Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 81: 23 at the bottom


Mask took the topic away, and Jiang Yiyi looked back at the reason why the situation developed to this point - initially, he just wanted them to be quiet.

But if everything can develop smoothly according to his ideas, it can only be said that capable people are nothing more than that.

They are uncontrollable and will lose control at any time, enjoying danger and blood, chasing death, and will never stop.

No matter how you look at it, reaching cooperation with them is impossible.

Maybe I should try a simpler way.

Jiang Yiyi looked around, and the room had never been quiet, even though he had such a unique conversation with Mask - the God of Death was still laughing, and the abnormal person holding the corner of his clothes was still repeating something in a low voice.

Because the Collector lost the other party in the quarrel, he watched them intently, while Origin crossed his arms and watched the show from beginning to end.

Some people don't care about Jiang Yiyi's next actions, while others are still a little curious about it - even at this moment, the ability users are still in disorderly chaos.

Jiang Yiyi withdrew his gaze and looked at the extremely pious Mask. There was no need to question his sincerity. His urgency was so sincere - as if he was not actively asking the other party to distort his will or tamper with his choices.

Madness is the most striking characteristic of people with abilities.

"Under normal circumstances, I don't like to do this." Jiang Yiyi stopped the rotating blade and once again showed the unwelcome restraint in the Star Prison: "The independent thoughts of each existence constitute this world..."

"What are you talking about?" Mask interrupted him: "Just like those stupid, naive fools."

"I'm asking you because I want to do this, understand?"

He looked down at Jiang Yiyi who was sitting on the chair: "It's not because of any bullshit independent thinking, it's because! I! Like! Like!"

"Bai Cang, how did he survive in the Star Prison with such an indecisive look? Now the upper layers have turned into soft eggs?"

Bai Cang glanced at Jiang Yiyi who was chuckling, and also smiled at the mask: "Everyone has some shortcomings that are not worth mentioning. The doctor's shortcoming is a little restraint."

"However, this is harmless." Bai Cang turned his head and looked at Jiang Yiyi: "After all, he is strong enough."

Mask followed his gaze and looked at Jiang Yiyi. Anger and dissatisfaction made his facial expression extremely exaggerated—the kind of exaggeration suitable for performances under stage lights.

"Who doesn't know how to kill?" Mask's voice gradually weakened, but he didn't seem to realize this, because the intermittent words continued: "This... can only... mean... he..."

His words were interrupted abruptly.

The gazes continued.

At first, there was a small dot in the deepest part of the darkness. Then, the small dot gradually turned into a beam of white light. Finally, overwhelming light enveloped him.

A voice sounded in his ears, chaotic, vague, and noisy.

Deep in the surging blood and in the complex cerebral blood vessels, certain entities trembled rapidly.

The chaotic voice was washed away from its original sound - ethereal and ethereal, reaching his ears through a thick barrier.

"He's watching you~"

"Give me everything you have~"

"Open a new world for mankind~"

The mask's expression slowly returned to calm, but the speed of blood flow and the frequency of heartbeat soared rapidly - almost approaching the maximum value that the human body can bear. Once it exceeds the maximum value, there is no doubt that the fragile human body will be on the verge of death in an instant.

The room finally became completely quiet.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Kamen, who suddenly trembled. Everyone could see how wrong Kamen was in his current state.

His eyes widened unnaturally, not so much looking at Jiang Yiyi, but rather staring at somewhere in the void, as if staring at something they couldn't see.

But the bystanders had no intention of interfering. On the contrary, they waited with interest to see the final result. Of course, if the mask died, they would not have any unnecessary emotions about it.

It will just be very disappointing, after all, death is the most disappointing ending.

Jian Si looked sideways at the closed door behind him. The sound insulation effect here was very good. He and the magician stood at the door and heard nothing.

Not knowing what was going on inside, Jian Si turned back and glanced at the expressionless magician—compared to the smile he always had before, his current change could be said to be earth-shaking.

Jian Si couldn't suppress his curiosity: "Magician?"

The magician turned his head and looked at Jian Si.

