Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 64: North District 4


"But you shouldn't be so strong."

When Bai Cang said these words, the scene was filled with the smell of fire and medicine.

Jiang Yiyi raised her eyes and looked at him: "Obviously, you have some misunderstanding about me."

"Some kind of misunderstanding caused by being too powerful."

Jiang Yiyi looked at Bai Cang, and he could feel that the boiling sea had returned to calm, but Bai Cang's appearance at the moment - given that the other party's emotions were flawless, it was really difficult for people to tell what state he was in.

Is it a loss of control dominated by instinct? Or has he returned to normal sanity

After his eyes bleed from looking at each other, Bai Cang did not refuse to look at Jiang Yiyi.

Their stares need to be extremely restrained to avoid the sharp edge provoking an instinctive counterattack.

Because they know the danger of the other party, and because they know that they can end everything in an instant, even looking at each other is full of tense confrontation.

Even if they didn't have this idea at all - in fact, the reason why Bai Cang only bled from his seven orifices was because of the restraint of both parties.

The boiling sea and the majestic energy, if the two really collide without any scruples, it will only end if one of them dies.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the "friendly" note he marked on the other party, and had no intention of modifying it.

Jiang Yiyi has a very high tolerance for people with abnormal mental states - especially when the other party expresses extremely restrained kindness.

The gaze only lasted for a very brief two seconds - before losing control, they invariably looked away.

The smell of fire and medicine was suppressed again, and although the atmosphere was still tense as if blades and flesh would fly away in the next second, compared to the real feeling of the death scythe falling just now, the current tension could even make Onlookers breathed a sigh of relief.

His own edge was carefully restrained, but danger and blood still flowed unbridled.

The blood slid down Bai Cang's chin, smearing inconspicuous little red spots on the sofa.

Jiang Yiyi's gaze paused for two seconds on the rapidly expanding red dot, then moved back to look at Bai Cang, whose face was covered in blood.

He stretched out his hand, and Bai Cang's eyes fell on his hand. The force value possessed by Bai Cang was enough for him to calmly watch Jiang Yiyi's next actions.

Silver light flashed between Jiang Yiyi's fingers, and a small piece of fabric was cut off Bai Cang's collar. The blade grazed the skin at close range, and then disappeared quickly.

Jiang Yiyi caught the slipping fabric and slapped the other person in the face casually.

Their eyes met again, and then broke off extremely calmly.

"Do you have permission?" Jiang Yiyi wiped the blood from Bai Cang's face and asked casually.

The little man was stunned for a second before he realized that this sentence was meant for him.

Is this the end? As a bystander, the little man clearly felt their restraint.

"The application was approved..." The little man pulled out a few pieces of information and his eyes fell on Bai Cang, who was letting Jiang Yiyi do what he did.

Although the reason is unclear, judging from the situation just now, the information in his hand may cause Bai Cang to lose control again - and this is undoubtedly very dangerous for everyone present.

"Give me."

Jiang Yiyi wiped away the last trace of blood on Bai Cang's face. Just as he expected, the bleeding from the seven orifices had stopped long ago. Underneath the blood on his face, which at first glance looked extremely scary, were wounds that had long since healed.

Even physical fitness is in line with the ranking of 1-001.

Jiang Yiyi thoughtfully compared the other party with Professor 1-003, still harboring some doubts.

Probably because of the sequelae caused by the similarity between Jiang Yiyi and the professor to a certain extent, Jiang Yiyi is convinced that human beings with firm ideals are more terrifying than beasts with powerful force.

Holding firm ideals means that the other person will not be shaken, and being human itself contains all the bad adjectives.

Beasts have no advantage over humans.

Jiang Yiyi threw the bloody cloth to Bai Cang and looked sideways at the little man standing at the door.

Bai Cang took the cloth in his hand, got up and left the sofa, and threw it into the trash can.

The little man glanced at Jiang Yiyi, and then caught a glimpse of Bai Cang getting up to throw away the trash. He immediately ended his slight hesitation, stepped into the room, and handed the information in his hand to Jiang Yiyi.

"Someone did die half a year ago." The little man sat across from Jiang Yiyi, and his peripheral vision fell on Bai Cang.

Bai Cang stood behind the sofa, looking down at the information in Jiang Yiyi's hand.

Jiang Yiyi opened the information, and unfamiliar photos and names came into his eyes.

"He is a bit special, because he was judged to be mentally retarded." The little man said: "He was on the fifth level when he was very young. He is almost a child who grew up in a star prison."

