Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 6: dialogue


"Brother Hu." Zhang Zheng stood in front of the bed, feeling a little irritated and puzzled: "Why did you cover up the facts for 2091?"

Brother Hu had a bandage on his hand hanging in front of his chest. It would take a long time for the broken bones to grow back, and of course it would be accompanied by severe pain. As for the sutured wound on his hand, to be honest, the doctor took a look at it and waved his hand to indicate that the person who sutured the wound was much more skilled than him and there was no need to sew it again.

The wound did not leave many sequelae and healed much faster than a broken arm, but that did not mean he would forget it easily.

"Guard Zhang, I've said this many times," Brother Tiger repeated, "It was Xiaolin and the others who broke my arm. It has nothing to do with 2091."

"I'm not asking who broke your arm. I'm asking!" Zhang Zheng raised his voice: "Who caused the wound on your arm!"

Brother Hu repeated the answer he had repeated countless times: "I told you, Xiaolin and the others did it."

"What about the razor blade and needle and thread?"

"You have to ask them. How should I know?" Brother Hu glanced at Zhang Zheng: "Prison Guard Zhang, I appreciate your concern for me, but could you please not always disturb a patient?" He shook his hanging hand.

"Lao Zhang, come and give me a hand." The head of the medical team came in from the door holding another prisoner.

Zhang Zheng glared at Brother Hu, then turned around and helped him put the prisoner on another bed.

"I'm going to go out for a while, you keep an eye on it for me." The head of the medical team took a look at the atmosphere between Brother Hu and Zhang Zheng, and tactfully hid away.

Brother Hu glanced at the new patient and paused.

Zhang Zheng stood up, noticed this detail, and asked, "Do you know him?"

"Four Eyes?" Brother Tiger looked away and said in a relaxed tone, "Did he get beaten again? Who beat him?"

"Huashe." Zhang Zheng looked at Brother Hu's expression and said slowly, "Huashe said he was the one who beat him, but 2091 was also there at the time..."

Brother Tiger took a look at the knocked-out Siyanzi and said with certainty, "Hua She was the one who beat him."

If Jiang Yiyi had done something, Four Eyes would either appear to be unharmed or would never have made it to the infirmary alive.

Zhang Zheng raised his eyebrows at his confidence: "The flower snake is very tight-lipped. It won't say a word even when it's locked up."

Brother Hu showed little interest in what he said.

"But I heard that 2091 went to the woodworking factory with Four Eyes..."

Brother Hu turned to look at Zhang Zheng.

"As soon as you entered the infirmary, he beat up Four Eyes. What a coincidence."

Brother Hu looked at Zhang Zheng in silence.

"Your brothers are still under investigation. If it is confirmed that they were the ones who started the incident and caused a serious disturbance..." Zhang Zheng leaned closer to Brother Hu and lowered his voice, "Do you think they are qualified to go to the second floor?"

Brother Hu's pupils dilated for a moment.

Except for Jiang Yiyi, all the prisoners on the first floor are well aware of the horror of the floors below.

It was an arena that devoured blood and corpses, a place for carnival for lunatics and dangerous people, and a boneyard from which there was no return.

After layer after layer of screening, all the dangerous people are gathered at the bottom, forming a hell where even the prison guards will not get involved.

The second floor might not be as scary as the later floors, but it was dangerous enough compared to the absolutely safe first floor. Once they were identified as dangerous elements, the second floor was just a beginning for them.

Brother Hu’s fingers trembled slightly.

Zhang Zheng got a satisfactory response and continued with his words, trying to break through the other party's psychological defenses in one breath.

"The flower snake is so loyal to you, and you want to repay him with hatred by sending him to the second floor?"

Brother Hu's breathing became a little faster.

"Compared to them, 2091 is your enemy, isn't he?" Zhang Zheng slowly unraveled the mystery: "The first floor doesn't need this kind of person. If he stays, he will only turn the first floor upside down. You are the first victim, but you won't be the last."

"You should understand that this kind of person's desires will never be satisfied. He will stop and sew up your wound now, but what about next time?" Zhang Zheng patted his shoulder: "Brother Hu, remember, we are in the same group, and we are on the same front to maintain the status quo."

Brother Hu's dry lips moved.

“Hmm…” Four Eyes hummed softly.

"Prison Guard Zhang, are you trying to induce a confession?" The bespectacled man covered his stomach with his hands. He had lost his glasses a long time ago, and his bruised face looked particularly embarrassed.

