do your work. I'll go check on A and B."

After watching Cang Wendong leave, E finally let go of C's foot: "Calm down, that's the head of the medical team."

"What's wrong with the medical team leader?" C raised his voice: "What do you mean it's all what he deserves? If all the supervisors think like him, there's no need for us to exist at all."

"Don't forget the two words that Star Warden carved on the door of the control center."

"We must be worthy of our conscience! We must be worthy of the people!"

"Alright, alright, stop yelling. The head of the medical team has always treated the prisoners like this. You know that." D lowered his voice and said, "But his loyalty to the warden is unquestionable. Do you doubt him?"

"How could that be." C's voice dropped instantly: "I just don't like his attitude, as if those prisoners were really unforgivable..." He paused here, and under the strange gazes of the other two, he realized that those prisoners were really unforgivable.

"But isn't the original intention of the Star Prison Warden to set up supervisors to minimize unnecessary casualties?" C argued: "Even if they are heinous, they have received due legal sanctions before entering the Star Prison. If we have the right to decide whether they should die, then what is the difference between us and them?"

“Cherishing the life of an ordinary person is as important as cherishing the life of a sinner.”

"Stop, stop, stop..." D sighed: "C, do you know why you are so annoying?"

"Annoying? Me?" C obviously had no self-awareness.

D was stuck and turned his head to look at E.

e sighed: "I know you have a high level of awareness, but who do you think is less conscious than you here? Do you need to say this to strengthen our beliefs?"

"That's not what I meant." C lowered his voice a little: "I just..."

"It's okay. Low emotional intelligence is a terminal illness. There's no cure. Just leave him alone." D eased the atmosphere and said, "Who made him so capable and firm in his beliefs that he can be directly responsible for Jiang Yiyi's review..."

d showed his fox tail: "But Jiang Yiyi is quite interesting. I also want to..."

"Oh, right," C responded and interrupted D, "Just now Cang Wendong said that Ning Sha is a person with special abilities. How could Ning Sha be a person with special abilities? E, did you find any problems when you reviewed it?"

Is this guy really stupid or just pretending to be stupid? D stopped talking after being interrupted and began to think about this question.

e shook his head, indicating that he did not find anything abnormal: "But Ningsha's mental state is indeed very bad, and he is also nicknamed a madman..." He flipped through the information and opened a page and said: "From the records, he did not show any abnormal behavior. I don't know how the medical team leader came to this conclusion."

"What I'm curious about is, is he a person with special abilities from the beginning, or did he become one after meeting Jiang Yiyi?" D rekindled his interest.

"Since the head of the medical team said so, Ning Sha must be a person with special abilities." C was not interested in D's curiosity and said in a serious tone, "Since the three of them have confirmed that the review is correct, I will send the notification of permission for transfer back to King Ye."

"The meeting is adjourned."

Ye Wang had been waiting for the notification of passing the review for a very long time. Although it had not been long since Jiang Yiyi arrived on the fourth floor, or to be more precise, even longer than the time Jiang Yiyi had stayed on the third floor, the feeling of being in another world was so vivid that Ye Wang could hardly remember how he felt when he first met Jiang Yiyi.

Is it the disbelief that “those guys were scared to this extent by a prisoner”, or the inexplicable confidence that “no matter how awesome he is, since he’s on the fourth floor, he has to listen to me”

These thoughts were so strange that when he tried to recall them, it was as if there was a thick veil between them and he could not see clearly.

Did he really think so? How could he think so? Was there something wrong with his brain

Ye Wang reflected on himself three times and deeply reflected on his mistakes - he shouldn't have thought about those messy things. Wouldn't it be better to just isolate the doctor honestly

Looking at the third floor, nothing happened, the weather was fine, and looking at the fourth floor, the death quota had been used up, and now he was still worried about how to write the report, not to mention the series of evaluation scores that followed, performance declines, salary deductions, and bonus deductions...

That’s right, this is the adult world, extremely trivial and extremely sad.

"Are you done with your feelings?" The magician waited for a long time, but when Ye Wang didn't regain his composure, he urged him, "Can you finish your work first before you start to feel sad?"

Ye Wang turned his head silently and looked at the magician. He looked left and right, and he thought he was the next victim. So he advised him kindly: "Listen to my advice. When the doctor reaches the fifth floor, immediately separate him from the crowd..."

The magician gave a boastful smile: "It seems that a lot of prisoners died on the fourth floor during the chaos a few days ago?"

"More than a lot." Ye Wang calmed down and returned to his usual calmness: "The half-year death quota has been used up, and all forces have been severely damaged. The fourth floor is now much quieter than before."

"If the doctor can be as efficient as he is on the fifth floor, I'd really like to thank him." The magician said in an exaggerated tone, "The cells on the fifth floor are already not big enough, and there are too many people living in single rooms. If more people don't die, there really won't be room for more people."

Ye Wang glanced in his direction: "Is the casualty rate on the fifth floor so low?"

"After staying on the fifth floor for a long time, you will eventually know how to survive." The magician said nonchalantly, "Besides, the fifth floor is different from the fourth floor."

He smiled and glanced at Ye Wang: "There are more rules on the fifth floor."

"It seems that you welcome the doctor's arrival." Ye Wang gave a fake smile: "I hope you can maintain this attitude in a few months."

The magician didn't pay attention to King Ye's warning - these guys up there had no idea what the bottom level of the Star Prison looked like. Would the so-called hell become more terrifying just because of one more devil

"Let's go pick up our unfathomable doctor and his group of ignorant followers and go see the scenery at the bottom of the Star Prison together."

"I think he will like it there." The magician touched his nonexistent hat and said in a very gentlemanly manner, "After all, he can find countless companions there."

The author has something to say: The number of manuscripts in stock is decreasing day by day, I am crying, who knows.

A cry that really means there is nothing left.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-18 14:28:54~2020-01-19 13:27:24~

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Sanluer, Demeter 2; Mint, Jinse, Qianqianah, Dibeitiannan, Xiaoyouyou's surname is Lei, あくま, Apply the primary medicine, and Si Ci Xin Chen Fei last night 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4754417 40 bottles; Jiujiujiujiu 26 bottles; Cute lazy sheep 20 bottles; Muxizhi l 18 bottles; Hefeng Sanliang, あくま, Wife Book, Rock Sugar, Feifei, I won’t guess who you are 10 bottles; Jiuyu Wuyi 6 bottles; Pojiu Dujin, Liu Gougou, Puppet will have a cat, Weird Q, A box of lemon tea, Bo Yanya, Xiao Chunfeng, Yese Baiguo, u Good Method 5 bottles; 27941193 4 bottles; Jin, 35261304, Like Water Flowing Years 3 bottles; Sick and Weak, A Dream of an Empty City 2 bottles; Lingyin, Xianyu, 18123502, Muchen, Condensed Milk Cheese Biscuits 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!