Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 51: The lowest level is 7


Star Prison responded faster than they thought.

"They should have special channels to directly contact the people who made the decision." Lin Yi said thoughtfully: "Otherwise, the decision would have been made too quickly."

Lin Yi had just informed the magician in the morning, and received the exact answer in the afternoon - considering the huge framework of the Star Prison, this efficiency can completely defeat all government agencies of the Star Alliance.

"Perhaps you can define it as the efficiency of the Star Prison administrative system." Jiang Yiyi flipped through the book and said unhurriedly: "After all, compared to the bloated and decadent government agencies, the Star Prison with lofty ideals will certainly look particularly different. ”

I always feel like this sentence satirizes two institutions at the same time.

Lin Yi stood next to the sofa, feeling a little anxious - he had continued to suffer from this kind of anxiety since the end of the conversation in the morning. The anxiety that there was a problem but could not find it lingered around him.

"You look anxious," Jiang Yiyi closed the book and looked at Lin Yi, whose emotions were too obvious to ignore: "What? What happened?"

"I can't tell." Lin Yi's lowered hand moved slightly, then stopped: "The magician's behavior before was a bit strange."

"I feel..." Lin Yi frowned slightly and described his feelings seriously: "We are wrapped up in a huge vortex, and there is an amazing conspiracy brewing in the vortex, ready to wrap us into an abyss of eternal destruction at any time."

It's not that Jiang Yiyi doesn't want to take his words seriously, but...

"You just feel that way now?"

We have already reached the lowest level. Isn’t it a little late to have this kind of enlightenment

After all, every step of Jiang Yiyi's journey was planned by someone. This amazing conspiracy did not appear after they arrived on the fifth floor, but from the very beginning - from Jiang Yiyi's prisoner on the first floor. When I opened my eyes in prison.

He was involved in it. He was the center of this vortex, and he was the starting point and end point of all conspiracies.

Lin Yi, who was the fish in the pond, thought about Jiang Yiyi's words for two seconds and then reacted: "The doctor has discovered it a long time ago..." He paused, thinking of the letter to Jiang Yiyi, and felt a little angry at his fussy performance. Very ashamed.

"There's no need to be anxious about this." Seeing Lin Yi's reaction, Jiang Yiyi retracted his gaze and continued to look at the book in his hand: "The existence of most conspiracies is precisely because they know that they are incompetent and weak, so they try to hide it. Use dark means to achieve their goals."

"But since even they themselves are aware of their incompetence and weakness, there is no need for you to be anxious about it."

Jiang Yiyi's tone was very calm, just like he had always behaved. Even though he was aware of the layers of fog around him that could make people doubt him, he never moved his face.

"When you start to waver about it, the other side wins."

Jiang Yiyi closed the book and looked toward the door.

"Have you ever seen how the best predators hunt?"

Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, and while he was still thinking, Jiang Yiyi already gave the answer: "When hunting, any unnecessary movements will expose flaws, so a fatal blow is their habitual attack method."

Lin Yi was confused for two seconds: "So..." Is there any connection between the two

"So..." Jiang Yiyi gestured towards the door: "I will solve it."

"Just not now."

Lin Yi must admit that Jiang Yiyi's extreme danger is accompanied by his amazing charisma. Most of the time, people are often attracted by his too strong sense of danger and fail to appreciate his charisma.

But after getting close enough to Jiang Yiyi, his personality charm cannot be ignored. Under the overwhelming sense of danger, there is an attraction that people cannot take their eyes away from - it does not come from the doctor's appearance, but from the doctor himself.

If he could ignore the heavy shadow of death in every action, every choice he made, and even every moment he casually wielded a knife, then he might be lucky enough to notice that fatal attraction.

The fear that dominates life and death, after surpassing the limit of fear, becomes another existence, screaming endlessly, with the beating of the heart, staring at the other party for a long time, the fear still exists, but the heart is still beating for it.

Just like at this moment, Lin Yi was stopped by the subtext in Jiang Yiyi's understatement and couldn't look away.

"He has been waiting for a long time. Are you sure you want to continue to be in a daze?"

