Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 47: Bottom 3


The scene suddenly fell silent. As the main initiator of the conversation, the magician fell silent, and the scene became even quieter.

What a nuisance.

The magician smoothed his hair and glanced at the gatekeeper on the side.

The gatekeeper's expression remained unchanged, as if no change could move him. Even in this situation, he still just stared at Jiang Yiyi silently.

What's even more troublesome is that my leader is still facially paralyzed.

The magician suppressed the sigh in his heart, and also suppressed the fear that arose from Jiang Yiyi's understatement - Jiang Yiyi's words were simple, but the subtext revealed in them was enough to make people's hair stand on end.

The information summarized by the manager reappeared in the magician's mind - although ordinary people are very weak, they can occasionally produce miracles beyond imagination, such as being too sharp and hitting the nail on the head.

"Don't have contact with him, and if contact must occur, end the conversation as soon as possible."

"It would be best to prevent him from meeting anyone else in the first place."

“Don’t stare into the abyss.”

Three warnings worthy of being regarded as golden rules summarized the best solution when facing Jiang Yiyi without knowing Jiang Yiyi's abilities.

This is an ability user whose contact is extremely dangerous.

A person with sound sanity and his own code of conduct who has not yet allowed them to establish a behavioral benchmark.

Thinking of this, the magician's head started to hurt. What does the combination of the two mean

It means that from the first to the fourth floor, all managers are helpless against him; it means that they have taken over a huge problem; it means...

The magician let out a long sigh.

This means that every prison guard who comes into contact with Jiang Yiyi is gambling with his life - and there is no doubt that he is the one who bears the brunt of this.

Because the magician is Jiang Yiyi's evaluator.

He will be responsible for the entire process of contacting, evaluating, analyzing and reporting Jiang Yiyi after he arrives on the fifth floor. This is the treatment that every ability person will receive after arriving on the fifth floor, and it is also the reason why the fifth floor exists. .

Of course, the evaluators assigned will be different depending on how powerful the ability user is.

As for the magician responsible for evaluating Jiang Yiyi, he is one of the gatekeeper's assistants and can also be evaluated as a high-risk existence by the system.

This was a decision they made after greatly overestimating Jiang Yiyi's danger.

But it now appears that their overestimation was far from sufficient.

"Let's go." Jiang Yiyi retracted his gaze from the second floor and broke the silence: "Aren't you going to the cell?"

The magician came to his senses and looked at the gatekeeper again.

The gatekeeper made a decision: "Go to 1-002."

The magician wanted to be surprised for two seconds by this decision, but the twists and turns of the plot had already consumed all his surprise, so even with the unexpected decision of Room 1-002, the magician just responded without saying a word. No waves.

The magician identified the direction and led them towards a building.

A building is located in the center of the entire fifth floor, surrounded by layers of buildings. As the distance between them and the first floor shortens, some special structures appear on both sides of the road. Small metal balls hanging under the monitors appear from the trees. There is a round piece of metal peeking out from the branches, and a light paint that almost blends into the ground.

It's difficult to determine the function of these things by looking at their appearance, but they appear frequently enough to confirm that it is not just a decoration.

As one gets closer to a building, the frequency of these things also increases, and they can be said to be densely placed around one building, closely surrounding the solitary building standing in the center with other buildings.

Jiang Yiyi stopped. As soon as his movements stopped, everyone's movements also stopped.

The building in front of me is a bit strange, incompatible with the rigid architectural style of the Star Prison, and seems too arrogant and wanton.

Among the gray buildings, the bright blue instantly caught the eye. Different from the flat and clean style of other buildings, the style of the building in front of me is difficult to describe in specific words.

The windows that open and close, and the outer walls that extend outwards are constantly rising, reaching the top of the sky, making it like a long sword, with the fierceness that comes towards the face, leveling the lingering in the star prison. sense of depression.

Jiang Yiyi: "The design of this building... is very interesting."

The madman did not take his eyes away from Jiang Yiyi, and naturally had no feeling for this building.

Lin Yi frowned. The sharpness of this building made him feel like needles on his back. He almost subconsciously raised his attention, alerting himself to possible dangers.

When Jian Si heard Jiang Yiyi's words, he glanced at the building in front of him and nodded in agreement.

The magician took their respective reactions into his eyes and then said: "This was designed by the first Star Warden himself."

Jiang Yiyi turned to look at him: "Is he the one who created the Star Prison?"

