Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 62: North District 2


the next day.

The little guy swiped his card and entered with an indescribable complex mood.

Just as the magician said, this was undoubtedly an extreme arrangement - without any protective measures, putting the doctor and Bai Cang in the same room was like putting two male tigers in a cage. Only a brutal primitive fight would break out between them until only one winner was left in the cage.

This arrangement was not only opposed by the magician and the head of the medical team, but also received further opposition from others before it was implemented. Although everyone was troubled by the research dilemma, everyone also remembered the lessons that had happened.

Death is never the best way to solve a problem; on the contrary, it will only accumulate little by little until it finally explodes, leading everything to an irreversible point.

Decades ago, the Star Prison was severely damaged and on the verge of collapse—the damage came from within the Star Prison, not from outside.

If the current Star Prison Warden had not taken over the position of Star Prison Warden in times of crisis, and resolutely changed the research direction of Star Prison, and then returned to the bottom line and supported the crumbling Star Prison, perhaps everything would be completely different now.

But this time, the Star Warden, who had stopped the bloody experiment, chose an extreme test that might result in mutual destruction.

This is hard to understand.

But if it was the Star Prison Warden who led the Star Prison back on track, even if there were doubts and confusion, they still chose to obey orders.

So, now, the little guy stood at the gate, looking up at the top floor, with mixed feelings.

I am afraid of seeing one dead body, and I am also afraid of seeing two dead bodies...

After all, he knew very well what level of dangerous goods he had put into a cage with his own hands yesterday.

The out-of-control Bai Cang even required an entire building to isolate him.

And the doctors—couldn’t even find a reason to isolate each other.

But from the information they know so far...

The little man walked up the stairs. The doctor was not good at fighting, which put him at a disadvantage. Coupled with Bai Cang's ability...

The short man frowned. It was not that he looked down on the doctor, but mainly because he could not understand - the doctor and Bai Cang were not on the same level at all. If the doctor was to face the out-of-control Bai Cang, the outcome would be predictable.

Bai Cang is 1-001, and the reason why he is 1-001 is that the room number can only be 1-001, but in fact, Bai Cang is fundamentally different from other people with special abilities.

If the professor is the safety pin, then Bai Cang in normal state is the stable switch of Star Prison.

The little man walked slowly up the stairs and did not smell anything unusual in the air - specifically, the abnormality was the smell of blood and death.

He still stopped in front of the last step. Based on Bai Cang's current condition, he chose to call another person's name.


Almost as soon as he finished speaking, there was some noise in the corridor.

The little man's Adam's apple moved slightly, and before the final answer was about to be revealed, he showed some homesickness.

"Looking for me?" Jiang Yiyi's voice rang out.

The unexpected object dispelled the little man's fear of home, and he turned his head to look where the sound came from.

Jiang Yiyi stood in the corridor, just as she was the last time they met yesterday, determined, dangerous and self-controlled.

He had changed his clothes, was wearing slippers, and had a book in his hand - no matter how you looked at it, he didn't look like he had been through a very intense fight.

The unexpected situation caused the little man to be stuck for a few seconds, until he saw Bai Cang approaching slowly from behind the other person.

The language ability suddenly returned, just like a stray track returned to the right path, the little man smiled brightly: "It seems that the doctor has communicated with Bai Cang about becoming neighbors temporarily."

Jiang Yiyi sensed a familiar feeling of oppression from behind.

He took a step to the side and Bai Cang stood beside him. He glanced at the little guy, but because he was too weak, he withdrew his gaze out of interest.

A patch of white hair stood up on the back of the little guy's neck, and it did not disappear even after the other person looked away.

The huge gap in fighting power set off alarms all over his body.

"Bai Cang is easy to talk to." Jiang Yiyi glanced at the person next to her and said sincerely, "He is a good person."

In the notes that no one can see, the "friendly" label on the other party shines brightly.

This might be the first time that Bai Cang received such an evaluation. Even when the other party was in a normal state, no one would have such an evaluation of him - because no matter whether the other party was normal or not, the degree of danger of the other party would not make the slightest difference.

"That's great."

The little man's tone was somewhat relieved: "In this case, the next comfort plan can be arranged. After all, the doctor came to the North District to control the situation where the ability is out of control."

Bai Cang was not interested in their conversation. His eyes were wandering around most of the time, occasionally falling on Jiang Yiyi to confirm that the other party was still under his protection.

"Appeasement plan?" Jiang Yiyi repeated the unfamiliar term.

"The abilities of people with special abilities are closely related to their mental state." The short man introduced Jiang Yiyi, "The appeasement plan is based on this."