Jiang Yiyi was not interested in the reason for Lin Yi's daze - although his emotional anatomy map told him the reason very clearly: appreciation, shock, excitement, accelerated heartbeat, and accelerated blood flow.

Are you so excited because of the promise of being protected by me

It's so easy to be satisfied.

Lin Yizhen was stunned for two seconds before he realized that there seemed to be several knocks on the door just now - because he was so immersed in the conversation that he ignored the sounds coming from outside the door.

Lin Yi opened the door and felt a little annoyed when he saw a familiar figure.

"Don't worry, we didn't wait too long." The instructor smiled at him and looked past Lin Yi to another person present. His eyes paused slightly and nodded in a friendly manner towards Jiang Yiyi.

"It seems that you were very focused on the conversation just now." The instructor withdrew his gaze and looked at Lin Yi again: "Am I lucky enough to know what you were discussing just now?"

Lin Yi stepped aside to make way for him, but did not speak. Instead, he looked at Jiang Yiyi inquiringly.

Jiang Yiyi looked at the other person, he was a man who was incompatible with Star Prison.

He paused for two seconds on the opponent's nickname "mentor" before moving his eyes downwards.

It is impossible to judge the age of the other person just from his appearance. His temperament makes people think that he has many stories worth exploring, but his appearance does not appear to be older. When he smiles, he gives people a feeling between maturity and youth. A sense of youth.

His sense of youth should be hard to trust, and should conflict with his temperament, but the two are wonderfully harmonious in each other, creating a unique sense of tolerance that makes people trust him.

One thing worth emphasizing is that he is extremely good-looking. Although he is not as good as Jian Si - Jian Si's almost pure appearance is enough to crush all mortals - his excellence has nothing to do with beauty and handsomeness. It is another kind of excellence. .

Jiang Yiyi thought about his words for a few seconds. The poor adjectives he had made it difficult for him to describe in detail what the other party's excellence came from.

Just like humans can appreciate the majesty of glaciers, the heat of volcanoes, the brilliance of the starry sky, and the majesty of mountain peaks, it is the beauty that stems from their own excellence.

It is a special NPC that looks super advanced at first glance.

Jiang Yiyi came to a conclusion and waved to Lin Yi. Lin Yi, who paused in front of him, walked behind Jiang Yiyi.

The instructor smiled and didn't care about the unanswered question. He stepped into the room, and the magician behind him emerged.

"Jiang Yiyi." Jiang Yiyi stood up and took the lead in extending his hand to his mentor.

"Kong Yueze." The instructor reached out and shook Jiang Yiyi's hand.

There were no calluses on his hands, they were soft and weak, and he seemed to be an ordinary person with no strength.

The hands that were holding each other broke apart at the touch. Jiang Yiyi sat back on the sofa and gestured to the sofa opposite her, and the instructor sat down.

Jiang Yiyi's eyes fell on the magician.

The magician looked around the sofas and chose a single sofa some distance away from them. He received Jiang Yiyi's gaze and his tone was as exaggerated as usual: "You can pretend that I don't exist. I'm just here as a representative of Star Prison. Make sure this conversation is..."

Laughter suddenly sounded in the corridor and reached their ears.

The magician didn't pause at all, as if he didn't hear what he said, and continued: "Political correctness."

He stood up and closed the open door, sealing the conversation indoors. Then he sat back down and kicked off the conversation: "You can start."

The tutor smiled at Jiang Yiyi, and started the topic using his only contact with Jiang Yiyi as an entry point: "I took care of Lin Yi for a while, when he first came here." He spoke in a slow and unhurried manner. With a strange rhyme: "He is a child with a great sense of justice."

Jiang Yiyi turned his head and glanced at Lin Yi, who was described in this way. Lin Yi kept his emotions expressionless and did not show any mood swings.

"You don't look much older than him." Jiang Yiyi controlled the conversation very naturally: "This is a bit presumptuous to ask, but what is your age?"

The instructor laughed: "It's indeed a bit presumptuous." He gave up the initiative with a good temper: "But probably because compared with him, he is not young anymore."