"Yes, he is a legend that is still circulating in the Star Prison." The first person to discover ability users, the person who single-handedly established the current situation, and the person who created the system for the containment and control of ability users.

As a pioneer, everything he did transcended the limitations of the times, and he was truly a genius who was one step ahead of the times.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the magician and read what he wanted from his exaggerated expression.

"You admire each other very much." Jiang Yiyi's eyes at certain times can give people the illusion of being analyzed. Just like at this moment, the mood fluctuates for just a moment. The magician reacts immediately, suppresses the excess emotions, and leaves Those grandiose masks.

"Then what did he do?"

Jiang Yiyi didn't expect to get an answer from them. He asked and answered thoughtfully: "It must be related to the secret at the bottom of the Star Prison, and the one that made the fourth level turbulent and everyone rushed forward. Even if they knew it was a trap, Something about jumping down one after another.”

The magician moved his eyes away and looked forward, pondering the feasibility of sending them directly in using violent means. Talking to the doctor not only takes a lot of brainpower, but may also face life-threatening danger at any time. The benefits are too small and the cost is too high. When the task is not involved, , he didn’t want to communicate too much with Jiang Yiyi at all.

But considering the possible consequences of angering Jiang Yiyi, the magician could only give up the idea with regret.

"In other words, the original intention of establishing the Star Prison was for this secret."

Jiang Yiyi thoughtfully searched for memories, and as he expected, memories related to childhood resurfaced - even though he had confirmed that this episode did not exist in his memory at all.

The picture shows a familiar room background, a familiar desktop, and a blurry figure playing on the computer with his back to him—the whole scene is like an overly photoshopped picture, illusory enough to make people believe it is fake.

Accompanied by the crackling sound of the keyboard, Jiang Yiyi's familiar voice babbled again: "Why is the fifth floor so dangerous? Can Jian Si's small body make it? In just a few minutes, he died twice. ”

"Hey, I don't think this is right." Fa Xiao said as if complaining: "Jian Si is in my prison, and that guy is in the prison opposite Jian Si. Why did Jian Si die in the blink of an eye? This Isn’t there a bug in the game? No, I have to call and find out.”

The scene moved meaninglessly, and when the next scene began, Jiang Yiyi heard his own voice ringing.

"Do you understand?" It was his familiar way of speaking, with a lazy tone that only appeared when talking to acquaintances. He asked casually, not expecting to get an answer at all.

"You will never believe how they responded to me." Faxiao never turned his face from the beginning to the end. He seemed to have a grudge against the keyboard. He pressed the keyboard extremely hard from beginning to end, and the sound of the keyboard was like an unstoppable sound. The BGM played filled the whole audience.

"This is a hidden setting." Fa Xiao pinched his throat and imitated the tone of the customer service, and then complained: "This is a hell-level survival game, and he gave me a hidden setting? What? He dislikes us. Not enough people died?"

"But I have an idea. Why do you think Jian Si is so miserable?" Fa Xiaowei asked: "Why does everyone want to kill him? How many secrets does he have to have to lead to this tragic situation?"

"Since the protagonist of this game is Jian Si, the hidden setting must be inseparable from him. Maybe it will be the clue to unlock all his secrets!"

The picture was interrupted here, and the blurry scene dissipated in Jiang Yiyi's memory and became a part of it.

After that letter, the other party didn't even bother to cover up, and laid the problem in front of Jiang Yiyi carelessly.

Jiang Yiyi touched the cold blade on his wrist and showed a very faint smile.

He forgot his fear and confusion, so even when he was in a bad situation that ordinary people could not imagine, he remained calm as if he was admiring the scenery of the world.

Without fear, fear will naturally not grow; without confusion, self-doubt will naturally not spread in unanswered puzzles.

He moved forward resolutely, and in the undercurrent that surrounded him layer by layer, he was as calm as if he was the one who planned it.

According to Jiang Yiyi's understanding of his past, it is impossible for an ordinary male college student to achieve this step, but according to Jiang Yiyi's understanding of himself now, he cannot completely rule out this possibility.

Although it is contradictory to say this - on the premise of acknowledging his ordinary past, Jiang Yiyi does not deny some extraordinary characteristics in himself today.

Hidden settings? Is it related to Jian Si

Jiang Yiyi glanced at Jian Si.

Jian Si was idly looking at the building in front of him. Almost as soon as Jiang Yiyi's eyes fell on him, he turned around and met Jiang Yiyi's eyes.

