Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 67: North District 7


The next day.

There's even a proper conference room on the top floor, so new that you're convinced it's never been used.

Jiang Yiyi stood by the window, overlooking the distance.

Bai Cang leaned against the conference table and while talking to his instructor, his eyes fell on Jiang Yiyi.

"Star Prison's response speed never disappoints."

The instructor sat on the chair next to the conference table, slowly making tea. Hearing this, he glanced at Bai Cang, turned his head to the nervous Bai Lang and the little man and said, "You guys go back first."

The little man's lips moved - unlike their full armor, the mentor himself was wearing nothing, and was exposed in front of two extremely dangerous ability users with an overly relaxed attitude.

It would be too dangerous for the tutor and the doctor to be alone together like this.

The idea came to the little man's mind, but before he could speak, Bai Lang responded in a deep voice. He grabbed the little man and walked toward the door.

The little man habitually kept up with the other person's footsteps, with some hesitation, but he didn't speak until he left.

The conference room door closed again.

The instructor withdrew his gaze, glanced past Bai Cang, and paused on Jiang Yiyi: "Doctor wants to see me?"

Looking down at the earth from a high place, everything on the ground seems extremely small and unreal, giving people the illusion of being detached from the world.

"I remember what I told the little man was half a month later."

Small black dots appeared from the open ground, almost overlapping at first, then after a slight pause, they separated again and walked in different directions.

"But with Bai Cang's current situation, it seems that there is no need to wait until half a month later."

The instructor continued to make tea in an orderly manner: "In this situation, there is no need to waste time on irrelevant things."

He held the teapot in his hand, and the tea slowly poured into the cup.

"Besides, we both know what the other party wants."

He pushed the tea cup filled with tea to the other two seats: "Doctor, the professor has so many advantages, why study one that is not good?"

The scenery on the land in the North District remains unchanged - of course, this is more likely because what Jiang Yiyi saw was just a simulated environment layer used to soothe his emotions.

Considering that when Jiang Yiyi first came to the North District, the little man introduced him to the existence of the one-way activity area, he could not rule out the possibility of his sight being deceived.

Jiang Yiyi withdrew his gaze and looked at the two people sitting and standing at the conference table.

There was no stalemate in the atmosphere, probably because the instructor had such a wonderful sense of closeness that it was difficult to create hostility.

Bai Cang obviously had no interest in his mentor. He leaned against the conference table, his eyes still fixed on Jiang Yiyi. After Jiang Yiyi turned around, the two looked at each other for a second, and then separated naturally.

Jiang Yiyi sat opposite the instructor and took a sip of tea: "Maybe it's because you are in a hurry, but I'm not in a hurry."

He put down the tea cup and looked at his mentor who looked a little helpless because of these words: "And I also want to make sure that Bai Cang's situation is indeed stable, so that I can have the confidence to talk to you."

"If you are a doctor," the instructor picked up the teacup and bowed to Jiang Yiyi, "you are the biggest source of confidence in this conversation, aren't you?"

Bai Cang pulled out his chair and sat in the middle between his mentor and Jiang Yiyi. He picked up the tea cup and turned it around. The water in the cup rippled, and then he smiled with an unknown meaning and took over the conversation: "What do you mean? The words always sound so nice.”

He glanced at his mentor: "You can even tell the truth about using someone's true feelings, and you are worthy of it."

The instructor raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes paused for a moment on Bai Cang's unruffled expression, and then returned to Jiang Yiyi.

"It seems that the doctor had a good discussion with him?"

He picked up the teapot and poured tea for Jiang Yiyi again, with his eyebrows lowered and without any aggression: "In other words, it's a little better than expected."

As the water slowly poured in, the water in the tea cup kept rippling, as if it would overflow at any time.

The instructor continued unhurriedly: "It completely dragged him to the doctor."

Bai Cang reached out and moved the nearly overflowing teacup from under the teapot to Jiang Yiyi's hand.

The instructor paused with his hand to stop the teapot from tilting, and turned his head to look at Bai Cang.

"Don't burn him." Bai Cang looked at him calmly: "When the doctor came to see me, weren't you mentally prepared for this?"

Jiang Yiyi took a sip of tea and watched the two people who were slightly confrontational.

"This development is too unexpected." The instructor put down the teapot, his tone still gentle: "Doctors are more charming than we thought."

Bai Cang turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yiyi, who was watching with nothing, and thought deeply: "Indeed, no one would be stupid enough to ignore him."

