Those Years When I Was a Dalao

Chapter 85: 27 at the bottom


The building became extremely chaotic due to the loss of physical restraints. Strange movements ran through the entire building, with suppressed murmurs, crazy laughter, and repeated words and phrases layer by layer.

But this is still far from true chaos, or in other words, true loss of control.

The words Jiang Yiyi left behind allowed them to restrain themselves within their limited freedom.

When Jian Si and the gatekeeper walked out of the stairs, the ability users wandering around turned their heads one after another and stared at the gatekeeper.

They were no strangers to the gatekeeper. After all, he was the manager of the fifth floor. Every ability user who stayed on the fifth floor had had close contact with the gatekeeper—close enough for them to confirm that the other person did not belong to them.

Therefore, after those eyes stopped on the gatekeeper, they quickly displayed malice.

The aura that was about to stir almost instantly enveloped everyone. Since they are not "our" people, then...

The ability user closest to the stairs licked his lips and moved his fingers slightly.

Before he did anything, Jian Si, who was walking in front, raised his eyes and reminded the other person: "The doctor won't like what you are doing."

The other party paused and looked from the gatekeeper to Jian Si.

He looked at this too weak existence and found the scene in his memory of him standing behind the doctor.

This is "one of our own", he came to this conclusion, his whole face suddenly wrinkled, and his head shook in distress, as if it was very difficult to make a choice.

Behind him, all the ability users on this level were suppressing their eagerness to move and watching Jian Si.

The gatekeepers had no doubt that they were pondering whether to kill Jian Si first and then him—the fact that they were pondering this was surprising enough.

The ability users that Star Prison is familiar with will not stop before impulse, let alone think about yes or no, and of course it is impossible... After thinking, choose restraint.

After all, indulgence is far simpler than restraint. The former only requires a punch, but the latter requires a little patience and reason.

People with abilities do not possess these two things.

But now, everything is completely different.

The ability user who was shaking his head looked away angrily, bumped into another ability user next to him, and initiated a friction.

The ability users who were staring at them did not wait for the whistle, and sporadically looked back. The rustling sound sounded again, and the surging undercurrent calmed down again. No one paid attention to Jian Si and the others on the stairs, and no one Look at them again.

Jian Si looked away and continued walking downstairs.

Gatekeepers rarely ask questions—under normal circumstances.

But since the current situation was different from before, and he and Jian Si were the only people present, he took the initiative to start the topic.

"You are very calm." But according to their understanding of him and the information provided by the documents, the other party should not be so calm.

However, the gatekeeper was accustomed to the fact that the people around the doctor did not match the information, so he just clicked, started the topic, and continued: "In order to complete the information, we investigated your case."

Jian Si walked unhappily, and occasionally cast a warning glance when other ability users looked at him. He remained calm when he heard the words: "It seems to be an answer worthy of your special mention at this time."

The gatekeeper has never had contact with Jian Si - of course, there is no need for him to contact Jian Si.

So he was a little surprised at this moment, whether it was the other party's calmness or sensitivity.

Are the people around the doctor all monsters

Forget it about Lin Yi. As a legendary spy, the other party is good enough and not difficult to understand.

But briefly…

Even if he wrote down everything worth recording in the first half of his life, he still wouldn't be able to fill a piece of paper. Being lackluster, mediocre, and even far more cowardly than ordinary people are his only characteristics.

Before the murder loomed over him, he was just a clerk who was hesitant to resign.

A weakling who didn't deserve to be deliberately framed in a star prison, what made the other party choose him

"No, I bring it up now precisely because," the gatekeeper said candidly, "we found nothing."

Jian Si paused and turned to look at the gatekeeper. His perfect appearance shone in the dim light: "I don't quite understand this sentence."

It seemed that he was interested in talking about this. The gatekeeper made a judgment and said bluntly: "That's what it means literally. Based on the comparison of information and personality, we can basically judge that you were wronged." - Of course. , he was determined not to reveal another suspicion in this situation.

Jian Si listened to his words and was not touched by the other person's affirmation of innocence.

"But the problem is that the chain of evidence, the clues, and even the logic are perfect."

At this point, the gatekeeper's tone fluctuated slightly: "You can clearly confirm the case of someone who was wrongly accused at a glance, but you can't find any trace of other people's interference."