Answered the question in a sly way.

Jiang Yiyi had a premonition that the next conversation would be extremely difficult - because the person in front of him was a comparable opponent in every aspect.

"Your it because you are also a person with abilities?"

"No, I'm not a person with abilities." The other party smiled and shook his head, guiding the conversation to the topic he cared about: "All people with abilities are crazy..."

He looked at Jiang Yiyi, with a hint of admiration in his blue eyes: "The only exception we know of so far is the doctor."

"You want to know something related to me..." Jiang Yiyi said casually: "Then what price are you prepared to pay?"

The instructor's smile faded slightly: "I did hear that doctors like to make agreements with other people."

In fact, it can't be regarded as a habit, Jiang Yiyi thought thoughtfully, he is just more accustomed to equal exchange.

But it seems that in the eyes of others, this is not an equivalent exchange.

That is indeed quite regrettable - Jiang Yiyi, who was once bound by the agreement, thought so.

"It sounds like you don't intend to pay the price." Jiang Yiyi admired the other party, whether it was the other party's IQ or everything he had revealed so far.

But that didn't stop him from gradually becoming bored with the conversation.

The instructor noticed this and knew exactly what would happen once Jiang Yiyi lost interest - the conversation ended here.

"Yes, I don't intend to make any agreement with the doctor." The instructor looked at Jiang Yiyi and said: "In view of everything that happened before, I think this is an extremely wise decision."

Jiang Yiyi waited for his next words.

"I hope the doctor can answer a few questions for me." The instructor looked at Lin Yi, who was standing quietly behind Jiang Yiyi: "I think you won't reject me."

Jiang Yiyi followed his line of sight and turned to look at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi, who was inexplicably being watched by them, had a series of questions flashing through his mind, and then quickly understood the key point in this silent confrontation: himself.

Did the instructor threaten Jiang Yiyi with him

Is he worthy? -It must be emphasized that the "he" here refers to Lin Yi himself, not to others.

But when this idea emerged, the words the magician said before and the question he had asked Jiang Yiyi suddenly passed through his mind - the only exception.

Why? Treat others differently, treat them specially, and make exceptions frequently.

"I admire those who die for a noble purpose."

The answer Jiang Yiyi once gave appeared in Lin Yi's mind. If this is the correct answer...

That problem is further narrowed.

Why would he make an exception because he admires "people who die for a noble purpose"

Because this kind of person is extra special to him.

Lin Yi had a premonition that he had found the tip of Jiang Yiyi's iceberg hidden deep under the sea.

Why is this kind of person so special

According to normal people's logic, the reason is simple.

Either because he is such a person himself, he will instinctively appreciate other people who are very similar to him; or because he once had a "friend who died for a noble purpose", so he will Love the house and the bird.

But if the object of analysis is Jiang Yiyi, there may be another reason that is different from the logic of normal people.

For example, he simply appreciates this kind of person without any reason, and is willing to treat people with this kind of trait specially for this appreciation.

Unless he got the answer from Jiang Yiyi himself, Lin Yi could not confirm which of the three answers was correct, or whether all three were wrong.

But there was at least one thing that Lin Yi was sure of.

Jiang Yiyi's appreciation for him was the reason for all these unusual behaviors.

Jiang Yiyi withdrew his gaze. Normally, he would have emotional fluctuations due to such an overly obvious threat, but given that the person opposite him was a mentor - the other party weakened the hostility attached to the euphemistic threatening behavior to the point where it was difficult for people to have emotional fluctuations. the point.

In other words, these actions performed by him were like a kind and friendly prank, and it was difficult for people to even feel that they were being threatened.

"Ask." Jiang Yiyi withdrew his gaze and looked at his mentor.

The flash of emotion on the instructor's face convinced Jiang Yiyi that the other person was also surprised by his choice.

"The doctor's purpose in coming to Star Prison?"

"Serve your sentence."

“Does the doctor have any competencies in psychology?”

"I'm a surgeon who studies psychology, the uncertified kind."