Jiang Yiyi was a little surprised: "Is there no specific medicine for this situation?"

The little guy was also a little surprised: "You should know that Xingyu's research on people with special abilities has not reached this level."

"What I know is that your research has run into trouble." Jiang Yiyi took her time to obtain information. "But it seems that your understanding of people with special abilities is still very superficial."

“We are still in the early stages of studying human evolution.”

The little guy was aware of Jiang Yiyi's temptation, but this was what they wanted to tell each other.

"The abilities possessed by people with special abilities are beyond human limits, and are not superpowers in the conventional sense of human nature."

"On the contrary, this is a special energy that exists in the mental state." The little man said with a little regret: "In the fields of brain, spirit and psychology, it is difficult to draw a definite conclusion based on instruments alone."

"And the side effects of the ability make it difficult for us to reach an agreement with the person with the ability in these three areas, which greatly hinders the progress of research." Having said that, the short man glanced at Jiang Yiyi who was listening to these with relish.

"So, if the doctor can feel our goodwill and even go a step further, that would be great."

"The instructor said that you need to see everything with your own eyes to know the truth behind the rumors." Jiang Yiyi winked at him: "I agree with that."

The doctor means that he hasn't finished reading it yet

The little guy understood the meaning of Jiang Yiyi's words. He didn't think about convincing the other party with just a few words. His only task here was to confirm who was still alive in the building.

"There will be a psychiatrist later..." The short man paused for two seconds and glanced at Jiang Yiyi - as everyone knows, this surgeon who claims to practice medicine without a license is better at another specialty.

And based on the level that the other party has demonstrated, any psychologist would be completely crushed in front of Jiang Yiyi.

So, after a two-second pause, the little man modified the normal comforting process: "If the doctor has nothing else to do next, why don't I take you to other places in the North District?"

Jiang Yiyi changed the subject: "I'm more curious about your appeasement plan."

"Based on the purpose of restoring the mental state of the out-of-control ability user to normal, we will start from both the psychological and environmental aspects, and provide emotional comfort to the ability user in many aspects while ensuring safety."

Jiang Yiyi glanced at Bai Cang. From his personal experience, dialogue and communication had no effect on them.


The little man thought for a moment and said, "For some people with special abilities, long-term comfort has a certain effect."

"In other words, you don't have any better measures to deal with people with out-of-control abilities?"

"We can't say there are no better measures, we can only say this is the best measure under the current circumstances."

That is to say, in special circumstances, they also have more effective methods.

The reason why more effective methods cannot be promoted is often because they have great side effects.

Jiang Yiyi figured out the subtext and basically understood the reasons why Xingyu fell into research difficulties.

Research that is too gentle and restrained will find it difficult to achieve further results when faced with an existence that is ahead of its time. Jiang Yiyi can almost see the pressure her mentor is carrying at the moment through this simple conclusion.

He could fully understand why everything ended last week due to the death of his mentor.

Because as long as the other party is still there, no matter how heavy the pressure is, no matter what those prying beings from the outside world do, they cannot affect Xingyu.

So, before everything starts, they must kill the mentor to ensure that the subsequent plan can proceed smoothly.

This was the key point that led to Jiang Yiyi's total annihilation last week—the death of Star Prison Chief.

But this key point has nothing to do with Jiang Yiyi herself. According to the professor, Jiang Yiyi's original location was at the bottom layer. The special structure of the Star Prison ensured that Jiang Yiyi was isolated from the world.

In other words, this is an unstoppable plot kill.

Thinking from the perspective of a strategy game, this kind of plot kill generally means that the player missed the key clue, leading to the plot developing to this point.

Jiang Yiyi wasn't sure whether he had missed any key clues, but he knew very well how to avoid the end of total annihilation from happening again.

In other words, he even knew very well the way to pass the game - the professor had already told him the answer and personally brought him to the answer.

Of course the answer is not Bai Cang, but Bai Cang is indeed part of the answer.

Of course, the professor's inevitable death was not just a simple reward for him to be tricked - his death would be too meaningless.

His death shortened the time it took Jiang Yiyi to get an answer.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the buff at the bottom of the character panel - perverted love. No better word could describe everything the professor had done.

After the danger, after the patient carving and waiting, there is the hidden love. However, every step towards it is full of dangers and traps. If you are not careful, you will fall into the abyss and usher in the end of everything.

The little man waited quietly for Jiang Yiyi's next words. Although he waited for a long time, he was not in a hurry - in front of the capable people in the North District, exposing any shortcomings could become the cause of death in the next second - so he was extremely patient.

"Then let's go check out the North District."

The little man didn't know why Jiang Yiyi changed her mind, but he had no desire to find out the reason. Instead, he nodded, turned around and walked downstairs.