Jiang Yiyi's gaze paused on the photo. The unfamiliar young man cast a blank gaze at the camera. Just looking at the other person's expression was enough to confirm that his IQ was indeed not normal.

Jiang Yi

The very ordinary appearance, coupled with the unmemorable name, dispelled Jiang Yiyi's guess that maybe the time half a year ago was really just a coincidence.

He turned the information to the next page, which recorded the other person's short life in detail.

"Because he has stayed in the Star Prison long enough, he knows a lot of people." The little man continued to do voice-over: "However, in the information, there is no record of frequent contact between him and Bai Cang... "

There was nothing noteworthy about the short life of the other party. From entering the Star Prison to death, he was unknown and inconspicuous, so this piece of information was surprisingly short.

"What is his ability?" Jiang Yiyi looked at the little man: "Why was he able to grow up safely at the bottom of the Star Prison? And for what crime was the Star Prison sentenced him to fifteen years of torture - until his death? ?”

Even in the current situation, he is still strangely obsessed with obeying the law. To a certain extent, it is indeed the style of a doctor.

The little man organized the words: "He was imprisoned for causing first-degree public harm." The little man motioned Jiang Yiyi to turn to the next page: "If I remember correctly, there were more than a hundred casualties at that time, which caused a huge stir. social repercussions.”

Jiang Yiyi turned to the next page of information.

"This is a mass incident caused by his inability to control his own abilities..."

Suspected ability: Amplifies all negative emotions, among which malicious emotions are the most obvious.

Jiang Yiyi's doubts were answered. It is not surprising that a child with low intelligence and overly strong abilities led to out-of-control developments.

And the reason why the other party was able to grow up at the bottom of the Star Prison also emerged. Even if he is mentally retarded, he has such a bug-level ability, which is enough to deter others.

"The cause of his death was organ failure." The little man caught a glimpse of Bai Cang's movements changing from the corner of his eye.

Bai Cang reached out and took out the information from Jiang Yiyi's hand.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the other person, then looked back at the little man: "Is he not in good health?"

"To be precise, it has always been bad." Jiang Yiyi's reaction made the little man quickly focus on Jiang Yiyi: "Unexplained weakness, coupled with the sequelae caused by incomplete brain development. He could live until half a year ago. , we were all surprised.”

Jiang Yiyi looked at the little man thoughtfully: "Bai Cang's connection with him?"

"According to our information, he and Bai Cang have had no recent contact. Theoretically, there is no connection between them."

Jiang Yiyi recalled the scene he just saw: "The other party's body?"

"According to the procedures, they will be cremated and buried in the cemetery."

Jiang Yiyi was silent for a few seconds, having subtle doubts about the supervision of Star Prison. Obviously, Star Prison was not completely under their control - at least not in this matter.

"I know what you want to ask."

Bai Cang closed the document, glanced at the little man and the others sitting on the sofa, and informed them in a calm tone: "Close the door from the outside."

"Bai Cang, has your condition improved?" The little man had no objection to his words. He stood up and stepped back cautiously.

Bai Cang said calmly: "I will deal with it next."

The little man shut his mouth and exited the room.

The door closed again, leaving only Jiang Yiyi and Bai Cang inside.

"Have you regained your senses?" Jiang Yiyi tasted the little man's attitude towards the other party, and found something strange.

The relationship between Bai Cang and Xing Yu is not so much one of suppression and being suppressed, but more of cooperation with room for cooperation.

Bai Cang sat on the sofa opposite Jiang Yiyi and looked at Jiang Yiyi carefully, as if he was looking for something, and seemed to be reflecting something.

"Your appearance is different from what I thought." Bai Cang's first words made Jiang Yiyi quickly feel familiar.

Jiang Yiyi changed his posture, assumed a long conversation posture, and looked at the other party again - the other party's regained sanity did not reduce his sense of danger, on the contrary, it made him more dangerous.

A powerful enough ability coupled with a rational enough control ability—this is what 1-001 should look like.

"We know each other?"

Bai Cang straightened his back and pushed the information in his hand in front of Jiang Yiyi.

"Somewhere between knowing and not knowing." Bai Cang stretched out his hand towards Jiang Yiyi: "Bai Cang, the owner of room 1-001, the person you confess to."

Jiang Yiyi raised his eyebrows and reached out to shake his hand: "Jiang Yiyi, the owner of Room 1-002, a stranger who has never confessed to you."

The hands that are holding each other are separated at the touch, just like the sight they have always restrained.