"The reason why doctors don't admit that they are capable?"

"Because I really am not."

The instructor stopped asking questions, suppressed his smile slightly, and showed a bit of helplessness: "Doctor... is too cautious."

His blue eyes stopped on Jiang Yiyi, and he asked another question: "What does the doctor think about Star Prison?"

This time, Jiang Yiyi paused for two seconds before speaking: "Idiot with the great ideal of changing the world."

The magician raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It sounds like you have an opinion about it." The instructor said objectively: "Is it because you are standing in the prisoner's position? Or is it because of some other reasons?" He paused: "For example, sympathy for the suffering of people with abilities. ”

"None of them." Jiang Yiyi smiled at him: "Its existence itself is an extremely stupid thing."

"I'm curious as to why you say that."

Jiang Yiyi turned his head and paused for a few seconds. He heard a voice, a familiar voice, speaking quickly in his ear.

"Its stupidity is that it wants to change the world, but it doesn't have the ability to do so. A common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a treasure.

It is unable to protect what it has, and it attempts to control everything. The mismatch between its capabilities and its ideals will only lead to destruction in the end.

This was the ruin brought upon them by their folly. "

"Doctor?" The instructor waited for a few seconds, but before Jiang Yiyi could speak, seeing that he was getting more distracted, he called him.

Jiang Yiyi came back to his senses. Who was that familiar voice

Not the so-called "Fa Xiao", but another person.

Another person who never appeared in his memory.

It seemed that some of the memories he had "forgotten" contained extremely wonderful things.

Jiang Yiyi clasped his hands together, and his whole body's aura suddenly changed, showing a heavy sense of oppression.

The magician subconsciously stood up straight and stared at the other person with all his attention.

The instructor still maintained his relaxed posture, but showed a bit of confusion when Jiang Yiyi changed his movements.

"Because the establishment of the Star Prison itself was a mistake."

A sharp edge suddenly appeared in Jiang Yiyi's hands, tightening the oppressive atmosphere to the extreme.

The instructor seemed not to notice the tension in the atmosphere and continued to talk to Jiang Yiyi: "If you know enough about ability users, then you should know that the Star Prison is an indispensable existence."

"Those with abilities who crave blood and death will bring endless death and blood to this world." The mentor said as if teaching every former disciple: "They should have died, but Star Prison not only saved Innocent people were saved too.”

Jiang Yiyi stopped moving and raised his eyes to look at the other person: "Smug thoughts."

The magician's nerves were tense to the extreme. He had seen Jiang Yiyi use his abilities, and he became more and more wary of what was about to happen. If it weren't for some reason, he should have interrupted this conversation at this moment and took his mentor with him. Get out of here now.

This is a responsible choice for your own life.

"You know that the statement you just made was entirely from the standpoint of a person with abilities, right?" The instructor said calmly: "This description reveals your sympathy for them and even your attitude of wanting to save them."

Jiang Yiyi narrowed his eyes and stared at the other person.

The mentor smiled slightly and completely controlled the rhythm of the entire conversation: "I got a piece of news from Lin Yi before. Most people think this news is not credible, but on the contrary, I think this news is true."

"Regarding the fact that the doctor lost part of his memory and even forgot the purpose of his imprisonment."

The instructor leaned forward, gently took the thin blade from Jiang Yiyi's hand, and put it on the coffee table: "The doctor may be the one playing the chess, but maybe the doctor is also the one who was placed on the chess board. piece?"

Jiang Yiyi stared at the blade that was easily taken away—after the super-powerful ordinary NPC magician and the ordinary NPC gatekeeper with almost no weaknesses, this was the third special NPC he encountered at the crushing level.

He seemed to understand why both the magician and the gatekeeper were ordinary looking.

Because on the fifth and sixth floors, NPCs with such strength as them are really everywhere.

As a special NPC, the mentor is worthy of his appearance.

The so-called crushing level is that the magician avoids his sharp edge in front of Jiang Yiyi, the gatekeeper cannot move in front of Jiang Yiyi, and the mentor takes away his blade in front of Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the small "extreme danger" sign next to the opponent's nickname, then at the blank anatomical plane and the emotional anatomy plane that always focused on the emotion of "mildness."

