Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 73: North District 13


Bai Cang's smile froze on his face. The smile that had not faded just now softened his edge, making Bai Cang, with a frozen expression, look inexplicably stupid.

Bai Cang went over this sentence in his mind several times before he regained control of his expression. The little stupid expression disappeared in a flash, and he returned to his usual dominating aura.

"Since you are very clear that I am good-looking, there should be no problem with your aesthetic taste."

Bai Cang analyzed objectively: "Since it is not a physiological problem, it can only be a problem of mental state."

"Have you confirmed with others what you look like in their eyes?"

“Of course.”

"Is there no difference from your own perception?"


Bai Cang was silent for two seconds, and he successfully understood Jiang Yiyi's dissatisfaction from the four-character idiom he said: "Do you think your mental state is okay?"

"I'm good at psychology." Jiang Yiyi looked at her skills and said confidently, "And I'm a doctor."

"Do you think I need to doubt that?"

"It is possible that a good swimmer may drown, or a good rider may fall."

Bai Cang glanced at Jiang Yiyi's calm expression, recalled her past performance, and changed his words: "But if it's a doctor, it's unlikely that he would have such a low-level mental problem."

He turned and walked towards his room: "I have a pen and paper. Shall we confirm it again?"

Jiang Yiyi let go of the door handle and followed him.

Jiang Yiyi: "There is one more reason why you changed your words just now, but you didn't say it."

Bai Cang smiled - to be honest, when not talking about those sensitive topics, he had to admit that talking with Jiang Yiyi was very enjoyable.

Intelligence is not the only advantage of the other person; good looks can only be the icing on the cake; the most important point is that they are talking at the same level.

At the bottom are the weak ones who are busy struggling to survive, in the middle are the mediocre ones who can neither move forward nor backward, and at the top, in a world of only a few people, the other party is so dazzling.

"Which point?" Bai Cang passed a message to Jiang Yiyi so that he could continue.

Without slowing down, he walked to the end of the corridor and reached out to push open the door.

"Li Yihe did not make this judgment." Jiang Yiyi looked around the familiar bedroom and said casually.


Bai Cang picked up a pen and paper, gestured to Jiang Yiyi, sat down at the desk, looked up at Jiang Yiyi carefully for a few seconds, then lowered his head and started moving.

"There are very few secrets that can be hidden from him, especially this kind of abnormality." Bai Cang said as he drew: "He didn't mention it, either because he didn't notice it, or it really has nothing to do with his mental state."

He drew very quickly, without even looking up at Jiang Yiyi. It was as if the other person's appearance had already been deeply imprinted in his mind. He drew the familiar figure effortlessly and quickly.

Jiang Yiyi walked around the room. He was not interested in the common furnishings that did not have many traces of people. He finally stopped beside Bai Cang and stared at the person who was slowly emerging in his painting.

"Is it familiar?" Bai Cang's painting method is very simple, sketching, and he can capture the essence with two or three strokes, reproducing Jiang Yiyi in his eyes on paper.

Jiang Yiyi was silent for two seconds, comparing this painting with the one Lin Yi had drawn before, and found a subtle difference - just a slight curl of his eyes and a slight upturn of the corners of his lips, which immediately improved his appearance in Bai Cang's painting by half, and he could almost be called handsome.

Jiang Yiyi's silence gave Bai Cang the answer.

"It seems that you are not very familiar with it." Bai Cang handed the paper to Jiang Yiyi and watched the changes in Jiang Yiyi's expression with patience: "I think you should have a guess. Do you suggest sharing it with me?"

Jiang Yiyi put away the paper and calmly rejected him: "It's just an immature guess, there's no need to share it."

Bai Cang raised his eyebrows and took a step back: "So, is it a problem of mental state?"

Jiang Yiyi shook his head - this level of detail change, the completely opposite evaluation from the other party's mouth and from his perspective, since it was not a difference in the aesthetics of the game, then there was only one answer.

Jiang Yiyi got up, went into the bathroom, and stared at herself in the mirror for a few seconds.

It was an extremely subtle change, but it obviously improved his appearance—the self he saw in the mirror was exactly the same as the one Bai Cang had drawn.

Jiang Yiyi recalled his memory and confirmed that just now, when he last looked in the mirror, he still looked the same as he remembered.

To be precise, he looked no different at this moment than he did in his memory.

There is only a slight change.

There is only one person who can do this and replace all the images in his vision - at least Jiang Yiyi knows of only one.