He took a few steps and suddenly realized something—there was more than one person following him.

The short man stopped and turned to look at Jiang Yiyi behind him and Bai Cang beside Jiang Yiyi.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yiyi followed his gaze and glanced at Bai Cang, then naturally retracted his gaze and looked at the little man: "Is there any problem?"

The question seems a bit big - is taking a doctor out for a walk the same as taking Bai Cang out for a walk

Why did Bai Cang get the treatment of an entire building? It was to control the distance between him and other people with out-of-control abilities.

"Bai Cang's situation is not suitable for him to leave here." The little man said carefully: "He has special abilities..."

"That might be a little difficult." Jiang Yiyi also said frankly: "Because I can't beat him."

The little man reacted instantly: "Then I'm afraid the doctor will have to stay here until Bai Cang's out-of-control condition improves."

Jiang Yiyi initially thought that Bai Cang's ability was to restrain other abilities - after all, Jiang Yiyi's "psychology" skills were completely ineffective in front of the other party.

But judging from the little guy's reaction, Bai Cang's ability is probably not just to restrain other abilities.

"How long has Bai Cang been out of control?"

"This time it took a bit longer, almost half a year."

"Half a year?" This subtle time point made it hard for Jiang Yiyi not to associate it with the time when she appeared in Star Prison.

Coincidence? Or is there another reason

"What are his abilities?"

This time, the little man did not answer immediately: "I need permission to disclose this."

Jiang Yiyi took a step back with great understanding: "Then, when you apply for permission from your superiors, please help me make an appointment with the tutor."

The little guy blinked and cautiously didn't respond.

"We're not talking about meeting right now." Jiang Yiyi estimated the time: "Just follow the normal procedures of Xingyu to apply..." He looked at the little guy inquiringly: "About half a month?"

"Under normal procedures, you should get a response within 5-10 days."

This time is not long, based on the premise that Jiang Yiyi is contacting the warden of the top level of the Star Prison.

"Xingyu's response speed is quite fast." Jiang Yiyi praised casually: "But I need some time to walk around the North District, so..."

Jiang Yiyi thought for two seconds: "About half a month."

The little guy keenly perceived the meaning behind Jiang Yiyi's words - if Bai Cang was out of control, unless Jiang Yiyi could get rid of him and travel alone, otherwise, if Bai Cang was out of control and following her, Jiang Yiyi would not be able to "take a stroll around the North District" - because the North District would not agree to such a dangerous approach.

Therefore, the focus of this sentence is not on meeting with the tutor, but on Jiang Yiyi's stroll around the North District.

"The doctor is ready..."

The short man looked at Bai Cang, who was obviously impatient. This conversation was meaningless to him - but the other party did nothing and did not turn around and leave.

This in itself represents a kind of restraint, a kind of control in a state of being out of control.

The little guy is not stupid. The prison guard who was sent to contact Jiang Yiyi is extremely outstanding in both thinking ability and reaction speed.

The little man reacted immediately to Bai Cang's extremely weak abnormality. The Star Prison Chief rejected the objection and insisted on the radical test. The reason was not to confirm who was stronger between Bai Cang and the doctor, but to let the doctor use his ability.

No, the doctor couldn't possibly use his abilities—in front of Bai Cang.

The little guy paused for two seconds and then put it out of his mind. The process was not important.

The important thing is that there is no doubt that the arrangements made by the Star Warden have achieved the desired effect.

The doctors completed the task that they had not completed in half a year in just one night - Bai Cang's condition improved slightly.

At this point, the little guy completely understood what Jiang Yiyi had just said—the half a month mentioned by the doctor also included the time for Bai Cang to recover to a certain level.

"Half a month, I think it's OK." The little man quickly changed his answer: "Doctor, if you need anything, you can tell me."

"You should know better than me that there is nothing missing here."

The little guy looked around the empty environment and said with some worry, "Is it a little too crowded?"

Jiang Yiyi laughed at his subtle hint: "I don't mind someone moving in." He glanced at the little guy: "But I don't know if Bai Cangjie minds or not."

"There's no need to move in." That would be too dangerous.

Jiang Yiyi understood what he meant: "You want to watch?"

"If possible..." The little man chose his words very carefully. After confirming the purpose of the Star Warden, he immediately showed great kindness to Jiang Yiyi.

"One or two, quiet, no sense of presence." Considering that to some extent, his goal was the same as his mentor's, Jiang Yiyi did not hesitate to express his friendliness: "Of course, life and death are your own responsibility."

After the short man left, Jiang Yiyi turned his head to look at Bai Cang beside him. He was staring at the ground below with boredom, and it was hard to imagine that his mental state was abnormal at the moment.