Zhang Zheng's expression turned cold, he straightened up and looked back.

Siyanzi is extremely nearsighted and cannot see anything clearly without his eyes, but this does not prevent him from finishing his words: "I heard it."

His hazy eyes searched the sky but could not find anyone.

Zhang Zheng knocked on the bed railing with his baton and said sternly, "What did you hear? Four-eyed boy."

"I heard your conversation." Four Eyes smiled weakly and repeated, "Brother Tiger, I heard it."

Brother Hu's plastered fingers clenched instantly.

“Hey, Brother Hu…” Zhang Zheng turned his head to look at Brother Hu. Brother Hu closed his eyes, and the hesitation just now disappeared.

He was so calm that he seemed to have lost his former strength. "Guard Zhang, I told you, it was Xiao Lin and the others who did it. Please don't bother me anymore. I need to rest."

"You..." Zhang Zheng was a little puzzled: "Why are you afraid of the four-eyed guy changing his cell?"

What am I afraid of? Brother Hu opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Zheng, sneering.

He really doesn't understand 2091 at all.

If he had ever faced the other party taking action, he would know exactly what Four-Eyes meant by those words.

That's not a threat.

That's a death notice.

The second floor is indeed scary, and they may indeed face death if they go there - but will they change their confession and give Jiang Yiyi away

They didn't even have the chance to go to the second floor. It wasn't just that they might die, but they would definitely die.

Prison guard Zhang is really...

I don’t understand 2091 at all.

Separate inquiry room.

"Xiao Lin, I have explained the consequences to you clearly. What's the matter? You still don't intend to tell me what happened that day?" Yan Kuan sat opposite Xiao Lin and knocked on the table in a stern tone.

Xiao Lin lowered his head and said nothing.

Yan Kuan raised his eyebrows. They knew the character of these gangsters very well. They bullied the weak and feared the strong. They looked very fierce, but the slightest intimidation would expose their weakness. The first layer was an absolutely safe area with no dangerous elements.

Of course, the existence of this layer is very necessary - the reason why Hanbang Star Prison has won numerous awards in annual selections is closely related to its strict security, humane management, and the friendly atmosphere of police and prisoners being like one family.

But this time, Kobayashi and the others persisted for too long.

"Whoever did it is responsible. You broke Brother Hu's arm. I believe it." Yan Kuan stared at the expression on Xiao Lin's face, not missing a single fluctuation: "But who did the wound on his arm that had just been sutured? You?"

Yan Kuan slammed the table vigorously: "Can you sew? Are you doctors?"

Xiao Lin lowered his head and said nothing.

"Speak!" Yan Kuan was not polite to him at all: "Your attitude in admitting your mistakes is bad, and I can deduct a few more points for you."

Xiao Lin squeezed out: "I did it."

"You guy..." Yan Kuan raised his hand, and Xiao Lin shrank his neck in fear.

"What are you doing?" The door of the interrogation room was pushed open. Zhang Zheng took a look at the tense and explosive scene and raised his voice: "The surveillance is still on. Don't you want to do this?"

Yan Kuan withdrew his hand and turned to look at Zhang Zheng: "What did Brother Hu say?"

Zhang Zheng glanced at Xiao Lin who lowered his head to avoid their sight: "Brother Hu pointed out 2091."

Yan Kuan opened his eyes wide, a little incredulous: "Really?"

Xiao Lin looked up for the first time. He glanced at Yan Kuan, his expression dull and unchanged, and he lowered his head again.

"Your boss has already pointed it out, so what? You still insist that it was you who did it?"

Xiaolin was silent for a few seconds, then repeated, "I did it."

"Hey, you..." Yan Kuan rolled up his sleeves, speechless at this guy's stubbornness: "Your boss..."

Xiao Lin looked at Zhang Zheng.

Yan Kuan was halfway through his words when he realized something from Xiao Lin's gaze. He turned his head to look at Zhang Zheng behind him with a questioning look in his eyes.

Zhang Zheng controlled his emotions and suppressed his anger: "It's okay if you don't want to change your confession, but tell me the reason!"

Kobayashi withdrew his gaze and looked down at his hand, as if he saw the other hand twisting the blade and casually cutting the skin.

His fingertips kept trembling, never stopping.

"Xiao Lin!"

"I'm going to die." Xiao Lin held his own hands, trying to stop the unstoppable trembling: "Prison Guard Zhang, I'm really going to die."

"Fuck." Zhang Zheng stared at him for a few seconds, then turned and walked out.

