Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 50: Bottom layer 6


Lin Yi left the room with the answer given by Jiang Yiyi. As the door opened and closed, Jiang Yiyi heard the familiar laughter again - coming from the room opposite.

Jiang Yiyi's gaze paused on the tightly closed door opposite, and she suddenly realized that, except for room 1-007, there was no movement in other rooms - these rooms were quiet from beginning to end, as if there was no one in them at all.

Lin Yi also heard the strange laughter. He stopped closing the door and looked at 1-007. He turned around and saw Jiang Yiyi's gaze pausing at 1-007, then he reacted.

"Is the doctor interested in him?"

Jiang Yiyi clasped his hands together and rested them on his chin, staring at the room opposite: "I'm very interested."

The laughter sounded again, and in the blur, one could vaguely hear the other party's madness.

Lin Yi's eyes moved back and forth between the closed door of Room 1-007 and Jiang Yiyi several times, and he "understood" what Jiang Yiyi meant: "I will talk to them."

Jiang Yiyi's gaze shifted from 1-007 to Lin Yi.

Before he was even surprised, he came to the conclusion: Lin Yi's "mentor" might really be a powerful figure.

Lin Yi is very introverted and low-key most of the time - this is a basic quality for a spy. It is not a good thing for a spy to be too high-profile.

So when he was unusually tough, it was only because his instinct was to make sure he was safe, which made him do something he would not have done before - such as making a request.

Given that the location and environment of the Star Prison have not changed, the appearance of the "mentor" has become the only variable and the only reason.

There is no doubt that this is a person who has a profound influence on Lin Yi, and even at this time, he can still easily gain Lin Yi's trust.

Jiang Yiyi casually highlighted a person she had never met, and then was surprised by something else.

This existence had such a huge influence on Lin Yi, but Lin Yi still chose him

The choice itself is interesting.

Interesting enough to make people doubt Lin Yi's loyalty again.

"Doctor?" Lin Yi hesitated as Jiang Yiyi looked at him, "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

Jiang Yiyi came back to his senses and repeated again that he never doubted his judgment - no matter how outrageous the judgment seemed.

So even though Lin Yi's choice between him and his "mentor" was so unexpected and even hard to trust, Jiang Yiyi would not question his own judgment.

"Go see Jian Si." Jiang Yiyi made up an excuse, but as soon as he said it, his attention really shifted to this matter: "Tell him not to forget our agreement."

If possible, Jiang Yiyi really wants to try this so-called "archive" function.

This will be an extremely long night, Jian Si realized.

He found that his previous mental preparation was far from enough in the face of reality. This place was filled with all kinds of weird lunatics. Even if they did nothing, the strange movements and atmosphere alone were enough to drive a normal person to the brink of collapse. What's more, they did not do nothing.

On the contrary, they seemed quite interested in the newcomer.

This is reflected in the fact that the noisy sounds are getting louder and louder.

At this moment, although everything was very strange and filled with a sense of weirdness that came from nowhere, at least Jian Si felt that his personal safety was guaranteed - those lunatics couldn't kill people through the wall, right

As the night deepened, those strange, eerie and spooky noises seemed like the never-ending background music, never stopping for a moment and even becoming more active.

Jian Si lay on the bed, pretending that he heard nothing, and tried various ways to fall asleep - but with little success. On the contrary, some strange feeling kept him awake.

The patrolling prison guards had just finished a round of patrol, and the next round of patrol should be...

A series of processed information flashed through Jian Si's mind quickly, and suddenly he heard some subtle movements not far away - to be precise, right next to the bed.

In an environment filled with demons dancing, strange laughter, and omnipresent muttering, I suddenly heard some noises coming from beside my bed...

This is really something that tests one's psychological quality.

Jian Si's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he reached out and grasped the soft plastic toothbrush at hand - this was already the most threatening weapon in the room.

He slowly turned his head to look at the bed.

There was nothing beside the bed. The dim light from the corridor vaguely illuminated the place - there was nothing.

Jian Si held the toothbrush tightly but did not let down her guard, because the sound had not stopped yet. It was a very fine tumbling sound, like the friction sound of a very small object moving somewhere.

Jane Si sat up.

As he moved, the laughter suddenly became louder and the whispers became more intense, as if they were having a heated discussion.