He was different from a madman. Even at this moment, he still retained some instincts deep in his bones, which made him look almost like a normal person.

This makes it even more difficult to imagine what the other person looks like when he is in a normal mental state.

"Bai Cang, why did you lose control half a year ago?"

Hearing his words, Bai Cang turned his head and glanced at him.

After a suffocating silence, he answered Jiang Yiyi's question.

"Someone died."

Who would think that someone who can communicate normally is crazy? But even if the other person's mental state is abnormal, he is abnormally like a normal person.

Jiang Yiyi asked, "Who died?"

In the silence, Jiang Yiyi was distracted for a moment. The feeling was very slight, almost fleeting. Before he had time to think deeply, he was attracted by an extremely slight unusual sound.

He looked in the direction of the sound and caught a glimpse of some small cracks extending on the ground - remember, they were still standing on the stairs.

Is this guy's ability huge strength

Jiang Yiyi stepped back and returned to the top floor, where she saw Bai Cang standing there, with the cracks on the ground beneath his feet gradually increasing...

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the distance between the top floor and the bottom, and thought for two seconds whether the other person would die if he fell down—and then came up with the answer.

"You don't have to answer me." Jiang Yiyi stopped the other party: "I'm not in a hurry to get this answer."

Anyway, he could get the answer from the little guy.

This is the lowest level of Star Prison. No one’s death will be silent—at least for Star Prison, that’s the case.

The author has something to say: Bai Cang is the top.

But given that my love scenes are extremely tricky, his presence may not be very high - as for the beautiful love...

I hope to have this thing too.

In other words, Bai Cang is just a part of the plot.

But I will try my best to write him well.


The North District is where people with out-of-control abilities are located. Here they are controlled, appeased, and restored to normal.

This is why the fifth and sixth layers are collectively referred to as the bottom layer.


The reason why Star Prison Warden overruled objections and insisted on extreme probing was not to confirm who was stronger between Bai Cang and the doctor, but to allow the doctor to exert his abilities.

Star Warden expressed his friendliness from the very beginning. He wanted to cooperate with Jiang Yiyi - the purpose was to further explore the ability users, starting with Jiang Yiyi, who might be a fully evolved ability user.

And letting Jiang Yiyi meet the out-of-control Bai Cang is part of the research, to study the influence of Jiang Yiyi on people with special abilities and confirm their judgment of Jiang Yiyi.

Everything the mentor does has a deeper purpose.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-04 14:32:33~2020-02-05 15:26:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: breath 1;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: demeter, Bu Xian Ming Yue Zhi 3; addicted to learning, unable to extricate oneself, Jie Xi, Edogawa Ranpo 2; steam water, Shan Feng Zhi Wei, Ling Mu, Du Ua Ga Qing Mo, Yan Que, Yan Sheng, Shen Yu, Bai Cai loves to eat clear soup pot, Tan Long Jin, Ying Ying Ying Ying Ying, Lin Qing Zhu, Qian Qian Ah, Zhe Ci, Xiao Xi, Di Ya Frame Elf, Love Cleanliness Definitely Can, Green Draft Box, Jing Yi Jing 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: The faded color is so unworthy of Bat 70 bottles; do you want to touch my tail? 63 bottles; y619 60 bottles; Jiaojiao Qiluoguang 45 bottles; Tang Fei 40 bottles; vanderboom, Galan Yanyu 39 bottles; ╮(╯▽╰)╭, 31823701 30 bottles; Jin Sa 29 bottles; Green Draft Box, Qihua Zhuozhuo 20 bottles; sssss 19 bottles; Qiqi 17 bottles; Beng 15 bottles; Lemon Tea 12 bottles; Watermelon Spirit, Murong Shuanghua, Moon, The Most Beautiful Child in the Kindergarten, Yansheng, Why Not Marry, Jian Xiaoxiao, Clam Store Manager Fan, Breath, Blix, Ronghuo, Gu, Cabbage Loves Clear Soup Pot, Five Claws 10 bottles; Shen Yu 8 bottles; Huihui Loves Fish, Southern Mouse 6 bottles; Colorful Song Unknown, Blood Night Cat, Ann 5 bottles; Qiqi, Golden Osmanthus 4 bottles; Sweet Ice Cream Cone 3 bottles;. , 2 bottles of Zhiqiu; Xingxing Jingjingjing, Lingmeng, Kongcheng Jiumeng, 38482542, Jiuyue, 27890358, Xiaoxiang, Yisheng, 38255824, Meat Kangaroo, Feed Orange, 1 bottle of Doctor;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!