The door was slammed shut with a loud noise.

Yan Kuan glanced at the swaying door, then looked at Xiao Lin who had a dull expression, trying to convince the other party.

"We will guarantee your safety, and only if you provide evidence against him can we pass the review and send him to the second floor."

Yan Kuan was a little puzzled - it's not that there have been no dangerous people on the first floor. There are always one or two who slip through the net and are sent to the first floor when they first serve their sentences, but they all passed the review and were sent to the second floor smoothly.

Criminals have no sympathy. They will mercilessly send anyone who threatens their safety to hell - but this seems to be ineffective when it comes to Jiang Yiyi.

Xiao Lin's lifeless eyes rolled in his sockets and looked at Yan Kuan.

“He’s different.”

Yan Kuan frowned, showing obvious confusion.

"He is..." Xiaolin shuddered slightly: "Pervert."

"What? Failed to pry open their mouths?" Lin Yi walked to Zhang Zheng and handed him a cigarette.

Zhang Zheng leaned against the railing and took the cigarette. He looked at the prisoners in the exercise yard below, feeling somewhat frustrated. "That guy... How did he do it?"

Lin Yi patted his shoulder: "It's very simple."

Zhang Zheng turned his head to look at him. Lin Yi turned the cigarette in his hand and said calmly: "Brother Hu and the others haven't changed. They still bully the weak and fear the strong. It's just that this time, the strong one is 2091, and the soft one is the prison guard."

"He's tougher than us?" Zhang Zheng was incredulous: "He's a prisoner..."

"Well, a prisoner who can be cut into a perfect anatomical plane and then sutured again within ten minutes." Lin Yi looked down: "I have seen Brother Hu's wound, and I can only describe it in two words."

His words were so shocking that Zhang Zheng missed a key point - how did he know that Brother Hu's wound was a perfect anatomical plane

"Perfect." Lin Yi crushed the cigarette and threw it into the trash can, emphasizing: "The cutting is perfect, the suturing is even more perfect, it's simply..." His pale pupils reflected Zhang's frowning face: "Master-level surgical standards."

Zhang Zheng remembered something: "I remember that his file showed that he had to practice medicine without a license because he failed the certification exam many times?"

"Really?" Lin Yi showed a surprised expression: "It doesn't look like his technique can't be proven."

Under Lin Yi's guidance, Zhang Zheng naturally came to the conclusion: "Did he come in on purpose?"

"There is no other reason to explain this."

Zhang Zheng's face was tense, and this answer made him even more alert.

"Don't be nervous. There are only two reasons why he came in on purpose. Either he was hiding from his enemies - of course, his resume is clean, so this possibility does not exist. Then there is only one - his superiors assigned him a task. Although it is not clear which side he belongs to, no matter what the task is, it has nothing to do with the first floor."

Lin Yi patted Zhang Zheng on the shoulder: "In other words, his goal is the same as yours."

"He also wants to go to the second floor, or rather, the floors below."

Zhang Zheng’s expression did not relax: “But in this situation, even if I submit a list of dangerous elements, it will not pass the review.” He glanced at Lin Yi: “There is not enough evidence to prove his dangerousness.”

"I'll go talk to him." Lin Yi smiled calmly, "If it doesn't work, aren't there special regulations?"

Zhang Zheng's eyebrows jumped. "You mean, the prison guards who determine that the criminal is extremely dangerous will be transferred to the second floor together with the criminal under special regulations."

The official regulations are difficult to understand, but a simple explanation is this: if there is no evidence to prove that the criminal is extremely dangerous and the review fails, but the prison guard insists on the judgment that the criminal is extremely dangerous, he or she can apply for special regulations and enter the next level with the criminal as a special caretaker.

Of course, this application needs to be reviewed.

However, this special regulation has only been applied for twice. For most prison guards, no matter how dangerous the criminals are, it is not worth transferring them from the relatively safe current area to the next level of special guards.

Special Warden: Also a prison guard, responsible for the same things a prison guard does, but in addition, he is responsible for specific criminals and is responsible for ensuring their safety in prison and making sure they don't cause trouble.

"That's right." Lin Yi seemed not to notice his surprise and pointed at himself: "I can propose this special regulation."

"Are you crazy?" Zhang Zheng's first reaction was very real: "Do you have a grudge against him?"

Lin Yi blinked: "Obviously, no."

"and you?"

Lin Yi straightened up and waved at him: "Anyway, I'll talk to him first."