Although the scene inside the room could only be seen through the window, the sounds that suddenly became louder due to his movements gave people the illusion that they were watching his every move.

Jian Si did not get out of bed rashly. He carefully observed his surroundings in the dim light. There was nothing unusual. Everything was the same as before the lights were turned off.

Jian Si glanced across and found that the madman was not on the bed.

He subconsciously looked around again, and with difficulty found the other person in the darkness that blended with the night - the madman was standing quietly in front of the door, staring at the closed door.

No, his fixed gaze was not so much about him staring at the closed door as it was about him staring at someone behind the door.

Is there someone behind the door

This thought came to Jian Si subconsciously, but he quickly rejected it.

He had just observed the frequency of the prison guards' patrols, and also noticed that before lights out, the guards checked the number of people one by one and checked the door locks - with this level of strict security, unless a prisoner pried open the door by some means, risked being caught by the prison guards, and stood at their door to scare them, there could be no one behind the door.

Perhaps this was just a whim of the madman - after all, he was a madman, and trying to understand the other person with normal people's thinking was an abnormal behavior.

Jian Si retracted his gaze and listened carefully to the subtle tumbling sounds that were very close to him. He struggled to determine the source of the sound amid the noise. His sight moved inch by inch around the bed and finally stopped on the bed - or to be more precise, under the bed.

The rustling sound came from somewhere under the bed.

Could it be a mouse

Jian Si stared at the bed board for a few seconds, clenched her toothbrush, and subconsciously glanced at the madman.

The madman stood motionless behind the door, with no intention of giving him any advice or tips.

However, the magician's words before he left during the day suddenly floated through Jiansi's mind: "Don't talk to them, don't look at them, just hide under the quilt obediently, so you can live longer."

He glanced at the quilt, then looked under the bed where the rustling sound came from, and made the decision without much hesitation.

He didn't mind making a safer choice when facing danger, but the problem was that he had no choice.

If he couldn't get the doctor's attention, if he backed down, he believed that the doctor would kill him without hesitation.

Of course, objectively speaking, being killed by a doctor and being killed by any other being have the same outcome, but for Jian Si, the two are completely incomparable.

He has an extremely clear understanding, which is firmly engraved in his mind and is the starting point for all his choices and actions.

Absolutely! Absolutely! Never be killed by a doctor again.

He can do anything to achieve this goal.

Jian Si held the toothbrush and moved quietly towards the bed. The noise under the bed didn't sound loud. Even if it was a mouse, it shouldn't be very big.

With this thought in mind, Jian Si did not rush to get out of bed. He was cautious enough, even overly cautious, to stop by the bed, lowered his head and glanced quickly under the bed. Before he could see the whole picture under the bed, he quickly retracted his eyes.

With a "whoosh" sound, a sound of something breaking through the air rang beside his ears and disappeared in an instant.

The laughter and muttering grew louder and louder, mixing into a strange sound that echoed in the cell.

Jian Si looked up at the room, which remained unchanged. Not knowing that death had just passed him by, he cautiously stuck his head out to look under the bed again.

There was a layer of dust under the bed. It was quiet and even the rustling sound had disappeared.

Jian Si landed with some doubt and looked under the bed carefully.

There were no mice, let alone bugs. Apart from the layer of dust, the place could almost be called too clean.

Jian Si looked around in confusion, hesitated for a few seconds amid the strange background noise, and finally chose to go to bed.

He thought he would have trouble falling asleep like he had just now, and was even prepared to spend the night awake, but to his surprise, he slept very well.

I slept so well that I woke up naturally, and then I was seeing an enlarged face.

Jian Si reflexively swung the toothbrush that she was holding tightly in her hand, quickly leaned back, away from the enlarged face, and instantly shrank to the foot of the bed.

Lin Yi easily pinched the toothbrush he swung out. He looked at the being curled up at the foot of the bed with some wonder, who looked like he could be easily crushed to death no matter how he looked at him. He turned his head to look at the madman who was staring at the door - he looked a little haggard due to not sleeping all night and his high concentration, which formed a sharp contrast with the guy in front of him.

Not only is this guy still alive, he's even alive and well...

Jian Si woke up completely from his drowsy state, and only after he figured out who was in front of him did his tense nerves relax.

"Why are you here?" He motioned to Lin Yi, who was holding down the corner of the quilt, to move aside, lifted the quilt, stood on the ground, and stretched his muscles.