Jiang Yiyi put down the tea cup and interrupted the conversation that was about to turn into a rainbow fart conference: "Isn't this the focus of our discussion today?"

The instructor looked away and looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Have a few words with Bai Cang to confirm your status."

He brought the topic back to the topic in an understatement: "Logic, thinking, and reactions are all at normal levels."

"I originally thought that the reason why the doctor made such rapid progress was because the doctor's ability concealed the appearance of Bai Cang losing control."

"But now it seems that, unlike what we originally thought, Bai Cang's loss of control has indeed improved."

"This surprised me." The instructor looked at Jiang Yiyi's expression and said, "How did the doctor do it? With one meeting, in just a few hours, Bai Cang's condition was completely stabilized."

"Isn't this why you asked me to come to see him?" Jiang Yiyi asked calmly.

The instructor raised his eyebrows: "The doctor did more than I thought."

"Because you are always judging others by your own standards."

Jiang Yiyi filled up the progress bar very calmly and rudely, skipping the probing and back-and-forth that they liked, and went directly to the core topic of the conversation: "When I meet you, I don't want to talk to you about how I did it, but Tell you, I can do it."

Jiang Yiyi leaned forward and said without comment: "And now, what price are you willing to pay for this."

The instructor straightened his back, paused for two seconds, and smiled amidst the opponent's momentum: "It seems that I must reach an agreement with the doctor."

His voice dropped a few degrees, as if he was talking to himself: "The consequences of reaching an agreement with a doctor are not good."

What the hell is going on with these smart people

You will never speak well. If you can explain something clearly in one sentence, you have to go back and forth two or three times before it is finished.

Jiang Yiyi has no prejudice against this kind of behavior, but given that he thinks that his IQ is not as high as the other party - and the longer the conversation lasts, the more information the other party will get from those meaningless words.

Just like the casual conversation between the instructor and Baicang just now, in the back and forth between you and me, the instructor's real purpose is to test the other person's status, not Jiang Yiyi's charm.

Therefore, Jiang Yiyi did not intend to say more to the other party.

But the instructor obviously didn't think so. He was very interested in talking nonsense to Jiang Yiyi.

"Since the doctor wants to know what price I can pay, that is... the doctor already has some ideas about this?" The instructor continued to test calmly: "Why don't the doctor just tell me?"

He picked up the teapot and poured Jiang Yiyi another cup of tea.

"what do you want?"

The other party redirected the question to Jiang Yiyi, but he didn't disclose anything.

Jiang Yiyi twirled the tea cup. Among the countless thoughts that emerged, some dangerous thoughts inevitably came up. Before that, Bai Cang held his hand.

"He has a bad temper." Bai Cang tilted his head to warn the other person: "As an ordinary person, you should be a little self-aware from time to time, right?"

The instructor laughed, without the self-awareness of ordinary people: "Your attitude in supporting the doctor is too firm..."

He said thoughtfully: "Are you sure the doctor didn't do anything to you?"

He could even hint very naturally that Bai Cang was affected by Jiang Yiyi's ability and acted out of his heart.

Bai Cang noticed the slight movement of his men and took back the hand holding Jiang Yiyi.

A sharp edge flashed in Jiang Yiyi's hands. Jiang Yiyi's tone was a little dangerous, but still controllable: "Answer my question."

The mentor sighed softly: "Ability users often think that they are righteous because they have power beyond human limits."

He looked sideways at Jiang Yiyi, and the way he looked when criticizing the other person was very much like a mentor should.

"But even if you are enough to despise mortals, you should know that you have never been separated from humanity."

Jiang Yiyi laughed angrily.

His fingertips moved for a moment, and the rotating blade stopped and stood obediently on his fingertips.

"When you said this, were you aware of your own arrogance?" Jiang Yiyi reminded the other party: "From the beginning to the end, the Star Prison is the one that binds all people with abilities."

"Teacher, you don't just change the concept, and you can justly accuse the other party." Jiang Yiyi looked at the mentor, with a light in his dark eyes: "When I ask you to answer the question, expand the point of blame to include those with abilities and those with abilities." Among mortals…”

"You forgot one thing." Jiang Yiyi whispered softly: "I have never admitted that I am an ability person."

"I am not talking to you as a mortal just to get accusations from an ability user who despises mortals."

"On the contrary, you, the mentor who is good at using this to accuse other people, seem to have never thought about your own arrogance?" The blade disappeared from Jiang Yiyi's fingertips, but the words that were far sharper than the blade fell mercilessly on the last one. hit.