"Why did you..." Jian Si considered his words carefully. Although he didn't think he could get the answer easily from the other person's mouth, human beings are not programmed machines after all, and they will always be surprised by the possibility of one in ten thousand. expectations.

Therefore, even though he knew that this was just a futile attempt, Jian Si still asked this question: "You suddenly chose a doctor?" He did not mention the word "betrayal", but carefully chose a neutral word.

The magician stared at him calmly. He was so different from before that it made people doubt whether the magician who always smiled and asked questions really existed.

"If you don't want to say it..." Jian Si flinched under the other party's gaze: "You don't have to answer."

But the magician answered him: "You know the answer."

"Ah?" Jian Si looked at the magician with wide eyes. He was good-looking, but his good-looking face couldn't hide his stupid expression.

"Do I know the answer?" Jian Si tried to use his brain to come up with the so-called answer.

It was kind of hard because he had no clue.

But the magician no longer responded to his interest.

Mask's trembling gradually stopped, his stiff and tight body regained its softness, and the focus reappeared in his eyes, falling on Jiang Yiyi from the void.

Their eyes met, and Kamen looked away.

The Collector said excitedly: "It seems the final result is out, Mask?"

Mask doesn't look significantly different from before, and there's still an exaggerated drama in his demeanor.

He did not refuse to answer, carefully recalled the feelings of the person below, and said: "I saw a ray of light, shining in the endless darkness."

The collector listened to his words without interest, and the same thoughts as those present were running through his mind: Did the doctor fail

"It was far away from me at first, but as I kept moving forward, the end soon appeared in front of me." Mask's tone did not sound like there was any fluctuation, it was completely like a simple retelling: "I entered In that light."

"Then..." Mask paused. He was looking for suitable words to describe the next words. It was obviously difficult. He hesitated for a few seconds. The poor description did not give him much room for choice.

"I saw a new world."

The new world is this word again. It seems that it is really important, and it is closely related to "psychology".

Origin frowned, not understanding what the mask meant: "New world? What new world?"

Mask didn't explain. He turned to look at Jiang Yiyi. He seemed to think that the overlooking posture was a bit obstructive, so he simply sat down next to the God of Death and pushed the God of Death away.

The God of Death muttered dissatisfiedly: "Idiot."

Jiamen was too generous to argue with him. He looked at Jiang Yiyi with interest: "What are we going to do next?"

While others were still a little confused about this sudden change of topic and thinking about the hidden meaning behind the other person's words, Jiang Yiyi seamlessly understood what he meant.

It seems that the topic can finally return to its original starting point.

The blade disappeared from Jiang Yiyi's fingers: "Now we can talk about what I want to do."

Mask stared at him with great concentration.

"Until then," interrupted the Collector.

Jiang Yiyi is already used to it - these people simply don't follow other people's ideas and have new ideas anytime and anywhere.

The collector gestured towards the mask and asked Jiang Yiyi: "What happened to the mask?"

"It's just like what you saw." Jiang Yiyi was calm and even a little confused: "He made a choice."

Kamen looked at the collector impatiently: "Tsk."

"You have so many questions. Didn't you hear the doctor wanted to get down to business?" He acted as if he was not the one who had been the most active opponent of Jiang Yiyi before: "The doctor has a lot to do, don't waste time."

The abnormal person whispered: "You helped him make a choice."

He quickly raised his head and glanced at Jiang Yiyi, then quickly lowered his head and almost murmured to the ground: "But except for the change in his attitude towards you, he has not changed at all."

No matter the tone or response, there is no difference from before the mask.

Then, the only change became sudden - it was like a perfect hypnosis.

But first of all, Bai Cang is still running his abilities, and all the ability users in the building are unable to use their abilities.

Secondly, Jiang Yiyi did nothing during that extremely brief gaze.

So, just looking at each other was all that was done.

The ability users came to this answer unanimously.

Their mental state is indeed abnormal, but the fact that they are standing here is enough to prove that there is no problem with their IQ.

But after getting this answer, the abilities users behaved completely differently.