"The doctor asked me to come see you."

Jian Si paused and almost sprained her waist: "Look at me?"

"The doctor asked me to tell you." Lin Yi glanced at Jian Si, who had become obedient at that moment, and could not find any reason on her that was worthy of the doctor's attention—except for that face. But the problem was that the doctor was not someone who would be fooled by a face.

"Don't forget the agreement."

Following Lin Yi's words, a cold murderous intent followed, dragging Jian Si back to last night.

He shuddered and subconsciously looked under the bed. It was the same scene he saw last night in the dim light, with thick dust covering every corner. Apart from that, there was no extra debris, let alone anything that would make rustling sounds.

Jian Si breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head, and met Lin Yi's indescribable expression.

"Last night..." Jian Si thought about how to describe the strange experience last night, and finally paused for two seconds, and said simply and clearly: "It was quite colorful."

"I see you slept well." Lin Yi was in a hurry to meet another person and had no intention of staying long. After confirming that Jian Si was still alive and living comfortably, Lin Yi planned to leave.

"I'm a little surprised too..." Jian Si didn't realize that Lin Yi was about to leave. The sound last night made him a little concerned. He looked under the bed a few times, but still found nothing unusual. He simply lay on the ground and looked closely under the bed.

Lin Yi paused as he was about to leave and began to wonder what the other party had experienced that night - could this place have the side effect of subtly turning people into lunatics

The strange noises outside became louder, making people more annoyed.

Lin Yi interrupted his thoughts and glanced at the prisoners of various appearances in the nearby rooms, and his irritation became more and more severe.

"I'm leaving first, you can just..." Facing such an environment, it was difficult for Lin Yi to say anything. He hurriedly said, "Take care of yourself." Then he left in a hurry.

As he walked outside, louder sounds suddenly erupted from the cells on both sides, including loud laughter, strange mutterings, collisions, and banging, and it was a lively place that made normal people extremely uncomfortable.

The door was closed by Lin Yi. The madman who had been staring at the door all night slowly returned to the bed and stared into the void in a daze.

Jane found something under the bed.

He almost shrunk half of his body under the bed before he could catch a glimpse of a small trail, a mark left by something rolling past. The mark was very faint, and even on the dusty bottom of the bed, only a shallow mark was left.

The mark was a bit strange, as if something had rolled all the way on the ground and finally stopped here, and then...

Jian Si changed the angle with difficulty, looked up at the bed board above, and found the shallow mark at the corresponding position of the bed board.

He looked back and forth several times between the marks on the ground and between the bed boards, then suddenly reacted, crawled out from under the bed, found the corresponding position on the bed board, and placed the top of the toothbrush on that point.

He lay down slowly and touched the soft brush head - just below his heart.

Jian Si suddenly sat up and stared at the place where the brush head was placed for a few seconds, as if he saw something indescribable, and his expression was slightly ferocious.

He stared at the toothbrush for a few seconds, then suddenly stood up and walked towards the window.

He looked out the window, stared at the door for a few seconds, saw nothing unusual, then carefully inspected the ground at the door inch by inch, and finally found what he was looking for.

There was an almost invisible half shoe print on the light-colored floor tiles at the door, as if someone had stood here for a long time and left a mark.

Jian Si's Adam's apple moved slightly, and he finally understood the truth about the abnormalities of last night.

He had a brush with death, twice - if it hadn't been for luck, the madman had discovered the guy outside, and the thing that could have taken his life had not been stopped under the bed by accident, it would have been more than just a brush with death.

Fortunately, he was lucky.

Jian Si took a deep breath, swallowed the fear and terror, and cheered herself up to face the next night.

Lin Yi had no idea of Jian Si's psychological activities. He hurriedly left the extremely uncomfortable building and went straight to find the magician.

The magician seems empty—not just seems, but really is empty.

Because his only job at the moment is to contact, evaluate, analyze and report on Jiang Yiyi, and since he didn't contact Jiang Yiyi, he had no choice but to sit around doing nothing.

The magician held the teacup in his hand, and when he saw Lin Yi rushing over, he put on an exaggerated smile and said, "Why? Did you get the doctor's permission?"

"The doctor said that if the instructor has any questions for him, he would be happy to answer them personally." Lin Yi conveyed Jiang Yiyi's words in a serious manner.