It’s hard not to think of another “extremely dangerous” existence.

Both "extremely dangerous" and good-looking - Jian Si's appearance even surpassed that of her mentor, but the gap between the two... was a bit too big.

Jiang Yiyi was unexpectedly calm. He was neither surprised by his mentor's unexpected strength nor shrinking from his helplessness. On the contrary, he rarely felt the long-lost interest - the urge to try again.

After all, Jiang Yiyi has more than just one blade.

But before that, the tutor was the first to break the silence - he saw Jiang Yiyi's eagerness to try, and didn't think it was a good idea to let Jiang Yiyi try again.

"Doctors are not interested in the people behind the scenes?" The instructor said his purpose easily: "Of course, I don't want to cooperate with doctors." He said sincerely: "After all, those who cooperate with doctors do not end well."

"It's just a friendly suggestion. Maybe the doctor's views on the Star Prison are a bit extreme?"

The mentor is still the same as when he first came in, gentle and tolerant, with the wisdom of an elder and extraordinary charisma.

"I think from the conversation just now, the doctor should know that if there is a person behind the scenes, he has extremely clear hostility towards the Star Prison." The instructor whispered softly: "And the doctor himself did not give me this feeling. On the contrary , I think doctors are the neutral ones that can be fought for.”

"Many people have told me about the dangers and instability of doctors. But I think you have to see everything with your own eyes to know the truth behind the rumors, right?"

"It's like a doctor, but also like a star prison."

The instructor picked up the blade and put it back in Jiang Yiyi's hand: "Of course you should hold the weapon in your own hand, but when you swing it, you should also judge whether the opponent deserves to die."

The cold touch awakened the sense of touch along the skin, Jiang Yiyi moved his fingers slightly, and the blade disappeared from the fingertips.

This was the first existence that surprised Jiang Yiyi.

There are only wrong names, not wrong nicknames.

The nickname "mentor" is really suitable.

Jiang Yiyi could completely understand why Lin Yi said something that he couldn't refuse.

The students taught by this guy...

He glanced at Lin Yi.

After a moment of silence, Jiang Yiyi slowly laughed: "That makes sense. Those words coming from unknown people are just one-sided words. It is up to me to personally judge what kind of existence the Star Prison is."

Hear the string and know its sound.

The instructor nodded and said: "Besides, doctors are different from those people. Doctors who only have half a year left in prison are completely good citizens who abide by the law. Based on this, I don't think it is necessary to treat doctors the same as other people."

"In fact, there is also a shortage of psychiatrists in Star Prison." The mentor looked as reliable as ever when he told lies.

"For the above two reasons, I feel that doctors can enjoy a certain degree of freedom when accompanied by special guardians."

The instructor leaned forward slightly, looked at Jiang Yiyi and said: "And give full play to the doctor's subjective initiative, diagnose and intervene on other prisoners, and contribute a small amount to the maintenance of the star prison."

"It's really hard not to feel happy talking to you." Jiang Yiyi calmly posted a neutral note to the other party.

"I think so too." The mentor whispered softly: "In fact, I think that apart from the point of disagreement about the star prison, there are more things that the doctor and I can talk about."

Jiang Yiyi showed a very superficial regret: "Unfortunately, you should be very busy..."

The tutor calmly continued: "If you are a doctor, I will be available at any time."

Hearing this, Jiang Yiyi chuckled and said, "But Star Prison should really need you?"

The instructor's eyes paused for two seconds on Jiang Yiyi's smile. Just like Jiang Yiyi's high evaluation of the instructor, the instructor also gave Jiang Yiyi a very high evaluation.

It is a dangerous product worthy of those comments in the data. It is a flame that combines danger and attraction—it will continuously attract certain people to get closer like moths to a flame.

Jiang Yiyi's appearance is not worth mentioning, but the deep shadow on his body grabs everyone's attention with his extremely prominent presence, making the weak fearful and the strong looking sideways.