Death moved aside, trying to squeeze out the guys who had invaded his territory - as for the rest, he didn't care at all.

Mask remained motionless, watching Jiang Yiyi passionately and intently, waiting for his next words.

The collector stood straight, his eyebrows slightly furrowed.

The Abnormal stared down at the ground, thinking about something no one knew.

Yuan Yuan stared at Jiang Yiyi for a few seconds, then broke the silence: "Anyway, tell me what you want to do first?"

"I have reached a cooperation with Star Prison." Jiang Yiyi started from the beginning slowly: "But I don't like the way they do things, so I decided to find another way to cooperate."

"What?" Origin scratched his head: "Did you miss the point? What kind of cooperation have you reached?"

"Probably to study ability users and explore the direction of human evolution." Jiang Yiyi said casually.

"You have another purpose." The abnormal person's voice sounded, because it was too loud, almost deafening. He stared at Jiang Yiyi and spoke quickly and loudly: "You need the cooperation of Star Prison, but you can't tell him your true identity. Purpose."

"So, you won't tell us." The abnormal voice suddenly changed from loud to soft. He lowered his head, stared at the ground, twisted the corners of his clothes, and whispered: "There is no point in asking you what you want to do."

"You should ask, what do you want us to do."

Jiang Yiyi paused for two seconds because of the sharpness of the other person's thinking, and then glanced at Bai Cang indifferently.

Bai Cang nodded towards him and repeated: "The abnormal one is 1-005."

A group of geniuses gathered in front of Jiang Yiyi, crazy geniuses.

Their amazing talent in a certain field has already proven this.

It's just their abnormal mental state and their abilities beyond human limits that often make people ignore this - their amazing talents in a certain field.

"What do I want you to do..." Jiang Yiyi repeated this sentence and glanced at the hidden ending of 2/7. Everything unfolded clearly at his feet, leading to the only end.

"It's very simple. I need you to stand by my side." Jiang Yiyi clasped his hands together and said calmly to everyone present: "Then change everything."

The room was quiet for a few seconds.

Yuan Yuan looked at Bai Cang with some doubt in his tone: "Bai Cang, did you hear what he said?"

Bai Cang nodded: "I heard it clearly."

"You have nothing to say?" Origin's tone became more suspicious: "I remember that you are the strongest supporter of 'cooperating with the Star Warden'?"

"And now, this guy is ready to destroy it."

Bai Cang didn't care: "If it's a doctor, I support all his choices."

Origin opened his mouth, closed it again, and turned to look at the abnormal person.

The abnormal person kept his head lowered and whispered: "This is not surprising. When he appeared in front of us, he was standing behind the doctor."

The abnormal person's focus is completely different from that of the origin - for example, he didn't care about Bai Cang at all, but focused on Jiang Yiyi's words just now: "If you knew us, you wouldn't say that."

"We are only on our side."

The abnormal voice was soft, and when it flowed in the room, you needed to concentrate more to hear his words: "No one can control those with abilities."

"Of course. If you were powerful enough to help all people with abilities make choices..." The abnormal person paused for a second and denied what he said: "Then you wouldn't stand in front of us and say this."

Jiang Yiyi seriously imagined whether "psychology" could achieve this - although he thought it was impossible, but... "psychology" had never let him down.

A brand new door slowly opened in front of him... and was kicked back by Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yiyi: "Indeed, I also discovered this. The uncontrollable characteristics of ability users reduced the operability of my original plan to zero."

As soon as Jiang Yiyi finished speaking, Mask took the initiative to share his worries: "I can go talk to those ignorant guys about life and ideals."

"So, I changed my plan."

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the mask, and the other person immediately answered the call and smiled brightly at Jiang Yiyi, which was exaggerated and dramatic.

This is definitely not the mask that Jiang Yiyi was questioning just two or three minutes ago.

Origin looked at the lunatic who was staring straight at Jiang Yiyi, then at the god of death who was smirking at Jiang Yiyi, and finally at the mask with a bright smile - although the states of madness are different, his attitude towards Jiang Yiyi But there is no difference.

If this were the power a doctor had...