"We have conducted in-depth investigations several times, but we have not been able to identify another possible murderer."

This is not common, especially after Star Prison took over and still found nothing, only two possibilities.

One, the opponent is far more powerful than Star Prison.

Second, Jian Si is the real murderer.

According to common sense, the possibility of the latter is far greater than that of the former. After all, the Star Prison itself is an extremely large violent agency. Existences that are more powerful than it and are not yet known by the Star Prison are in the Star Prison. In judgment, the probability is zero.

But the reason why Star Prison repeatedly investigated this case was because they judged that Jian Si could not be the murderer.

At this point, all ideas have reached a dead end, and a new direction has not yet been found.

"It seems that you have the same doubts as I did before." When he first entered the Star Prison and entered this hell in his eyes, Jian Si spent every day with this doubt.

"Who is it that wants me to come here?" To make me encounter all this, to make me... life is worse than death.

"But the fact that no problem can be found is the best evidence in itself." The gatekeeper continued: "Such a perfect layout is just to let you come to the Star Prison..."

"It seems that you are an indispensable part of him."

Jian Si raised his eyes to look at the ability user who was looking at him. He didn't move forward until the other person looked back.

"Are you implying to me that this is all the doctor's plan?"

"You followed the doctor to the bottom." The gatekeeper said calmly: "With your experience, ability and even personality, if there are no other reasons, what reason does he have to take you to the bottom?"

"The doctor didn't take me to the bottom." Jian Si helped him correct his logical error: "It was me who chose the bottom."

Because of the obstruction from the ability users on each floor, Jian Si and the others' speed downstairs inevitably slowed down, which gave them plenty of time to talk.

"I killed Black Glove, didn't I?"

The gatekeeper asked in a deep voice: "Did you kill him?"

"At least Star Prison recognized this and let me come to the bottom for this reason."


“There is no point in arguing about this,” the gatekeeper said. “We all know that doctors play a decisive role in this.”

Jian Si didn't respond.

The gatekeeper didn't go any further, after all, it didn't make any sense to him to anger the other party.

"No offense, I'm just curious why he chose you."

Jian Si paused for two seconds and changed the topic: "I thought you should be more concerned about another point now?"

"Star Warden will be fine."

Jian Si looked back at him in surprise: "I mean, the magician."

The gatekeeper paused for a long time this time, and when he spoke, the topic was not about the magician: "Why do you have such absolute loyalty to the doctor..." He stopped and said, "Such absolute loyalty."

"Absolute loyalty?" Jian Si repeated the word and shook his head with unknown meaning.

"I'm sorry if you want answers from me..."

He glanced at the exit he was about to reach: "I don't have an answer to give you."

Because he has never been absolutely loyal to doctors.

It's so impeccable that one once again wonders about the lackluster information.

Is the Jian Si in front of him really the person recorded in the data

Even if a person is completely reborn, can he really reach this level? Erasing the cowardice, incompetence, and cowardice in those materials, leaving only a brand new existence.

Even if the doctor's ability is beyond imagination, reshaping it to this extent would be an exaggeration.

The lowest floor of a building is a bit dark. Due to the cumbersome process of opening the door, the door is always closed here, blocking out all outside existence, including sunlight.

Of course, it's not dark here, just not bright.

The gatekeeper followed Jian Si to the exit.

They all seemed too silent during this last stretch of the road.

After all, Jian Si had already rejected his temptation, so it would be meaningless to waste more words.

He didn't have anything in his hand that would make the other party change his mind.

Jian Si stopped at the exit. The danger of the ability users at the bottom of a building was almost lower than that of the ability users above. The degree of mental abnormality was also better than those above. At least they were not. There was no intention of gathering around to watch the fun - after all, the gatekeeper was not someone to be trifled with.

Therefore, the exit is not crowded, and even seems a bit empty.

Jian Si gestured towards the door ahead: "You can go."

The gatekeeper didn't move in a hurry. He glanced at the closed door, looked back at Jian Si, and made one last attempt: "You have changed a lot."

Brief thought: "When a person is not afraid of death, he will naturally not be afraid of living."

The gatekeeper stared at Jian Si, and he was sure that Jian Si's calmness was not a pretense, but that he really had no problem with it.