"Your guess is correct." Bai Cang's eyes swept past Jiang Yiyi and landed on the information: "Jiang Yi is another you."

I'm not making such an exaggerated guess.

Jiang Yiyi sat upright and judged from the other person's tone whether he knew about the existence of the game - it was doubtful for the time being.

"He was wrongly accused." Bai Cang calmly overturned the information: "Someone tried their best to keep him in the star prison."

"This person..." Bai Cang paused for two seconds and glanced at Jiang Yiyi: "You know him."

Jiang Yiyi reacted quickly: "Professor?"

Knowing the existence of the game and what he would do after last week's teaching, Jiang Yiyi was not surprised. What surprised him was another point.

In the last conversation, the professor never mentioned the existence of this so-called "other me".

Bai Cang's gaze briefly paused on Jiang Yiyi's face, and Jiang Yiyi raised her eyes to look at him.

The surging darkness touched lightly and was restrained.

His eyes were divided at the first touch, and Bai Cang continued: "The professor is different from others."

He did not explain the difference in detail, but simply said: "It turns out it's because of you."

Professor Lenovo's so-called "perverted love", coupled with the prefix in the other person's self-introduction, Jiang Yiyi had the illusion of turning a survival game into a love game.

"We can talk about the professor's matters later." If Jiang Yizhen was "another me", then Jiang Yiyi had no doubts about the professor's reason for doing this.

"Let's talk about this so-called other me first."

"It's not so much mental retardation as it is brain damage. And toward the end of his life, he returned to normal more often."

"So, he told me about you."

After saying this, Bai Cang paused: "You are very different from what I think."

Jiang Yiyi raised his eyebrows: "I thought you could clearly distinguish me from him?"

"He has never treated you and him as two separate individuals." Bai Cang continued calmly: "Because he is another you, and you are another him."

"But the truth is, until you talked about this guy, I never knew he existed."

Since he was almost turning this game into a love game, Jiang Yiyi felt that he needed to clear up the relationship: "You can treat us as two separate individuals."

Bai Cang's calm mood finally changed. He laughed, a short and wonderful laugh.

"I know this very well." His lowered eyes fell on Jiang Yiyi's harmless hand: "After you have fully proved your strength."

"He is very weak, so weak that anyone here can kill him."

"But you are different." Bai Cang's tone was strange, as if he was suppressing something: "You are strong enough to defeat me."

"It's too much praise, but it's not enough to defeat you." Jiang Yiyi raised his lips: "Although I once doubted why you could become 1-001, you finally proved your strength to me."

"He's right." Bai Cang's eyes followed Jiang Yiyi's hanging hand and stopped on Jiang Yiyi's face.

Their eyes met again.

They could both detect each other's fatal sense of danger and... attraction from that slight exchange.

For Jiang Yiyi, this weak attraction comes from the other person's strength - Mu Qiang is a human instinct, and he is no exception, but few people can show near-crushing power in front of him.

For Bai Cang, although part of this strong attraction stems from the strength of the other party, more importantly, it stems from another existence - the unique charm of the other party itself.

The light that shines in the deepest part of the darkness, walking through a pool of blood without staining the dust, the ultimate contradiction between black and white, brings the ultimate attraction, making Baicang fully understand the professor's choice.

The professor's madness and restraint stem from this.

"You are indeed outstanding." Bai Cang's eyes fell back to Jiang Yiyi's fingertips, and the sharp edge turned lightly between the slender fingers, revealing a white color that was far more conspicuous than the sharp edge.

Jiang Yiyi's movement of turning the blade was purely a subconscious reaction of his body - the other party put too much pressure on him, making him instinctively ready to fight back at any time.

"Based on his situation, I originally thought his description of you was exaggerated and one-sided." Bai Cang said calmly: "But now it seems that his description is too euphemistic."

"Did you notice that you were off topic?" Jiang Yiyi had no interest in such kind words: "What did he say to you?"

Bai Cang brought the topic back calmly: "He said that he is another you, and the whole meaning of his existence is to wait for you to come here."

"Then do what you have to do."

Jiang Yiyi had some guesses about the identity of the "other me", but his attention was focused on another point: "What should we do?"

"You should know that he would not tell me such a thing."

Bai Cang: "Our brief contacts did not go as far as this."

"this is all?"

Bai Cang looked at Jiang Yiyi again: "Are you interested in him introducing your excellence to me?"

Jiang Yiyi raised his eyebrows: "If it were another me..."

Bai Cang followed the good advice: "He said that you would be the exact opposite of him, firm enough, fearless, rational and calm, with ideals. The world cannot stop you..."