"Human beings are never those who consider themselves incompetent. On the contrary, some people, even if they are just mortals, are far more arrogant and self-righteous than those with abnormal mental states."

"The star prison that restricts all ability users, is at the forefront of research in the Star Alliance, and holds high the banner of human evolution. Natural justice, the star prison that shoulders the future of mankind, when has it ever looked down at a truly insignificant existence?"

The mentor calmed down his expression, and his calmness covered up his emotional fluctuations. There was no anger or anger: "So, who is this truly insignificant existence? Is it an ordinary living being? Or is it a person with abilities controlled in a star prison?"

"Are you interested in my position?" Jiang Yiyi was keenly aware of the purpose of the other party's question: "I have no position."

"Whether it's all living beings or people with abilities, they are all the same to me." Jiang Yiyi curled up his lips: "What's the difference between them?"

Bai Cang listened quietly for a long time. After hearing this, he finally couldn't help but interjected: "There is really no difference."

For doctors, it is just a problem that can be solved by their abilities.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at him, always feeling that the other person's meaning was different from his, but before he could think about the subtleties, the instructor had already taken over the conversation.

"Everyone has their own position. Whether it is due to race, ideals or geographical differences, they should always have a foothold to support all their actions."

The mentor looked at Bai Cang: "Even Bai Cang has a stand. He protects people with abilities. Even if people with abilities are meaningless in his eyes, he will still do something for them."

Bai Cang looked at his instructor calmly and did not react in any way to his words.

The instructor looked at Jiang Yiyi: "But the doctor is different. From the beginning to now, the doctor's attitude has been very strange."

He leaned forward slightly, closing the distance between him and Jiang Yiyi without showing any pressure.

"The judge from above, the watcher of the world."

"You are separated from the world..." The instructor narrowed his eyes and said softly: "The behavior and the data are contradictory. Maybe there is a certain connection between the two?"

Jiang Yiyi's silence this time was out of admiration for the other party.

He was clearly aware of the gap between them - as a party involved in the situation, it was beyond Jiang Yiyi's imagination to draw an inference that was one step away from the answer.

Jiang Yiyi even suspected that after this conversation, the instructor who obtained enough information from the conversation could directly deduce the final answer—that is, the incredible answer of "time travel".

No matter how incredible the answer is, for people like mentors, incredible is not a reason to prevent them from deducing the answer. On the contrary, once they come up with the answer, they will no longer waver in their judgment.

The instructor waited for two seconds and waited for Jiang Yiyi's silence - which was undoubtedly his acquiescence in the direction of his guess.

"I can't draw a conclusion yet, but I think as long as it's still there, it will eventually appear in front of us, right?" The instructor was restrained and restrained, compressing his edge to the extreme and downplaying the possible confrontation as much as possible. .

"Let's talk about this again when you come to a conclusion." Jiang Yiyi's admiration only lasted for a few seconds before returning to his original attitude: "You are challenging the limit of my patience."

"If it can only alleviate the side effects of ability users, then maybe we should talk slowly."

The mentor poured himself a cup of tea in a leisurely manner and answered Jiang Yiyi's previous question directly: "If the side effects of ability users can be completely eliminated, we can talk about it within the scope of our ability."

He took a sip of the tea. The tea had lost its previous temperature and seemed a little too cold, and the bitterness that had accumulated was even more evident.

"in the case of… "

After the bitterness, sweetness emerged, and a few wisps of sweetness spread in the mouth. The instructor gently sighed and said: "If it is a further step in the direction of human evolution, then..."

The mentor put down the tea cup, which made a crisp sound on the coffee table, as loud as his words: "Even if it's the Star Alliance, we can still talk."

When Bai Cang heard this, he glanced at Jiang Yiyi subconsciously.

Jiang Yiyi's expression remained unchanged, as if he had never heard the touching promise, and he calmly concluded: "So, the so-called "organization secretly guarding the Star Alliance" is indeed not for the Star Alliance."

"But for the Star Prison."

"Why is there such a clear distinction between Star Prison and Star Alliance?" The mentor said softly: "I know what we are doing, everyone in Star Prison knows what we are doing, and everything is still on the right path."

People who insist on being on the right path often get slapped in the face badly in the end - but if a mentor says this...

Jiang Yiyi's confrontation with his mentor did not affect his appreciation for him.