He can completely understand that the other party would have such unrealistic thoughts.

After all, he felt that he was omnipotent—all the ability users at the lowest level had this feeling.

Until entering the Star Prison.

The so-called ability to transcend human limits will still stop before human limits.

No one is omnipotent, there are just a bunch of evolutionary losers, a bunch of lunatics.

The atmosphere was stagnant. Those who were sitting on the carpet, standing, and leaning against the wall were all looking at Jiang Yiyi.

The ones who are giggling are still giggling, those who are indifferent are still indifferent, and those who are mumbling are still mumbling to themselves. This is not an environment that will make people relax. On the contrary, just add a slightly weird BGM and this scene will be flawless. stitched into various horror movies.

Of course, the premise is to change the protagonist - a protagonist who can defeat everyone present does not fit the personality of the protagonist of a horror movie.

Jiang Yiyi was not impressed by this atmosphere. He calmly continued his unfinished words: "What if I can cure you?"

"Cure?" Bai Cang was the first to respond. He analyzed the problem: "Generally speaking, the premise of using this word is that the other party is sick."

He tilted his head slightly and helped Jiang Yiyi correct his words: "Does the doctor mean to help us relieve our loss of control?"

Jiang Yiyi denied his words: "I mean, I think I can cure you."

He paused for a moment: "Star Prison said that you are ability users with incomplete evolution, but this judgment is based on the premise that they are still exploring. In other words, they do not understand it well enough."

Origin couldn't help but said: "Do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Jiang Yiyi answered simply and neatly: "But I guess Xing Yu's judgment is wrong."

Yuanyuan curled up his lips: "Has the doctor seen Li Yihe?"

Jiang Yiyi looked at Origin.

"Li Yihe wouldn't even dare to guess like that."

"Because he is not me." There is an upper limit to the judgment of logic and thinking. To directly come to the final answer without corresponding information is not the ability of logic and thinking, but a super power.

As a player, Jiang Yiyi himself has countless pieces of information leading to the truth - of course, given that Jiang Yiyi is not Li Yihe, his word at the moment is "guess" rather than certainty.

"Star Prison calls it evolution because what they pursue is for humans to transcend their limits and become new humans." Jiang Yiyi changed the topic and said: "But I have no interest in new humans, so I prefer to call it \'Get ill\'."

The abnormality whispered: "So, what the doctor means is that the reason why people with abilities have abilities is because they are sick?" The abnormality twisted the corner of his clothes into a ball: "This is an interesting point of view."

"It's very, very interesting." Bai Cang took over the conversation: "When the doctor said cure, did he mean to make us lose our abilities?"

"This sounds like..." the collector said from the sidelines: "This is not a choice that will be easily accepted."

It is not a choice that will not be easily accepted, but a choice that cannot be accepted at all.

Jiang Yiyi answered their words conservatively and cautiously: "I should not have the ability to make people with abilities lose their abilities." This sentence is a bit difficult to pronounce, but it is easy to understand.

"I don't understand my abilities." Jiang Yiyi continued in silence: "But I think your current situation should be corrected."

What exactly is the "new world" that is closely connected with "psychology"

Why can I get "psychology" from each other every week

Although Jiang Yiyi is not Li Yihe, he is not unable to find an obvious connection between these two questions - the former is the answer to the latter.

The reason why he was able to obtain an ability that was not brought by the hidden ending in the first game was because of this "new world" that he did not understand.

The other party needs Jiang Yiyi to do something, something that only Jiang Yiyi can do, a so-called "new world".

Just like the reason why the professor chose to be the leader of the Second Week and waited for Jiang Yiyi at the bottom of the Star Prison for decades - it was definitely not out of love or uncontrollable emotions, but because of one thing. Only Jiang Yiyi can do it.

Jiang Yiyi glanced at the "hostile" mark on the game panel and couldn't help laughing.

At first, the laughter was very light, then gradually became louder, and by the end, it could almost be called hearty.

However, this level of emotional change is really not worth mentioning for a person with abilities, so no one at the scene thought there was any problem with it.

The only normal person, Lin Yi: I think the problem is huge.