Bai Cang paused for a moment, and his eyes fell on Jiang Yiyi's face, watching for any emotional fluctuations he might reveal: "The world will change because of you, and a new world will eventually come."

Another "new world"

This word has appeared in Jiang Yiyi's ears too frequently recently.

Bai Cang didn't see anything in the calmness that seemed to be imprinted on Jiang Yiyi's face. He looked away and continued: "Beyond this, he confessed to me."

"You are interested in?"

Jiang Yiyi was not interested. Although he could not think of a reason for his "other self" to confess to the other party, he was not interested in exploring this reason.

"I'm interested in why you lost control because of his death." Jiang Yiyi leaned forward slightly and tightened the already tight string again: "Are you two in love?"

"If you know him, then you will know that this is absolutely impossible." Bai Cang's tone was slightly high, showing some inexplicable emotions: "He is the most ordinary ordinary person in the world."

"Then why did you lose control?"

"His death." Bai Cang looked at Jiang Yiyi again: "I lost a friend."

Jiang Yiyi calmly explored the other party's gaze. Just like before, the vast sea did not give him any reaction. The other party's emotions did not fluctuate, and there was no possibility of being explored.

"He is the most ordinary ordinary person in the world, and he is also the only person in the world who struggles to become extraordinary in the ordinary."

"But if you're the same person, then that's a given."

Bai Cang licked his lips lightly, and showed a flash of admiration under the unwavering emotion: "In the worst situation, he did not choose to give up, and struggled to survive on the most barren land. A little grass.”

Bai Cang glanced at Jiang Yiyi who was listening intently and changed the subject: "I rejected his confession, but he has never been disappointed."

Not good at love games, Jiang Yiyi made the dialogue straightforward: "So, you want to tell me now that you like me?"

"If you say you like it, it would be too luxurious. We don't have this thing."

Bai Cang leaned forward, and the close distance made the tense confrontation instantly clear: "I want you."

What an unsurprising answer.

For these people—these people Jiang Yiyi refers to are all the people at the bottom of Star Prison—there are only two things in the world, what they want and what they don’t want.

And obviously, Jiang Yiyi belongs to the former.

The blade paused in Jiang Yiyi's hand, and Jiang Yiyi raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "The body of the last person who said that was already cold."

"Professor?" Bai Cang said regretfully: "He is much crazier than I thought. I can't understand his choice."

"Based on the relationship between you and him..." Bai Cang glanced at Jiang Yiyi: "The similarity and the professor's little quirks, I think there is no need to question that the professor has taught you this."

"He is special to you." Bai Cang calmly asked Jiang Yiyi: "He has no reason to die."

Jiang Yiyi laughed at his guess: "He is not special."

Jiang Yiyi thought for two seconds: "To me, there is nothing special in this world."

"Even if it's another you?"

Jiang Yiyi reminded the other party: "Since it is another me, how can I be defined as special to me?"

"It seems that you fully accept the statement that he is another you, and, like the other party, you have no intention of treating him as another independent individual."

Indeed, should the me of the previous week and the me of this week be considered two independent individuals

At least Jiang Yiyi’s answer to this is no.

He didn't know why he existed in this week's episode, but considering that the professor didn't hesitate to forge the identity of the opponent's ability user and send him to the lowest level, there was only one reason. The other party's existence was necessary.

It's like every restarted game is exactly the same.

There won't be one less NPC just because the player comes back, nor will there be one more NPC because of the second week's objective.

In other words, Jiang Yiyi reasonably suspects that in the last episode, when he was the lowest level of ability user, there was an NPC named Jiang Yiyi who also appeared on the first level of the Star Prison, but he died in an unknown place. Time - as an ordinary NPC.

Just like Jiang Yi at the beginning of the second week, he died in an unknown place.

Every game starts exactly the same, but the direction of the game after the start depends on the player, so there is more room for maneuver.

It's like the death of a professor.

The professor from last week's episode definitely wouldn't have died so early—even based on that conversation, Jiang Yiyi reasonably guessed that the other person might have survived to the end.

But the professor in this week's episode died so early.

Jiang Yiyi's thoughts wandered for a few seconds and fell on Jiang Yi again.

The professor didn't mention a word about Jiang Yi for only one reason - for him, Jiang Yi's existence was insignificant.

Because it's a defective product.

Mental retardation... This can only be a change made by the game to ensure that the game process does not get out of control.