Whether he has shouldered the Star Prison all his way to this point, or he has faced ability users as an ordinary person, or he has gone straight to the core through layers of temptations, it is enough to make people look at him.

Jiang Yiyi sincerely hopes that this time, they can get an ending beyond imagination, instead of letting the tragedy happen again.

The other party laid out their chips, and Jiang Yiyi expressed his attitude: "Then you should have no objection to my request."

"I can cooperate with Star Prison to alleviate the ability user's loss of control." Jiang Yiyi: "And Star Prison only needs to cooperate with me."

The instructor paused for a few seconds this time and thought briefly before saying in surprise: "That's all?"

"I personally have no special requirements," Jiang Yiyi glanced sideways at Bai Cang: "But it would be best if we can get the cooperation of Star Prison."

"That's all?" the mentor repeated: "I mean, the only thing the doctor is going to do is to alleviate the loss of control of people with abilities?"

"If you mean the new human being?" Jiang Yiyi told the truth: "I think the premise of this is that I am the new human being."

"But I'm not, so...if the premise is not established, it's really difficult for me to provide other help."

The instructor took a step back: "What if we don't mention new humans, but just cooperate in research?"

"Let's take a look at the situation of the ability users first." Jiang Yiyi seemed too cautious, or in other words, he was always so cautious.

The instructor changed the topic back: "But the doctor has almost no requirements..."

"Although I know that the doctor has no preferences, no desires, and no shortcomings, the doctor's previous behavior of avoiding the question has expressed the doctor's attitude. The doctor should have some requirements."

"Why not put it forward directly?" The instructor further asked: "There is no request, but it makes people more worried about the doctor's real purpose."

"I just relied on your answer just now, my mentor, to determine the position of the Star Prison." Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "As for my own requirements..."

"At the right time, the Star Prison will naturally become clear." Jiang Yiyi looked at his mentor: "In fact, I personally have no objection to the existence of the Star Prison."

The instructor was not sure whether the hint in the other person's words was what he thought. Fortunately, someone asked for him.

"What the doctor means is that you and Star Prison hold the same position?" Bai Cang asked, "All for the Star Alliance?"

Jiang Yiyi glanced at Bai Cang: "I don't have any specific purpose for an existence that I have no impression of."

The instructor retraced the conversation and continued: "For the able people?"

"I think I have to reiterate it again." Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "Before analyzing me, assuming that I am a good person, you may be able to draw a more reliable conclusion."

The report from the magician appeared in front of the mentor's eyes.

"What the doctor means is that you just want to help the Star Prison? Help people with abilities?"

"It's not like this."

Jiang Yiyi was a little tired of the roundabout temptations, and once again promoted the conversation: "As far as I know, Star Prison is currently facing an amazing conspiracy."

He glanced at his mentor whose expression remained unchanged: "And the target of the conspiracy is you."

The instructor showed just the right amount of surprise: "Me?"

"Before you want further cooperation from me, prove to me that you can survive."

This was the reason for Jiang Yiyi’s failure in the first episode, but he didn’t think it would be the reason for the failure of the second episode. In fact, in his opinion, this level of reminder was enough—because the person who heard this sentence was tutor.

Regardless of how the other party died last week, after hearing Jiang Yiyi's warning, it would be foolish for him to repeat the same mistake this week.

The instructor was silent for a few seconds because of the overly certain part of Jiang Yiyi's words. When he spoke, the focus fell on other things: "As far as I know, the number of people the doctor has come into contact with after being imprisoned is very limited."

"And the professor was not active before meeting the doctor, and the communication space was limited to one building."

What puzzles the instructor is: "If the professor told you this, then who told the professor such important news?"

He reviewed his memory again and came to the conclusion firmly: "There is no such person who passed the news to the professor or doctor."

It seems that the mentors are very confident in their control of the lowest level of Star Prison.

The instructor raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Yiyi. Jiang Yiyi had no intention of answering this question.

The instructor then pushed a step further: "I am separated from the world, my behavior and information are contradictory, and I learned important information from unknown sources..."

The instructor paused and thought for a few seconds.

Jiang Yiyi waited patiently for him to finish his thinking.

"What needs to be known will always be known."

The mentor just quits when he feels like it - in fact, most of his actions are on the bottom line, going back and forth between making people angry and regaining restraint, just like what the magician did before, but compared to the magician, he is more Skilled and leaves no trace.

Because when dominated by uncontrollable emotions, it is often easiest to reveal the other person's true thoughts.