The magician was not surprised by this answer - when he heard Lin Yi's reply that he needed to seek a doctor's opinion, he knew what answer he would get.

There was no way the doctor would allow Lin Yi to communicate with his tutor alone about his information - this would undoubtedly be giving up the initiative completely.

"I will discuss with my mentor about the time to meet with the doctor." The magician glanced at Lin Yi, but didn't get any useful information from his expression or tone, so he asked, "I'm more curious about the doctor's reaction to this?"

Lin Yi knew what he was asking—the reaction to Lin Yi's meeting with his former mentor.

Lin Yi said calmly: "If you think he should have any reaction, then you are underestimating the doctor."

"You have such blind confidence in the doctor." The magician said with emotion, "I hope you can maintain this blind confidence after the doctor meets the mentor."

Lin Yi was aware of the implication in the other party's words. He knew his mentor well enough—he had extraordinary personal charm, was well-read, eloquent, broad-minded, and had noble character. There was no doubt that he was a leader worthy of respect.

If the other party talks to the doctor, it is hard to say who will convince whom or whether they will reach an agreement.

But no matter what the final outcome of the conversation is, Lin Yi's identity is very embarrassing.

Lin Yi knew this very well, but it did not affect him. After all, death was the final destination that people like him were destined to have. When a person accepted death calmly, it would be difficult for anything to make him waver again.

"I also send this to you," Lin Yi said calmly, "I hope that after the doctor meets him, you can maintain your current attitude of watching the show."

The magician made a bitter face and sighed, "I'm not just enjoying the show. I'm clearly deeply distressed by this."

"Doctor, absolutely, absolutely—" the magician said in a long tone, in an extremely exaggerated tone, "There are no flaws."

Lin Yi was not interested in his exaggerated performance. After thinking that the topic was over, he immediately talked about another topic: "Who lives in 1-007?"

The magician's exaggerated expression paused, then turned serious again: "Why are you talking about him suddenly?" He quickly found the answer: "The doctor is interested in him?"

Lin Yi corrected him: "The doctor is very interested in him."

"It should be them." The magician muttered, showing his usual exaggerated smile: "It's rare that the doctor is interested in something, but I'm afraid this is not..."

He stopped talking and glanced at the person who walked in from behind Lin Yi: "Why are you here?"

Lin Yi glanced sideways, then slightly moved aside to make way for the other person: "Teacher?"

"I'm here to see my students." The man with glasses stopped beside Lin Yi and spoke with a strange rhythm, which quickly quieted the scene. "What are you talking about?"

The magician touched his nonexistent hat and said, "Teacher, I don't want you to interfere in the affairs of the Star Prison."

"Then you guys continue." The other party had a very good temper. Even after being confronted with a remark to his face, he did not show any anger. Instead, he took a step back calmly. Instead, Lin Yi could not help but frowned.

"This expression..." The magician laughed, "You are indeed a good student of the teacher."

He paused: "But if that's the case, you can still refuse the offer for the doctor..."

The magician looked at the unimpressive man and said, "Teacher, you know your students best. Why don't you help me analyze the reasons?"

"He won't be happy to hear this from me." The teacher tried to smooth things over with good temper: "Lin Yi has a stubborn temper, don't tease him."

"Okay, if that's what you want, mentor..." The magician smiled and changed the subject: "Where were we talking about just now?" He recalled pretentiously: "The doctor is interested in other people?"

"It's rare for a doctor to be interested in something, so I have to apply to my superiors." The magician said sincerely: "After all, a doctor is also a psychologist, maybe it can work wonders for those crazy people?"

I always feel that the other party didn’t think so at first

Lin Yi was a little confused and glanced at his instructor subconsciously.

The instructor smiled and patted his head: "I think what he meant is that Xingyu has no hostility towards doctors. If possible, they prefer to cooperate with doctors."

He even made a joke: "You see, they all invited me here to try to get to know the doctor better."

"Believe me." The magician's tone became serious: "Considering the ability and danger currently demonstrated by the doctor, there is no need for us to provoke him."

"The doctor is the new human being who is most likely to evolve completely, so we would like to cooperate with him." The magician sighed, "After all, we have been studying the direction of human evolution for so long that we don't even know where we went wrong and why we are in this predicament."