Jiang Yiyi could clearly see the other party's confusion and confusion, without any flaws, just like his previous performance - although he was full of mysteries and questions, and everyone was convinced that he had problems, at least as far as his performance was concerned, There are no flaws, and it may even lead to other speculations. For example, even if there is a problem, it may not be his problem.

Jiang Yiyi's thoughts paused here for two seconds, and he noticed something too familiar - a very similar caution.

Jian Si was stared at by Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds. He still didn't know why Jiang Yiyi suddenly looked at him, but he didn't dare to ask anyway, and was even a little panicked by Jiang Yiyi, so he forced himself to face Jiang Yiyi's eyes. After staring for a few seconds, he decisively chose to lower his head and stare at the ground beneath his feet.

He noticed that the gaze moved away.

Jian Si breathed a sigh of relief, feeling lucky to have escaped death. Although he had been with the doctor for a while, Jian Si still had not overcome his fear of the doctor—no, to be precise, that shouldn't be called fear.

Jian Si has been afraid of countless existences. Death, contempt, rumors, and even weak insects will all give him fear.

But Jiang Yiyi is different from these. He is another existence that cannot be touched, which makes Jian Si reborn; makes him stand on Jiang Yiyi's side without hesitation; makes him face death, with his hands full of blood, and give everything.

After a brief pause, complex memories and thoughts, Jiang Yiyi continued what he had said before: "But the fact that he would use the method of establishing a star prison to hide this secret speaks for itself."

"This secret is related to people." Jiang Yiyi turned his head and glanced at Jian Si again. The words "Fa Xiao" were especially in his ears - this was a hidden setting, and the other party almost handed the answer to him.

"But if it's just about people, it's not necessarily necessary to build a star prison - after all, star prison is the most troublesome and eye-catching choice among all the options. And laboratories, research institutes, even schools, are more difficult to build than star prison. , are more reasonable and less attention-grabbing existences.”

Jiang Yiyi said unhurriedly: "So the setting of Star Prison must have its rationality. For example, this secret is connected with death, blood, and crime."

As Jiang Yiyi's words flowed slowly, the magician's eyes gradually became confused, and finally he couldn't help but glance at the gatekeeper who had been indifferent from beginning to end.

What's going on? Did he peek at the script

How could he say it so smoothly that the magician almost began to wonder if this conclusion was really so easy to draw.

Of course, it's not that the magician has never been exposed to geniuses - to be precise, in the building in front of Jiang Yiyi, there are countless geniuses beyond imagination.

The problem is, Jiang Yiyi is different from them.

"For another example, this secret requires sufficient security conditions in order to be better preserved. It is even possible that it is not that the first star warden does not want to choose other ways to preserve this secret, but that only the star prison can meet the requirements. All conditions to keep this secret.”

"The answer is already out."

Jiang Yiyi smiled at the magician: "A secret owned by a small number of people, existing in the human body, accompanied by temptation and benefits, death and blood, and even making the owner lose control."

Jiang Yiyi clasped his hands together, placed them in front of his chin, and asked the magician kindly: "Super power?"

The magician wanted to smile, but his face was a little stiff, so he had to go through the process in a strict manner - a process of introducing some information to every ability user who came to the fifth floor for the first time.

"I think the doctor should have realized that some of your abilities are beyond the definition of normal people." He paused for a few seconds: "In this vast universe, there are many areas that humans have not yet explored, and what you have is This ability is one of them.”

"The person who first discovered its existence named people with this ability as espers, and there is no doubt that you are one of them." The magician's introduction was very simple - in a hundred years of research, they have enough detailed information information and research results, but there is no need to tell the other party all these.

Hearing this, Jian Si raised her head and looked at the magician.

Lin Yi turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yiyi. After facing the scene just now, and hearing these introductions again, he was not touched at all - even if there is a group of superheroes in this world, so what

The Covenant has not been better off because of their existence in the past, and it will not be worse off because of their existence in the future.

The madman rolled his pupils and had a rare reaction to this sentence.

"Those who reach the pinnacle in a certain field, even reaching a level that humans cannot reach, we call them capable people." The magician noticed that when everyone reacted to this, only Jiang Yiyi himself, calmly It's like I'm not involved.

"Human beings have limits, but those with abilities have broken through these limits and become new humans in another sense." The magician looked at Jiang Yiyi and said, "There is no doubt that this is a direction of human evolution."