Gaming system.

"The secret of the doctor is really..."

Bai Cang stood behind him, staring at Jiang Yiyi in the mirror, and suddenly stopped talking: "In Xingyu, has no one ever told the doctor this?"

"As far as I know, the doctor came down from the first floor." Bai Cang stood straight and said slowly, "Those guys with unclear minds don't seem to be able to control their impulses."

"It's a bit surprising that the doctor's doubts only appeared at this moment."

Bai Cang: "After all, you should have realized this very clearly a few floors above - how superior your appearance is."

"Indeed." Jiang Yiyi knew what he wanted to say and turned to look at Bai Cang: "But the fact is, on the upper floors, no one has ever gone crazy because of my appearance."

Bai Cang thought for a few seconds: "It seems that it's not just the doctor who has a problem with his appearance."

"At this time, Li Yihe's presence is very necessary."

Bai Cang invited Jiang Yiyi: "Are you interested in watching the video that Xingyu has about you?"

Jiang Yiyi raised her eyebrows: "Is your cooperation with Kong Yueze so in-depth?" Enough to obtain information from Xingyu that was theoretically shared with internal staff.

"He had no reason to reject me."

Xingyu's reaction was the same as usual. Half an hour after Bai Cang said this, Jiang Yiyi got some edited video materials about him from the little man.

They quickly went through the clips that were obviously cut from surveillance footage.

"The doctors at that time were a bit green." Bai Cang commented while watching the video.

"It seems that the changes in doctors are really amazing."

Bai Cang's tone was somewhat regretful: "It's a pity that I didn't meet the doctor at the beginning."

He smiled at Jiang Yiyi: "The doctor at that time overlapped a bit with Jiang Yi."

The video played very quickly and soon reached the fourth floor.

"The doctor at this time has completely lost that shadow." Bai Cang continued to comment without doing his job, enjoying Jiang Yiyi's lack of reaction: "It has some of the current prototype."

"But the young doctor and the current doctor are the same person in the end." Bai Cang turned his head to look at Jiang Yiyi: "The things that attracted me have never disappeared."

The video played to the very end and paused at the moment when Jiang Yiyi looked towards the surveillance camera.

Jiang Yiyi turned her head to look at Bai Cang: "So, you and Jiang Yi are in love with each other?"

"Although I really want to say yes, unfortunately, weak people cannot attract my attention." Bai Cang said sincerely: "Especially when the other party is still in a state of low IQ..."

"The fact that he has become one of my few friends is enough to prove how charming the doctor's deepest and shining qualities are. Even with so many flaws, he still caught my eye."

Jiang Yiyi paused for two seconds and said objectively: "That's a very good point."

"But there's no need to waste our time on such insignificant things." Jiang Yiyi went straight to the point: "Are there any changes?"

"Unfortunately, no. The doctor in the video is exactly the same as the doctor I saw." Bai Cang sighed: "But the reactions of those people in the video don't look like what they should have when they saw a doctor."

Bai Cang asked Jiang Yiyi: "Where is the doctor? Have you seen any changes in yourself?"

Jiang Yiyi shook her head and reached out to close the video.

"Little guy." Bai Cang waved towards the door and said, "Let someone on the upper floors who has seen the doctor draw a portrait of the deputy doctor."

"I'll ask my boss for permission." The little guy replied with a flawless cliché.

Bai Cang waved at him and drove him out of the room, then turned his head and said to Jiang Yiyi: "Do you think there will be a different answer?"

"No." Jiang Yiyi said calmly: "This is not a problem of their cognition, but a problem of our cognition when we see the image."

This raises the question, how do humans believe that what you see is real

If your eyes are deceiving you and sending a false image back to your brain, how can you tell? — The normal answer is touch.

But the sense of touch also comes from your brain. Since your brain gives your vision a wrong answer, how can you be sure that you can trust your sense of touch

If your brain decides to deceive you, then all problems cease to exist.

This is the problem that Jiang Yiyi and the others faced - their brains gave them a wrong answer, making them believe that the Jiang Yiyi they saw looked like this.

That is, in the eyes of Bai Cang and others, he is "amazingly good-looking", and in the eyes of Jiang Yiyi, he is "somewhat handsome".

There is no doubt that the only system that can achieve this level is the game system.

The question is, why does the other party do this

As a system that does not contain subjective consciousness, there are objective reasons behind all the other party's actions.