But unfortunately, this method is not very effective when facing Jiang Yiyi and others, because they are often extremely restrained, and once provoked, they will not leave the other party a chance to analyze alive.

"I'm not in a hurry to get the answer." The mentor retreated again and again: "The process of unraveling the secrets is worth enjoying, isn't it?"

Jiang Yiyi raised his eyebrows: "This sentence is sent back to you."

"Before you look at others, don't forget that you yourself are not without secrets."

The mentor smiled: "You are welcome to unravel my secret. In fact, I am looking forward to it."

Bai Cang raised his eyes and glanced at his mentor warningly: "You should pay attention to the conspiracy against you."

"When a person dies, there is nothing left. If you die, not to mention the new humans, even the Star Prison may not be able to survive the storm."

Bai Cang's tone was calm and slightly sarcastic, but Jiang Yiyi still looked at him.

In his previous conversation with Bai Cang, he almost thought that the other person was not interested in anything except the pursuit of death, blood, and excitement.

But judging from this conversation, Bai Cang is not not interested in anything. At least, he cares enough about his mentor.

"As ordinary people, at this time, just struggle to survive honestly."

Bai Cang noticed Jiang Yiyi's gaze. After saying this, he turned his head and looked at Jiang Yiyi inquiringly.

Although the mentor himself is indeed worthy of admiration, as a member of the ability users, Bai Cang does not seem to be someone who cares about the other person just because he is worthy of admiration. On the contrary, his attitude must be due to other reasons that Jiang Yiyi does not know the answer to. .

Jiang Yiyi looked away, turned these thoughts in his mind, and calmly put this doubt aside.

"About that, I'll take care of it."

The instructor ignored Bai Cang's words and replied to Jiang Yiyi: "About the request made by the doctor just now..."

He glanced at the blue sky outside the window: "The doctor can go out and take a look."

Jiang Yiyi was not surprised by his suggestion. As the area where out-of-control ability users are located, the North District itself is the best place to alleviate the out-of-control state.

"I will ask them to provide the greatest assistance to the doctor." The mentor continued.

Jiang Yiyi nodded, and before ending the conversation, he suddenly thought of something: "How is Lin Yi's situation?"

The instructor paused slightly.

Jiang Yiyi's eyes then fell on him: "I know what he did. In fact, I was surprised when he didn't do anything. So, what I asked was how he was doing."

Jiang Yiyi narrowed his eyes: "I warned you, even if my people do something, I have to deal with it myself."

"The gatekeeper hears clearly."

The instructor smiled and eased the tense atmosphere: "Actually, it's just some routine investigations and reviews, more..." He looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Even for the doctor's sake, we won't do it."

As the instructor said, it is indeed just some routine reviews and investigations, but the content of the review is slightly different.

This time, what they were examining was whether Lin Yi, as an ordinary person, had exceeded the limits of human beings at a certain time.

The author has something to say: "I do not have any specific purpose for an existence that has no impression." - The existence without impression here refers to the Star Alliance. ———

This is probably a dialogue to reach an intention to cooperate in a trial.

The article has entered the final stage - of course it is still some distance from the ending, but it has indeed entered the middle and late stages.

So, it’s a bit of a caveman.

I will adjust the situation as soon as possible.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-09 13:30:39~2020-02-10 14:00:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: bjyxtcdj 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: An Chang 1;

Thank you to the little angels who threw the mines: Tan Takijin, I can grow taller, xiaonn, demeter, Buzao, Buxian Mingyuezhi, Xiaoxi, Lingmu, Green Manuscript Box, and 1 song in return;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: A Liang, 30 bottles of Qingliu; 20 bottles of Bianan, Haoshanhewo Nanfeng; Tanlongjin, Lili Changbai, Huaxia Alien, Kodaya, Shuaishou, gn, 36103781 10 bottles; 9 bottles for Mo Moyang, Li Zhenyang, and Wei Mo; 6 bottles for Xu Yafei, Song of Repayment; 5 bottles for Duan Yun, Anan, Ge Benxiong, and Eternal School Scumbag; 4 bottles for Unexpected Ji, and Hun Ming Liang Fei; 3 bottles of Green Manuscript Box, 27941193, Suixue; 2 bottles of An·aine, I Can Grow Taller, Hua; 1 bottle of Jiruoqin, Fan, Ha, Pa Yippa Jinjiang It took a long time to go bankrupt;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!