Jiang Yiyi's focus was as sharp as ever: "So, I can reasonably guess what you have done to people with abilities - in order to learn more about the new humans?"

The magician's shell got stuck. This was not the reaction of a normal person after hearing these words—and certainly not the reaction of those with abilities.

Jiang Yiyi didn't need his answer: "From disorder to order, from taking the initiative to retreating a little... It seems to be a painful enough lesson to teach you respect and awe."

The magician opened his mouth and closed it again.

"I only have one question." Jiang Yiyi looked at the gatekeeper: "Every ability person imprisoned here has committed a crime? I mean a crime that is enough to make them enjoy life imprisonment."

The gatekeeper nodded: "There are only two things in the world that deeply shock our hearts: one is the bright starry sky above our heads; the other is the lofty moral principles in our hearts. (Note)"

"We abide by the law, and we follow the moral principles that humans should have." The magician pressed the non-existent hat on his head and said: "Being worthy of one's heart and being worthy of the people are the only principles for the operation of the Star Prison."

"Starry sky, morality, law, people." Jiang Yiyi repeated these words softly: "Then the last piece of the puzzle in the problem of ability users has come out."

"As new humans, as pioneers in the direction of human evolution, when they have abilities beyond human limits, they..." Jiang Yiyi paused for a moment: "Did they bear another price?"

There is no point in trying to deceive Jiang Yiyi - because it will never succeed.

The magician deeply understood the feelings of the managers on the previous floors when they faced Jiang Yiyi - on Jiang Yiyi's first day on the fifth floor.

An extremely difficult and difficult person to talk to.

"Yes, all people with abilities are madmen." The magician said simply and clearly: "Although the conditions of madness are different, there is no doubt that they are all extremely dangerous madmen."

madman? Jiang Yiyi glanced at Jian Si and met Jian Si's furtive glance.

Jian Si (doctor) is not a madman.

The same sentence appeared in the minds of Jiang Yiyi and Jian Si.

"There are no exceptions?"

"Absolutely no exceptions." The magician said firmly.

"Very good, then I am sure of one thing." Jiang Yiyi pointed at himself: "I am not a person with abilities."

"Doctor, I understand how you feel." The magician's tone was exaggerated: "But look at the ability you just showed..."

He said tactfully: "Even the top psychologists cannot do this."

Jiang Yiyi took a look at his character's skills. Ordinary psychologists can't do it, but game characters... Hey, who would be serious about the game settings

"I understand how you feel too."

Jiang Yiyi also said sincerely: "But I am indeed just an ordinary normal person." He paused for two seconds, and in view of the doubts that arise at every level of managers, he reminded the other person again in a friendly way: "An ordinary and normal good person. "


If you say this, do you believe it

The magician stared at Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds and discovered something even more terrifying - not only did the other party believe it, but he even believed it as a matter of course.

The magician was at a loss for a few seconds, and suddenly he had an epiphany—could this be one of the symptoms of the doctor's madness

Delusion that you are a good person

It was as if the meridians were opened in an instant, and the magician felt that he had discovered a secret that no one knew - so the doctor was so crazy

What's crazier than a doctor thinking he's a regular, normal, good guy

If anyone thinks so, then please take a look at the death scene of the lone wolf, look at Jian Si who is following the doctor tremblingly, and look at the prisoner whose body is still cold. He will surely instantly realize the absurdity of this idea. at.

Jiang Yiyi couldn't see the enlightenment in the magician's mind, but he could at least see the exaggerated expression changes on the magician's face - he always felt that the other person had imagined something great.

He reflected on what he just said for two seconds and felt that what he said was a bit too modest.

Compared with this simple description of him, to be honest, he is even a person who is distressed because his moral standards are too high.

For example, if you give up trying the "archive function" because you have made a promise, any person on earth in the 21st century can feel Jiang Yiyi's high moral standards from this choice.

But it seems that among all the people present, no one can resonate with Jiang Yiyi in the same way - of course, it may be because they are not from the earth in the 21st century.

The author has something to say: Note: There are only two things in the world that deeply shock our hearts: one is the bright starry sky above our heads; the other is the lofty moral principles in our hearts. This quote comes from Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.


Tomorrow is Thursday, so tomorrow’s update will be a little later.


Although readers are all aware of the existence of espers, in fact, Jiang Yiyi and the others did not confirm the existence of espers until now.

The real secret of the Star Prison was not revealed to them until now.


When a player can adhere to high moral standards in the game...

He is simply a saint (convinced.jpg)


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