If Jiang Yi's situation was normal, the game might have ended before Jiang Yiyi could wait - after all, Jiang Yi in this week's episode had been at the bottom of the Star Prison since he was a child, and more than ten years would have been enough for him to change everything.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the character panel. On the unchanged character panel, there was a small "hostile" note - this was a note for this game, reminding Jiang Yiyi who his real enemy was.

He only has one chance to clear the game, so he also has only one chance to destroy the game.

"You need me." Bai Cang came to the final conclusion in Jiang Yiyi's silence.

Jiang Yiyi looked at the other party.

"You once needed a professor, so..." Bai Cang smiled: "Before you arrived, he prepared everything for you, even..."

Bai Cang's last few words were almost silent: "I will die for you in the end."

He was right. There was only one reason why the professor had reached this point, leaving aside the unnecessary cover-ups.

From that hidden ending, from "perverted love".

Just like Bai Cang said, they don't have such a luxury - love. The word "abnormal" in "abnormal love" does not refer to the professor, but to this feeling.

Twisted, watching the other person drifting away in the abyss, with a bad taste.

No one can call this love, but no one can deny it either.

"And now, you need another person to help you complete it..."

Bai Cang stretched out his hand, crossed the coffee table between them, and paused briefly in front of Jiang Yiyi.

The sharp edge was revealed between Jiang Yiyi's fingers. This time, Bai Cang did not stop him and allowed the fragile gadget to cut his hand, causing bright red blood to flow.

He faced the edge and held Jiang Yiyi's hand.

"What you should do."

A kiss with a bit of coolness fell on the back of the hand that was stained red by Bai Cang's blood.

"I'm honored."

The author has something to say: "The last person who said this, the corpse was already cold." - The professor who was pulled out and whipped the corpse in a frenzy:? ?


I don’t know if I wrote it clearly.

The two weeks are two timelines - last week Jiang Yiyi played a total annihilation ending, so the final outcome is the destruction of the star prison and the death of all ability users - there is definitely no way that Jiang Yiyi will appear in the second week half a year later. Case.

So to be precise, the time point for each start of this game is fixed. It is the second that Jiang Yiyi opened his eyes and saw the world on that day half a year ago - the only difference is the location and identity. It's just different - by the way, it has been repeatedly emphasized from the beginning that the reason why Star Prison cannot find out the problem with Jiang Yiyi's information is that there is indeed no problem with his identity information.

Therefore, the Jiang Yi who exists in the second game can be said to be a copy of the previous game, or another Jiang Yiyi, because every game that is restarted is exactly the same. There won't be one less NPC just because the player comes back, nor will there be one more NPC because of the second week's objective. The reason is that the NPC must exist.

The game system requires his existence, but it does not require the complete form of Jiang Yi, so he must be mediocre and have no sense of existence. For this reason, he is forcibly reduced to intelligence and ensures that he completes his tasks in the first second of the game. The meaning of existence - that is, when the game starts, it is no different from the previous game - and then dies immediately.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-06 14:41:48~2020-02-07 13:41:52~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the shallow water bomb: 1 drunkard;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: llicker, Mingyue Zhi, fyra 2; Langlanglang, 23315983, Uncle Crow, Three Thousand Years Ago, 42043155, Kongkong, Lingmu, Tan Longjin, If Love Has God's Will, Yueyue Yue Yue Ban San Sheng and Xiao Xi 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 90 bottles of Pikapi; 40 bottles of Gianyan's large manuscript storage box; 30 bottles of flash and Junxiu; 20 bottles of Xinyun, Hehe, Jiang Yiyi is a Good Man, Ye Yang, Setting Sun; 19 bottles of Yuwenfu Bottles; 41420552 13 bottles; Wutongzhuo 12 bottles; Go to hell with homework, Ah Wu is a great love, yun, Yansheng, Quercus, Bianan, there are no five in Danchi today, Yanyuan, Yuhai Jingzen 10 bottles; Cheng Ge's 9 bottles of slingshot; guess 8 bottles; 6 bottles of soda; what can you do to me~, Zangyu, Tianmu Liusu, One fallen leaf knows the world is autumn, I want to grow taller, I don’t envy the bright moon, I repay it with a song 5 bottles; 4 bottles of Lang Lang Lang, Wen Ran, 53er; 3 bottles of Scarecrow, Mo Fei; 2 bottles of Fan-.-, Lazy Man is Not Lazy; Know Xiao, Ling Lan's Body Suffering, Xiao Zhan's Wife, Late Autumn, Millennium Rain Break, and 1 bottle of Xiaoxiang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!