He has seen countless geniuses with firm goals and extraordinary minds, as well as countless lunatics who have fallen into the abyss and fallen into madness. At the bottom of Star Prison, there are several uniquely charming combinations of geniuses and lunatics.

But he has never seen a being like Jiang Yiyi. He has the most extreme black and the most dazzling white in his body. Anyone who glimpses that ray of black will firmly believe that he is the origin of all blood and death, and he is everything. The creator of the conspiracy.

Those who are lucky enough to glimpse that ray of white are often madmen in the darkest place. They will be irresistibly attracted to it and try to lead this lost companion back to the right path.

A strange being that cannot be described in words, straddling light and darkness, and carrying a lost past.

The mentor also chuckled: "But compared to you, Star Prison is nothing more than that."

It is an existence that can easily win the trust of everyone, and there is no difference between truth and lies. It needs to be treated with the highest vigilance. Once you let down your vigilance, you will be captured by the other party unknowingly.

What a terrifying opponent. This thought came to Jiang Yiyi and his mentor's mind at the same time.

The author has something to say: A special NPC at the crushing level—the mentor.

There is no difference between truth and lies. So what he said was mixed with truth and falsehood. (Don’t be fooled, little cuties.)


And this is a very difficult game. Players can't decide the ending, so there are 108 death endings for a reason.

For example - on the fifth and sixth floors, NPCs with strength values like gatekeepers and magicians are really everywhere.


Also, congratulations to the protagonist for unlocking the permission to contact his neighbors.

Neighbors are preparing to go online.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-01-24 14:37:27~2020-01-25 14:06:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 23433945 1;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: Tan Takijin, 1 song in return;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Demeter, Qianqianah, Song of Repayment, Uncle Crow 2; Shuangse Miao, Lan, Lu You, Like This Heart Is Not Last Night, Xingyun Wujie, Qiuli, Gebenxiong , oatmeal, peace in the world, cloud cake, Kongkong, I am old because of you, sly, mirror,... .., Yankuang, addicted to learning, unable to extricate myself, Qiqi, did you eat sugar today, Binghe fell into a dream, ( *'▽'*), Luoyan Liuhuo, Qianfan, 23315983, Jiujiufu, Demon King Yu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 208 bottles of cdh?; 80 bottles of Aqi; 50 bottles of Yeyoumancao; 30 bottles of Wenran; 20 bottles of Hongkou, Kuanger, Luli and Zizheng; An'an 15 bottles; Xiao He. 14 bottles; 10 bottles of Keke, Yu Yijunsheng, Wuxiaozhijun, Qiaoxiaojiao, Flowers blooming on the street, you can slowly return, mini, 18681815, Yan Kuang, Expectation, Dawn, Mo Xiaoqi; Millennium Rain Break, 9 bottles of Mu Yun Bing, Bian Huali Nai He Qiao; 8 bottles of Yuan Ming Shan; 7 bottles of A Zhou, Salty Melon Seeds; 6 bottles of yw; sapphire, Lesili, 30914878, I want to smuggle to Europe!, Tangerines are delicious, Porcelain, 5964102, unknown cat, flora, many trees, Jiyuan given, Anan, Tianbao Jiuru Su Muqiu, stop and go, dirsch 5 bottles; Changbai Qiu, Yijiu, Zhuran 4 bottles; pale 3 bottles of Zhiying, Taste the Gummy, Yaksha Baby, Song of Repayment, and Llicker; 2 bottles of Oatmeal, 23396140, Xinxin Mengmei, Passerby A; One Heart, Black Sesame Buns, Ajiu, Knight, and Rain’s Dream, Other Mountain Jade, Weird and Unreasonable, Xingxing Liangjingjing, Mo Zhizhi, Ai Lu, Three Third Moon, Summer Night Mayfly, Shi Ye, Eternal School Scumbag, Lingyin, Fujiang Yizhihua, Monster, Ah Winter, Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, Xue Ni, Yi Yi, Wenhuang Group, Nothing, Nothing, Random Rebirth, 23659741, Weirdo 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!