"Fearless in life and death, I often hear this word, but few people can achieve this." Of course, except for those with abilities.

Jian Si didn't think it was necessary for them to talk. He nodded to the gatekeeper, turned and walked towards the stairs.

"There are only you and me here. If I want to do something, you can't stop anything." The gatekeeper glanced at the distance that gradually widened: "Is it because you believe in my professional ethics?" That's why you choose to be alone with him

"I don't think I need to worry about that."

Jian Si turned his back to the gatekeeper and continued to move forward. He heard some wind and a slight stinging pain came from his neck. Jian Si paused and looked forward. The small blade was inserted on the steps and flickered a little. chill.

He looked back at the gatekeeper: "So, you're going to violate your professional ethics?"

"I just have some questions to ask." The gatekeeper said calmly.

Jian Si couldn't help but laugh and shook his head: "Don't lose even the last things in you that are worthy of respect."

After he finished speaking, he took another step and walked forward, leaving the other party with an unguarded back.

"I am different from the Star Prison Warden." The gatekeeper said solemnly behind him: "Too many people have died in the Star Prison. Even if you are one more person, it will not make it darker."

Jian Si walked up the stairs calmly.

The blade was in his hand, but he didn't take action again until Jian Si turned the corner and completely disappeared from the gatekeeper's eyes.

The gatekeeper took a deep breath, and the powder in his hand swished down, stained with the color of blood.

All the tumbling emotions were suppressed in the body, without any leakage.

He just stood calmly for a long time, in the darkness.

There was no gatekeeper to attract attention for Jian Si. Jian Si was very calm on the way back, and no one with abilities even looked at him.

Jian Si walked through the lively crowd, stopped at the door, and looked into the room where the conversation was finished.

"I hope we can work together happily this time."

Jiang Yiyi's gaze swept past Kong Yueze and landed on Jian Si. He paused for a few seconds on the small wound on his neck, then looked away and said to Kong Yueze, "The gatekeeper is a little impulsive."

Kong Yueze followed his gaze and glanced at Jian Si: "He has a better relationship with the magician, so it's not impossible to understand his impulsiveness."

Jiang Yiyi's eyes fell on the magician: "You should explain it clearly to them." Although Jiang Yiyi was indeed used to the blame coming one after another.

The magician reacted coldly to this: "I understand Star Prison. Explanations are of no use. They will only lead them to more incredible conclusions. It is better to let the facts prove everything."

Kong Yueze smiled, calmly and gently: "It is indeed difficult for us to understand why our best partner and most trusted colleague would choose another path without warning."

"Because that road is the only answer."

Kong Yueze paused for two seconds. It was true that the other party had nothing else to say, and then he turned to Jiang Yiyi and said, "He is right. This explanation is really difficult for us to accept."

"That's really regrettable," Jiang Yiyi said politely, without any regret at all: "However, at least one thing is for sure, he is safe."

Kamen sitting next to him continued: "It's also very free." He smiled happily and said sincerely: "There is no better choice than this."


The door to the room was closed again, isolating the ability users in the corridor.

Jian Si looked around at the furniture filled with traces of Jiang Yiyi's life and stood there nervously.

Jiang Yiyi picked up the book on the coffee table and flipped through a few pages. It felt like time had not passed very long. Everything in the room was still as it was when Jiang Yiyi left, as if he just went out for a stroll - just It took a while to walk around.

"Sit down." Jiang Yiyi sat on the sofa and gestured towards the sofa opposite.

Jian Si sat down opposite him politely.

Jiang Yiyi put down the book and looked at Jian Si. The other person's appearance became more dazzling under the light. There was no sharp edge, and even seemed too soft, like a well-protected little flower blooming in the garden that had never suffered a violent storm. People suddenly have the illusion that with just a little effort, the flowering period can be ended.

In fact, even if Jian Si had never suffered hardship before, what he encountered after entering the Star Prison could not be said to have never suffered hardship.

But the appearance of human beings is so strange that when people don’t understand the details, they can come up with a completely wrong answer just by looking at the face - Jian Si’s fragile, incompetent and useless characteristics are reflected through this too perfect but without edge face. Keep zooming in.

Jian Si was a little nervous when Jiang Yiyi looked at her, and she could almost hear her heart beating.