"The magician is not very good at talking." The instructor shook his head: "Lin Yi, you need to make your own judgment instead of being led by him."

Lin Yi keenly sensed something was wrong—from the magician's words. But his doubts went around in his mind, and he couldn't find the source of the problem.

The mentor was right, he needed to make his own judgment instead of being led by the magician's words.

Lin Yi took a deep breath and removed the unnecessary branches from the sentence, leaving behind what the magician really wanted to express: the kindness shown to the doctor.

Indeed, no matter how you think about it, for Xingyu, cooperating with doctors is a beneficial and harmless thing.

"Then notify me once you have confirmed these two things."

Lin Yi cautiously took a step back and left.

After he left, there was silence for a few seconds.

The instructor pinched the bridge of his nose lightly and said something to another person present, his tone sounding a little regretful.

"You haven't improved at all in these years."

The author has something to say: He lay down slowly and touched the soft brush head - just below his heart. - Last night, something went straight to his heart, but it failed in the end because of the obstruction of the bed board.


The novel secretly buried a lot of small details in the second half - I thought everyone would enjoy the process of finding foreshadowing, then making guesses, and then confirming their guesses in the next chapters, but it seems that everyone doesn't think so.

But if the author reveals the spoiler right away, his conscience will really hurt!

So, believe me, the following plot will really gradually solve the doubts.


"Magicians are not very good at talking." This was not just a casual remark by the instructor; it was an extremely accurate evaluation.

If we consider the context, we can see that the magician said something he shouldn't have said and exposed information.


Happy New Year!

I wish you all a Happy New Year!

In the new year, we should also start to be a brand new self! Leave the bad things in the past and pursue all the good things in tomorrow.

I wish you all the best!


(Whispering) No more updates.

(Very loud) Because I really don’t have any more!


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-23 15:49:35~2020-01-24 14:37:27~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: llicker 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Nan Jingchong 4; addicted to learning, unable to extricate oneself, ice river in dream, like water flowing years 2; fat girl, Qianqian, flower summer to autumn, 26736908, one step one crime, like this heart is not last night, one leaf autumn_0529, Yangzi hungry, Muyuanze-Yanan arsonist, eat fish tonight, Qianji, 27009699, everyone is in danger, empty city regret, grace, Danhua Baoyi, Xiaoyi orlisa, 20632743, Qiqi, did you eat sugar today, curly Adu, Fushimi Saruhiko, Zhailu, Mi Ya, 26390981, big shield's 36d 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Deus 61 bottles; Yibuyisinhua 60 bottles; Xiaoxi and Nanyueyuxin 50 bottles; Zhouyuan and Li Zhenyang 39 bottles; Zhuse and Kongchengshang 30 bottles; Ranyanzi 28 bottles; Qianluansan 25 bottles; 41fangtang and Mango 20 bottles; Mengmengmjh 19 bottles; 15 bottles of Ancient Covenant; 11 bottles of Orange Water October; Wife's Book, Jin Xiaojiu, The Rabbit Who Always Eats Grass Near the Nest, Homework, La La La, Tang Tang Shui Shui, Yihua, Everyone is in danger, Thirteen, Regrets of the Empty City, Jiuli, Qingdu, Tong, Life is like a fog and a dream, New Year is about to start, He Chou, Like the summer breeze, Jinmie, Mao Mao (●—●), Addicted to learning, unable to extricate oneself, Qianjie 10 bottles; Fushimi Saruhiko, One Summer Day 8 bottles; Aries Cool Cat, What is the Fruit 7 bottles; Clouds, Qingshan Mumo 6 bottles; Wantong, Taoyuan, Chuuya's Little Wife, Sunny Day After the Rain, Jackdaw Girl, Delicious Mandarin Oranges, Lanzhi, Always Thinking about What to Eat Today 5 bottles; Weiyun, Soda, Ajiu 4 bottles; Yiwei, Gu Nuo 3 bottles; Yappie, Buzhou Mountain, The tongue was taken away by the cat, sunny 2 bottles; Watermelon Spirit, Sphinx, Thousand Years of Rain, Xingshi Yumo, Come on n_n, Knight, Youyou, The Frog Who Falls in Love with Dinosaurs, Ningzi, Xinxin Cute Girl, lmrabbit, Fish in the Daytime, Xingxing Shining, Vaishya, Tingjiu 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!