What kind of objective reason would require everyone to have the same illusion about Jiang Yiyi's appearance - or rather, not an illusion

The only person who was deceived by it was Jiang Yiyi.

Because he could confirm that the appearance in his memory had changed - this was enough to prove that his perception of his own appearance had been in a wrong state, or was still in a wrong state.

After all, the self that Jiang Yiyi saw at this moment was still only slightly handsome.

But Bai Cang and the others' description of this goes far beyond that.

So, all the questions come back to the original point, why does the game system do this

Jiang Yiyi's memory went back and stopped at Jiang Yi's information.

Jiang Yi's ordinary and unremarkable appearance emerged in Jiang Yiyi's mind.

"Jiang Yi, what do you look like?"

Bai Cang seemed to realize something: "It's very ordinary, there's nothing special about it that's worth remembering."

His Adam's apple moved slightly, and he turned his head to look at Jiang Yiyi: "Jiang Yi told me before that he is another you."

"The doctor's question is hinting at me..." Bai Cang felt puzzled by his own guess: "You could also be the next Jiang Yi?"

In other words, another Jiang Yiyi in the third week.

Jiang Yiyi, a person with ordinary appearance and some physical defects, will die quietly on the first floor before the start of the third round.

Therefore, the game system needs to make Jiang Yiyi have the illusion that her appearance is ordinary - because if Jiang Yiyi fails in the first few levels, then when everything starts again, the ordinary-looking Jiang Yiyi will not attract everyone's attention, nor will it make Jiang Yiyi in the third round feel any sense of familiarity.

At this moment, Jiang Yiyi's perception of his appearance changed - because his game progress reached a certain stage, a stage where the game system judged that he might be able to pass the level.

Jiang Yiyi's thoughts paused for two seconds at this conclusion, and then he corrected it. It might also be because he met certain conditions and unlocked a small easter egg - this is not uncommon in stand-alone games.

Jiang Yiyi couldn't determine for the time being why he could notice the changes in his appearance, but he was sure of one other thing—the professor's conclusion was wrong.

"Although there is no experimental data or theoretical support, I confirm that you can only materialize a game once."

The second round is not a little luck in the worst ending, but the reality that is bound to happen after failing to pass the level.

Jiang Yiyi looked coldly at the game panel flashing the "hostile" sign and came to the conclusion: there was only one way to end this game.

It's neither death nor clearance.

It completely ruined the game.

The author has something to say: For readers who don’t understand, let me explain again:

The reason why Jiang Yiyi had a wrong understanding of his appearance from the beginning was because the game system distorted his cognition, ensuring that all his vision, touch and even brain feedback were mediocre.

What Bai Cang and the others saw was Jiang Yiyi's true appearance - by the way, before the bottom, everyone's perception of Jiang Yiyi's appearance was distorted, and it was not Jiang Yiyi's true appearance.

The system does this because it needs to make Jiang Yiyi have the illusion that her appearance is ordinary - if Jiang Yiyi fails in the first few levels, then when everything starts again, the ordinary-looking Jiang Yiyi will not attract everyone's attention, nor will it make Jiang Yiyi in the third round feel familiar.

The most important thing is that it will not attract the attention of Jiang Yiyi in the third week.

In other words, Jiang Yiyi's appearance is unlocked layer by layer, and at the bottom level, other people's perception of him is no longer distorted by the system.


And why Xingyu didn't notice the change in Jiang Yiyi's appearance - because this distorted cognition means that Jiang Yiyi looks like this in all their information.

That is to say, Jiang Yiyi's appearance has changed - but in their minds, the later facial information covers the previous facial information, making them perceive that "no change" and they do not notice that Jiang Yiyi's appearance is different from before.

The system does not even need to modify the video data, because when viewing the video data, the brain will automatically replace the received visual signals and transform the Jiang Yiyi they see into the appearance they perceive.


To be more precise, the painting that Bai Cang drew was actually not what Jiang Yiyi saw.

When watching the video, Bai Cang and Jiang Yiyi saw completely different appearances of Jiang Yiyi in the video footage.

As for the reason—

"Jiang Yi, what do you look like?"

Bai Cang seemed to realize something: "It's very ordinary, there's nothing special about it that's worth remembering."

"The doctor's question is hinting at me..." Bai Cang felt puzzled by his own guess: "You could also be the next Jiang Yi?"

In other words, another Jiang Yiyi in the third week.

Jiang Yiyi, a person with ordinary appearance and some physical defects, will die quietly on the first floor before the start of the third round.