"Thump, thump, thump", accelerating blood flow and heartbeat.

"One thing, I just discovered." Jiang Yiyi said thoughtfully: "You are very good-looking."

Just discovered...

Jian Si was stunned for two seconds, then subconsciously retorted: "Isn't this something I just discovered just now?"

Anyone with normal vision will realize this when they first see Jian Si - Jian Si is very good-looking.

Jiang Yiyi continued to ask: "So, you have been so good-looking since you were a child?"

Jian Si was confused by this question for two seconds and subconsciously said, "I haven't had any plastic surgery."

"Then this is very strange. Since you have always been so good-looking, why has your life history become so bad?"

"An offended company employee? Even if everyone in your company can't be affected by appearance..."

"You can't have a resume like that."

The world is very realistic, and appearance alone is enough to draw a gap between mediocre people, not to mention Jian Si's crushing appearance.

He cannot even become an introverted wimp, because a smooth and popular upbringing is not enough to provide him with the nutrients to become an introverted wimp.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the game logic is self-consistent.

If it is unreasonable, then an NPC with a good-looking appearance may become a coward. After all, the character setting of the game is like this.

Not to mention the protagonist.

Looks good—wouldn’t it be nice to attract a few cute dogs to buy games

Cowardly and incompetent - the plot requires it.

Therefore, Jiang Yiyi stared at Jian Si, waiting for his answer to judge whether he was thinking too much or if something was really wrong.

Jian Si answered after a brief moment of surprise.

"I haven't thought about this," Jian Si said with a puzzled expression, "No one thought there was anything wrong with this before."

"Even Star Prison didn't notice the problem."

Jian Si looked at Jiang Yiyi: "But doctor, you are right, all this is contradictory and ridiculous."

"There must be something wrong."

The author has something to say: I always thought that I had pointed out Jian Si’s identity in Chapter 63.

But I find that many readers still seem to be wondering who has the ability to do psychology. After thinking about it, I may have written it too obscurely. I will try harder next time.


The following is the original text of Chapter 63.

In the distance, someone suddenly stopped and cast his gaze in Jiang Yiyi's direction amidst the noise. He didn't know why he cast his gaze in that direction, but he knew clearly that he had to look in that direction and look at Angry. Burning place.

The three words "Psychology" on the skill panel dimmed. After a slight deformation, they gradually blurred and seemed to be transforming into other words. However, the transformation process was very slow. The fonts were dim and distorted to an extremely exaggerated level, and they still did not form a complete combination. New characters.

Different from the bleak word "psychology" on the skill panel, Jiang Yiyi definitely felt the mysterious existence, which continued to pour in from afar.

It was a very wonderful feeling. Energy that could not be touched or exist in physical form was controlled by him and moved by his thoughts.

Jiang Yiyi didn't know where it came from or where it existed - rather than saying it was something he owned, it was better to say it was something owned by another being.

The patrolling prison guard didn't want to pay attention to Jian Si's silly daze, but he stared into the distance for a long time, and the prison guard couldn't help but knock on the window to pull him out of his daze.

Jian Si looked in the direction she was looking at just now. What was I thinking about just now


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-02-24 10:08:19~2020-02-25 10:21:00~

Thanks to the little angel who dropped the mines: 2 Linshaluo; you dropped 1 Youji, Xiaoxi, Demeter, Knight, Xiaoxiaoziyue, Qingmole, and Zihen-Yuemeng;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 207 bottles of Beichuan's famous Huangxi; 20 bottles of uzi; 15 bottles of pumpkin cake; Seer, Shuangxiao, Jinyang, Zhuzhuxia, Apiao, Mu Ran Ran Mu, Kira Xing, Feng 10 bottles of Fei Yu; 6 bottles of Purple Bamboo Grass; 5 bottles of Xue Wu Xue Ying, Yun Qing Jiu, and Yi Sheng; 4 bottles of Huiming Liang Fei, Tian Ce; 3 bottles of Named Zhen Mo Ren, Flower of Hell, 35375911, and Sister Na; 2 bottles of Yuesheng, rh18, Guyushangying, lmrabbit, Yuhua; 1 bottle of Mumuxin, Sanlianx, Softery is vanilla puff, dufr;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!