Lin Yi stood in the corner with almost no sense of presence. He wanted to say something - but he always felt that as soon as he spoke, he would be torn apart by the ability users around him, so he remained silent and completely lost his sense of presence. .

Jiang Yiyi calmed down his smile and said in a brisk tone: "Anyway, it's what I just said, what can I do."

He tilted his head and thought for a few seconds, and what he said was very irresponsible: "Of course, I don't know what abilities I have, so I can't tell you what I can do until everything is over."

"But one thing, there's no doubt about it. I can do things you can't."

Jiang Yiyi was extremely confident: "I can change everything."

In the silence, the deviant spoke softly.

"I don't need it." He stared at his toes and said calmly: "You used the wrong method."

"Normal people will spontaneously stand on your side because of the coexistence of interests."

"But we won't."

Origin smiled and said: "Doctor, you don't know us well enough. Interests? There is no such thing in the eyes of a madman."

"I'd rather be on the doctor's side, but it's not because of the treatment, but because I like the doctor..." The collector paused: "...'s eyes."

"But if what the doctor wants is people with all abilities," Bai Cang turned his head and looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Communication and coercion are of no use."

"Because they are completely crazy."

The author has something to say: Jiang Yiyi just thinks, "But I think your current situation should be corrected." The current situation of people with abilities and the situation in Star Prison should be corrected - because it is wrong.

So now he stood before them and said these words.

Partly because he needed them, and partly because he felt this should change.

And he can do it.


"But if what the doctor wants is people with all abilities," Bai Cang turned his head and looked at Jiang Yiyi: "Communication and coercion are of no use."

What Bai Cang said is what Jiang Yiyi did in this chapter.

He tried to coerce—use a mask to show off his power, and induce—to change the current situation of the ability user in order to obtain the cooperation of the ability user.

But this is of no use to those with abilities.

Because they just don't care.

Jiang Yiyi: It’s time for you to see the real technology.


Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-20 10:26:00~2020-02-21 10:12:44~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 2 demeter; 1 to Qian, 23315983, Jian Xiaoxiao, Yansheng, Wailing, Lingmu, 31714867;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 70 bottles of Nan Siman; tears. 68 bottles of Liuying; 50 bottles of Rotten Mushrooms, ksvent; 40 bottles of Spicy Cabbage, Earl Ashes, and Galanos; 38 bottles of Huiyao; 37 bottles of Planted Dolphin Mulberry in Spring; 30 bottles of Tang Fei; lby , 29 bottles of cold smoke; 25 bottles of wheat waiting for food; 20 bottles of Youyu; 15 bottles of haha; 12 bottles of Chenyue; Fanfanfan, The Arrow of Dark Night, Ruosheng, Ninghan Go to the Author's Chrysanthemum, Chang'an, An Muyan , Tangtang, I can't think of a good name, feel the parallel world of Piao La, Yuelao's dressing table, Chu Xuan's apple, Susu, 132, the beginning of everything, Orange Huaisheng, lesplongeurs, Yan Xie, 10 bottles of rotten pigs ; 8 bottles of Mikazuki from Heianjing; Orange Orange, Tao Yuan, Lily, Xiangyan, Pineapple, 25424628, Fried Squirtle, Clear Water Country, Snow Blade, Xiu Xian Party, Moshe Mo, Hua Ying, Dyed Fire Maple Forest , Tumi, hot pot pot, nevionvat, Gu Yuekong, obsessed with learning, unable to extricate himself, 5 bottles of Beiyoumancao; 4 bottles of Baili Yu'an, problem girl yeats, h's little wife; 36774703, maple leaves, overgrown with weeds , Lonely Encounter with Shangying, Save the Child, 3 bottles of Holding Cookies without Talking; 2 bottles of Xingxing Shining, Duanheshan, Mousse; Jinshi, ° Prodigal Family-, Cat Tuanzi, szm, Chess Piece, Jiu Meng, Rain One bottle of De Meng, He Yan Zi Miao, Meng Meng mjh, Sweet You for a Long Time, and Long Live Real Madrid;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!